California State University Dominguez Hills s3

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California State University Dominguez Hills s3

California State University Dominguez Hills Academic Senate Minutes April 18, 2007 (Amended)

Voting Members Present: Berlin, Best, Bohman, Bordinaro, Butler, Cheever, D’Amore, Ferris, Furtado, Furusa, Ganezer, Gould, Hancock, Harvard-Hinchberger, Heinze- Balcazar, Jacobs, Jones, Kalayjian, Kaplan, Kowalski, Levine, Malamud, Murrey, O’Connor, Pawar, Shakib, Sneed and Zoerner.

Voting Members Absent: Bowman, Clark, Erbe, Faraji, Fawver, Herbert, Lopez-Morin, Ma, McCarthy, Moore, Papa, Park, Pu, and Vanterpool.

Ex-Officio Members Present: Blue, Hart, Hohm, Maki, Parham, Robles, Rodriguez, Strong, and Zarn.

Guests: Lois Feuer

1. The meeting was called to order at 2:35 p.m.

2. The agenda was approved

3. The minutes were approved with minor amendments.

Chair Butler opened the meeting with a moment of silence to remember the people who were killed in the Virginia Tech Shooting.

FIRST READING ITEM EPC 07-04-Resolution on Declaring a Major-Jacobs introduced the resolution to the Senate. Gould was concerned that 30 units is only 2 semesters but Jacobs reminded him that our students usually don’t take 15 units per semester. Malamud wanted to know why we need to put “Be required to” Blue said that all incoming transfer students have to declare a major. Levine asked if we have impacted majors and Blue said there are a couple. The resolution will be taken back to EPC for final revisions and brought back at the next senate meeting.

Exec 07-05-Resolution Honoring James E. Lyons, Sr. (W**) The resolution was voted on and passed MSP.

TIME CERTAIN: 3:30 p.m. Laura Robles-Discussion on RSCAAP Criteria for Awards and Mini Grants-Robles distributed and went over a memo that was from the Chancellor’s Office on 2006-2007 Allocations for Research, Scholarship and Creative Activity. There was a discussion. Malamud said that he felt it was wrong that junior faculty get 10 points and senior faculty should not apply and he asked where the criteria came from in the first place. Robles said there is a committee. Feuer said that setting the points and criteria are a policy matter which should emerge from the senate. Zoerner suggested that we lose the rubric. Robles said that it seemed that regardless of the rubric or points that the good proposal always float to the top. Ganezer suggested that we try to get more start up money for this and that $4500 is nothing. Malamud said that this should go to EPC or FPC and worked out and then brought back to the senate in the fall. Butler said that EPC or FPC needs some suggestions to get started. Kaplan suggested no points at all, just a list with no points. Zoerner said that many of the faculty have research projects that have nothing to do with the classes they teach. Gould said hat a good research proposal may not fit this scheme. Feuer said we should not exclude people based on criteria that does not fit them. Butler said this would be taken back to committee and then to FPC.

EXECUTIVE REPORTS Chair’s Report-Butler reported the interviews for our campus president were completed last Friday. Four of the candidates have been selected to come to campus for further interviews. The campus visits will take place on May 7, 8, 9 and 10th. There are four slots for candidates and the open forums will be from 3 to 4:15 p.m.

Parliamentarian Report-Kalayjian reported there are two calls out, one for the Director of Foundations. She said there were two nominations: Meng Zhou and Ivonne Heinze- Balcazar. The senate voted and all were in favor. Meng Zhou and Ivonne Heinze- Balcazar were elected. MSP. The second call was for Associate Director of Physical Plant. There was one nomination: Mohammed Eyadat. The senate voted and all were in favor. Mohammed Eyadat was elected. MSP.

Kalayjian reported the ballot for Senate Chair has been mailed out. She also asked the Senators about the possibility of forming a committee to change the Bylaws of the Constitution to avoid having to use the mail if there is only one candidate. Malamud said a committee is not needed to do this. Butler said the Executive Committee would do the rewriting and present the changes at the fall convocation.

EPC Report-None

FPC Report-None

Statewide Senate Report-Bordinaro said there will be a plenary session in May.

Presidents Report-Bowman was out of town attending a WASC Conference. No Report.

OPEN FORUM-There was a discussion on email about last Thursday’s Galaxy event and the parking problem. Zarn said that the president is working to draft a response hopefully today. It appears Home Depot Center made a contract with ESPN, but this contract is in conflict with our original contract with the Home Depot Center. Susan Sloan said that they meet weekly with the Home Depot Center and they noticed 8 or 10 Thursday soccer games, the next being on May 8, 2007. Levine said that there are 3 levels of events class III is the highest level and is prohibited when instruction is in progress unless the University gives prior approval. Chief Sloan said there are new managers at the Home Depot Center and it appears that they don’t know what the prior contract was. Zarn said that the president will resolve the situation. Kaplan said that contract language has to be respected and that you can’t “Bend It Like Beckham!!”

Meeting Adjourned at 4:30 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted By,

Mary Brooks, Assistant to the Chair Rod Butler, Chair, Academic Senate

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