Wall School Board of Education
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The Board of Education of the Wall School District #51-5 met in regular session on Wednesday, December 9, 2015, in the Library of Wall School. Members present: Chairperson Eisenbraun, Vice-Chairperson Cordes, Members Anderson, Kjerstad, Bielmaier, Leonard, and Simons. Also attending were Superintendent Garnos, Business Manager Mohr, Elementary Principal Sykora, Lee Geiger, Tyler Walker, Deidre Budahl, Kent Anderson, Cheyenne McGriff, Shawn Cutler, and Michaela Bryan. Chairperson Eisenbraun called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m.
All action taken in the following minutes carried by unanimous vote unless otherwise stated.
Business Manager Mohr took a roll call of the board members. All members were present.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
5101. Cordes moved to approve the agenda. Seconded by Anderson. Motion carried.
5102. Anderson moved to approve the consent agenda as follows: Seconded by Kjerstad. Motion carried. Approve minutes of November 11, 2015 board meeting. Approve December claims. Approve 2015-2016 activity contract: JR Folkers, Asst Boys Basketball Coach - $2,015.00 Approve 2015-2016 staff contract: Jennifer Casjens, Paraprofessional - $9.50/hr. We would like to commend the many students making the honor roll and those who have perfect attendance during the 1st 9 weeks.
GENERAL CAPITAL SPEC. ED. IMPACT AID LUNCH WASP TOTAL ALL OUTLAY FUNDS BEGINNING BALANCE: 10-31-15 $445,694.34 $537,453.64 $360,140.27 $2,539,991.42 $5,496.31 $51,215.41 $3,939,991.39 Receipts: Local Sources: $248,876.51 $151,748.63 $106,349.27 $336.87 $8,364.53 1,429.59 $517,105.40 County Sources: $1,948.55 $186.50 $130.64 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,265.69 State Sources: $61,489.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $61,489.00 Federal Sources: $28,225.00 $0.00 $4,522.00 $0.00 $5,354.80 $0.00 $38,101.80 Other Sources: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 General Journal Revenue: $333.55 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $333.55 Total to be accounted for: $786,566.95 $689,388.77 $471,142.18 $2,540,328.29 $19,215.64 $52,645.00 $4,559,286.83
Disbursements: $188,893.06 $9,989.90 $18,760.42 $0.00 $11,218.39 $1,504.94 $230,366.71 General Journal $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Disbursements: EOM BALANCE: 11-30-15 $597,673.89 $679,398.87 $452,381.76 $2,540,328.29 $7,997.25 $51,140.06 $4,328,920.12
Deidre Budahl from Casey Peterson and Associates was present to report on the fiscal year 2015 audit of Wall School District’s financial statements. She also guided the board through reports showing financial strengths and weaknesses of the District.
Lee Geiger and Tyler Walker, both of Geiger Architecture, reviewed the proposed plans for the concession/bathroom/storage facility at the athletic complex. Timelines were discussed to be able to keep the project moving toward a completion date by the first football game in 2016. Costs and fees were discussed and the estimated costs for the plans that were provided was in the $500,000 range.
5103. Cordes moved to approve moving forward with the 3-hole soil testing and having Ted Schulz work on the surveying/topographic work. Seconded by Bielmaier. Motion carried.
Next, there was discussion on different cost savings options for the storage portion of the proposed building.
5104. Kjerstad moved to approve moving forward with Geiger Architecture on the concession/bathroom/storage project. Seconded by Cordes. Motion carried.
Next, Cheyenne McGriff, Wall’s Economic Development Director, updated the Board on the survey the high school students completed. The Student Council is going to put a committee together to help with the efforts of trying to get a teen center going in Wall. Also, there will be a series of classes called Small Business Beginnings offered starting in late January. A $75 fee will be charged to participate in the classes. Kent Anderson, AD, gave a summary of how the fall activities ended and what winter activities have begun.
All State Chorus: Travis Brenner, David Bintliff, Trista Reinert, Sierra Wilson - Academic All-State - Sierra Wilson – National Anthem at State 9B Football Championship Game
4 Year Honor Band: Caitlin Ausmann
Oral Interp: 10 Girls, 1 Boy All competed at Districts, Elle Moon competed at Regions Academic All State
Middle School Volleyball: 17 girls participated 6-12 (very good regular season, average tournaments)
Varsity Volleyball: 22 participated Record 20-6 (2nd in Conference) Lost to Philip in District Championship Academic All State Team Monica Bielmaier, Josie Blasius, Caitlyn Ausmann – Academic All State All Conference: 1st Team – Katy Bielmaier, Josie Blasius 2nd Team – Savana Johnston, Monica Bielmaier
Middle School Football: 22 participated 5-0 regular season record (2 other Jamborees)
Varsity Football: 36 started the season, lost 2, gained one, lost one Finished 4th in Conference behind SC, Philip, Lyman 3-3 record (all play-off teams) JV – 4-1 Record (2 games canceled and 1 Jamboree) Team Academic All State Gabe Sandal – Academic All State Cass Lytle – Honorable Mention 9B All State Punter All Conference: Cass Lytle, Carter Elshere, Rylee Schreiber, Gabe Sandal Honorable Mention All Conf – Jacob Linn, Camden Sawvell, Raedon Anderson
Cross Country: 4 participated (1-girl JH, 1 JH Boy, Junior Boy, Senior Boy David Bintliff – 7th in Conference (All Conference) David Bintliff – 6th at Regions David Bintliff – 55th at State Meet Team Academic All State David Sykora – Academic All State
Middle School Girls Basketball: 14 participated (improved a lot throughout the season)
Winter Activities:
Boys Basketball: 20 participating (2 injured) (1 moving after Christmas)
Girls Basketball: 13 participants
Gymnastics: 13 participants (6 from Wall) (1 is moving) Last Friday vs. Hot Springs here
Wrestling: 2 part of Philip Area Team (Badlands Brawlers) 6th grader: Reid Hanson is undefeated in JH Meets so far
One Act Play is busy practicing
Member Simons gave an update from Delegate Assembly. She and Member Leonard attended this meeting in Pierre in November. She commented that most everything passed. The preschool standards topic had an amendment proposed and she supported it. The testing topic which our board held a lot of discussion on passed, but there was a lot of discussion at the Delegate Assembly level too. Simons asked for an amendment on the resolution regarding an extra sales tax. She asked for is to state only during the four summer months, but she did not get a second so the amendment did not pass.
Elementary Principal Sykora asked for the District’s audiology equipment to be declared surplus.
5105. Simons moved to declare the audiology equipment surplus. Seconded by Anderson. Motion carried.
Sykora noted the dates and times of upcoming programs/events. He also recognized Ronda Wilson and Michelle Ruland for doing great during the SPED review that was done in the fall. Next, Sykora discussed a grant opportunity with the Board and asked if the curriculum committee members would be interested in doing a book study about mass customized learning through the TIE office. There will be more information to come.
Business Manager Mohr discussed the Hayes scholarship with the Board and it was determined the amount would be decided on at the next meeting. The next school board election was also discussed. Mohr suggested the school combine with the City of Wall and the Town of Wasta as they have in the past. Mohr also discussed the option of having the election in April instead of June this year. The Board will make a final decision at the January meeting.
Superintendent/Principal Garnos gave the Board some finalized information on the Hall of Fame to review. Black Hills Roofing has been back to work on the roof issues and there have been no new leaks. Dirksen Flooring will look at the floor and determine the best time to have it refinished. Garnos asked the Board to give all FT/PT continuing staff a bonus of $75 Wall Bucks. The Board was in agreement with doing the Christmas bonus.
Next, a home school application was passed around for the Board to review.
5106. Cordes moved to approve the home school application. Seconded by Simons. Motion carried.
Next, Garnos discussed the Blue Ribbon Task Force work with the Board to give them an idea of what may come out of the legislative session this year. ESEA passed and the President will be signing it tomorrow. That is good news for Impact Aid for the next two years.
Garnos passed around a letter of resignation (after this school year) from Lori Walker and the Board accepted it with regret. Lori has been teaching in the Wall School since 1974.
There was a consensus by the Board to allow Garnos to attend the National Superintendents Meeting in Arizona in February.
5107. At 9:36 p.m., Cordes moved to go into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing student matters and personnel, according to SDCL 1-25-2. Seconded by Bielmaier. Motion carried.
5108. Simons moved to approve Garnos as a volunteer for MS/HS boys basketball and Leonard as a volunteer for girls basketball. Seconded by Kjerstad. Motion carried.
With no further business brought to the board, Chairperson Eisenbraun declared the meeting adjourned at 10:37 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by Niki Mohr, Business Manager
______Scot Eisenbraun, Chairperson Niki A. Mohr, Business Manager
Published once at the total approximate cost of ______.