Franklin-Simpson High School

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Franklin-Simpson High School


Course Name: Pre – AP Chemistry Unit Name: Chemical Equilibrium Days: 8

Quality Core Objectives:

Unit 15 Chemical Equilibrium I.A.1. Scientific Design experiments so that variables are controlled and appropriate numbers of trials are used b. Inquiry Collect, organize, and analyze data accurately and use techniques and equipment appropriately c. Interpret results and draw conclusions, revising hypotheses as necessary and/or formulating additional d. questions or explanations Write and speak effectively to present and explain scientific results, using appropriate terminology and e. graphics Safely use laboratory equipment and techniques when conducting scientific investigations f. Routinely make predictions and estimations g. I.A.2. Mathematics Use appropriate SI units for length, mass, time, temperature, quantity of matter, area, volume, and density; b. and describe the relationships among SI unit prefixes (e.g., centi-, milli-, kilo-); recognize commonly used non- Measurement SI units in Science Use the correct number of significant figures in reporting measurements and the results of calculations c. Express numbers in scientific notation when appropriate e. Solve for unknown quantities by manipulating variables f. Use graphical, mathematical, and/or statistical models to express patterns and relationships inferred from g. sets of scientific data Use a variety of appropriate sources (e.g., Internet, scientific journals) to retrieve relevant information; cite I.A.3. Science in e. Practice references properly V.B.1. Chemical Explain the collision theory of reactions a. Equilibrium Analyze factors (e.g., temperature, nature of reactants) affecting reaction rates in relation to the kinetic b. and Factors theory Affecting Describe the conditions that define equilibrium systems on a dynamic molecular level and on a static Reaction e. Rates; macroscopic scale Le Châtelier’s Apply Le Châtelier’s principle to explain a variety of changes in physical and chemical equilibria Principle f. Define K and manipulate K to predict solubility g. sp sp Explain the law of concentration (mass) action and write equilibrium law expressions for chemical equilibria h. Determine solubility product constants from solubilities (and vice versa) for a given solubility equilibrium i. system Define entropy and explain the role of entropy in chemical and physical changes, and explain the changes V.B.4. Enthalpy and d. Entropy that favor increases in entropy

Purpose of the Unit: Students will be able to use the collision theory to explain chemical reactions. They will also be able to discuss the different factors and the impact that they have on establishing and maintaining chemical equilibrium. Students will be able to discuss and calculate Ksp for solubility equilibrium systems.

Prerequisites: Students should be able to:  identify insoluble compounds  identify phase changes on the basis of requiring and releasing energy  identify the difference between endothermic and exothermic reactions  calculate solution concentrations

Daily Lesson Guide

Day Les Focus Critical Thinking Engag Assessment and/or son Questions (High Yield / Literacy /LTF/etc.) ement Accommodations Co nte nt and Obj ecti ves 1 * * What factors * Summarizing/ note taking * Pre – * Evaluate pre-test Col determine if * Nonlinguistic representation test * Evaluate math notes and lisi and how fast a * Identifying similarities and * ACT sample problems for on reaction differences bell understanding the reaches * Analysis/ Application ringer Enrichment: Less guidance in ory equilibrium? * demo note taking, more * on independence in practice, Fac MoLEs more challenging examples in tor websit formative s e** affe * ctio Model n notes rea * 3-2-1 ctio exit n slip rat (forma es tive) * Def inin g equ ilib riu m on mic ro- and ma cro sco pic sca les V.B .1.a , b, c

2 * * How can you * Summarizing/ note taking * ACT * Evaluate sample problems Usi predict the * Analysis/ Application bell for understanding ng direction of * I Do – We Do – You Do ringer Enrichment: Less guidance in Le change to * Identifying similarities and * demo note taking, more Ch reestablish differences on independence in practice, atli equilibrium in * Nonlinguistic representation MoLEs more challenging examples in er’s a reaction? websit formative pri e** nci * pal Model and notes ent and rop examp y to les pre togeth dict er, shif alone ts (forma in tive) equ ilib riu m V.B .1.f V.B .4.d 3-4 * * How can * Summarizing/ note taking * ACT * Evaluate sample problems Ks “insoluble * Analysis/ Application bell and math notes for p salts” really be * I Do – We Do – You Do ringer understanding and soluble? * Generating and testing hypotheses * math * Evaluate comprehension of pre * How much of * Advanced organizers notes article dict an “insoluble * Enrichment: Less guidance in ing salt” will Model note taking, more sol dissolve in a notes independence in practice, ubil solution? and more challenging examples in ity sampl formative * e La proble w ms of togeth ma er, ss alone acti (forma on tive) and * equ Article ilib about riu trace m metals law in our exp water res supply sio ns * Cal cul atin g sol ubil ity pro duc t con sta nt fro m sol ubil itie s (vic e- ver sa) for eq m sys tem s V.B .1.g , h, i

5-6 * * How can I * Synthesis/ Application/ Analysis * ACT * Evaluate lab report Lab apply what I * Identifying similarities and bell Enrichment: Student ora know from this differences ringer development of lab procedures tor unit to model a * Learning with others * with less guidance y: chemical * Authenticity Condu Mo reaction and * Novelty and Variety ct lab deli determine * Generating and testing hypotheses accord ng when ing to equ equilibrium proced ilib has been ures riu established? provid m ed wit (summ h ative) “be an rea ctio ns” I.A. 1.b, c, d, e, f, g I.A. 2.b, c, e, f, g I.A. 3.e V.B .1.a , b, e, f, g, h, i V.B .4.d 7 * * What can I do * Use clickers to test students’ * ACT * Students participate in review Re to be better knowledge and clarify and bell Enrichment: Less time to solve vie prepared for misconceptions before the exam with ringer problems and limited use of w the exam? immediate feedback. * Use aides I.A. clicker 1.b, s to c, review d, with e, f, exam g like I.A. questi 2.b, ons c, (summ e, f, ative) g I.A. 3.e V.B .1.a , b, e, f, g, h, i V.B .4.d 8 * * Can I * Evaluation * ACT * Evaluate exam Exa demonstrate * Analysis bell Enrichment: No use of m my knowledge * Application ringer supports with exemption of I.A. on the exam? * Synthesis * periodic table, periodic table 1.b, Stude only has element symbols, not c, nts names d, take e, f, exam g (summ I.A. ative) 2.b, c, e, f, g I.A. 3.e V.B .1.a , b, e, f, g, h, i V.B .4.d ** MoLEs website:

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