Frequently Asked Questions for Customers

1. How do I know where to submit an order to the contractor?

Visit the contractors’ Web page under this state term contract to view a table of current contractors. This table contains the name, phone number, and e-mail address of the contact where you should submit orders.

2. What should I do if the products or services on this state term contract are also available on another statewide agreement?

If there is an overlap of products or services across other statewide agreements, agency buyers are required to purchase from an existing state term contract if one exists. Eligible users are encouraged to purchase from the statewide agreement that provides the best value to their entity.

3. Who do I contact if I can get better pricing than the pricing listed on this state term contract?

The Division of State Purchasing recommends you contact the contractor to see if they will match the lower price under this contract. If they will not match the price, you may contact the Contract Administrator listed for this state term contract online and provide pricing details. This feedback helps us understand the pricing competitiveness of this state term contract.

4. What should I do if I have an issue with the contractor?

If you are unable to resolve an issue with a contractor, you can contact the Contract Administrator listed for the contract on our website to explore additional options. These options include: completing a vendor performance survey online to document the issue, working with the Department of Management Services (DMS) to elevate the issue with the contractor representatives, or submitting a vendor complaint that requires a formal response from the contractor.

5. Who do I contact in the Division of State Purchasing for additional help on how to use this contract?

If you have a question after reviewing these FAQs, contact the Contract Administrator listed for the contract online for additional assistance.