Meeting Was Called to Order at 10:31Am
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PO Box 227 Alpine, AZ 85920 Office: 928-339-4814 Fax: 928-339-4290 Alpine Fire District [email protected]
Pursuant to A.R.S. § 38-431.02 notice is hereby given to the members of the Alpine Fire District and to the general public that the Alpine Fire District will hold a meeting open to the public on the date mentioned in this notice at the Alpine Fire Station. The District Board may go into executive on any agenda item, pursuant to A.R.S. § 38-431.03 (A) (3) for legal advice with the district’s attorney or matters as set forth in the agenda item. The District Board or other participants may attend by teleconference. The following topics and any variables thereto, will be subject to the Boards consideration, discussion, approval, or other action. All items are set for possible action.
1. CALL TO ORDER. Meeting was called to order at 10:31am.
2. ROLL CALL OF BOARD MEMBERS. Present: Tom White, Linda Fite, Lavon Martin, Mike Cox and Tony Pellegrino via phone. Also Present: Chief Noth.
3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA. Member Fite made the motion to accept the agenda and Member Martin second. Approved.
4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM JULY 19, 2017 REGULAR MONTHLY BOARD MEETING. Member Cox made the motion to approve the minutes from the July 19, Regular Meeting and Member Pellegrino second. Approved.
5. CALL TO THE PUBLIC. Oscar Miranda addressed the board on the Second Annual Firefighter Recognition and Memorial Service to be held October 7, 2017 at 11:00am at the Alpine Community Center.
A. DISCUSSION/ACTION: FINANCIAL REPORT Bank of the West: $6,072.96 General Operating: $97,207.05 Total: $103,280.01 Treasurer Martin explained the current financial report for the district and that we were in good shape. Chairman White asked for some clarification on some “casual hire” names that were on the payroll. Chief Noth explained that in order for us to fill seats on our wildland truck this season we had to hire some seasonal employees to assist with our wildland responses. Member Fite made the motion to accept the Financial Report and Member Cox second. Approved.
B. DISCUSSION/ACTION: FIRE CHIEFS REPORT Chief Noth gave a report on the number of responses for the month of July, current status of all grants, activities in Nutrioso, and status of the Alpine East Annexation. Member Martin made the motion to accept the Chiefs Report and Member Fite second. Approved.
9. DISCUSSION/ACTION: Trade-In Options for Engine 1833. Board will be advised of trade in options for Engine 1833. Member Fite made the motion to release Engine 1833 for a trade in towards the purchase of a more suitable piece of equipment for the district and Member Pellegrino second. Approved.
10. DISCUSSION/ACTION: Substitution of Collateral Agreement on Engine 1833. Member Fite made the motion to authorize Chairman White to sign the Substitution of Collateral Agreement with Kansas State Bank Financial for purchase of an apparatus and Member Cox second. Approved.
11. DISCUSSION/ACTION: Purchase of Wildland Urban Interface Pumper from Outback Fire Apparatus. Member Cox made a motion to purchase a Wildland Urban Interface Pumper from Outback Fire Appratus for $105, 995.00. $10,000 cash and $95,995.00 trade in Member Fite second. Approved.
12. DISCUSSION/ACTION: Approval to send 3 people to AZ State Fire School September 7 - 10, 2017. Chief Noth gave an explanation of expenses associated with state fire school and explained that the classes that are offered are very good and a great opportunity. Member Cox made the motion to approve 3 personnel to attend AZ State Fire School and Member Fite second. Approved.
13. DISCUSSION: Training Reimbursement Review. DISCUSSION ONLY. Chief Noth is to form a committee chosen from the fire department personnel to create a report of options to bring back to the board.
14. DISCUSSION/ACTION: SET DATE AND TIME FOR THE SEPTEMBER MEETING. Member Martin made the motion for the next meeting to be held September 20, 2017 @ 10:30am and Member Cox second. Approved.
15. DISCUSSION: ESTABLISH AGENDA ITEMS FOR THE SEPTEMBER MEETING. Training Reimbursement Policy Update, New Truck Update, Loan-Schedule Update, State Fire School Update.
16. ADJOURNMENT. Member Fite made the motion to adjourn and Member Cox second. Approved. 11:32am.
17. If any disabled persons require any special accommodations, please contact the Alpine Fire District prior to the Board Meeting and we will assist you however we can. (928) 339-4814