The Glory That's Marc Jaden (Written in Celebrarion of the Birth of Our First Grandson)

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The Glory That's Marc Jaden (Written in Celebrarion of the Birth of Our First Grandson)



October 2008 Volume 6, Number 10 speeds; it was all I could do to hang on! Even though it looked like madness, He said, “Pedal!”

I worried and was anxious and asked, “Where are you taking me?” He laughed and didn’t answer, and I started to learn to trust. Pressing on the I forgot my boring life and entered into the adventure. And when I’d say, “I’m scared”, He’d lean back and Continuing touch my hand. Journey He took me to people with gifts that I needed, gifts of healing, acceptance and joy. They gave me gifts to take on my journey, my Lord’s and mine. In this month’s issue I thought of sharing with readers the poem And we were off again. He said, “Give the gifts away. below which was introduced to They’re extra baggage, too much weight.” So I did, to us in our Spiritual Formation the people we met, and I found that in giving I received, class back in my seminary days and still our burden was light. in the US. Since it’s written by an Unknown Author (unless someone comes out and claims that he/she I did not trust Him, at first, in control of my life. I thought wrote it), it can easily be modified and accorded another He’d wreck it: but He knows bike secrets, knows how to title like “The Bike Ride.” I choose to stick to my copy make it bend to take sharp corners, knows how to jump which bears the title of “The Road of Life” in consonance to clear high rocks, knows how to fly to shorten scary also with our month’s theme, “Pressing on the Journey passages. as One People of God.” And I am learning to shut up and pedal in the strangest places, and I’m beginning to enjoy the view and the cool THE ROAD OF LIFE breeze on my face with my delightful constant At first I saw God as my observer, my judge keeping companion, Jesus Christ. track of the things I did wrong, so as to know whether I merited heaven or hell when I die. He was sort of like a And when I’m sure I just can’t do any more, He just president, I recognized His picture when I saw it, but I smiles and says…”Pedal”. really didn’t know Him. -Author Unknown But later on when I met Christ, it seemed as though life The poem depicts a metaphor of life as a bike ride on the was rather like a bike ride, but it was a tandem bike, and road specifically a tandem bike which comes in two or I noticed that Christ was in the back helping me pedal. three sitters. Have you been in one? I have not been in it myself but biking activity, yes (learning it at the age of I don’t know just when it was that He suggested we 30, imagine!). What struck me especially in this poem is change places, but life has not been the same since. the inner transformation that was occurring in the When I had control, I knew the way. It was rather boring, narrator as he/she described his/her ever deepening and but predictable. It was the shortest distance between two broadening knowledge of God in the experience and points. his/her rightful place in the journey of life. The narrator pictured such journey as God and him/her in a tandem But when He took the lead, He knew delightful long cuts, bike that truly requires synchronicity, sensitivity and trust. up mountains, and through rocky place at breakneck In riding a tandem bike, one has to take the lead in the front seat holding the handle and maneuvering the bike while the back riders get their balance feeling and individual to accept Christ as personal Lord and Savior. swaying with the rest especially the “driver.” Through the power of God’s word where we are being created as well as all other creatures in the vast The poem used a two-sitter tandem bike to illustrate life universe, the redemption of the fallen world is now on its with God taking on the lead, which God does not impose new creation; a creation that brings us back through on us. God allows us to choose to either have Him lead Jesus Christ’s redemptive act to the original plan of God the ride or us taking the front. As the author put it, where everything is in order. “When I was in control I knew the way. It was rather boring and the shortest distance between two points.” It It’s Understanding was a great discovery to the writer to choose to have In the gospel according to John, it cited Jesus saying God lead and take control, for the ride gave both delight “For God so loved the world that He gave His only and fear – a tension of opposites which produced begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him will not strength and depth of character. Keep on plodding to perish but will have eternal life.” This passage, as mine insights from the poem as it speaks to you and how Biblical scholars agree, is the “Heart of the Gospel”. it intersects with your own life at present. From the Christians believed through the powerful proofs from the theme of “Togetherness in Studying the Bible” in testimonies of the early church and even present September, October would bring us to the challenge of experiences attributing to God’s immeasurable love and pressing on the journey as One People of God. It also faithfulness. All are set by the GRACE of God. It does implies pressing on the journey of faith having the goal of not require HARD Work to achieve salvation and there’s “developing intimacy with God to be with Christ, to be no need for offering of sacrifices. What faithful believers like Christ and to live for Christ” as aptly set by St. need to do is to continue proclaiming God’s redemptive Ignatius in his 8-week Spiritual Exercises. and liberating act by witnessing to what God has done in their lives. Hard Core Christians affirm that what they The journey in the Road of Life, which begins with God have is just something that was entrusted to them by our Creator is truly full of thorns and roses, deserts and God and for them to serve as God’s hand in reaching to oasis, valleys and plains but it is the combination of the the needy and the oppressed. Everything that a Christian positives and negatives in the journey that energy and is doing is a loving response to Christ’s glory. When an vigor are sustained. What must be remembered individual understands the details of the Christian faith, importantly is unless we allow God to take the lead, we the Holy Spirit will lead the person to commit and give shall not get to the destination He set for us; unless we his/ her life for God, for Christ and for the Community of look to Jesus as the Finisher of our faith we will always Faith. find ourselves stumbling and wandering in the wilderness unable to see the beauty of the landscape of life and grasp the lessons in faith being taught us. It’s Commitment Part of giving our lives back to God and for Christ’s glory demands our commitment and sensitivity in everything especially to our sinfulness. Matthew 12:30-32, Mark 3: 28-30 and Luke 12:9-10 declare and remind persons to take note of the unforgivable sin. It contains everything in Rev. Ronell Hernandez this whole wide world that a human who is found guilty of sin can be forgiven. But he or she must accept Christ. On the other hand rejecting Christ and saying blasphemous words against the Holy Spirit is not worthy “Enjoying the Privileges of of forgiveness. Putting ourselves in sensitivity to the way we think, speak and act provokes the Holy Spirit to lead Being in Christ” us glorifying God and make ourselves a blessing to others. In commitment, we must practice avoiding It’s Preparation misinterpretation in the way we think, exercise restraint Every individual who desires to be a member of the in saying harsh/harmful word, and vigilance in action. In Christian Community should first undergo a series of Commitment, we must acknowledge that everyone who doctrinal teaching. Last month, September being accepts Christ as their personal Lord and Savior belongs Christian Education and Nurture Month emphasized to God’s household, where we, too, belong. Apostle various stages of teaching toddlers, children, Paul’s human anatomy reminds us that no one is less adolescents, youth, young professionals and adults. In nor more important. Every part is essential in the body all facets of our church life, the doctrines, sacraments, and belongs to one body, the head of which is Christ. polity, structure etc. has its own meaning to mold our principles and faith affirmations. We go through these It’s Reward different ministries not just by being imposed upon but Christian Faith is letting God’s blessing be accessible for rather encouraged to get involved and participate all. Enjoying its blessings cannot be recognized if the wholeheartedly. Different levels or groups learning person fails to undergo the process of discipleship. In Christian principles are means of preparation for every Discipleship program/process we can affirm the truth and as we recognize that truth, it will become our system and are anticipated to be partakers in establishing the lifestyle. This also shapes our society, our culture and new heaven and the earth. our traditions. Privileged are beneficial rewards for those who are “IN” Christ and for those who “FOLLOWED” Christ. It is by giving opportunity to be able to participate in responding to the needy and as well as our relatives Pressing enjoying the benefits of our obedience to God who called us. The reward for those who commit their lives for On Christ, God’s faithfulness also extends blessings to the family and relatives in need through other Christian By Anjell Samonte brethren. About two weeks ago, our very own church UCCP Sabang in partnership with UCCP Buenavista, I press on toward the goal to win was able to help a UCCP member from Mindanao the prize for which God has called currently residing in Manggahan as a transient security me heaven ward in Christ Jesus. (Phil. 3:14) guard. He was in crisis brought by the death of his A few days ago I found this verse while looking young wife of chronic TB. Their newborn baby died three for a verse that would be fitting for my article. When I weeks earlier. He is a brother of Pastor Leng’s batch found this I thought God is really asking me to write. If mate from Siliman University. God’s institution, the government and the church represent God’s arm to not, God wouldn’t let me find this. I was actually reach out blessing and care for this family in the making up my mind if I will write because of the heavy assurance of forgiveness, in acquiring complete peace, load in school with only one week to go before the and in experiencing the care from his kindred. Truly the semestral break. I continue to browse for more verses kingdom of God is at hand where faith in Christ is that would help me with the topic I be writing about but shared, where food is given to the hungry, where light is then I went to Hebrews where the theme was based. I given to the blind, where liberty is given to captives and read it and finally I felt what I should write. oppressed. Where peace, justice and love reigns, this is Let us run with perseverance the race marked the reward coming to the one who called us to be one. out for us. (Heb 12:1) I would relate this verse to our lives which is a journey or maybe a race. It doesn’t It’s Anticipation actually need to be won but we must persevere and fight The various stages of our faith journey appeal to us to in order to show that we have conquered our fear, that anticipate possible things that we might encounter along the road. To anticipate helps to be readily equipped in we have withstood all difficulties we went through and any battle in life. Anticipation is facing the realities in life we have fought with all our might for the glory of God. that also brings hope, like Advent Season anticipating There is one body and one spirit - just as you the coming prophesied Messiah. For every new believer, were called to one hope when you were called - one the church leaders are also anticipating something for Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of every convert or new member to engage in various all, who is over all and through all and in all. (Eph 4:4- ministries of the church and even in the secular where 6)… and in him you too are being built together to the cultivated faith experiences are being sharpened and become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit (Eph make it more useful and meaningful. All God’s children 2:22). In accordance to the journey, we are created by God as one in Him. We must pursue the race not only Lectionary and Schedule of thinking about ourselves but our brothers and sisters, Preachers for October 2008 too. We must not focus only on the things that can be MEMBERSHIP SOLIDARITY MONTH related to ourselves. For example, we are only interested Theme: in personality tests because we can relate ourselves to it, “Pressing on the Journey as but in wars and peace talk, do we really mind these things? One People of God” With the journey that is happening in our lives 5 Worldwide Communion Sunday “The Whole and being built as one unit of God, we must persevere in People of God in the Continuing Journey of Faith” order to obtain that prize and reach for our goal which is OT: Joshua 5:1-12; NT: 1 Corinthians 11:23-34 being with our Redeemer. On our way to our goal we Preacher: Pastor Ronell A. Hernandez may experience hardships and struggles but this is 12 “Letting Go of Attachments in the Journey” inevitable, perseverance must persist. Perseverance must OT: Joshua 7:19-26; NT: Matthew 10:5-15 finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, Preacher: Pastor Leng Lubang not lacking anything. (Jas 1:3) Temptations and sins may 19 “Journeying in Trust Amid Tribulations” occur on our lives but these are only ways of testing our OT: Genesis 45:1-15; NT: John 16:31-33 faith, that’s why we must have perseverance. Preacher: Pastor Ronell Hernandez Perseverance helps us attain our goal as it says in 26 “Looking to Jesus, the Finisher of Our Faith Journey” OT: Exodus 14:19-31; NT: Hebrews 12:1-3 Preacher: Sis. Wilma Pelagio Hebrews 10:36 you need to persevere so that when you members in the younger organizations namely CYF and have done the will of God you will receive what He has CYAF who have expressed readiness to be moved up to promised. The thing that He has promised is our goal, the older level e.g. CYF to CYAF, CYAF to either UCM our salvation wherein we will be with Christ Jesus. or CWA. Next Joint Fellowship is scheduled on Lastly, we have started the journey as one and November 8 with the CWA as host. we must also finish it as one. Other people may be better ODWL brings SCCD to wider mission. The annual than us, but we cannot avoid them. They are always special offering One Day Wage for the Lord done every there to show that we must always be humble because September brings once again SCCD to participate in the we are all under one God. We, brothers and sisters in wider mission of the church through the Conference. Christ, have different races - races that need not be won, Done for two Sundays during worship on September 21 but be joined so that we ourselves would be worthy of and 28, a total amount of P13, 206.00 was received, God’s company; races that need perseverance to be 50% of which would go to the Conference for its program ministries. A drop of 29% was noticed from last year’s finished and races that need to be for God’s glory and ODWL receipt which is attributed to the global economic honor. But you, dear friends, build yourselves up in your crisis. Nevertheless, the conviction that amount is most holy faith and pray in the Holy Spirit. Keep secondary in giving and the motive or a thankful heart is yourselves in God’s love as you wait for the mercy of what matters was given emphasis on the invitation to our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you eternal life. (Jd 1:20- offer. 21) Simborio residents receive rice supply. For the second round this year, about 37 residents of Simborio Outreach received a supply of rice from the Hayag D’NEWSBITS Family on September 12, 2008 through the facilitation of the Pastoral Team and the Elders. A system had been adapted in the CEN Month features CROs. September being distribution accrediting bonafide and indigent members Christian Education and Nurture Month featured each in the community. Identification cards had been given week a church recognized organization as worship out as proof of accreditation. In related events, the leaders and choir singing the message. These Women’s Livelihood Organization met to celebrate their organizations include the Christian Young Adult one year Founding Anniversary on September 27 at the Fellowship, Children’s Sunday school, Christian Youth Feeding Center. There were fellowship games Fellowship and Joint United Church Men and Christian conducted, short exhortation and some refreshments. Women’s Association in all the four Sunday respectively. Of these groups, that of the children had as preachers SCCD sends help to MILF attacks victims. In four of their fellow children Sunday schoolers on response to the appeal from the wider church judicatory September 14. These are Izza Mae Apolinar, Alyssa for help to the victims of MILF attacks in Lanao del Norte Cahigan, Mark Mabbatung and Daniellie Fauni who are and other parts of Mindanao just recently where UCCP all in the Older Elementary class. A CYFer, Sheila churches were caught and greatly affected, SCCD set Cortez shared her short testimony as an active youth aside the Sunday Mission offering on September 28 and volunteer teacher in the Sunday school during Youth towards this cause. A total of P1,276.50 was collected Sunday, September 21. Aside from the local church which will be sent thru the Conference Office. observance of CEN Month, SCCD participated in the Conference-wide gatherings like the Annual Children’s PROJECT NEHEMIAH 5 SECOND MILE Festival at Union Theological Seminary on September GIVING AND BTQ UPDATES 13 where they garnered the highest attendance award, Project Nehemiah 5 Collections 166,223.95 Youth Festival on September 21 in the same place and when closed in July 2008 the Fellowship of the Least Coin in Community Church of Project Nehemiah 5 Second Mile 8,965.00 Las Pinas. Giving (total amount received CYF hosts All-CROs Joint Fellowship. In the 2nd All- as of September 30, 2008) CROs Joint Fellowship at SCCD held on September 13, Beautifying the Quad Collections 25,154.00 2008, the Christian Youth Fellowship served as its host, as of September 30, 2008 handling the program flow and providing refreshments. (targeted amount is P40,000.00) Pastor Ronell Hernandez was requested to give the Payables as of September 30, 2008 for 9,000.00 exhortation which was interactive and each organization Church Building project advances (only was made to present impromptu. This joint gathering after this amount is fully paid, which was happens once every two months with each group taking taken from the General Fund upon Council turns in hosting it. To be featured in future meetings will approval, can the remaining tiling and be the incorporation of “Moving On Ritual/Kick Of” for ceiling works in the sanctuary be continued) CONTINUE GIVING A SECOND MILE OR ANOTHER MILE UNTIL YOUR JOY OVERFLOWS! from the daily Chapel Services. The theme, “Jesus, Thank You for Healing Me” led the pupils into reflecting on the healing ministry of Jesus Christ in relation to their mind, body, spirit wholeness. Physical Fitness test was featured as a contest event alongside mental exercises of Bible Quiz and Reasons for Sleeping and Bible Drill during the week. The culminating activity was on Friday during Chapel Service when a 2-year Waking Up Early old boy with cerebral palsy who lives within the Evening at 9 - 11pm: is the time for eliminating neighborhood, Nikko Saquilayan, was brought to the church and presented to the pupils as a child who unnecessary/toxic chemicals (detoxification) from the needs healing. He was prayed for and a special antibody system (lymph nodes). This time duration offering was called as a should be spent by relaxing or listening to music. If concrete expression of the during this time a housewife is still in an unrelaxed state community’s concern for his such as washing the dishes or monitoring children doing healing. Another highlight their homework, this will have a negative impact on during the week was the health. Inauguration of the Science

Garden with herbal plants on Evening at 11pm - 1am: is the detoxification process in display. Winners in the various the liver, and ideally should be done in a deep sleep contests held during the week state. are listed down below:

Early morning 1 - 3am: detoxification process in the BIBLE QUIZ 1 & 2 BIBLE QUIZ 3 & 4 gall, also ideally done in a deep sleep state. 1st Dipasupil, Dennise 1st Dipasupil, Nicole Cecille Adrienne Early morning 3 - 5am: detoxification in the lungs. 2n De Ocampo, Krizelle 2n Reyes, John Jay Joseph d d Therefore there will sometimes be a severe cough for 3r Aleonar, Graham Ford 3rd Samson, Alyssa Bianca cough sufferers during this time. Since the detoxification d process had reached the respiratory tract, there is no need to take cough medicine so as not to interfere with BIBLE QUIZ 5 & 6 BIBLE DRILL 3 & 4 toxin removal process. 1st Janeo, Job 1st Marcial, Justeen Joie 2nd Javier, Den Wendell 2n Calubayan, Shellie Ann Morning 5 - 7am: detoxification in the colon, you should d empty your bowel. 3rd Layaban, John Adrian 3r Samson, Alyssa Bianca d

Morning 7 - 9am: absorption of nutrients in the small BIBLE DRILL 5 & 6 SHUTTLE RUN intestine, you should be having breakfast at this time. 1st Layaban, Jon Adrian 1st Jamaya Natividad Breakfast should be earlier, before 6:30am, for those Emperador who are sick. Breakfast before 7:30am is very beneficial 2nd Fauni, Daniellie 2n Rainn Chrysler Ramirez to those wanting to stay fit. Those who always skip d breakfast, they should change their habits, and it is still 3rd Janeo, Job better to eat breakfast late until 9 - 10am rather than no SHUTTLE RUN – 3 & 4 SHUTTLE RUN – 5 & 6 meal at all. Ella Mae Ervera Madelaine Fauni Neil Jasper Pare Oswald Apolonio Sleeping so late and waking up too late will disrupt the process of removing unnecessary chemicals. FLEXED ARM HANG Aside from that, midnight to 4:00 am is the time Madelaine Fauni Emmanuel Janeo when the bone marrow produces blood. Therefore, have a good sleep and don't sleep late. STANDING LONG JUMP – 1 STANDING LONG JUMP – 3 & 2 & 4 Van Hallen Hayag Edward Sarroca Phoebe Joy Medina Juvinelle Hembrador

STANDING LONG JUMP – 5 PUSH UP -1 & 2 & 6 School Beats and Pieces Madelaine Fauni Jhean Marie Calungin Emmanuel Janeo Jezreel Simon Gervacio  DLA celebrates anew SFW. The annual Spiritual Formation Week was celebrated on September 15- PUSH UP -3 & 4 PUSH UP -5 & 6 19, 2008 at the DLA through various activities aside Caren Joi Camatog Denn Wendell Javier Paul Isaiah Montele Emmanuel Janeo h Dominic SIT & RENCH – 1 & 2 SIT & RENCH – 3 & 4 GRADE 3 GRADE 4 Raymart Candelaria Mark Jayson Hayag 1st Ladero, Romy Lei 1st Calubayan, Shellie Krizelle De Ocampo Jonalyn Mhae Barbuco Ann SIT & RENCH – 5 & 6 CURL UP – 1 & 2 2nd Baldelobar, Miguel 2nd Dipasupil, Nicole Denn Wendell Javier Kenji Anthony Agramon Rigo Cecille Gene Karlo Dakis Celine Joy Calaycay 3rd Barbuco, Jonalyn 3rd Pare, Neil Jasper CURL UP – 3 & 4 CURL UP – 5 & 6 Mhae th th Jezreel Hosea Colico Chiliross Reyes 4 Camero, Veronica Ira 4 Jimenez, Donessa Zeus Benedict Reyes Marwin Dela Cruz 5th Regala, CaludeJean 5th Marcial, Justeen Joie

 DLA 25th Founding Anniversary Celebration to GRADE 5 GRADE 6 take off. The 25 years of existence of the DLA 1st Janeo, Job 1st Dakis, Gene Karlo 2nd Fauni, Donne Lloyd 2nd Layaban, Jon Adrian Sources August September 3rd Sapida, Cherlene 3rd Reyes, Jaenary Tithes 56,145.00 52,551.50 Chelsea Loose Offering 16,284.75 15,515.00 4th Camilon, Kristen 4th Fauni,Daryl Ferry Sunday School 1,313.50 1,417.25 5th Dela Cruz, Joshua 5th Regala, Val Devin Midweek Services 1,725.75 1,270.50 Paul Mission 2,280.50 3,082.25 Love gift/Donations 4,770.00 One Day Wage for the Lord 13,206.00 Sunday Collections Total 77,749.50 91,812.00 which was conceived in 1983 will be initially celebrated on October 24, 2008 with a short program incorporating as well the United Nations Birthday Day. Classes from Nursery to Grade 6 will be offering creative presentations in honor of their Alma Mater and will hear an Inspirational Message from Celebrants the Vice Chairperson of the School Board, Ms. Evelyn Sapida. In the early evening, a simple Fellowship Dinner will be thrown for the Faculty and for Staff organized by the School Board to recognize the faithful and loyal workers of the school. Theme for this celebration is “DLA: 25 Years of Faithful Service October in the Community through Empowering Christian Education.” The second part of this Silver Founding 2008 Anniversary will be in January where the DLA School Week is jovially celebrated. Members of the DLA School Board constitute Mr. Ewell Barco, chairperson; Ms. Evelyn Sapida, Vice Chaiperson; Ms. Nanette Barzaga, Secretary; Ms. Jo Anne Samonte, Personnel; Engr. Nestorio Belostrino, Jr. Facilities Development; Ms. Violy Fauni, Treasurer and Mr. Arthur Capati, Auditor. Top Five for the First Quarter: GRADE 1 GRADE 2 1st Aleonar, Graham 1s De Ocampo, Krizelle Ford t 2nd Reyes, Justine Janell 2n Medina, Phoebe Joy d 3rd Luna, Ma. Angelica 3r Dipasupil, Dennise d Adrienne 4th Apolonio, Angelo 4t Galang, Aimee, h Jasmin 5th Cabrera, Raiza Janine 5t Casulla, Sean Wedding Anniversaries 1 – Rolando and Geraldine Siervo 4 – Carleng and Nureng Remulla 10 – Romulo and Rebecca Gonzales 16 – Saldy and Violy Relao 30 – Edgardo and Helen Ramos 1 Rose Sapida 16 Timothy Page Madrid

SUNDAY WORSHIP ATTENDANCE 2 Rizza Caina 17 Lorenzo Norkaew 2 Jeniffer Mendoza 17 Garvin Gil Mendoza 3 Lormie Saquiton 18 Josiphiah Bedruz 3 Orlan Camacho 20 Fe Liza Ranieses 4 Ma. Elena Sapida 20 Aurelio Maike 4 Ghesandra Perlas 21 Arnel Seachon 4 Sheryll Sapida 21 Irene Rimbon 4 Cyrel Robert Ticao 21 Evelyn Tigas 5 Carmen Pasion 23 Ruby Sapida 5 Nadine Poculan 23 Luviana Monroy 6 Rosheal Calungin 23 Marie Danice Tio 7 Kerzle Dayrit 23 Mariel Daniela Tio 7 Jinky Fauni 23 Gerson Baysa 8 Jupet Poculan 24 Rosalie De Ocampo 9 Linda Del Rosario 25 David Samson 10 Christopher 25 Samuel Cantada Sapiendante 10 Ferdie Fauni 25 Arnel Guarina 10 Jhun Tabing 26 Ryan Val Sarmiento 11 Nadia Frani 27 Enrico Gabriel Tumbaga 11 Jeremiah Gervacio 27 Flor Alfiler 12 Abner Cajudo 27 Virgilio Espejo 12 Angelie Joy Docusin 28 Gemma Perlas 12 Liling Fauni 28 Ethel Dacua 12 Milan Fauni 29 Marjunieca Tabing 12 Bernadette Germino 29 Michelle Sapida 13 Glaiza Mabbatung 30 Althea Grace Camacho 14 Jemwell Jo Sico 30 Vic Fauni 15 Reydenneil Soncuan 31 Hazel Remulla 16 Corazon Sapida

O C T O B E R 2 0 0 8 MEMBERSHIP SOLIDARITY MONTH Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday AUGUSTFriday SEPTEMBERSaturday st 1 1 2 Sunday 1513 4210 2ndCell Sunday Group 187Cell Group Cell210 Group 3rd- Sunday Malagasang 193- Silvertown Mary180 Cris, San Prayer 4th2-G Sunday 182- Malagasang Jose,183 Daang Service- 2-E NIA, Simborio, 5th Sunday 201 8 pm Church Bible Children’s Children Exhorter: Sis. AverageStudy – Pastor 183Outreach- Outreach:196 Mary Daang NIA – Wilma Pelagio Leng Cris P 2 & 4, 2pm Daang NIA BOE Mtg, 5 BCE Meeting; pm 5 pm Choir CYF 6:00 p.m Practice: 8 CYAF, 8 pm pm UCM: 8:00 p.m 5 – Communion 6 7 8 9 10 11 Sunday Cell Group Cell Group Cell Group Cell Group Rev. Ronell Dexterville – DLA Teacher’s - Malagasang - Silvertown Mary Cris, Hernandez 4pm Devotion Prayer 2-G - Malagasang Daang NIA, Elder Taleng Service- 2-E Simborio, Cantada 8 pm Church Bible Children’s Children Keilyn Fauni CWA Fellowship Exhorter: Study – Pastor Outreach- Outreach: Mary Daang NIA – – 8pm Elder Leng Cris P 2 & 4, Cell Groups 2pm Daang NIA Mary Cris : 5 pm Choir Mary Cris: 6 pm Practice: 8 pm BOT Mtg, 6 pm 12 – 13 14 15 16 17 18 Rev. Leng Lubang Cell Group DLA Teacher’s DLA Chapel Cell Group Cell Group CWA Isang ______Dexterville – Devotion Service - Malagasang - Silvertown Dakot na Bigas Sheila Sapida 4pm 2-G - Malagasang Cell Group Prayer 2-E Mary Cris, San BOD Meeting: 12 CWA Fellowship Service- Church Bible Children’s Jose, Daang nn – 8pm 8 pm Study – Pastor Outreach- NIA, Simborio, Exhorter: Leng Daang NIA – Children Cell Groups Pastor Ronell 2pm Outreach: Mary Marycris : 5 pm Hernandez Choir Cris P 2 & 4, Mary Cris: 6 pm Practice: 8 Daang NIA pm CYF Fell: 6:00 DLA Scouts p.m Investiture CYAF, 8 pm and Backyard UCM: 8:00 p.m Camping 19 – 20 21 22 23 24 25 Rev. Ronell Cell Group DLA Teachers’ Cell Group Cell Group Cell Group Hernandez Dexterville – Devotion Prayer - Malagasang - Silvertown Mary Cris, ______4pm Service- 2-G - Malagasang Daang NIA, Sarah Fauni CWA Fellowship 8 pm 2-E Simborio, Volunteer – 8pm Exhorter: Church Bible Children’s Cell Groups Teachers’ Pastor Leng Study – Pastor Outreach- Children Marycris : 5 pm Retreat Lubang Leng Daang NIA – Outreach: Mary Mary Cris: 6 pm 2pm Cris P 2 & 4, Choir Council Meeting: Practice: 8 Daang NIA 2 pm pm DLA 25th CYF 6:00 p.m Founding CYAF, 8 pm Anniversary UCM: 8:00 p.m Program 26 – Reformation 27 28 29 30 31 Sun. Cell Group DLA Teachers, LCSMC Cell Group Cell Group Sis. Wilma Pelagio Dexterville – Devotion Continuing - Malagasang - Silvertown ______4pm Theological 2-G - Malagasang Reylyn Siervo CWA Fellowship Education 2-E LCSMC – 8pm Prayer Church Bible Children’s Cell Groups Continuing LCSMC Service- Study – Pastor Outreach- Marycris : 5 pm Theological Continuing 8 pm Daang NIA –

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