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RFP Reference No.: 1220-030-2017-054

Legal Name of Proponent:

Contact Person and Title:

Business Address:

Business Telephone:

Business Fax:

Business E-Mail Address:


City Representative: Richard D. Oppelt, Purchasing Manager

Address: Surrey City Hall Finance & Technology Department – Purchasing Section Reception Counter, 5th Floor West 13450 – 104 Avenue, Surrey, B.C., V3T 1V8, Canada

E-mail for PDF Files: [email protected]

Dear Sir:

1.0 I/We, the undersigned duly authorized representative of the Proponent, having received and carefully reviewed all of the Proposal documents, including the RFP and any issued addenda posted on the City Website and BC Bid Website, and having full knowledge of the Site, and having fully informed ourselves as to the intent, difficulties, facilities and local conditions attendant to performing the Services, submit this Proposal in response to the RFP.

2.0 I/We confirm that the following schedules are attached to and form a part of this Proposal:

Schedule C-1 – Statement of Departures; Schedule C-2 – Proponent’s Experience, Reputation and Resources; Schedule C-3 – Proponent’s Technical Proposal (Services); Schedule C-4 – Proponent's Technical Proposal (Time Schedule); and

RFP #1220-030-2017-054 Consulting Services for Information Architecture and Taxonomy Page 36 of 49 Schedule C-5 – Proponent’s Financial Proposal.

3.0 I/We confirm that this proposal is accurate and true to best of my/our knowledge.

4.0 I/We confirm that, if I/we am/are awarded a contract, I/we will at all times be the “prime contractor” as provided by the Worker's Compensation Act (British Columbia) with respect to the Services. I/we further confirm that if I/we become aware that another consultant at the place(s) of the Services has been designated as the “prime contractor”, I/we will notify the City immediately, and I/we will indemnify and hold the City harmless against any claims, demands, losses, damages, costs, liabilities or expenses suffered by the City in connection with any failure to so notify the City.

This Proposal is submitted this [day] day of [month], [year].

I/We have the authority to bind the Proponent.

______(Legal Name of Proponent)

______(Signature of Authorized Signatory) (Signature of Authorized Signatory)

______(Print Name and Position of Authorized Signatory) (Print Name and Position of Authorized Signatory)

RFP #1220-030-2017-054 Consulting Services for Information Architecture and Taxonomy Page 37 of 49 SCHEDULE C-1 - STATEMENT OF DEPARTURES

1. I/We have reviewed the proposed Contract attached to the RFP as Schedule “B”. If requested by the City, I/we would be prepared to enter into that Contract, amended by the following departures (list, if any):

Section Requested Departure(s) / Alternative(s)



2. The City of Surrey requires that the successful Proponent have the following in place before commencing the Services: (a) Workers’ Compensation Board coverage in good standing and further, if an “Owner Operator” is involved, personal operator protection (P.O.P.) will be provided, Workers' Compensation Registration Number ______; (b) Prime Contractor qualified coordinator is Name: ______and Contact Number: ______; (c) Insurance coverage for the amounts required in the proposed Agreement as a minimum, naming the City as additional insured and generally in compliance with the City’s sample insurance certificate form available on the City’s Website at www.surrey.ca search Consultants Certificate of Insurance; (d) City of Surrey or Intermunicipal Business License: Number ______; (e) If the Consultant’s Goods and Services are subject to GST, the Consultant’s GST Number is ______; and (f) If the Consultant is a company, the company name indicated above is registered with the Registrar of Companies in the Province of British Columbia, Canada, Incorporation Number ______.

As of the date of this Proposal, we advise that we have the ability to meet all of the above requirements except as follows (list, if any):

Section Requested Departure(s) / Alternative(s)



3. I/We offer the following alternates to improve the Services described in the RFP (list, if any): Section Requested Departure(s) / Alternative(s)



RFP #1220-030-2017-054 Consulting Services for Information Architecture and Taxonomy Page 38 of 49 4. The Proponent acknowledges that the departures it has requested in Sections 1, 2 and 3 of this Schedule C-1 will not form part of the Contract unless and until the City agrees to them in writing by initialling or otherwise specifically consenting in writing to be bound by any of them.

RFP #1220-030-2017-054 Consulting Services for Information Architecture and Taxonomy Page 39 of 49 SCHEDULE C-2 - PROPONENT’S EXPERIENCE, REPUTATION AND RESOURCES

Proponents should provide information on the following (use the spaces provided and/or attach additional pages, if necessary):

(a) Location of primary business, branch locations, background, stability, structure of the Proponent and number of years business has been operational;

(b) Proponent’s detailed information demonstrating experience, qualifications in delivering Services similar to those required by the RFP;

(c) Proponent’s demonstrated capability and organizational ability to successfully provide Information Architecture and Taxonomy services and complete a development project that is similar in scope and nature as specified in this RFP;

(d) Proponent’s equipment resources, capability and capacity, as relevant;

(e) Proponent’s references (name and telephone number). The City's preference is to have a minimum of three references;

(f) Proponent’s financial strength (with evidence such as financial statements, bank references);

(g) For the websites that the Proponent has completely restructured, what were the biggest challenges and obstacles to completing the project? What decisions or steps aided in a successful website restructure?

(h) Proponent’s web development experience with content management systems. Indicate which platforms were used. Describe the Proponent’s familiarity and/or experience with websites related to governments (local, municipal, federal);

(i) Proponents should provide information on the background and experience of all key personnel proposed to undertake the Services. Provide resumes, if available. (use the spaces provided and/or attach additional pages, if necessary):

Key Personnel



Dates: Project Name: Responsibility:

Dates: Project Name: Responsibility:

RFP #1220-030-2017-054 Consulting Services for Information Architecture and Taxonomy Page 40 of 49

Dates: Project Name: Responsibility:

Project Approach – Team Roles

(j) Proponents should provide an outline of the resource roles and estimated effort required for this project. (use the spaces provided and/or attach additional pages, if necessary):

Forecasted Project Role Name Days/Hrs.


(k) Proponents should provide the following information on the background and experience of all sub-consultants proposed to undertake a portion of the Services (use the spaces provided and/or attach additional pages, if necessary):


RFP #1220-030-2017-054 Consulting Services for Information Architecture and Taxonomy Page 41 of 49 SCHEDULE C-3 - PROPONENT’S TECHNICAL PROPOSAL (SERVICES)

Proponents should provide the following (use the spaces provided and/or attach additional page s, if necessary):

(a) Services i. a narrative that illustrates an understanding of the City’s requirements and Services; ii. a description of the general approach and methodology that the Proponent would take in performing the Services including specifications and requirements; iii. a narrative that illustrates how the Proponent will complete the scope of Services, manage the Services, and accomplish required objectives within the City’s schedule; iv. a description of the standards to be met by the Proponent in providing the Services; and v. a narrative of the Proponent’s approach to change management.

(b) Reporting i. a list of the significant reports that the Proponent would anticipate providing the City’s management team, including their relationship to project milestones and the method of delivery (electronic, paper, e-mail, other).

(c) Implementation Plan i. a description of the Proponent’s implementation and integration approach that includes a discussion of project time schedule impacts and risk mitigation; ii. a detailed description of implementation and monitoring procedures that the Proponent will use to ensure that key personnel are performing to the standards expected; iii. a description of what the Proponent would use to track and improve quality of service; and iv. a description of what management tools will be used to control project costs.

(d) Training i. a narrative that describes the Proponent’s approach and ability to provide user training for user groups.

(e) Customer Support

RFP #1220-030-2017-054 Consulting Services for Information Architecture and Taxonomy Page 42 of 49 i. a description of the Proponent’s approach and ability to provide customer support services such as installation, troubleshooting and hotline support; ii. a description of the Proponent’s approach for forecasting risk associated with your proposed solution and developing and executing mitigation strategies to address these risks; and iii. a narrative that illustrates the Proponent’s ability to develop information architecture and taxonomy that could be supported independently by the client and allow them to make simple upgrades themselves.

(f) Protection of Privacy i. Describe the Proponent’s organization’s policies with respect to the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) including the future impact on reporting; and ii. Provide details of how the Proponent’s storage and access to private information as defined in the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (BC) (“FIPPA”), meets regulatory compliance.

(g) Value Added i. The Proponent should provide a description of value-added, innovative ideas and unique services that you can offer to implement the City’s requirements relevant to the scope of services described in this RFP.

RFP #1220-030-2017-054 Consulting Services for Information Architecture and Taxonomy Page 43 of 49 SCHEDULE C-4 - PROPONENT’S TECHNICAL PROPOSAL (TIME SCHEDULE)

Proponents should provide an estimated schedule, with major item descriptions and time indicat ing a commitment to perform the Services within the time specified (use the spaces provided an d/or attach additional pages, if necessary).


ACTIVIT SCHEDULE Y 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

RFP #1220-030-2017-054 Consulting Services for Information Architecture and Taxonomy Page 44 of 49 SCHEDULE C-5 - PROPONENT’S FINANCIAL PROPOSAL

Proponents should set out in their Proposal, the proposed fee structure (excluding GST) and provide a breakdown of the budget, including a breakdown of the estimated hours to be spent by each individual on the consultant team and the charge out hourly rate for each individual included in their Proposal.

The Fee structure should be tabulated in a spreadsheet format with each task itemized including hourly rates, break out costs as specified for the project and all deliverables, and fees for anything the Proponent would consider additional work. Sub-consultant fees and disbursements should also to be itemized.

Schedule of Rates:

Item Description Total Price No.





TOT AL PRO POS AL PRI CE (exc ludi ng t axe s) :

Additional Expenses:

The proposed Contract attached as Schedule "B" to the RFP provides that expenses are to be included within the fee, other than the expenses listed in the Contract as disbursements. Details of disbursements are to be shown in the chart above. Please indicate any expenses that would be payable in addition to the proposed fee and proposed disbursements set out above:

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Payment Terms:

A cash discount of ______% will be allowed if account is paid within ______days, or the ______day of the month following, or net 30 days, on a best effort basis.

RFP #1220-030-2017-054 Consulting Services for Information Architecture and Taxonomy Page 46 of 49 ATTACHMENT 1 PRIVACY PROTECTION SCHEDULE

This Schedule forms part of the agreement between the City of Surrey (the "Public Body") and ______. (the "Consultant") respecting Consulting Services for Information Architecture and Taxonomy (the "Agreement").

Definitions Consultant collects personal 1. In this Schedule, information: (a) "access" means disclosure by (a) the purpose for collecting it; the provision of access; (b) the legal authority for collecting (b) "Act" means the Freedom of it; and Information and Protection of Privacy (c) the title, business address and Act (British Columbia), as amended business telephone number of the from time to time; person designated by the Public Body (c) "contact information" means to answer questions about the information to enable an individual at Consultant’s collection of personal a place of business to be contacted information. and includes the name, position name or title, business telephone number, Accuracy of personal information business address, business email or 6. The Consultant must make every business fax number of the individual; reasonable effort to ensure the (d) "personal information" means accuracy and completeness of any recorded information about an personal information to be used by identifiable individual, other than the Consultant or the Public Body to contact information, collected or make a decision that directly affects created by the Consultant as a result the individual the information is about. of the Agreement or any previous Requests for access to personal agreement between the Public Body information and the Consultant dealing with the 7. If the Consultant receives a request same subject matter as the for access to personal information Agreement but excluding any such from a person other than the Public information that, if this Schedule did Body, the Consultant must promptly not apply to it, would not be under the advise the person to make the “control of a public body” within the request to the Public Body unless the meaning of the Act. Agreement expressly requires the Consultant to provide such access Purpose and, if the Public Body has advised 2. The purpose of this Schedule is to: the Consultant of the name or title (a) enable the Public Body to and contact information of an official comply with its statutory obligations of the Public Body to whom such under the Act with respect to personal requests are to be made, the information; and Consultant must also promptly (b) ensure that, as a service provide that official’s name or title and provider, the Consultant is aware of contact information to the person and complies with its statutory making the request. obligations under the Act with respect to personal information. Correction of personal information 8. Within 5 business days of receiving a Collection of personal information written direction from the Public Body 3. Unless the Agreement otherwise to correct or annotate any personal specifies or the Public Body otherwise information, the Consultant must directs in writing, the Consultant may annotate or correct the information in only collect or create personal accordance with the direction. information that is necessary for the 9. When issuing a written direction performance of the Consultant’s under section 8, the Public Body must obligations, or the exercise of the advise the Consultant of the date the Consultant’s rights, under the correction request to which the Agreement. direction relates was received by the 4. Unless the Agreement otherwise Public Body in order that the specifies or the Public Body otherwise Consultant may comply with section directs in writing, the Consultant must 10. collect personal information directly 10. Within 5 business days of correcting from the individual the information is or annotating any personal about. information under section 8, the 5. Unless the Agreement otherwise Consultant must provide the corrected specifies or the Public Body otherwise or annotated information to any party directs in writing, the Consultant must to whom, within one year prior to the tell an individual from whom the date the correction request was made

RFP #1220-030-2017-054 Consulting Services for Information Architecture and Taxonomy Page 47 of 49 to the Public Body, the Consultant 18. In addition to any obligation the disclosed the information being Consultant may have to provide the corrected or annotated. notification contemplated by section 11. If the Consultant receives a request 30.2 of the Act, if in relation to for correction of personal information personal information in its custody or from a person other than the Public under its control the Consultant: Body, the Consultant must promptly (a) receives a foreign demand for advise the person to make the disclosure; request to the Public Body and, if the (b) receives a request to disclose, Public Body has advised the produce or provide access that the Consultant of the name or title and Consultant knows or has reason to contact information of an official of the suspect is for the purpose of Public Body to whom such requests responding to a foreign demand for are to be made, the Consultant must disclosure; or also promptly provide that official’s (c) has reason to suspect that an name or title and contact information unauthorized disclosure of personal to the person making the request. information has occurred in response to a foreign demand for disclosure Protection of personal information the Consultant must immediately notify 12. The Consultant must protect personal the Public Body and, in so doing, information by making reasonable provide the information described in security arrangements against such section 30.2(3) of the Act. In this risks as unauthorized access, section, the phrases "foreign demand collection, use, disclosure or disposal, for disclosure" and "unauthorized including any expressly set out in the disclosure of personal information" Agreement. will bear the same meanings as in section 30.2 of the Act. Storage and access to personal information Notice of unauthorized disclosure 13. Unless the Public Body otherwise 19. In addition to any obligation the directs in writing, the Consultant must Consultant may have to provide the not store personal information outside notification contemplated by section Canada or permit access to personal 30.5 of the Act, if the Consultant information from outside Canada. knows that there has been an unauthorized disclosure of personal Retention of personal information information in its custody or under its 14. Unless the Agreement otherwise control, the Consultant must specifies, the Consultant must retain immediately notify the Public Body. In personal information until directed by this section, the phrase "unauthorized the Public Body in writing to dispose disclosure of personal information" of it or deliver it as specified in the will bear the same meaning as in direction. section 30.5 of the Act.

Use of personal information Inspection of personal information 15. Unless the Public Body otherwise 20. In addition to any other rights of directs in writing, the Consultant may inspection the Public Body may have only use personal information if that under the Agreement or under use is for the performance of the statute, the Public Body may, at any Consultant’s obligations, or the reasonable time and on reasonable exercise of the Consultant’s rights, notice to the Consultant, enter on the under the Agreement. Consultant’s premises to inspect any personal information in the Disclosure of personal information possession of the Consultant or any 16. Unless the Public Body otherwise of the Consultant’s information directs in writing, the Consultant may management policies or practices only disclose personal information relevant to its management of inside Canada to any person other personal information or its compliance than the Public Body if the disclosure with this Schedule and the Consultant is for the performance of the must permit, and provide reasonable Consultant’s obligations, or the assistance to, any such inspection. exercise of the Consultant’s rights, under the Agreement. Compliance with the Act and 17. Unless the Agreement otherwise directions specifies or the Public Body otherwise 21. The Consultant must in relation to directs in writing, the Consultant must personal information comply with: not disclose personal information (a) the requirements of the Act applicable outside Canada. to the Consultant as a service provider, including any applicable Notice of foreign demands for order of the commissioner under the disclosure Act; and

RFP #1220-030-2017-054 Consulting Services for Information Architecture and Taxonomy Page 48 of 49 (b) any direction given by the Public Body 30. Nothing in this Schedule requires the under this Schedule. Consultant to contravene the law of 22. The Consultant acknowledges that it any jurisdiction outside Canada is familiar with the requirements of the unless such contravention is required Act governing personal information to comply with the Act. that are applicable to it as a service provider.

Notice of non-compliance 23. If for any reason the Consultant does not comply, or anticipates that it will be unable to comply, with a provision in this Schedule in any respect, the Consultant must promptly notify the Public Body of the particulars of the non-compliance or anticipated non- compliance and what steps it proposes to take to address, or prevent recurrence of, the non- compliance or anticipated non- compliance.

Termination of Agreement 24. In addition to any other rights of termination which the Public Body may have under the Agreement or otherwise at law, the Public Body may, subject to any provisions in the Agreement establishing mandatory cure periods for defaults by the Consultant, terminate the Agreement by giving written notice of such termination to the Consultant, upon any failure of the Consultant to comply with this Schedule in a material respect.

Interpretation 25. In this Schedule, references to sections by number are to sections of this Schedule unless otherwise specified in this Schedule. 26. Any reference to the “Consultant” in this Schedule includes any sub Consultant or agent retained by the Consultant to perform obligations under the Agreement and the Consultant must ensure that any such sub-consultants and agents comply with this Schedule. 27. The obligations of the Consultant in this Schedule will survive the termination of the Agreement. 28. If a provision of the Agreement (including any direction given by the Public Body under this Schedule) conflicts with a requirement of the Act or an applicable order of the commissioner under the Act, the conflicting provision of the Agreement (or direction) will be inoperative to the extent of the conflict. 29. The Consultant must comply with the provisions of this Schedule despite any conflicting provision of this Agreement or, subject to section 30, the law of any jurisdiction outside Canada.

RFP #1220-030-2017-054 Consulting Services for Information Architecture and Taxonomy Page 49 of 49 CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT

WHEREAS: employees, and sub- consultants who have a clear and bonafide need to know A. The Consultant and the City acknowledge the Confidential Information, and provided that the process of the Consultant having further that, before the Consultant access to information or software will divulges or discloses any of the involve the verbal, electronic, written, or Confidential Information to such directors, other disclosure of information, and officers, employees, and sub- documentation to the Consultant. In this consultant’s, the Consultant shall inform Agreement “Confidential Information” each of the said directors, officers, means any information, technical data, or employees, and sub-consultant’s of the know how, including, but not limited to provisions of this Agreement and shall that which relates to services, processes, issue appropriate instructions to them to designs, drawings, diagrams, satisfy the obligations of the Consultant specifications, business strategies, set out in this Agreement and shall, at the finances whether communicated orally or request of the City, cause each of the in writing, specifications and associated said directors, officers, employees, and documentation, and any equipment, sub- consultant’s to execute a machinery, or other property all of which confidentiality agreement in a form owned by the City. Confidential satisfactory to the City, in its sole information includes any information on discretion. residential, non-residential, business, or consumers and their addresses, water 3. The Consultant agrees not to use any of usage consumptions, water usage the Confidential Information disclosed to it historical consumptions, and any other by the City for its own use or for any data that the City provides as part of the purpose except to carry out the specific data files for meter reading services. purposes designated by this Agreement.

B. The Consultant has agreed to maintain 4. The Consultant shall take all necessary the Confidential Information as precautions to prevent unauthorized confidential and to the non-disclosure of disclosure of the Confidential Information same, all in accordance with the following or any portion thereof to any person, or terms: entity in order to prevent it from falling into the public domain or the possession THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION OF of persons other than those persons THE PREMISES AND OF THE MUTUAL authorized hereunder to have any such COVENANTS SET FORTH HEREIN, information, which measures shall include THE PARTIES AGREE AS FOLLOWS: the highest degree of care that the Consultant utilizes to protect its own 1. The Consultant shall hold the Confidential confidential information of a similar Information in strict confidence nature. recognizing that the Confidential Information, or any portion thereof, is 5. The Consultant shall notify the City in comprised of highly sensitive information. writing of any misuse or misappropriation The Consultant acknowledges that the of Confidential Information which may disclosure or use of the Confidential come to its attention. Information, or any portion thereof, will cause the City substantial and irreparable 6. The Consultant shall not harm and injury and the City shall have mechanically or electronically copy or the right to equitable and injunctive relief otherwise reproduce the Confidential to prevent the unauthorized use or Information, or any portion thereof, disclosure, and to such damages as there without the express advance written are occasioned by such unauthorized use permission of the City, except for such or disclosure, and the Consultant hereby copies as the Consultant may require consents to the granting of such equitable pursuant to this Agreement in order to and injunctive relief. prepare the Report. All copies of the Confidential Information shall, upon 2. The Consultant shall not divulge or allow reproduction by the Consultant, contain disclosure of the Confidential Information, the same the City proprietary and or any part thereof, to any person or confidential notices and legends that entity for any purpose except as appear on the original Confidential described in this Agreement, unless Information provided by the City unless expressly authorized in writing to do so by authorized otherwise by the City. All the City, provided however, the copies shall be returned to the City upon Consultant may permit the limited request. disclosure of the Confidential Information or portion thereof only to those of the 7. The Confidential Information Consultant’s directors, officers, received by the Consultant and all

RFP #1220-030-2017-054 Consulting Services for Information Architecture and Taxonomy Page 50 of 49 formatting of the Confidential Information, including any alterations to the 14. No provision of this Agreement Confidential Information, shall remain the shall be deemed to be waived by the City exclusive property of the City, and shall and no breach of this Agreement shall be be delivered to the City by the Consultant deemed to be excused by the City unless forthwith upon demand by the City. such waiver or consent excusing such breach is in writing and duly executed by 8. The Consultant acknowledges that the City. the City is a public body subject to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (“FIPPA”) and as such the Confidential Information is protected pursuant to the provisions of FIPPA. The BY: Consultant further acknowledges that the collection, use, storage, access, and disposal of the Confidential Information Signature of Authorized Person shall be performed in compliance with the Signing for Company requirements of FIPPA. Information which is sent to the City by the Consultant in performance of this Agreement is subject to FIPPA and may be disclosed Position as required by FIPPA. The Consultant shall allow the City to disclose any of the information in accordance with FIPPA, and where it is alleged that disclosure of the information, or portion thereof, may cause harm to the Consultant, the Consultant shall provide details of such harm in accordance with section 21 of FIPPA.

9. The Consultant acknowledges and agrees that nothing in this Agreement does or is intended to grant any rights to the Consultant under any patent, copyright, or other proprietary right, either directly or indirectly, nor shall this Agreement grant any rights in or to the Confidential Information.

10. Disclosure of the Confidential Information to the Consultant the terms of this Agreement shall not constitute public disclosure of the Confidential Information for the purposes of section 28.2 of the Patent Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. p-4.

11. This Agreement shall be binding upon and for the benefit of the undersigned parties, their successors, and assigns and the Consultant hereby acknowledges that the obligations imposed on the Consultant hereunder shall survive the termination of the Consultant’s dealings or engagement with the City.

12. The Consultant represents that is not now a party to, and shall not enter into any agreement or assignment in conflict with this Agreement.

13. This Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the Province of British Columbia and the Consultant and the City irrevocably attorns to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Province of British Columbia to adjudicate any dispute arising out of this Agreement.

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