KMIP Tape Library Profile Version 1.0

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KMIP Tape Library Profile Version 1.0

KMIP Suite B Profile Version 1.0

Working Draft 0103

10 July August 2013

Technical Committee: OASIS Key Management Interoperability Protocol (KMIP) TC Chairs: Robert Griffin ([email protected]), EMC Corporation Subhash Sankuratripati ([email protected]), NetApp Editors: Kelley Burgin ([email protected]), National Security Agency Tim Hudson ([email protected]), Cryptsoft Related work: This specification is related to:  Key Management Interoperability Protocol Profiles Version 1.0. 01 October 2010. OASIS Standard.  Key Management Interoperability Protocol Specification Version 1.1. 24 January 2013. OASIS Standard.  Key Management Interoperability Protocol Specification Version 1.2. Latest version. Abstract: Describes a profile for KMIP clients and KMIP servers using Suite B cryptography that has been approved by NIST for use by the U.S. Government and specified in NIST standards or recommendations. Status: This Working Draft (WD) has been produced by one or more TC Members; it has not yet been voted on by the TC or approved as a Committee Draft (Committee Specification Draft or a Committee Note Draft). The OASIS document Approval Process begins officially with a TC vote to approve a WD as a Committee Draft. A TC may approve a Working Draft, revise it, and re- approve it any number of times as a Committee Draft. Initial URI pattern: csd01.doc

Copyright © OASIS Open 2013. All Rights Reserved. All capitalized terms in the following text have the meanings assigned to them in the OASIS Intellectual Property Rights Policy (the "OASIS IPR Policy"). The full Policy may be found at the OASIS website. This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published, and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this section are included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this document itself may not be modified in any way, including by removing the copyright notice or references to OASIS, except as needed for the purpose of developing any document or deliverable produced by an OASIS Technical Committee (in which case the rules applicable to copyrights, as set forth in the OASIS IPR Policy, must be followed) or as required to translate it into languages other than English. The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be revoked by OASIS or its successors or assigns.

1kmip-suite-b-profile-v1.0-wd01wd03 Working Draft 0103 10 July August 2013 2Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2013. All Rights Reserved. Page 1 of 27 This document and the information contained herein is provided on an "AS IS" basis and OASIS DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY WARRANTY THAT THE USE OF THE INFORMATION HEREIN WILL NOT INFRINGE ANY OWNERSHIP RIGHTS OR ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

3kmip-suite-b-profile-v1.0-wd01wd03 Working Draft 0103 10 July August 2013 4Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2013. All Rights Reserved. Page 2 of 27 Table of Contents

11 Introduction...... 4 2 1.1 Terminology...... 5 3 1.2 Normative References...... 5 4 1.3 Non-Normative References...... 5 52 Suite B minLOS_128 Profile...... 7 6 2.1 Authentication Suite...... 7 7 2.1.1 Protocols...... 7 8 2.1.2 Cipher Suites...... 7 9 2.1.3 Client Authenticity...... 7 10 2.1.4 Object Owner...... 7 11 2.1.5 KMIP Port Number...... 7 12 2.2 Suite B minLOS_128...... 7 133 Suite B minLOS_128 Test Cases...... 10 14 3.1 Mandatory Test Cases...... 10 15 SBS-M-1...... 10 16 SBS-M-2...... 10 174 Suite B minLOS_192 Profile...... 11 18 4.1 Authentication Suite...... 11 19 4.1.1 Protocols...... 11 20 4.1.2 Cipher Suites...... 11 21 4.1.3 Client Authenticity...... 11 22 4.1.4 Object Owner...... 11 23 4.1.5 KMIP Port Number...... 11 24 4.2 Suite B minLOS_192...... 11 255 Suite B minLOS_192 Test Cases...... 14 26 5.1 Mandatory Test Cases...... 14 27 SBTS-M-1...... 14 28 SBTS-M-2...... 14 296 Conformance...... 15 30 6.1 Suite B minLOS_128 Profile Conformance...... 15 31 6.2 Suite B minLOS_192 Profile Conformance...... 15 32 6.3 Permitted Test Case Variations...... 15 33 6.3.1 Variable Items...... 15 34 6.3.2 Variable behavior...... 16 35Appendix A. Acknowledgments...... 18 36Appendix B. KMIP Specification Cross Reference...... 21 37Appendix C. Revision History...... 26

5kmip-suite-b-profile-v1.0-wd01wd03 Working Draft 0103 10 July August 2013 6Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2013. All Rights Reserved. Page 3 of 27 381 Introduction 39For normative definition of the elements of KMIP see the KMIP Specification [KMIP-SPEC] and the KMIP 40Profiles [KMIP-PROF]. 41Illustrative guidance for the implementation of KMIP clients and servers is provided in the KMIP Usage 42Guide [KMIP-UG]. 43Suite B [SuiteB] requires that key establishment and signature algorithms be based upon Elliptic Curve 44Cryptography and that the encryption algorithm be AES [FIPS197]. Suite B includes: 45

Encryption Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) (key sizes of 128 and 256 bits)

Digital Signature Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) (using the curves with 256-bit and 384-bit prime moduli) Key Exchange Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH), (using the curves with 256-bit and 384-bit prime moduli) Hashes SHA-256 and SHA-384 46 47Suite B provides for two levels of cryptographic security, namely a 128-bit minimum level of security 48(minLOS_128) and a 192-bit minimum level of security (minLOS_192). Each level defines a minimum 49strength that all cryptographic algorithms must provide. A KMIP product configured at a minimum level of 50security of 128 bits provides adequate protection for classified information up to the SECRET level. A 51KMIP product configured at a minimum level of security of 192 bits is required to protect classified 52information at the TOP SECRET level. 53The Suite B non-signature primitives are divided into two columns as shown below.

Column 1 Column 2 Encryption AES-128 AES-256 Key Agreement ECDH on P-256 ECDH on P-384 Hash for PRF/MAC SHA-256 SHA-384 54 55At the 128-bit minimum level of security, the non-signature primitives MUST either come exclusively from 56Column 1 or exclusively from Column 2. 57At the 192-bit minimum level of security, the non-signature primitives MUST come exclusively from 58Column 2. 59Digital signatures using ECDSA MUST be used for authentication. Following the direction of RFC 4754, 60ECDSA-256 represents an instantiation of the ECDSA algorithm using the P-256 curve and the SHA-256 61hash function. ECDSA-384 represents an instantiation of the ECDSA algorithm using the P-384 curve and 62the SHA-384 hash function. 63If configured at a minimum level of security of 128 bits, a KMIP product MUST use either ECDSA-256 or 64ECDSA-384 for authentication. It is allowable for one party to authenticate with ECDSA-256 and the other 65party to authenticate with ECDSA-384. This flexibility will allow interoperability between a KMIP client and 66server that have different sizes of ECDSA authentication keys. KMIP products configured at a minimum 67level of security of 128 bits MUST be able to verify ECDSA-256 signatures and SHOULD be able to verify

7kmip-suite-b-profile-v1.0-wd01wd03 Working Draft 0103 10 July August 2013 8Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2013. All Rights Reserved. Page 4 of 27 68ECDSA-384 signatures. If configured at a minimum level of security of 192 bits, ECDSA-384 MUST be 69used by both the KMIP client and server for authentication. KMIP products configured at a minimum level 70of security of 192 bits MUST be able to verify ECDSA-384 signatures. 71KMIP products, at both minimum levels of security, MUST each use an X.509 certificate that complies 72with the "Suite B Certificate and Certificate Revocation List (CRL) Profile" [RFC5759] and that contains an 73elliptic curve public key with the key usage bit set for digital signature.

741.1 Terminology 75The key words “MUST”, “SHALL”, “SHOULD”, and “MAY” in this document are to be interpreted as 76described in [RFC2119].

771.2 Normative References 78 [CNSSP-15] N.S.A., “National Information Assurance Policy on the Use of Public Standards 79 for the Secure Sharing of Information Among National Security Systems”, 1 80 October 2013, 81 %2015_minorUpdate1_Oct12012.pdf. 82 [RFC2119] Bradner, S., “Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels”, BCP 83 14, RFC 2119, March 1997, 84 [RFC4754] D. Fu and J. Solinas, IKE and IKEv2 Authentication Using the Elliptic Curve 85 Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA), IETF RFC 4754, Jan 2007, 86 87 [RFC5246] Dierks, T. and E. Rescorla, The Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol Version 88 1.2, IETF RFC 5246, August 2008, 89 [RFC6460] M. Salter and R. Housley, Suite B Profile for Transport Layer Security (TLS), 90 IETF RFC 6460, January 2012, 91 [KMIP-SPEC] One or more of [KMIP-SPEC-1_0], [KMIP-SPEC-1_1], [KMIP-SPEC-1_2] 92 [KMIP-SPEC-1_0] Key Management Interoperability Protocol Specification Version 1.0, 93, 94 OASIS Standard, 1 October 2010. 95 [KMIP-SPEC-1_1] Key Management Interoperability Protocol Specification Version 1.1, 96, 97 OASIS Standard, 24 January 2013. 98 [KMIP-SPEC-1_2] Key Management Interoperability Protocol Specification Version 1.2, 99 URL, Candidate OASIS Standard 01, DD MMM YYYY. 100 [KMIP-PROF] One or more of [KMIP-PROF-1_0], [KMIP-PROF-1_1], [KMIP-PROF-1_2] 101 [KMIP-PROF-1_0] Key Management Interoperability Protocol Usage Guide Version 1.0, 102, 103 OASIS Standard, 1 October 2010. 104 [KMIP-PROF-1_1] Key Management Interoperability Protocol Usage Guide Version 1.1, 105, 106 OASIS Standard 01, 24 January 2013. 107 [KMIP-PROF-1_2] Key Management Interoperability Protocol Usage Guide Version 1.2, 108 URL, Candidate OASIS Standard 01, DD MMM YYYY.

1091.3 Non-Normative References 110 [KMIP-UG] One or more of [KMIP-UG-1_0], [KMIP-UG-1_1], [KMIP-UG-1_2] 111 [KMIP-UG-1_0] Key Management Interoperability Protocol Usage Guide Version 1.0, 112, 113 Committee Note Draft, 1 December 2011.

9kmip-suite-b-profile-v1.0-wd01wd03 Working Draft 0103 10 July August 2013 10Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2013. All Rights Reserved. Page 5 of 27 114 [KMIP-UG-1_1] Key Management Interoperability Protocol Usage Guide Version 1.1, 115, 116 Committee Note Draft, 1 December 2011. 117 [KMIP-UG-1_2] Key Management Interoperability Protocol Usage Guide Version 1.2, 118 URL, Committee Note Draft, DD MMM YYYY. 119 [KMIP-TC-1_1] Key Management Interoperability Protocol Test Cases Version 1.1, 120 121 cn01.doc, Committee Note 01, 27 July 2012. 122 [KMIP-TC-1_2] Key Management Interoperability Protocol Test Cases Version 1.2, 123 URL, Committee Note Draft, DD MMM YYYY. 124 [KMIP-UC] Key Management Interoperability Protocol Use Cases Version 1.0, 125 126 01.doc, Committee Specification, 15 June 2010. 127 [SuiteB] Suite B Cryptography / Cryptographic Interoperability, 128

11kmip-suite-b-profile-v1.0-wd01wd03 Working Draft 0103 10 July August 2013 12Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2013. All Rights Reserved. Page 6 of 27 1292 Suite B minLOS_128 Profile 130The Suite B minLOS_128 Profile describes a KMIP client interacting with a KMIP server as an information 131assurance product to provide a minimum level of security of 128 bits. 132(

1332.1 Authentication Suite 134Implementations conformant to this profile SHALL use TLS to negotiate a mutually-authenticated 135connection.

1362.1.1 Protocols 137Conformant KMIP clients and servers SHALL support: 138  TLS v1.2 [RFC5246]

1392.1.2 Cipher Suites 140Conformant KMIP servers SHALL support the following cipher suites: 141  TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256

1422.1.3 Client Authenticity 143Conformant KMIP servers and clients SHALL handle client authenticity in accordance with section 3.2.3 144of the TLS 1.2 Authentication Suite [KMIP-PROF].

1452.1.4 Object Owner 146Conformant KMIP servers and clients SHALL handle object owner in accordance with section 3.2.4 of the 147TLS 1.2 Authentication Suite [KMIP-PROF].

1482.1.5 KMIP Port Number 149Conformant KMIP servers and clients SHALL handle the KMIP port number in in accordance with section 1503.2.5 of the TLS 1.2 Authentication Suite [KMIP-PROF].

1512.2 Suite B minLOS_128 152KMIP clients conformant to this profile under [KMIP-SPEC]: 153 1. SHALL conform to the Baseline Client conformance clauses in [KMIP-PROF] and [KMIP-SPEC] 154 2. SHALL restrict use of the enumerated types listed in item 6 of the server list below to the values 155 noted against each item 156 3. MAY support any clause within [KMIP-SPEC] provided it does not conflict with any other clause 157 within this section 2.2. 158 4. MAY support extensions outside the scope of this standard (e.g., vendor extensions, 159 conformance clauses) that do not conflict with any KMIP or [CNSSP-15] requirements. 160 161KMIP servers conformant to this profile under [KMIP-SPEC]: 162 1. SHALL conform to the Baseline Server profile in [KMIP-PROF] and [KMIP-SPEC] and 163 2. SHALL support the following Objects [KMIP-SPEC] 164 a. Certificate [KMIP-SPEC]

13kmip-suite-b-profile-v1.0-wd01wd03 Working Draft 0103 10 July August 2013 14Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2013. All Rights Reserved. Page 7 of 27 165 b. Symmetric Key [KMIP-SPEC] 166 c. Public Key [KMIP-SPEC] 167 d. Private Key [KMIP-SPEC] 168 3. SHALL support the following Attributes [KMIP-SPEC] 169 a. Cryptographic Algorithm [KMIP-SPEC] 170 b. Cryptographic Length [KMIP-SPEC] value : 171 i. 128-bit (combined with AES) 172 ii. 256-bit (combined with SHA, ECDH or ECDSA) 173 4. MAY support the following Attributes [KMIP-SPEC] 174 a. Cryptographic Length [KMIP-SPEC] value : 175 i. 256-bit (combined with AES) 176 ii. 384-bit bit (combined with SHA, ECDH or ECDSA) 177 5. SHALL support the following Client-to-Server Operations [KMIP-SPEC]: 178 a. Create [KMIP-SPEC] 179 b. Create Key Pair [KMIP-SPEC] 180 c. Register [KMIP-SPEC] 181 d. Re-key [KMIP-SPEC] 182 e. Re-key Key Pair [KMIP-SPEC] 183 6. SHALL support the following Message Encoding [KMIP-SPEC]: 184 a. Recommended Curve Enumeration [KMIP-SPEC] value: 185 i. P-256 (SECP256R1) 186 b. Certificate Type Enumeration [KMIP-SPEC] value: 187 i. X.509 188 c. Cryptographic Algorithm Enumeration [KMIP-SPEC] value: 189 i. AES 190 ii. ECDSA 191 iii. ECDH 192 iv. HMAC-SHA256 193 d. Hashing Algorithm Enumeration [KMIP-SPEC] 194 i. SHA-256 195 e. Object Type Enumeration [KMIP-SPEC] value: 196 i. Certificate 197 ii. Symmetric Key 198 iii. Public Key 199 iv. Private Key 200 f. Key Format Type Enumeration [KMIP-SPEC] value: 201 i. Raw 202 ii. ECPrivateKey 203 iii. X.509 204 iv. Transparent ECDSA Private Key 205 v. Transparent ECDSA Public Key 206 vi. Transparent ECDH Private Key

15kmip-suite-b-profile-v1.0-wd01wd03 Working Draft 0103 10 July August 2013 16Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2013. All Rights Reserved. Page 8 of 27 207 vii. Transparent ECDH Public Key 208 g. Digital Signature Algorithm Enumeration [KMIP-SPEC] value: 209 i. ECDSA with SHA256 (on P-256) 210 7. MAY support the following Message Encoding [KMIP-SPEC]: 211 a. Recommended Curve [KMIP-SPEC] value: 212 i. P-384 (SECP384R1) 213 b. Cryptographic Algorithm Enumeration [KMIP-SPEC] value: 214 i. HMAC-SHA384 215 c. Hashing Algorithm Enumeration [KMIP-SPEC] 216 i. SHA-384 217 d. Digital Signature Algorithm Enumeration 218 i. ECDSA with SHA384 (on P-384) 219 8. SHALL support the Suite B minLOS_128 Test Cases returning results in accordance with the test 220 cases. 221 9. MAY support any clause within [KMIP-SPEC] provided it does not conflict with any other clause 222 within this section 2.2. 223 10. MAY support extensions outside the scope of this standard (e.g., vendor extensions, 224 conformance clauses) that do not conflict with any KMIP or [CNSSP-15] requirements.

17kmip-suite-b-profile-v1.0-wd01wd03 Working Draft 0103 10 July August 2013 18Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2013. All Rights Reserved. Page 9 of 27 2253 Suite B minLOS_128 Test Cases

2263.1 Mandatory Test Cases 227This section documents the test cases that a client or server conformant to this profile SHALL support.

228 SBS-M-1 229TODO

230 SBS-M-2 231TODO

19kmip-suite-b-profile-v1.0-wd01wd03 Working Draft 0103 10 July August 2013 20Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2013. All Rights Reserved. Page 10 of 27 2324 Suite B minLOS_192 Profile 233The Suite B minLOS_192 Profile describes a KMIP client interacting with a KMIP server as an information 234assurance product to provide a minimum level of security of 192 bits. 235(

2364.1 Authentication Suite 237Implementations conformant to this profile SHALL use TLS to negotiate a mutually-authenticated 238connection.

2394.1.1 Protocols 240Conformant KMIP clients and servers SHALL support: 241  TLS v1.2 [RFC5246]

2424.1.2 Cipher Suites 243Conformant KMIP servers SHALL support the following cipher suites: 244  TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384

2454.1.3 Client Authenticity 246Conformant KMIP servers and clients SHALL handle client authenticity in accordance with section 3.2.3 247of the TLS 1.2 Authentication Suite [KMIP-PROF].

2484.1.4 Object Owner 249Conformant KMIP servers and clients SHALL handle object owner in accordance with section 3.2.4 of the 250TLS 1.2 Authentication Suite [KMIP-PROF].

2514.1.5 KMIP Port Number 252Conformant KMIP servers and clients SHALL handle the KMIP port number in in accordance with section 2533.2.5 of the TLS 1.2 Authentication Suite [KMIP-PROF].

2544.2 Suite B minLOS_192 255KMIP clients conformant to this profile under [KMIP-SPEC]: 256 1. SHALL conform to the Baseline Client conformance clauses in [KMIP-PROF] and [KMIP-SPEC] 257 2. SHALL restrict use of the enumerated types listed in item 5 of the server list below to the values 258 noted against each item 259 3. MAY support any clause within [KMIP-SPEC] provided it does not conflict with any other clause 260 within this section 4.2. 261 4. MAY support extensions outside the scope of this standard (e.g., vendor extensions, 262 conformance clauses) that do not conflict with any KMIP or [CNSSP-15] requirements. 263 264KMIP servers conformant to this profile under [KMIP-SPEC]: 265 1. SHALL conform to the Baseline Server profile in [KMIP-PROF] and [KMIP-SPEC] and 266 2. SHALL support the following Objects [KMIP-SPEC] 267 a. Certificate [KMIP-SPEC]

21kmip-suite-b-profile-v1.0-wd01wd03 Working Draft 0103 10 July August 2013 22Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2013. All Rights Reserved. Page 11 of 27 268 b. Symmetric Key [KMIP-SPEC] 269 c. Public Key [KMIP-SPEC] 270 d. Private Key [KMIP-SPEC] 271 3. SHALL support the following Attributes [KMIP-SPEC] 272 a. Cryptographic Algorithm [KMIP-SPEC] 273 b. Cryptographic Length [KMIP-SPEC] value: 274 i. 384-bit bit (combined with SHA, ECDH or ECDSA) 275 4. SHALL support the following Client-to-Server Operations [KMIP-SPEC]: 276 a. Create [KMIP-SPEC] 277 b. Create Key Pair [KMIP-SPEC] 278 c. Register [KMIP-SPEC] 279 d. Re-key [KMIP-SPEC] 280 e. Re-key Key Pair [KMIP-SPEC] 281 5. SHALL support the following Message Encoding [KMIP-SPEC]: 282 a. Recommended Curve Enumeration [KMIP-SPEC] value: 283 i. P-384 (SECP384R1) 284 b. Certificate Type Enumeration [KMIP-SPEC] value: 285 i. X.509 286 c. Cryptographic Algorithm Enumeration [KMIP-SPEC] value: 287 i. AES 288 ii. ECDSA 289 iii. ECDH 290 iv. HMAC-SHA384 291 d. Hashing Algorithm Enumeration [KMIP-SPEC] 292 i. SHA-384 293 e. Object Type Enumeration [KMIP-SPEC] value: 294 i. Certificate 295 ii. Symmetric Key 296 iii. Public Key 297 iv. Private Key 298 f. Key Format Type Enumeration [KMIP-SPEC] value: 299 i. Raw 300 ii. ECPrivateKey 301 iii. X.509 302 iv. Transparent ECDSA Private Key 303 v. Transparent ECDSA Public Key 304 vi. Transparent ECDH Private Key 305 vii. Transparent ECDH Public Key 306 g. Digital Signature Algorithm Enumeration [KMIP-SPEC] value: 307 i. ECDSA with SHA384 (on P-384) 308 6. SHALL support the Suite B minLOS_192 Test Cases returning results in accordance with the test 309 cases.

23kmip-suite-b-profile-v1.0-wd01wd03 Working Draft 0103 10 July August 2013 24Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2013. All Rights Reserved. Page 12 of 27 310 7. MAY support any clause within [KMIP-SPEC] provided it does not conflict with any other clause 311 within this section 4.2. 312 8. MAY support extensions outside the scope of this standard (e.g., vendor extensions, 313 conformance clauses) that do not conflict with any KMIP or [CNSSP-15] requirements.

25kmip-suite-b-profile-v1.0-wd01wd03 Working Draft 0103 10 July August 2013 26Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2013. All Rights Reserved. Page 13 of 27 3145 Suite B minLOS_192 Test Cases

3155.1 Mandatory Test Cases 316This section documents the test cases that a client or server conformant to this profile SHALL support.

317 SBTS-M-1 318TODO

319 SBTS-M-2 320TODO 321

27kmip-suite-b-profile-v1.0-wd01wd03 Working Draft 0103 10 July August 2013 28Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2013. All Rights Reserved. Page 14 of 27 3226 Conformance

3236.1 Suite B minLOS_128 Profile Conformance 324KMIP client and server implementations conformant to this profile: 325 1. SHALL support the Authentication Suite conditions as specified in Section 2.1 of this profile. 326 2. SHALL support the conditions as specified in Section 2.2 of this profile. 327

3286.2 Suite B minLOS_192 Profile Conformance 329KMIP client and server implementations conformant to this profile: 330 1. SHALL support the Authentication Suite conditions as specified in Section 4.1 of this profile. 331 2. SHALL support the conditions as specified in Section 4.2 of this profile. 332

3336.3 Permitted Test Case Variations 334Whilst the test cases provided in this Profile define the allowed request and response content, some 335inherent variations MAY occur and are permitted within a successfully completed test case. 336Each test case MAY include allowed variations in the description of the test case in addition to the 337variations noted in this section. 338Other variations not explicitly noted in this Profile SHALL be deemed non-conformant.

3396.3.1 Variable Items 340An implementation conformant to this Profile MAY vary the following values: 341 1. UniqueIdentifier 342 2. PrivateKeyUniqueIdentifier 343 3. PublicKeyUniqueIdentifier 344 4. UniqueBatchItemIdentifier 345 5. AsynchronousCorrelationValue 346 6. TimeStamp 347 7. KeyValue / KeyMaterial including: 348 a. key material content returned for managed cryptographic objects which are generated by 349 the server 350 b. wrapped versions of keys where the wrapping key is dynamic or the wrapping contains 351 variable output for each wrap operation 352 8. For response containing the output of cryptographic operation in Data / SignatureData/ 353 MACData / IVCounterNonce where: 354 a. the managed object is generated by the server; or 355 b. the operation inherently contains variable output 356 9. For the following DateTime attributes where the value is not specified in the request as a fixed 357 DateTime value: 358 a. ActivationDate 359 b. ArchiveDate

29kmip-suite-b-profile-v1.0-wd01wd03 Working Draft 0103 10 July August 2013 30Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2013. All Rights Reserved. Page 15 of 27 360 c. CompromiseDate 361 d. CompromiseOccurrenceDate 362 e. DeactivationDate 363 f. DestroyDate 364 g. InitialDate 365 h. LastChangeDate 366 i. ProtectStartDate 367 j. ProcessStopDate 368 k. ValidityDate 369 l. OriginalCreationDate 370 10. LinkedObjectIdentifier 371 11. DigestValue 372 a. For those managed cryptographic objects which are dynamically generated 373 12. KeyFormatType 374 a. The key format type selected by the server when it creates managed objects 375 13. Digest 376 a. The HashingAlgorithm selected by the server when it calculates the digest for a managed 377 object for which it has access to the key material 378 b. The Digest Value 379 14. Extensions reported in Query for ExtensionList and ExtensionMap 380 15. Application Namespaces reported in Query 381 16. Object Types reported in Query other than those noted as required in this profile 382 17. Operation Types reported in Query other than those noted as required in this profile (or any 383 referenced profile documents) 384 18. For TextString attribute values containing test identifiers: 385 a. Additional vendor or application prefixes 386 19. Additional attributes beyond those noted in the response 387 388An implementation conformant to this Profile MAY allow the following response variations: 389 1. Object Group values – May or may not return one or more Object Group values not included in 390 the requests 391 2. y-CustomAttributes – May or may not include additional server-specific associated attributes not 392 included in requests 393 3. Message Extensions – May or may not include additional (non-critical) vendor extensions 394 4. TemplateAttribute – May or may not be included in responses where the Template Attribute 395 response is noted as optional in [KMIP-SPEC] 396 5. AttributeIndex – May or may not include Attribute Index value where the Attribute Index value is 0 397 for Protocol Versions 1.1 and above. 398 6. ResultMessage – May or may not be included in responses and the value (if included) may vary 399 from the text contained within the test case. 400 7. The list of Protocol Versions returned in a DiscoverVersion response may include additional 401 protocol versions if the request has not specified a list of client supported Protocol Versions

4026.3.2 Variable behavior 403An implementation conformant to this Profile SHALL allow variation of the following behavior: 31kmip-suite-b-profile-v1.0-wd01wd03 Working Draft 0103 10 July August 2013 32Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2013. All Rights Reserved. Page 16 of 27 404 1. A test may omit the clean-up requests and responses (containing Revoke and/or Destroy) at the 405 end of the test provided there is a separate mechanism to remove the created objects during 406 testing. 407 2. A test may omit the test identifiers if the client is unable to include them in requests. This includes 408 the following attributes: 409 a. Name; and 410 b. x-ID 411 412

4136.4 Permitted Test Case Variations 414Whilst the test cases provided in this Profile define the allowed request and response content, some 415inherent variations MAY occur and are permitted within a successfully completed test case. Variations not 416explicitly noted in this Profile SHALL be deemed non-conformant.

4176.4.1 Variable Items 418An implementation conformant to this Profile MAY vary the following values: 419 20. UniqueIdentifier 420 21. PrivateKeyUniqueIdentifier 421 22. PublicKeyUniqueIdentifier 422 23. UniqueBatchItemIdentifier 423 24. AsynchronousCorrelationValue 424 25. TimeStamp 425 26. KeyValue / KeyMaterial including: 426 a. key material content returned for managed cryptographic objects which are generated by 427 the server 428 b. wrapped versions of keys where the wrapping key is dynamic or the wrapping contains 429 variable output for each wrap operation 430 27. InitialDate 431 28. OriginalCreationDate 432 29. ActivationDate 433 30. ProtectStartDate 434 31. ProcessStopDate 435 32. LinkedObjectIdentifier 436 33. DigestValue 437 a. For those managed cryptographic objects which are dynamically generated 438 34. KeyFormatType 439 b. The key format type selected by the server when it creates managed objects 440 35. Digest 441 c. The HashingAlgorithm selected by the server when it calculates the digest for a managed 442 object for which it has access to the key material 443 d. The Digest Value 444 36. Extensions reported in Query for ExtensionList and ExtensionMap 445 37. Application Namespaces reported in Query 446 38. TextString prefix values representing Names or Identifiers including:

33kmip-suite-b-profile-v1.0-wd01wd03 Working Draft 0103 10 July August 2013 34Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2013. All Rights Reserved. Page 17 of 27 447 b. Additional vendor prefixes to support easier log review 448 39. Additional attributes 449 450An implementation conformant to this Profile MAY allow the following response variations: 451 8. Object Group values – May or may not return one or more Object Group values not included in 452 the requests 453 9. y-CustomAttributes – May or may not include additional server-specific associated attributes not 454 included in requests 455 10. Message Extensions – May or may not include additional (non-critical) vendor extensions 456 11. TemplateAttribute – May or may not be included in responses where the Template Attribute 457 response is noted as optional in [KMIP-SPEC] 458 12. AttributeIndex – May or may not include Attribute Index value where the Attribute Index value is 0 459 for Protocol Versions 1.1 and above. 460

4616.4.2 Variable behavior 462An implementation conformant to this Profile SHALL allow variation of the following behavior: 463 3. A test may elect to skip the clean-up routines in that test provided there is a separate mechanism 464 to remove the created objects. 465 4. A test may not include the test identifiers if the product is unable to include them. This includes: 466 a. Name; and 467 b. x-ID 468

35kmip-suite-b-profile-v1.0-wd01wd03 Working Draft 0103 10 July August 2013 36Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2013. All Rights Reserved. Page 18 of 27 Appendix A. Acknowledgments

The following individuals have participated in the creation of this specification and are gratefully acknowledged: Participants: 469 Hal Aldridge, Sypris Electronics 470 Mike Allen, Symantec 471 Gordon Arnold, IBM 472 Todd Arnold, IBM 473 Richard Austin, Hewlett-Packard 474 Lars Bagnert, PrimeKey 475 Elaine Barker, NIST 476 Peter Bartok, Venafi, Inc. 477 Tom Benjamin, IBM 478 Anthony Berglas, Cryptsoft 479 Mathias Björkqvist, IBM 480 Kevin Bocket, Venafi 481 Anne Bolgert, IBM 482 Alan Brown, Thales e-Security 483 Tim Bruce, CA Technologies 484 Chris Burchett, Credant Technologies, Inc. 485 Kelley Burgin, National Security Agency 486 Robert Burns, Thales e-Security 487 Chuck Castleton, Venafi 488 Kenli Chong, QuintessenceLabs 489 John Clark, Hewlett-Packard 490 Tom Clifford, Symantec Corp. 491 Doron Cohen, SafeNet, Inc 492 Tony Cox, Cryptsoft 493 Russell Dietz, SafeNet, Inc 494 Graydon Dodson, Lexmark International Inc. 495 Vinod Duggirala, EMC Corporation 496 Chris Dunn, SafeNet, Inc. 497 Michael Duren, Sypris Electronics 498 James Dzierzanowski, American Express CCoE 499 Faisal Faruqui, Thales e-Security 500 Stan Feather, Hewlett-Packard 501 David Finkelstein, Symantec Corp. 502 James Fitzgerald, SafeNet, Inc. 503 Indra Fitzgerald, Hewlett-Packard 504 Judith Furlong, EMC Corporation 505 Susan Gleeson, Oracle 506 Robert Griffin, EMC Corporation 507 Paul Grojean, Individual 508 Robert Haas, IBM 509 Thomas Hardjono, M.I.T. 510 ChengDong He, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 511 Steve He, Vormetric 512 Kurt Heberlein, Hewlett-Packard 513 Larry Hofer, Emulex Corporation 514 Maryann Hondo, IBM 515 Walt Hubis, NetApp 516 Tim Hudson, Cryptsoft 517 Jonas Iggbom, Venafi, Inc.

37kmip-suite-b-profile-v1.0-wd01wd03 Working Draft 0103 10 July August 2013 38Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2013. All Rights Reserved. Page 19 of 27 518 Sitaram Inguva, American Express CCoE 519 Jay Jacobs, Target Corporation 520 Glen Jaquette, IBM 521 Mahadev Karadiguddi, NetApp 522 Greg Kazmierczak, Wave Systems Corp. 523 Marc Kenig, SafeNet, Inc. 524 Mark Knight, Thales e-Security 525 Kathy Kriese, Symantec Corporation 526 Mark Lambiase, SecureAuth 527 John Leiseboer, Quintenssence Labs 528 Hal Lockhart, Oracle Corporation 529 Robert Lockhart, Thales e-Security 530 Anne Luk, Cryptsoft 531 Sairam Manidi, Freescale 532 Luther Martin, Voltage Security 533 Neil McEvoy, iFOSSF 534 Marina Milshtein, Individual 535 Dale Moberg, Axway Software 536 Jishnu Mukeri, Hewlett-Packard 537 Bryan Olson, Hewlett-Packard 538 John Peck, IBM 539 Rob Philpott, EMC Corporation 540 Denis Pochuev, SafeNet, Inc. 541 Reid Poole, Venafi, Inc. 542 Ajai Puri, SafeNet, Inc. 543 Saravanan Ramalingam, Thales e-Security 544 Peter Reed, SafeNet, Inc. 545 Bruce Rich, IBM 546 Christina Richards, American Express CCoE 547 Warren Robbins, Dell 548 Peter Robinson, EMC Corporation 549 Scott Rotondo, Oracle 550 Saikat Saha, SafeNet, Inc. 551 Anil Saldhana, Red Hat 552 Subhash Sankuratripati, NetApp 553 Boris Schumperli, Cryptomathic 554 Greg Singh, QuintessenceLabs 555 David Smith, Venafi, Inc 556 Brian Spector, Certivox 557 Terence Spies, Voltage Security 558 Deborah Steckroth, RouteOne LLC 559 Michael Stevens, QuintessenceLabs 560 Marcus Streets, Thales e-Security 561 Satish Sundar, IBM 562 Kiran Thota, VMware 563 Somanchi Trinath, Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 564 Nathan Turajski, Thales e-Security 565 Sean Turner, IECA, Inc. 566 Paul Turner, Venafi, Inc. 567 Rod Wideman, Quantum Corporation 568 Steven Wierenga, Hewlett-Packard 569 Jin Wong, QuintessenceLabs 570 Sameer Yami, Thales e-Security 571 Peter Yee, EMC Corporation 572 Krishna Yellepeddy, IBM 573 Catherine Ying, SafeNet, Inc. 574 Tatu Ylonen, SSH Communications Security (Tectia Corp)

39kmip-suite-b-profile-v1.0-wd01wd03 Working Draft 0103 10 July August 2013 40Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2013. All Rights Reserved. Page 20 of 27 575 Michael Yoder, Vormetric. Inc. 576 Magda Zdunkiewicz, Cryptsoft 577 Peter Zelechoski, Election Systems & Software

41kmip-suite-b-profile-v1.0-wd01wd03 Working Draft 0103 10 July August 2013 42Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2013. All Rights Reserved. Page 21 of 27 Appendix B. KMIP Specification Cross Reference

Reference Term KMIP 1.0 KMIP 1.1 KMIP 1.2 1 Introduction Non-Normative References 1.3. 1.3. 1.3. Normative References 1.2. 1.2. 1.2. Terminology 1.1. 1.1. 1.1. 2 Objects Attribute 2.1.1. 2.1.1. 2.1.1. Base Objects 2.1. 2.1. 2.1. Certificate 2.2.1. 2.2.1. 2.2.1. Credential 2.1.2. 2.1.2. 2.1.2. Data - - 2.1.10. Data Length - - 2.1.11. Extension Information - 2.1.9. 2.1.9. Key Block 2.1.3. 2.1.3. 2.1.3. Key Value 2.1.4. 2.1.4. 2.1.4. Key Wrapping Data 2.1.5. 2.1.5. 2.1.5. Key Wrapping Specification 2.1.6. 2.1.6. 2.1.6. MAC Data - - 2.1.13. Managed Objects 2.2. 2.2. 2.2. Nonce - - 2.1.14. Opaque Object 2.2.8. 2.2.8. 2.2.8. PGP Key - - 2.2.9. Private Key 2.2.4. 2.2.4. 2.2.4. Public Key 2.2.3. 2.2.3. 2.2.3. Secret Data 2.2.7. 2.2.7. 2.2.7. Signature Data - - 2.1.12. Split Key 2.2.5. 2.2.5. 2.2.5. Symmetric Key 2.2.2. 2.2.2. 2.2.2. Template 2.2.6. 2.2.6. 2.2.6. Template-Attribute Structures 2.1.8. 2.1.8. 2.1.8. Transparent DH Private Key Transparent DH Public Key Transparent DSA Private Key Transparent DSA Public Key Transparent ECDH Private Key Transparent ECDH Public Key Transparent ECDSA Private Key Transparent ECDSA Public Key Transparent ECMQV Private Key Transparent ECMQV Public Key Transparent Key Structures 2.1.7. 2.1.7. 2.1.7. Transparent RSA Private Key Transparent RSA Public Key Transparent Symmetric Key 3 Attributes Activation Date 3.19. 3.24. 3.24. Alternative Name - - 3.40. Application Specific Information 3.30. 3.36. 3.36. Archive Date 3.27. 3.32. 3.32.

43kmip-suite-b-profile-v1.0-wd01wd03 Working Draft 0103 10 July August 2013 44Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2013. All Rights Reserved. Page 22 of 27 Reference Term KMIP 1.0 KMIP 1.1 KMIP 1.2 Attributes 3 3 3 Certificate Identifier 3.9. 3.13. 3.13. Certificate Issuer 3.11. 3.15. 3.15. Certificate Length - 3.9. 3.9. Certificate Subject 3.10. 3.14. 3.14. Certificate Type 3.8. 3.8. 3.8. Compromise Date 3.25. 3.30. 3.30. Compromise Occurrence Date 3.24. 3.29. 3.29. Contact Information 3.31. 3.37. 3.37. Cryptographic Algorithm 3.4. 3.4. 3.4. Cryptographic Domain Parameters 3.7. 3.7. 3.7. Cryptographic Length 3.5. 3.5. 3.5. Cryptographic Parameters 3.6. 3.6. 3.6. Custom Attribute 3.33. 3.39. 3.39. Deactivation Date 3.22. 3.27. 3.27. Default Operation Policy 3.13.2. 3.18.2. 3.18.2. Default Operation Policy for Certificates and Public Key Objects Default Operation Policy for Secret Objects Default Operation Policy for Template Objects Destroy Date 3.23. 3.28. 3.28. Digest 3.12. 3.17. 3.17. Digital Signature Algorithm - 3.16. 3.16. Fresh - 3.34. 3.34. Initial Date 3.18. 3.23. 3.23. Key Value Location - - 3.42. Key Value Present - - 3.41. Last Change Date 3.32. 3.38. 3.38. Lease Time 3.15. 3.20. 3.20. Link 3.29. 3.35. 3.35. Name 3.2. 3.2. 3.2. Object Group 3.28. 3.33. 3.33. Object Type 3.3. 3.3. 3.3. Operation Policy Name 3.13. 3.18. 3.18. Operations outside of operation policy control 3.13.1. 3.18.1. 3.18.1. Original Creation Date - - 3.43. Process Start Date 3.20. 3.25. 3.25. Protect Stop Date 3.21. 3.26. 3.26. Revocation Reason 3.26. 3.31. 3.31. State 3.17. 3.22. 3.22. Unique Identifier 3.1. 3.1. 3.1. Usage Limits 3.16. 3.21. 3.21. X.509 Certificate Identifier - 3.10. 3.10. X.509 Certificate Issuer - 3.12. 3.12. X.509 Certificate Subject - 3.11. 3.11. 4 Client-to-Server Operations Activate 4.18. 4.19. 4.19. Add Attribute 4.13. 4.14. 4.14. Archive 4.21. 4.22. 4.22. Cancel 4.25. 4.27. 4.27. Certify 4.6. 4.7. 4.7. Check 4.9. 4.10. 4.10. Create 4.1. 4.1. 4.1. Create Key Pair 4.2. 4.2. 4.2.

45kmip-suite-b-profile-v1.0-wd01wd03 Working Draft 0103 10 July August 2013 46Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2013. All Rights Reserved. Page 23 of 27 Reference Term KMIP 1.0 KMIP 1.1 KMIP 1.2 Create Split Key - - 4.38. Decrypt - - 4.30. Delete Attribute 4.15. 4.16. 4.16. Derive Key 4.5. 4.6. 4.6. Destroy 4.20. 4.21. 4.21. Discover Versions - 4.26. 4.26. Encrypt - - 4.29. Get 4.10. 4.11. 4.11. Get Attribute List 4.12. 4.13. 4.13. Get Attributes 4.11. 4.12. 4.12. Get Usage Allocation 4.17. 4.18. 4.18. Hash - - 4.37. Join Split Key - - 4.39. Locate 4.8. 4.9. 4.9. MAC - - 4.33. MAC Verify - - 4.34. Modify Attribute 4.14. 4.15. 4.15. Obtain Lease 4.16. 4.17. 4.17. Poll 4.26. 4.28. 4.28. Query 4.24. 4.25. 4.25. Re-certify 4.7. 4.8. 4.8. Recover 4.22. 4.23. 4.23. Register 4.3. 4.3. 4.3. Re-key 4.4. 4.4. 4.4. Re-key Key Pair - 4.5. 4.5. Revoke 4.19. 4.20. 4.20. RNG Retrieve - - 4.35. RNG Seed - - 4.36. Sign - - 4.31. Signature Verify - - 4.32. Validate 4.23. 4.24. 4.24. 5 Server-to-Client Operations Notify 5.1. 5.1. 5.1. Put 5.2. 5.2. 5.2. 6 Message Contents Asynchronous Correlation Value 6.8. 6.8. 6.8. Asynchronous Indicator 6.7. 6.7. 6.7. Attestation Capable Indicator - - 6.17. Batch Count 6.14. 6.14. 6.14. Batch Error Continuation Option 6.13. 6.13. 6.13. Batch Item 6.15. 6.15. 6.15. Batch Order Option 6.12. 6.12. 6.12. Maximum Response Size 6.3. 6.3. 6.3. Message Extension 6.16. 6.16. 6.16. Operation 6.2. 6.2. 6.2. Protocol Version 6.1. 6.1. 6.1. Result Message 6.11. 6.11. 6.11. Result Reason 6.10. 6.10. 6.10. Result Status 6.9. 6.9. 6.9. Time Stamp 6.5. 6.5. 6.5. Unique Batch Item ID 6.4. 6.4. 6.4. 7 Message Format

47kmip-suite-b-profile-v1.0-wd01wd03 Working Draft 0103 10 July August 2013 48Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2013. All Rights Reserved. Page 24 of 27 Reference Term KMIP 1.0 KMIP 1.1 KMIP 1.2 Message Structure 7.1. 7.1. 7.1. Operations 7.2. 7.2. 7.2. 8 Authentication Authentication 8 8 8 9 Message Encoding Alternative Name Type Enumeration - - Attestation Type Enumeration - - Batch Error Continuation Option Enumeration Bit Masks Block Cipher Mode Enumeration Cancellation Result Enumeration Certificate Request Type Enumeration Certificate Type Enumeration Credential Type Enumeration Cryptographic Algorithm Enumeration Cryptographic Usage Mask Defined Values 9.1.3. 9.1.3. 9.1.3. Derivation Method Enumeration Digital Signature Algorithm Enumeration - Encoding Option Enumeration - Enumerations Examples 9.1.2. 9.1.2. 9.1.2. Hashing Algorithm Enumeration Item Length Item Tag Item Type Item Value Key Compression Type Enumeration Key Format Type Enumeration Key Role Type Enumeration Key Value Location Type Enumeration - - Link Type Enumeration Name Type Enumeration Object Group Member Enumeration - Object Type Enumeration Opaque Data Type Enumeration Operation Enumeration Padding Method Enumeration Put Function Enumeration Query Function Enumeration Recommended Curve Enumeration for ECDSA, ECDH, and ECMQV Result Reason Enumeration Result Status Enumeration Revocation Reason Code Enumeration Secret Data Type Enumeration Split Key Method Enumeration State Enumeration Storage Status Mask Tags TTLV Encoding 9.1. 9.1. 9.1. TTLV Encoding Fields 9.1.1. 9.1.1. 9.1.1. Usage Limits Unit Enumeration

49kmip-suite-b-profile-v1.0-wd01wd03 Working Draft 0103 10 July August 2013 50Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2013. All Rights Reserved. Page 25 of 27 Reference Term KMIP 1.0 KMIP 1.1 KMIP 1.2 Validity Indicator Enumeration Wrapping Method Enumeration XML Encoding 9.2. - - 10 Transport Transport 10 10 10 12 KMIP Server and Client Implementation Conformance Conformance clauses for a KMIP Server 12.1. - - KMIP Client Implementation Conformance - 12.2. 12.2. KMIP Server Implementation Conformance - 12.1. 12.1. 578

51kmip-suite-b-profile-v1.0-wd01wd03 Working Draft 0103 10 July August 2013 52Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2013. All Rights Reserved. Page 26 of 27 Appendix C. Revision History

Revision Date Editor Changes Made wd01 10 July 2013 Kelley Burgin / Initial Draft Tim Hudson wd02 8 August 2013 Kelley Burgin Editorial updates and inclusion of a corresponding restriction on client enumeration usage wd03 10 August 2013 Tim Hudson Updated Permitted Test Case Variations

53kmip-suite-b-profile-v1.0-wd01wd03 Working Draft 0103 10 July August 2013 54Standards Track Draft Copyright © OASIS Open 2013. All Rights Reserved. Page 27 of 27

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