Department of Foreign Language Studies

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Department of Foreign Language Studies

Alison Caplan Department of Foreign Language Studies Providence College Providence, RI 02918 Phone: (401) 865-2893 E-mail: [email protected]

Education Ph.D. University of California at Santa Barbara. Hispanic Languages and Literature, 1997. Honors: Humanities Pre-Doctoral Special Fellowship

M.A. Middlebury College in Madrid. Spanish, 1987. A.B. Harvard University. History and Literature of Latin America, 1986. Honors: Magna cum laude

Professional Experience Assistant Professor of Spanish (with tenure), Providence College. Department of Foreign Language Studies, 1997-present

Assistant Professor, Providence College. Liberal Arts Honors Program, 2006-present

Teaching Honors: Nomination for the Joseph R. Accinno Faculty Teaching Award, 2007, 2009, 2013

Grant Awards ”,الحدود /’with Nuria Alonso García) “Neighboring Cultures: A Vocabulary of ‘la frontera) Committee on Aid to Faculty Research, Providence College, 2013 ($7,000).

(with Nuria Alonso García) “GALGO (GoldenAgeLiteratureGlossaryOnline),” Student Engagement Mini-grant, Providence College, 2013 ($3,000).

(with Nuria Alonso García) “Comprehensive Digital Glossary for Golden Age Spanish Literature,” Student Engagement Mini-grant, Providence College, 2010 ($4,200).

Selected Publications A. Annotated Edition Caplan, Alison and Bryan Betancur, eds., La Numancia, by Miguel de Cervantes. Newark, DE: Cervantes & Co. Classics, 2010.

B. Critical Essays Alonso García, Nuria and Alison Caplan, “Reading the World’s Classics Critically: A Keyword- Based Approach to Literary Analysis in Foreign Language Studies.” Critical Inquiry in Language Studies 11.2 (2014): 100-120.

Caplan, Alison, “Tirant lo Blanc, Don Quijote de la Mancha y la diferencia de género en la caballeresca medieval.” U.S.A. Cervantes. 39 cervantistas en Estados Unidos, ed. Georgina Dopico Black and Francisco Layna Ranz (Madrid: Ediciones Polifemo, 2009), pp. 277-304.

Caplan, Alison, “The World of Isabel la Católica.” Isabel la Católica, Queen of Castile: Critical Essays, ed. David A. Boruchoff (New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2003), pp. 25-40.

C. Other Publications Review of James Casey, Family and Community in Early Modern Spain: The Citizens of Granada, 1570-1739 (Cambridge University Press, 2008) in Sixteenth Century Journal 43.3 (Fall, 2010).

Caplan, Alison and David. A. Boruchoff, trans., “Isabel, Infanta and Princess of Castile,” by María Isabel del Val Valdivieso. Isabel la Católica, Queen of Castile: Critical Essays, ed. David A. Boruchoff (New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2003), pp. 41-55.

Recent Conference Presentations (with Nuria Alonso García) “Developing Transcultural Competence in the Study of World Literatures: Golden Age Literature Glossary Online (GALGO).” Short paper presented at the Digital Humanities Conference 2012, Hamburg, Germany, July 16-22, 2012.

(with Nuria Alonso García) “Unlocking Meaning: The Comprehensive Digital Glossary of Golden Age Spanish Literature.” Roundtable presentation given at Northeast Modern Language Association, Rutgers University, April7-10 2011.

“Daring and Decadence in the Late Medieval World of Tirant lo Blanc.” Paper presented at the 42nd International Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI, May 10-13, 2007.

Invited Lectures “Una introducción a Don Quijote 1615.” Lecture on Don Quijote delivered in class for students enrolled in Master’s Degree program in Spanish, Rhode Island College, October 23, 2002.

“Don Quijote in America.” Lecture presented in celebration of the Día de la Hispanidad, University of Rhode Island, Providence campus, October 12, 2002.

“Renaissance Spain, Cervantes, and the End[s] of Romance.” Lecture delivered as part of the Development of Western Civilization Colloquium Series, Providence College, March 15, 2002.

“Cervantes and Don Quijote.” Lecture delivered as part of the Viva España Program, Providence Athenaeum, April 1, 2001.

Professional Service at Providence College Member, Dean of Arts and Sciences Advisory Council, 2011-2014

Department Representative, Faculty Senate, 2011-present Member, Faculty Senate Academic Affairs Committee, 2011-present

Member. Fulbright Scholarship Campus Evaluation Committee, 2009-present

Member, Liberal Arts Honors Advisory Committee, 2009-2013

Member, Student Engagement Advisory Committee, 2009-2012

Member, Committee on the Enhancement of Learning, 2003-2007

Organizer, 400th Anniversary Celebration of Don Quijote (1605), Development of Western Civilization Colloquium Series, April, 2005

Community Service Chairperson, Religious School Committee, Temple Emanu-El, Providence, RI, 2010-2014

Professional Memberships American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese Cervantes Society of America International Society for Language Studies Medieval Academy of America Modern Language Association Renaissance Society of America

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