BA471 – Fall 2007

Entity Relationship Diagram - Example:

An automotive repair garage takes orders from customers who want to have their cars repaired.

In this example, ORDER, PART, SUPPLIER, and CUSTOMER are entities.

These four entities in the automotive repair garage database have the following attribute types:

1) CUSTOMER: Customer#, CName, C_Street_Address, C_State, C_Zip, CPhone, CEmail

2) SUPPLIER: Supplier#, SName, SAddress, SPhone, SEmail

3) ORDER: Order#, Part#, #OfParts

4) PART: Part#, PartDescription, UnitPrice, Supplier#

Facts to know about the database:  The business takes orders from many customers  A customer can place many orders  Each order relates to only one customer.  Each part comes from only one supplier  A supplier can supply many parts  An order could contain many parts  Each part can be ordered multiple times (on different orders).

Question: Draw an entity-relationship diagram (ERD) to represent the above information.