This scholarship is open to any Portage County senior who plans to study agriculture or natural resources at a technical college or four-year university. The scholarship value is $250.00 - $1000.00.

Selection criteria is as follows:

1. Grades 2. Course work 3. Involvement in co-curricular or service activities ------

NAME: ______PHONE______



ADDRESS/PHONE (if different from above) ______


ADDRESS/PHONE (if different from above) ______

What university, college or technical college do you plan to attend? ______

------To complete this application, please attach the following:

1. A resume for grades 9 –12, which describes: a) academic honors you’ve received, b) co-curricular activities and positions of leadership you’ve held, c) community and school service/volunteer activities, d) work experiences. 2. An essay of 250 words or less describing your educational, career and life goals. 3. Two letters of reference: a) one from a teacher, counselor or principal from school ; b) one from someone who knows you well (another teacher, volunteer coordinator, coach, clergy, employer) (Please remember to ask for your letter of reference at least two weeks in advance of your needing it.)

*Your high school transcript will be attached when you submit your application.

Please sign below and return this cover sheet with your resume, essay and letters of recommendation to the Counseling Office before the deadline of May 15 2015 . Late applications will not be accepted.

Note: Please continue to apply if entering grad school. ------I certify that all information on this form is true to the best of my knowledge. Also, I understand that all decisions made by the Russell Philips Scholarship Committee are final and not subject to review or appeal. I further understand that any information provided in this form may be shared with committee members of the sponsoring scholarship.

Student name

Student signature (Parent signature if student is under 18 years of age) Date
