Florence Frager Young Artist Competition Application Name Age Email Address

Phone School Grade Instrument Years Studied Teachers

Work Performed Mvt. Composer Accompanist

Information for Applicants A. Qualifications An applicant shall: 1 1. Be a senior high school student in grades 9-12. 2 2. Be an orchestral instrumentalist. 3. Complete the above application. 4. Reside within a 150-mile radius of St. Louis B. Auditions An applicant shall: 1. Perform from memory a movement from a work in the advanced concert repertoire that is scored for orchestral accompaniment. 2. Audition for ten minutes maximum on Sunday afternoon/evening, November 20, 2016. (Auditions will be at St. Paul’s Evangelical Church from 5pm to 8pm.) 3. Supply an accompanist. 4. Bring two copies of the music for the judges without any names on the copies. C. Award The judges shall choose no more than three winners. The winner(s) shall receive an honorarium and perform as soloist(s) with the St. Louis Civic Orchestra at its scholarship concert on April 23, 2017, at 3:00pm. D. Application Procedure For information, email or call Daniel Shavers at [email protected] 314-679-0291. Applicants should submit the application either: 1. Send to St. Louis Civic Orchestra, P.O. Box 410053, St. Louis, MO 63141 2. Email to [email protected] Applications must be received by November 16, but only the first 15 will be accepted.