AS471 Quiz 7 Name______Section _____

200 Points: Due at Beginning of Class during the Week of 29 October 2012 The Grade Will Be Split into Two Quiz Grades of 100 Points Each

First complete the assigned reading and related work. Then with your textbook and course notes closed, TYPE your answers into the MSWord file in the space provided. Use books and notes to correct your answers as necessary, then print a SINGLE-SIDE hardcopy for submission in class. Staple pages together before you submit the quiz. Please do not reformat the file or change the font size. Your responses should fit inside the outlined tables provided, which provide adequate space for a complete answer.

You are flying the ERAU Decathlon under VFR conditions at 5000 feet altitude and find yourself in an upset attitude—40o nose down, 135o left wing down, 120 mph airspeed, and 23” of manifold pressure. The aircraft is trimmed for 100 mph straight and level flight.

1. (10 points) What is the throttle setting (full, almost full, one-half, almost idle, idle)? Explain your answer.

2. (10points) What is .the best visual indication that the upset is nose low?

3. (30 points) Your immediate responses should include G force control and throttle manipulation. The responses should be done in parallel, not sequentially.

a) What G force will you try to achieve while you are inverted (a number)?

b) How will you move the control stick fore-aft achieve this G force?

c) How will you manipulate the throttle?

4. (20 points) You must determine your bank angle. You can do so by looking outside the airplane.

a) What will you see when you look out the side window to your right?

b) What will you see when you look out the side window to your left?

1 2 5. (50 points) In order to recover from this upset, you will need to start a roll towards a wings level upright attitude without delay.

a) Which wing do you want to roll toward (right or left)?

b) What G force do you want to maintain during this roll while you are still inverted (a number)?

c) Describe the side to side control stick movement you will apply to roll as described in a) above.

d) Describe the rudder pedal movement you will use to roll as specified in a) above.

e) Describe the fore-aft stick movement you will apply while rolling to achieve the G force identified in b) above

6. (80 points) You have rolled until the bank angle is 80o left wing down. The roll is continuing rapidly toward a wings level attitude. Airspeed has reached 145 mph. The pitch attitude is 50o nose down. You will now commence a rolling pullout to wings level, constant altitude flight

a) What G force do you want to apply during the rolling pullout (a number)? Explain your answer, assuming GMax-Allowable = 6.0 for the Decathlon.

b) What fore-aft control stick movement will you use to achieve the G force in a) above while continuing the roll to wings level?

c) What roll control stick input will you use while continuing to roll wings level?

3 d) Describe the control stick forces you expect to encounter in manipulating the stick in b) and c) above? Differentiate between for-aft forces and side-to-side forces.

e) Describe the rudder pedals movement you will use while you continue rolling wings level?

f) You will need to lead the rollout to a wings level attitude. About how many degrees of roll before you reach wings level should you initiate the rollout? Explain your answer.

g) Describe the control stick and rudder pedal movements necessary to achieve the rollout. Consider both fore-aft and side-to-side stick movement. Assume the nose is still below the horizon.

h) The nose reaches the horizon in a wings level attitude. Airspeed is 165 mph. Discuss control stick/rudder/throttle adjustments necessary to resume straight and level flight.