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Parent Press A Newsletter for Northwest Catholic’s Parent Community
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Welcome to the 2007-08 school year! We are so looking forward to working with the students and you to make this the best year ever.
The students have returned to school full of enthusiasm and excited to meet new members of our community. They have enjoyed seeing the renovation of one of everyone’s favorite places – the Navin Family Cafeteria! And what a beautiful renovation it is -- new lighting, ceiling, flooring and even a set of ceiling fans to help increase everyone’s comfort. We are very pleased with the results. We have also continued with some smaller-scale classroom renovations, including enhancing rooms 803 and 502 with SmartBoards and new computers as well as replacing 18 classroom computers with the latest and greatest models.
In addition, we have just begun the implementation of our greatest project this year: the use of the Professional Learning Community model for staff development. Using this model we plan to create a professional community that actively seeks to improve student learning and in which the teachers will collaborate to enhance instruction. It is a big undertaking but one that will improve student outcomes. You will hear more about this project as the year goes on.
So -- the pencils and pens are bought. The highlighters are poised to begin their work, and the year has begun. Now is the most important time of year for us to work with you also in a collaborative way. Your skills and efforts at proactive parenting are needed more than ever in today’s society, and we encourage you to be the involved parent. Your support of your teen’s activities and scholarly efforts can make the difference between mediocrity and excellence -- AND your support will help turn the young and unsure teen into the well-rounded, confident young adult that we all want to see. Please do not underestimate the importance of your role.
We look forward to working with you to educate your child(ren). Please do not hesitate to be in touch if there is something I can help you with. My phone extension is 113 and my e-mail is [email protected].
Sincerely, Mrs. Margaret Williamson, Principal
Calling All Cooks (and Those Who Love to Eat): Don’t Miss the Annual Parents’ Club Potluck Supper!
As our children begin a new school year, this is a time for new beginnings for parents, too – whether you are brand new to Northwest or have been around for years. Take this opportunity to enjoy a night off from your own kitchen! Come to school on Monday, Sept. 17, at 7pm to learn more about the coming school year and to meet fellow parents. Bring your appetite, and please bring something to share, as well; here’s how you can contribute: Last name begins with: Please bring: A-F Main dish or casserole G-M Vegetable, salad or side N-S Hors d’oeuvre T-Z Dessert
Volume XI – Number One – September 2007 Michelle M. Murphy, Director of Communications 1 Northwest Catholic High School
Summer Improvements
While there were no students around during the summer, the school was a beehive of activity, with contractors working hard to make Northwest Catholic even better for the upcoming school year. The focus of our efforts was the Navin Family cafeteria and the adjoining areas. The cafeteria now has new ceilings, floors, lighting (with the ability to be dimmed), bulletin boards, and ceiling fans. The serving area of the kitchen was brightened up with new lighting and ceilings, as well. And, the adjoining halls now have new floors and lighting. The end result is that our dining area will be much brighter and more modern.
Other improvements were made throughout the school, including the following: New Smart Boards were added in Rooms 803 and 502, and numerous new computers were also added (see following story about technology). A scanner was added in the main office. New shades were installed in several rooms. New security lighting has been added to the outside of the building. The floors in the Johnson and Stosuy Gymnasiums were refinished. The lacrosse/football practice field has been reseeded.
Technology Update
The IT department was also very busy throughout the summer, helping to facilitate a smooth transition for all our new technology: With the addition of the new Smart Board (and attached projector), Room 803 is being outfitted altogether as a Math classroom, complete with two new PC workstations and whiteboards in addition to the Smart Board. A new Smart Board (also with attached projector) is now installed in Room 502. A new and improved teacher laptop program is in place for the 2007-08 school year. All part- and full-time faculty members were invited to submit applications for the program; 11 teachers were selected to receive laptops that will allow them to use technology to enhance their classroom instruction. There are brand-new Dell PCs in 18 classrooms. The school bought its first Mac! Ray Sinclair, the new Instrumental Music teacher, will be using a MacBook Pro (and accompanying software) in his work in the Fine and Performing Arts Department. Beginning later this fall, students’ ID cards will be bar-coded, which will enable them to swipe the cards through the cafeteria’s new point-of-sale debit system (although cash will still be accepted!), as well as through a card reader in the main office, which will become the method for recording a student’s late arrival or early departure during the school day.
Important Notices
In compliance with AHEREA regulations, we are required to inform all parents, teachers, and employees associated with Northwest Catholic High School of the Asbestos Inspection Report and Management Plan. This Report/Plan is on file in the school office and is available for review by any parent, teacher, etc. during normal business hours of the school. If you wish to review the file, please make your request to Vice Principal Richard Callahan.
Northwest Catholic is required by Public Act 99-165 to issue a statement of policy regarding the application of pesticides. An integrated pest management plan is in place for Northwest Catholic, requiring alternative methods be employed before using pesticides. Whenever it is deemed necessary to apply pesticides, it will be done during a period when school is not in session. Any individuals who wish to be notified may register in the Main Office during regular business hours.
2 3 Welcome to New Faculty & Staff!
As we begin the 2007-08 school year, please join us as we warmly welcome the following new faculty and staff members:
Danielle Belliveau joins our Science Department, where she will teach Biology. She is a graduate of Eastern Connecticut State University, where she was inducted into Beta Beta Beta (Biology Honors Society). While a student, she interned at The Insitute for Sustainable Energy. Since graduation, Ms. Belliveau has been working as a substitute teacher in the Norwich and Groton school districts.
Teresa Bournique ’84 returns to her alma mater as a teacher in our Religion Department. After graduating magna cum laude from St. Joseph College with a degree in Religious Studies, Ms. Bournique worked for several years in the private sector. Most recently, she has worked as a classroom assistant at the Seymour School in East Granby. She has also been extremely active in Sacred Heart Parish in Suffield: In addition to teaching in the RCIA and CCD programs, she also directed the Vacation Bible School and worked in youth ministry with post-Confirmation students.
Sarah Desroches is the newest member of our English Department. A graduate of Central Connecticut State University (B.A. in English) and St. Joseph College (M.A. in Reading and Language), Ms. Desroches has taught at Berlin and New Britain High Schools and also served as a teaching assistant and the JV Girls’ Soccer Coach for one season at Conard High School here in West Hartford.
Debra LeBel brings nine years of experience in the Advancement office at Miss Porter’s School to her new position as an Assistant in our Advancement office. Proficient in a wide range of software that’s critical in the fundraising arena, Ms. LeBel has also worked at The Institute for Living and CIGNA.
Michelle Murphy is our new Director of Communications, but has been part of our community for the past four years as a current parent (Kate ’07 and Jack ’10). A graduate of Georgetown University and the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism, Mrs. Murphy had been the Director of Development and Admissions at St. Thomas the Apostle School since May 2005; previously, she was self-employed for 15 years as a freelance writer and editor.
Jennifer Puskarz joins our Social Studies Department, where she will teach History. After earning an undergraduate degree in U.S. History from the State University of New York at Albany, Ms. Puskarz worked as a substitute teacher in the West Hartford and South Windsor school systems and completed a Master’s degree in Secondary Education (Social Studies concentration) at the University of Connecticut. (She is also a third cousin of our business manager, Richard Puskarz.)
Raymond Sinclair, another UConn graduate (Bachelor of Music and Bachelor of Music Education), is the newest member of our Fine and Performing Arts Department. In addition to teaching Instrumental Music and AP Music Theory, Mr. Sinclair will serve as our Band Director, overseeing the concert band, jazz band, advanced jazz band, pep band, and wind ensemble. He has worked as a student teacher in the Coventry, Hebron, Storrs, and Colchester public school districts; was the marching band instructor at Norwich Free Academy from 2003-05; and has given private lessons in Norwich for the past four years.
Terri Turley actually joined our math department in the middle of last year, after Carol Schave’s retirement, so this is the first chance we’ve had to welcome her formally. A graduate of the University of Hartford, where she earned a B.S. degree in Education (concentration in Mathematics), Ms. Turley worked for CIGNA from 1989-2000, including a two-year stint as the Year 2000 project manager.
And, a very special welcome to Thomas Richard Cote, the newborn son of former Religion teacher Mrs. Janine Cote and her husband. Born on Aug. 6, Thomas joins a big brother and sister.
4 Traffic and Schedule Reminders
Please remember that left-hand turns from Wampanoag Drive onto North Main Street are not permitted between 7:30 and 8:00 am and between 2:00 and 2:30 pm. We request this for reasons of safety and to facilitate the flow of traffic to and from school during very busy times. Please turn right onto North Main Street during these windows of time and go around the block; it will be much safer and quicker for you in the long run. You may also consider using the pathway to NWC that’s located on Sheep Hill Drive as a place to pick up or drop off your student – and to avoid traffic. Please cooperate to help ease congestion and to ensure safety. Thank you!
Also please remember that students are meant to be in homeroom by 7:50 each morning. Although homeroom is not a credit-bearing class, it is an important part of the school day – it’s not only when announcements are made and students receive messages, but it also sets the overall tone for the day. Excessive tardiness is penalized by detention, as per the Student Handbook, and tardiness and absences become part of the student’s permanent record. Punctuality is part of the personal development of Northwest students; we appreciate your cooperation in ensuring that your students arrive at school on time.
Saturday Night Live: November 17, 2007! Kickoff Planning Meeting: Wednesday, Sept. 12, 7pm
We are celebrating the 24th year of Saturday Night Live – our school’s fun-filled and exciting fundraiser – on Saturday, Nov. 17, 2007. If you have attended in the past, you know what a great night is in store. If you are new to Northwest, then you are in for a treat. It’s a full evening of games, food, comedy, musical performances … and karaoke! But we can’t do it without your help. Parents like you are the driving force behind its success, and we are looking for volunteers to get involved. Come, join the fun! To find out how you can help, please come to our kickoff meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 12, 7pm, here at the school. And, be sure to mark your calendar for the big event!
For more information, or to volunteer to help, please contact Saturday Night Live co-chairs Carol Ciotto (216- 6028) or Gail Riley (242-1120). Thanks in advance for your help!
School Spirit Awaits You! Get Involved with the Tomahawk Club!
The Tomahawk Club is our parents’ booster group, and we are always looking for volunteers who would like to help with our Pep Shop (where we sell a variety of Northwest logo-ed clothing and other paraphernalia) or with concession sales at games and other school events. To find out more, please contact Tomahawk Club President Carol Ciotto ([email protected] or 216-6028), or come to one of our meetings, which are always held at the school and begin at 7pm: Sept. 19, Oct. 17, and Dec. 12, 2007, and Feb. 28 and Apr. 9, 2008. Go Northwest!
5 Do You Love Northwest Catholic? Do You Love to Talk on the Phone?
We could use your help! The Advancement Office is looking for energetic volunteers for our Annual Fund phonothons, which will be held in the evenings on Oct. 28 & 29 and again on Nov. 4, 5 & 6. Don’t worry: We’ll train you (and feed you dinner). If you’re interested, please contact Michelle Murphy at [email protected] or 236-4221, x133.
Students: Sign Up Now to Get Early Bird Price for Catholic Youth Spectacular
The second annual Catholic Youth Spectacular sponsored by the Archdiocese of Hartford will be held on Sun., Oct. 14, at Lake Quassy Amusement Park. Last year’s event was very powerful for those who attended, and this year’s promises to be even better. Northwest Catholic had the best seats last year because we had the biggest group – and we want to break last year’s record! This is a day that is not to be missed. Buses will leave NWC at 10:30am and return at 8:30pm. The cost is $25 if you register before Sept. 11; $30 if you register before Sept. 25; and $40 at the door. Look for the registration forms on Edline and outside the Campus Ministry Office. For more information, contact Mrs. Gillespie ([email protected] or 236-4221, x134).
Parents’ Club Officer Needed
The Parents’ Club is still looking for someone to co-chair the Hospitality Committee with Marie West; if you’re interested, or for more information, please contact Mrs. Williamson at [email protected] or 236-4221, x113. Thank you!
Where can I find … ?
Academic, sports, and school activities information: Edline. But please remember to log in as a parent, with your own ID number, rather than use your student’s log-in information. Sports schedules: In addition to Edline, our schedules will also be posted on our web site – – or the site for the Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference: Or, you may always pick up a hard copy of the schedules from the counter in the main office. General info about the school: From Mrs. Williamson! She regularly sends updates and useful information via the email address you provided on your family’s general data form; if for some reason you do not receive these periodic emails from Mrs. Williamson, please let her know at [email protected]. A new and improved web site for Northwest Catholic? Stay tuned! We plan to launch our revamped web site later this fall.
6 Northwest Catholic High School Calendar of Events, 2007-08 (Please note: All dates are subject to change.)
August 27 8:00am-12:30 pm Opening Faculty Meeting 27 2:30 pm Girls/Boys Cross-Country Practice at NWC 27 3:00pm-6:00 pm Girls Volleyball General Tryouts 28 8:00am-3:00 pm Faculty Retreat/Staff Development 28 7:00 pm Freshman Parent Orientation 29 7:50 am-2:07 pm Freshman Orientation & Cookout 30 7:50am–12:30pm Sophomore & Junior Orientation 31 7:50 am - 12:30pm Senior Orientation September 3 NO SCHOOL Labor Day 4 7:50am-2:07 pm First Full Day of School 4, 5, 6 Student Council Senate Nominations 6 6:30pm–8:00 pm Required Parent Student/Athlete Meeting for Fall Sports 7 Extended Homeroom (Activity Assembly) 7 8:00pm-11:00 pm Freshman Dance 10 AM Assembly for Opening Mass 10, 11, 12 Freshman Officer Nominations 11 Extended Homeroom (Freshmen Expectations & Student Council Speeches (Gr. 10, 11, 12) 11 Fire Drill 11 9:00am-1:00 pm Last Date for Senior Photos 12 Lock Down Drill 13 PM Assembly (Special Schedule - Magazine Drive Kickoff) 13 Student Council Elections 13 7:00 pm Senior Parents’ Night 15 6:00 pm Alumni Athletic Hall of Fame Dinner 17 7:00 pm Parents’ Club Meeting – Potluck Supper 17 Extended Homeroom – Freshman Speeches & Class Meetings 19 12:16 Early Dismissal, Staff Development 19 7:00 pm Tomahawk Club Meeting 20 Freshman Elections 20 7:00 pm Sophomore Parents’ Night 21 8:00pm-11:00 pm First Schoolwide Dance 22 10:00 am Annual Tomahawk Club Tailgate Party 22 Class of ’82 Reunion Reception 24, 25, 26 Freshman Student Council Nominations 27 8:00 am-1:00 pm Art Rich Underclass Retakes 27 7:30 pm Parent Visitation Evening TBD Honors Breakfast 28 Faculty Retirement Dinner October 1 Full Uniform Required 3 6:00 pm Founders’ Circle Dinner 4 Freshman Student Council Elections 4 7:00 pm Junior Parents’ Night 6 SATs Administered 6 Class of ’67 Reunion Reception 8 NO SCHOOL Columbus Day
7 9-19 SPIRIT WEEK 9 AM Assembly (Mass) 12-13 7:00 pm One-Act Play 15 7:30 pm Parents’ Club Meeting 16 NO SCHOOL Archdiocesan In-Service Day 17 12:16 pm PSAT-PLAN Grades 9-11 Testing Day (No Senior Classes) Dismissal 17 7:00 pm Tomahawk Club Meeting 19 Special Schedule (Pep Rally-Mag.Ball Shootout) 20 10:30 am Homecoming Football Game 20 8:00pm-11:00 pm Homecoming Dance 30 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm Senior Halloween Party November 1 AM Assembly (All Saints’ Day Mass) 2 End of First Marking Period 3 SATs Administered (at Northwest Catholic) 7 7:00 pm Open House for Prospective Parents & Students 8 7:00 pm College Financial Aid Night (Snow date Nov. 15) 9 Extended Homeroom (Class Meetings for Grades 9 & 10) and Junior Investiture Rehearsal (for Grades 11 and 12) 12 NO SCHOOL Veterans' Day 13 Special Schedule -- Junior Investiture 13 6:00 pm Prayer Service & Pot Luck Dinner for Juniors & Families (Junior Investiture) 15 12:16 pm Early Dismissal, Staff Development 16-20 ACTS Immersion 17 6:00pm-1:00 am "Saturday Night Live" at NWC 20 6:00 pm Empty Bowls Dinner 21 12:16 pm Early Dismissal - Special Schedule 22 Happy Thanksgiving 22-23 NO SCHOOL Thanksgiving Break 28 7:30 pm Fall Sports Awards Evening 30 7:00 pm Fall Play – Mortensen Theater December 1 SATs Administered 1 8:00 am Entrance Exam for current 8th graders 1 7:00 pm Fall Play – Mortensen Theater 2 2:00 pm Fall Play – Mortensen Theater 3 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm Required Parent Student/Athlete Meeting for Winter Sports 4 7:00 pm National Honor Society Induction -- Mortensen Theater 7 Senior Retreat Day 8 8:00 am Entrance Exam Snow Date 8 8:00 pm-12:00 pm Semi-Formal at NWC 11 6:00 pm Dance Recital/Art Show (Snow Date 12/12 @ 6:00 pm) 12 7:00 pm Tomahawk Club Meeting 12 6:00 pm Snow Date for Dance Recital/Art Show 13 7:00 pm Christmas Instrumental/Chorus Concert (Snow Date 12/18) 18 7:00 pm Snow Date for Christmas Instrumental/Choral Concert 21 12:16 pm Early Dismissal -- Special Schedule 24-Jan. 1 NO SCHOOL Christmas Vacation (Merry Christmas) January 1 Happy New Year 2 School Reopens 7 AM Assembly Schedule (Mass) 14 NO SCHOOL Staff Development Day 15-18 Midterm Exams 18 End of First Semester 21 NO SCHOOL Martin Luther King Day
8 TBD Berklee Jazz Festival 22 7:30 pm Parents’ Club Meeting 23 Extended Homeroom (Course Selection) 26 8:00 am Entrance Exam Make-Up 28-1 Catholic Schools’ Week and Spirit Week 30 2:15 pm Teacher Appreciation Reception – Parents’ Club 31 Mini Open House for Prospective Students February 1 Pep Rally for Spirit Week TBD Academic Advisement -- Class of 2012 6 Prayer Service – Ash Wednesday 6 7:00 pm Evening of Jazz Music 13 AM Assembly (Black History Student Presentation) 13 7:00 pm Evening Performance-Black History (Snow Date 2/14 @ 7:00 pm) 14 7:00 pm (Snow Date for Evening Performance of Black History) 18-22 NO SCHOOL Winter Vacation 20 7:00 pm Tomahawk Committee Meeting TBD 7:30 am Honors Breakfast (TBD) 27 6:00 pm Empty Bowls Dinner 28 12:16 pm Early Dismissal, Staff Development March 1 SATs Administered 7 NO SCHOOL Faculty In-Service Meeting 10 Extended Homeroom (Class Meetings) 13 8:00-11:00 pm Third Schoolwide Dance 14 NO SCHOOL Faculty Retreat 18 7:30 pm Parents’ Club Meeting 19 7:30 pm Winter Sports Awards 19 7:00- 8:30 pm SAT Review 20 12:16 Dismissal Special Schedule (Holy Thursday Prayer Service) 21 NO SCHOOL Good Friday 23 Easter Sunday 24 NO SCHOOL Easter Monday 25 AM Assembly Mass 26 7:00 pm-8:30 pm SAT Review 27 6:30– 8:00 pm Required Parent Student/Athlete Meeting for Spring Sports in Gym 28 End of 3rd Marking Period April 2 7:00 - 8:30 pm SAT Review 3 Spring Musical -- Middle School Student Matinee 4 8:00 am – 1:00pm Grandparents’ Day (tentative) 4 7:30 pm Spring Musical – NWC 5 7:30 pm Spring Musical – NWC 6 2:00 pm Spring Musical - Matinee at NWC 8 12:16 pm Early Dismissal, Staff Development 9 7:00 -8:30pm SAT Review 9 7:00 pm Tomahawk Club Meeting 14-18 NO SCHOOL Spring Vacation 21-23 Student Council Officers Nominations 23 7:00-8:30 pm SAT Review 26 7-11:00 pm Spring Reunions 28 Extended Homeroom - Student Council Speeches 30 7:00-8:30 pm SAT Review May 1 AM Assembly Mass (Ascension Thursday) 1 7:30 pm President's Reception 1 Student Council Election 2-7 Class Officer Nominations
9 3 SATs Administered 5-16 AP Exams 15 Class Officer Elections 17 7:00-12:00 pm Junior/Senior Prom – La Renaissance, E. Windsor 19 7:30 pm Parents' Club Meeting 20 Rain Date for Field Day 20 6:30 pm Dance Recital/Art Show 22 7:00 pm Spring Concert for Instrumental/Choral Music 23 Senior Exams 26 NO SCHOOL Memorial Day 27 2:15 pm Empty Bowls Ice Cream Social 28 7:30 pm Spring Sports Awards Evening 27, 28, 29 Senior Exams 29 7:00 pm Academic & Service Awards Evening 30 8:00 am Senior Outing June 2 8:00 am Golf Tournament -- Wampanoag Country Club 2 Graduation Retreat 3 9:30 am Graduation Rehearsal 4 10:00 am Baccalaureate Mass – Church of St. Timothy 4 12:16 pm Dismissal 4 7:30 pm Graduation -- The Cathedral of St. Joseph 5 6:00 pm MVP Dinner 7 SATs Administered 10 6:00 pm Parents’ Club Cookout See Final Exams for gr. 9, 10, 11 below
Note: Final exams for grades 9, 10, and 11 will be scheduled for the last 4 days of school. The last day of exams/school will be June 13 unless there are days that are cancelled for weather during the year. All such days will be made up beginning on June 16. Exams will still be the last 4 days of school. A final decision on the end of the year will be made by April 11. Please keep these dates in mind when scheduling summer activities. Any questions regarding a student’s final exam must be processed through the Academic Dean.
10 Mark your calendars!
Mark Your Calendars!
Monday, Sept. 17 – Parents’ Club Potluck/Opening Meeting Monday, Oct. 15 – Parents’ Club Meeting, 7:30pm Tuesday, Jan. 22, 2008 – Parents’ Club Meeting, 7:30pm Tuesday, Mar. 18 – Parents’ Club Meeting, 7:30pm Monday, May 19 – Parents’ Club Meeting, 7:30pm Tuesday, June 10 – Parents’ Club Picnic, 6:00pm
Freshman Parents’ Night: Tues., Aug. 28, 7pm Sophomore Parents’ Night: Thurs., Sept. 20, 7pm Junior Parents’ Night: Thurs., Oct. 4, 7pm Senior Parents’ Night: Thurs., Sept. 13, 7pm Parents’ Visitation Night: Thurs., Sept. 27, 7pm College Financial Aid Night: Thurs., Nov. 8, 7pm
Non-profit Org. Northwest Catholic High School U.S. Postage 29 Wampanoag Drive PAID West Hartford, CT 06117 Hartford, CT Permit No. 246