Stephen F. Austin State University 11/16/2011
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Stephen F. Austin State University 11/16/2011
New Program Request Form
This form must be completed when any new program is proposed. Submit the form with the appropriate Substantive Change Prospectus to the University Curriculum Committee when seeking approval to offer a new degree program (or other new program described in policy A-4). The form must also be accompanied by documentation as outlined in the attached “Required Contents of a Draft for a Substantive Change Prospectus” (See policy A-4 & A-70). Please consult the Timeline for Substantive Change proposals when selecting an implementation date.
Degree and/or Program Title: ______
Proposed CIP Code ______
Total Hour in Degree Programs Program Coordinator:
Implementation Date Projected Enrollment
Target Audience:
Briefly describe the new program.______
Complete the course list on page 2.
Include a brief approval letter from the Dean of your college or school.
Include a cover letter explaining the program proposal.
This plan has been recommended by the department and college curriculum committee.
______Date College Curriculum Chair
Date Dean Signature Department Chair
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Program Information
I. Need
A. Job Market Need – Provide short- and long-term evidence of the need for graduates in the job market.
B. Student Demand – Provide short- and long-term evidence of demand for the program.
C. Enrollment Projections – Use this table to show the estimated cumulative headcount and full-time student equivalent (FTSE) enrollment for the first five years of the program. (Include majors only and consider attrition and graduation.)
YEAR 1 2 3 4 5 Headcount FTSE
II. Quality
A. Degree Requirements – Use this table to show the degree requirements of the program. (Modify the table as needed; if necessary, replicate the table for more than one option.)
Semester Category Credit Clock Hours Hours General Education Core Curriculum (bachelor’s degree only) Required Courses
Prescribed Electives
Free Electives
Other (Specify, e.g., internships, (if not included clinical work) above)
B. Curriculum – Use these tables to identify the required courses and prescribed electives of the program. Note with an asterisk (*)
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courses that would be added if the program is approved. (Add and delete rows as needed. If applicable, replicate the tables for different tracks/options.)
Prefix and Required Courses SCH Number
Prefix and Prescribed Elective Courses SCH Number
C. Faculty – Use these tables to provide information about Core and Support faculty. Add an asterisk (*) before the name of the individual who will have direct administrative responsibilities for the program. (Add and delete rows as needed.)
% Time Name of Core Faculty Highest Degree and Courses Assigned Assigned and Faculty Rank Awarding Institution in Program To Program e.g.: Robertson, David PhD. in Molecular Genetics MG200, MG285 Asst. Professor Univ. of Texas at Dallas MG824 (Lab Only) 50%
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New Faculty in Year __
New Faculty in Year __
% Time Name of Support Faculty Highest Degree and Courses Assigned Assigned and Faculty Rank Awarding Institution in Program To Program
D. Students – Describe general recruitment efforts and admission requirements. In accordance with the institution’s Uniform Recruitment and Retention Strategy, describe plans to recruit, retain, and graduate students from underrepresented groups for the program.
E. Library and Learning Resources – Provide the library director’s assessment of library resources necessary for the program. Describe plans to build the library holdings to support the program.
Describe library and information resources—general as well as specific to the program—and staffing and services that are in place to support the initiative. If reliant upon other libraries, describe those collections and their relevance to the proposed program(s) and include a copy of formal agreements in the appendix. Relative to electronic resources, describe how students and faculty will access information, training for faculty and students in the use of online resources, and staffing and services available to students and faculty. For doctoral programs, document discipline-specific refereed journals and primary source materials.
F. Facilities and Equipment – Describe the availability and adequacy of facilities and equipment to support the program. Describe plans for facility and equipment improvements/additions.
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G. Accreditation – If the discipline has a national accrediting body, describe plans to obtain accreditation or provide a rationale for not pursuing accreditation.
H. Evaluation – Describe the evaluation process that will be used to assess the quality and effectiveness of the new degree program. Describe how the institution assesses overall institutional effectiveness as well as the means used to monitor and ensure the quality of the degree program(s), off-campus site(s), or other changes. Summarize procedures for systematic evaluation of instructional results, including the process for monitoring and evaluating programs at the new site, as well as using the results of evaluation to improve institutional programs, services, and operations. For distance learning instruction or compressed time frames, describe the methodology for determining that levels of knowledge and competencies comparable to those required in traditional formats have been achieved.
III. Costs and Funding
Five-Year Costs and Funding Sources - Use this table to show five-year costs and sources of funding for the program.
Five-Year Costs Five-Year Funding Personnel1 $0 Reallocated Funds $0 Facilities and Equipment Anticipated New Formula $0 Funding3 $0 Library, Supplies, Special Item Funding and Materials $0 $0 Other2 $0 Other4 $0 Total Costs $0 Total Funding $0
1. Report costs for new faculty hires, graduate assistants, and technical support personnel. For new faculty, prorate individual salaries as a percentage of the time assigned to the program. If existing faculty will contribute to program, include costs necessary to maintain existing programs (e.g., cost of adjunct to cover courses previously taught by faculty who would teach in new program). 2. Specify other costs here (e.g., administrative costs, travel). 3. Indicate formula funding for students new to the institution because of the program; formula funding should be included only for years three through five of the program and should reflect enrollment projections for years three through five. 4. Report other sources of funding here. In-hand grants, “likely” future grants, and designated tuition and fees can be included.
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Required Additional Information
1. ABSTRACT (limit to one page or less) Describe the proposed change; list the street address, if the change involves the initiation of an off-campus site; initial date of implementation; projected number of students, if applicable; description of primary target audience; projected life of the program (single cohort or ongoing); and instructional delivery methods.
2. BACKGROUND INFORMATION Provide a clear statement of the nature and purpose of the change in the context of the institution’s mission and goals; evidence of the legal authority for the change (if authorization is required by the governing board or the state); and whether the proposed degree program or similar program is offered on the main campus or at other off-campus sites.
3. DESCRIPTION OF THE CHANGE Provide a description of the proposed change, including the specific outcomes and learning objectives of the program, a schedule of proposed course offerings for the first year, and a copy of course syllabi. In the case of a change involving the initiation of a branch campus or of an off-site program, indicate the educational program to be offered. Describe any differences in admission, curriculum, or graduation requirements for students enrolled at the new site(s), or any special arrangements for grading, transcripts, or transfer policies. Describe administrative oversight to ensure the quality of the program or services to be offered.
5. FACULTY Provide a complete roster (using the Faculty Roster form at of those faculty employed to teach in the program(s), including a description of those faculty member’s academic qualifications and other experiences relevant to the courses taught, and course load in the new program as well as course work taught in other programs currently offered; evidence that faculty members are adequate to support the program; and the impact of the new initiative on faculty workload. For distance learning programs, describe processes in place to ensure that students have structured access to faculty. For graduate programs, document scholarship and research capability of faculty; for doctoral programs, document faculty experience in directing student research.