Ad Hoc -Working 0R6up
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Ad Hoc -Working ^_0r6up .~`O'f - 1,egil ~aiA I Expirls'for the ica ElE'orAion of -.a Global Framewo~ Convention for-the Protection of the Ozone Layer.
Second session -
Geneval 10-17.December 1982
.i ~__ .
Paper prepared 'by the SEP Secretariat r --n
.. - 1
Document on Institutional arrangements for a Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer (UNEP/WG.78/49 6 September 1982) prepared by the UNEP Secretariat for the seoond session of the Ad Hoc Working Group of Legal and
0 Technical Experts for the Elaboration of a Global Convention on the Ozone Layer is in principle dealing with financial implications of the implementation of this Convention. (Paragraphs 12, 199 20,219 22, 23 and 35; please find attached also to that document as Annex Terms of reference for the administration of the Trust pmd for the Convention an International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora)
This paper should highlight some financial implications df the implementit-Un
.,of the Convention for Contracting Parties as well as for LD1EP Secretairikt_
2. In the attached to this paper as Annex I., Budget Estimate for the Secretariat for the Convention for the first two years of their implementation you can find the illustrative figures for Project Personnel Component, fibe;ff en-**e SeUrSTErtat EqpApment Component, Miscellaneous Component as well as Training Component which includes the costs for~the meetings of the scientific/technological advisory body/ mechanisms plus CCOL meeting costs, Upert kkorking 8roup ilpetingB and the meetings of the Conference of the Contracting Parties. Accordingly all Costs for ozone programme in UNEP will be covered by the budget.
These figures are presented 'for discussion purposes. The size and qualifiof the Secretariat personnel should reflect the actual and expected needs i!. ~.for the Convention as defined by the Contracting Parties, taking into account
~1the available financial resources. In preparing the cost estimates of the meetings it was assumed that the Conference of the Contracting Parties meetings will be convened in five working languages (Arabicq Englishl French, Russian and Spanish) the expert group meetings in four languages (English,l Frenchq Spanis and Russian)v and that the working documents of these meetings will be available in the working languages of the meetings. i i
3. The World Plan of Action on the Ozone Layer (LWEP/WG.~/2~/Rev.l) contains a recommendation for the encouragement and support of the co-ordinated research and monitoring programme initiated by the World Meteorological Organization. The project, 'The Global Ozone Research and Monitoringi (FP/1303-82-02)9 is supported by UNEP and has the purpose of clarifying the basic dynamical, photochemical and radiative aspects of the ozone layer and evaluating the impact of activities on the ozone--balance. 2
Phase IMI of this project, which will be completed in March 19859 was approved in April *1982 and is a continuation of the two earlier phases commenced -aimed -'atil-Et -g -the =acien ific -and physical require in January- 49TT--and %L - D"in ments for the World Plan of Action- on the Ozone Layer; formulating and keeping up-to-date the statement on the ozone layer and assisting the neoessary task of intercomparison of ozone measuring systems and upgrading ozone stations.
The Third Phase is expected to complete the period of intensified observa, tions and research, although research will need to continue. on the biological and ecological consequences of increased doses of UV-radiation and on the consequences of any changes in ol imate which may result from hilman activities.
It is suggested in Annex I that, in view of the expanding nature of the activities within UNEP concerning ozone matters, it would be appropriate and practical to include all ozone-related activities, both of a legal and ok a technical naturet within a single secretariat operating within a single and homogeneous budget line. Therefore, onb&oing UNEP activities such' as fThe Global Ozone Research and Monitoring Project, Phase III' (PP/1303-82-03) and 'The Co-ordinating Committee on the Ozone Layer' (PP/1303-77-03) should transfer to the control of a LWEP secretariat for the convention for the protection of the ozone layerg as outlined within the Budget document.
4.. cotts of the implementation of the convention could be met fz-,-,-m two BOUrces:
Ozone Trust Fund composed of assessed contributions from the Contracting the Protectionsof the Ozone La,*er and of Partie s t o the Convent ion f or voluntary contributions from those States that are not Contracting Parties to the Convention;
VoluWWx7 contributions from the States and international organizations.,
_5: One alternative for the budget ary/f inancial requirements for the implemen- tation of the Convention is the establishment by the Conference of the Contracting parties of a Voluntary Trust Fund in accordance with the Financial Regulations and Rules of -the United Nations. (paragraph 21 t 22 of the document IMEP/WG.78/4)It is possible that some assistance from the Environment Fund could be approved in the initial stage. The Ozone Trust Ihmd
All Parties which benefit from-the Ozone Convention should contribute towards the cost of their implementatiov~ However, a binding obligation to contribute to the Fund can only be derived from the Convention (and its related annexes and/or protoools)t then it follows that only the Contracting Parties are obliged to cover the costs of those activities which derive from the provisions of the Convention (and its related annexes and/or protocols) while States which are not (yet) Contracting Parties may wish to make voluntary contributions to the Ozone Trust Fund.
It can exist the possibility that the States which are not (yet) Contrict:Lng Parties can contribute to the Ozone Trust Fkmd on a voluntary basis according to the same scale of assessment which is to be applied to the Contracting Parties.
The means for assessing the proposition of the Fund ' to be contributed by the various contributbrs remains a political decikon to be takeri by contributors themselves.
Contributions to the Trust Fund
There are many possible ways to determine the level of contributions Of the participating States to the Trust Fund. In order to facilitate the discussions, the Secretariat proposedthe following alternatives:*
Alternative 1:
The use of the UVted Nations scale of assessment -adopted by General Assembly may be considered an appropriate basis for the ratios to be applied' in determining the contributions from each participating State; the contribution of the regional economic integration organizations - (Contracting Parties to the Convention) to be agreed upon these regional economic integration organizations and the Contracting Parties. (Annex 11).
Alternatiire 2:
. A fixed percentage of the Trust Find (such as (pO*/o) to be covered by the Contracting Parties - States as well as the regional integration organizations in equal shares. The remaining percentage to be contributed according to the United Nations assessment scale; the regional integration organizations contribution will be determined in the consultation with these organizations; 4 -
Alternative 3.
I'M Is producing countries pay"; -the contribution to be decided by Conference of the Contracting -Part ies--by-aegotia+~ion~--It-ahould-be desirable that all CFC's producing countries .1e come the Contracting Parties to the Convention.
Alternative 4
Proportional funding by some groupings; the individual contribution of any donor within each group to be decided by negotiation among the donors concerned. It should be stressed that all the alternatives are presented as proposals to provoke discussion by th~ experts. In particular countries producing CFC's could pay larger proportion of the costs.
The costs to be met by the Ozone Trust Fund:
1) Meeting Cbsts (Article 6 - Conference of the Contracting Parties; Article 8 - )(`Scientific +echnological ldvisory body/mechanism) k 2) Secretariat Costs (Article 7)
Administration of the Trust Fund
As the organization responsible for carrying out the secretariat functions associdted with the 6onvention, (Article 7 UNEP could be- However., asked to administer to the Ozone Trust FMd./ ag~ an integral part of the United Nations, UNEP is obligated to follow the wFinancial regulations and Rules of the'Un4ed Nations* as well as the "General Procedures boverning the Operations of the Fund of the UNEP11,
Draft terms of reference attached.
Second alternative for the budget arx/f inanc ial requirement is that Parties to the Convention agree to establish a Fund of their own directed by the Secretarand their own rules of procedure. In such alternative how t,o manage the financia- resources of the Convention must be decided by the Contracting Parties contributing to the bud-get; the management of these resources may be entrusted:
- to the organization designated to co-ordinate the implementation of the Convention under the supervision of the Governments participating in it;
- to any Contracting State;
- to an independent financial institution. -
Doc. ST/1S7GB/Financial Rules II/Rev.2 (1W8)
Legislative and Financial Texts Regarding the UNEP and the Environmental Fund, Nos 75/23819 (February 1976). 0
Secretariat for the Convention for- the Prctection 0.1 Didget Estimate
. 1100 Project Personnel
1101 Secretary-General/Legal Officer 1 P-5)12w/a 1102 Scientist 1 P-Y4 12w/a 1103 Administrative Officer ~1 P1 2) 2%i/jo 1200 Consultants (Fee, Travel, DSA) 44 1300 Administrativ-j* Support 1301 Administrative Assistant 0 G-9) 1302 Secretaries ( 2 G-7 ) 1600 Travel on Official Business
J9q .9 Component Total
r-*,N 1 3202 Meetings/Conferences etc.
-Scientific/Technical Advisory meatings/cCOO/ (2 per year) - Conference of the Parties - Experts Working Groups meetings
3299 Component Total
4100 Expendable Equipment (supplies, material, including leasing of equipment etc.) 4200 Non-Ebpendable Equipment (7'urniture and equipment) 4_1.30 Premises (rent)
4999 Component Total
50 YJ$C'aLZD~,13 CO!~70:71::T
5100 Operation and Maintenance of equipment 52W Reporting Colts 5)00 Sun-4ry
'5'.D" Ccmponent Total
~99 - -17 SRAND TO TAL
...... rsti!:.~ed Cost of the Global Ozone Research ad M~itoring Project
,)~ V" -1 the Ozone Layer
12w/m 1 ?W/M 12w/m 4-/M
12w/m 244/m
lot Year S 85,000.1/ 70 5* 47 5V 30,000
15 100Y 15,1002 30,20D 26 , 3002/ 26,300V
fl 52,600 15.000 20 000 35.000 .289,400 294,400 583,800 k1d Year S 85,00W. 70, 47,5t~ 30,000
Total S 170, COO 141,WO 95,OW 6o,ow
6o,ooo 71,000 24,000
155,000 155,000 310,000
8,000 - 20';~&J
2,000 4*000
4,OOC 12,000 20, 00;A/ ZV,OOO
30,000 26,ooo 56.COO
1,000 8,000 31000
1 P500 2,500 10,000 .18,000 I 00C IE 0
1 486,400
- 7 000
56 1 400
489,900 976,300
79,000 M'DOO
564,900 1,124,300
I/B-se salary plus P/Adj, Ass. All., D/A-11. 0 dependants), Xed. Subs, P/Fund (141%b), FAucation : Gr. , A/Leave, travel to and from duty station on rtcruitment " separation minus S.Ass. and SIA~SE- A/Leave (since this estimation is for tuv years home leave is not included).
Z/Bage salary plus D./All. (5 dePendants), P/Pund (14%) and A/Leave Mir-us S/Ass. and S/Ass.. A/Leave.
Vmi* coat of conveni:hg a Meeting of the Co-ordinating Committee on the Ozone Layer'(CCOL) is US S 25,000-
.4/Thia includes basic support services t accommodation, lighting, heating, clearing and maintan'ance GLOBPL OZONE'REMaCH AND MONITORING PROJECT-PHASE 11
PF/1303-78-05 '(1383)
Budget (iU uss~
CC NCC Total 10 _PROJECT PVRS(2RTM C01-T,-01TM 1100 Experts an d Consultants 1101 E~cperts and Consultants 26.A2 5 26t425 J300 Adminietrative. Support Perso;nnel .1600 Travel on Official Business 2 v 541 2t541 1999 Comp . onent Total 28,966 28,966
.30 TRA121rNrG C019'(PITEITT 3?00 Group Training and keet='gs 12,202 18,697 3o,6", 3999 Component Total '12,202 18j697 301~99 50 YTSCv-LL,*1MU9 CC, W-1 ",E- T 5100 operation and Y"a-inte.nance of.Equipipent l6t894-
5200 Reporting Costs-
5300 SundrY 179 175
5999 Component Total. 171073 151 M
9$, G R A N 3) T 0 T A.L .58,241 18,697 76,93-C
Actual expenditure A N N E X
.4 Budget
1100 Project Personnel 1101 Expert 1200 Ccnsultants 1201 Consultants
1300 Administrative Support 1301-Senior.Administrative Assistant
1600 Travol on Official Business
1698 Prior year adjustment
1699 Total
FP/1303-77-03 (1359)/Rov- No-9
W/m 1978 w/m :1979 w1m 1980w/m' IP81 vr/m 1982 1983 _Totil
1~- 500 4 . 8l946 91133
3,220 149 3 18,000 71724
12 11,291 1211,8o6 13,425 71,875 (748)
12 12 1 00d& 194
10,000 81946 9,.13313,425 71127 10,000
1999 Component Total 9,40 9,133 27,936 19t082 40,0007,918
0 1,11SCELU1.1-IMUS, CO,',IPOIWTI 1 5200 Reporting Costs 1066 It245 1t922 715 3,000 21285 5300 RID-d17 1,407 617 1,000. 1,013 5304 Other (13) 5398 Prior year adjustment - -I .
- 61.7 (13) 1,000,: 1,013 .5399 ToUl 1,407
5999 Component Total 21973 11245 2,539 702 4,000,31298
9 G R A H D T 0 T A L 51993* 121419* 10078* 30,47 5* 19,784* 44,000, lliz-10 : -1.514scu ------I -Actual exP~,nditure' a,
~7 c;Z~
Scale of Assessment Annual Share for UN General Assembly % US$.
AIGHANISM 00.01 570 ALBANIA 00.01 ALCTMA 00.12 7g. C79 MOOLA 00.01 ARGENTINA 00.78 4 ? 4c 7 cO AUSnVUjIA 01.83 33~ SD AU SIRIA 00.71 oil ~0 'BAHAMAS 00.01 EAHPAIN 00.01 EANGIADESi 00.04 .e z crz) BARMCOS 00:01 1-0 EELGIUM 01.22 BEMN 00.01 17, E[RJTAN 00.01 a BOLIVIA 00.01
CL. S-0 BDT &PIA 00.01 BRAZIL 01.27 BUIJGARIA 00.16 ?Dit 0_0 HIRMA 00.01 -5v -0 WRL&DI 00.01 S BYELORUSSLAN SSR 00.39 7, a 0 3 -CANADA 03.28 CAPE VEKZ 00.01 jL CENTRAL AFRICAN IWUELIC 00.01, CHAD 00.01 CIME 00.07 3 CHINA 01.62 COIDMBIA 00.n 6.21 ED COMDFES 00.01 CONGO 00.01 SL COWA PICA 00.02 113. 0-D CUBA. 00.1-1 624 YD CYPRU S 00.01 -S-L CZECHOaDVAKIA 00.83 DEMOCRATIC KAMLUM 00.01 DEMOCRATIC YEMEN 00.01 DEWMARK 00.74 DJIBCXM 00.01 5D DOMINICA 00.01 DOMINICAN FEPUBLIC 00.03. .5D
Based on budget estimate as shown in Annex I. Scale of Assessment Annual Share for UN General Assembly
ECUADOR o6.02 EGYPT 00.07 EL S!LLVADOR 00.01 EQUAIORIAL GUINEA 00.01 ETHICPIA od. 01 -p R~ ru FIJI OQ 01 FINLAND 00.48 7/2 FRANCE 06.26 3 GABON 00.02 GAMBIA 00.01 GERMN DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC 01.39 7, 9 0~ GERMANYr FEDERAL FEPUMIC OF .08.31 GHANA 00.03 GREBCE 00.35 GRENADA 00.01 GUATEMALA 00.02 GUINEA 00.01 GUINEA- El S-%U 00.01 3 GUYANA 00.01 S P. SIC HAITI 00.01 HONDURAS 00.01 00.33 ICELAND 00.03 1 (0. ~-o INDIA 00.60 3, cl 0 Lro INDONESIA 00.16 IRAN 00.65 5D IRAQ 00.12 L" -00.16 IRELAND I SRAEL 00.25 So ITALY 03.45 4'? IVORY COASr 000.03 160/ -.Co CrD JAMAICA 00.02 113 JAPAN 09.58 54 127 0 JORDAN 00.01 SV SD KENYA 00.01 f4~ P KUAWT 00.20 130. - LAO PEOPLE'S DEMOCRATIC REPUELIC 00.01 S~, s LEBANON 00.03 LESXHO 00.01 LIBERIA 00.01 LIEYAN ARAB JAMAHIRIYA 00.23 ---LLDTJ4BOURG - 00.05 MADAGA,cM 00.01 KVAW 00.01 MALAY 9A 00.09 SD
L TOOOO CNVrIIZVL%g TO*00 TO'00 NVCKE WOO vxmvrl iw OL'TO NIVcE ao 'EZ-E WOO VDIU" E= ZY TO*00 vrmcs TO*00 S CNVrB I NCWCrICE; 80,00 mloavsm TO*00 m4cwl WHMS TO*00 TO*00 89,00 vmvu icua TO*00 Hcll~Nl-dd GW 2WOL OFS TO'00 VMS TO'00 SHRIGVNMM MU GNV Jb2WTA Jha I TO*00 viom RU
~Ils TO*00 Tzloo EO*00 0-1- g5,l
11) VVTO CNV7Cd o-o '595 OT'00 amicicliriiHcl I 6 -90*00 Mad TO*00 os -2-5 10*00 vaNinD boN vflcivd zo*oo vwvwci LO*00 NVJS DlVcl Toloo Mwo (25' WOO 9T * 00 VIMIN Gy TO*00 MIN ps -~s TO*00VMVdVOIN 05 -S. r's LZ`00CNVIVM bM o-5 6-or '6 E9010SCNVIHag= dZ5 TO*00 rlvclaN -15 TO*00 awlswvzcw cis rs V, WOOCDOWCW 10*00 W.L,K)DNUA WOO ooixm TO*00 s ailiuadi TO*00 'vimmw TO*00. VXI"M oy TOOOOrr%w TO*00 SaAIaTVW or
WEDW 01.31 -Z 14 SMIAN ARAB FEPUELIC 00.03 ~6 7HAILAND 00.10 -A:7 .~ 5--?- S,7 C9
00.01 SL Sb DMW AND TDOMM 00.03 14cl ..p TUNISIA 00.03 4 01. 90 um 00.30 ?~-, n UGANDA -Gl-.01-- fD UKPAINIAN SSR 01.46 UNION OF SWIET EOCIM. Sr rdi:PUELICS 11.10 L70
IUD ARAB EMIRATES 00.10 f7, 5, c-0 UNITED KINGDOM 04.46 ~F ? . 0-0 UNITED MUffffC OF CAMEROON 00.01 S*?- - -00 UNITED FEPUELIC OF TANZANIA 00.01 sz fo UNITED SrATES OF AMERICA 25.00 s-D UPPER VOLTA 00.01 S-zl URUGUAY 00.04 CIO VENEZUELA 00.50 VIET NAM 00-03 S-0 YEMEN 00.01 1"o YUGOSLAVIA 00.42 3 MIES 00.02- Ln ZAME11A 00 02 ZIMEREWE 00:020 S.
The Trust Fund for the Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer (hereinafter referred to as tie Trust Fund) shall be established and continued for a period of two years fr~m to provide financial support for the aims of the Convention, as deternined by the signatories thereto.
2. The Trust Fund shall , subject to the consent of the Secret ary-General of the United Nations be established in accordance with financial regulation 6.6 of the United Nations and Article V of the-General Procedures governing the Operations of the United Nations Environment Programme.
3. The Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme shall, subject to the consent of the Governing Council and the Secret ary-General of the United Nations J be responsible for the administration of the Trust Fund.
4. The Trust Fund shall be administered by the Executive.Director in accordance witih the financial rules and regulations of the United Nations relating to trust funds as laid down by the Secret ary-General from time to time and the general procedures governing the Operations of the Fund of UNEP.
The adkinistration of the Trust Fund shall involve no financial implications for the Regular Budget of the United Nations and a deduction for reimbursement of United Nations programme support costs shall be made from the Trust Fund each year at the standard percentage approved by the General *j Assembly for such reimbursements. The percentage shall be charged against the level of expenditure incurred in connection with..the financial support~to the aims of the Convention.
6. The expenditures of the trust fund shall be financed from agreed contributions made by the States party to the Convention and in accordance with the decisions on financial arrangements 'adopted by the Contributions from States that become signatories after the beginning of the financial period shall be made on a pro-rata basis for the balance of the financial period.
/2... 2
No commitments from the trust fund shall be made in advance if the receipt of contributions and none shall be made before a minimum of US$250,000 has been contributed to the Trust Fund.
7. All contributions shall be paid in fully convertible United States dollars. Contributions shal 1 be paid in annual Installments due on the first day of January of the year to which such contributions refer. Contributions shall be paid into the following account
Account No. 015-002756 UNEP general Trust,i,Ads Account Chemical Bank, United Nations Branch New York, N.Y. 10017 indicating. the purpose of payment Ozone Trust Fund
8. Contributions received into the Trust Fund -and mot immediately required to 21mance activities shall be invested at the discretion of the United Nations, and any income shall be credited to the Trust Fund.
9. The budget estimates covering the income and expenditure for each of the two calendar years constituting the financtal period to w1iich they relate, prepared in United States dollars, as well as the work plan for the same period, shall be submitted to the annual intergovernmental meetings of the States sig&t'ories to the'Convention.
4 10. Annual reports on the administration of the Trust Fund shall be submitted by the Executive Director to the annual intergovernmental meetings of the States signatories to the Convention.
11. These terms of reference shall be effective for period I January 198.. to 31'December 198