Also in Attendance: Zoning Officer William Wolfe and Bob Sheets

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Also in Attendance: Zoning Officer William Wolfe and Bob Sheets


The Cummings Township Board of Supervisors held a monthly meeting on April 12, 2016, at 7:00 p.m. at the Cummings Township Municipal Building, with John Gasperine, Thomas Thompson and James Mitcheltree present.

Also in attendance: Zoning Officer William Wolfe and Bob Sheets Public Participation:


Board’s Approval of Meeting Minutes: Chairman Gasperine asked for questions or comments on the minutes from the March 14, 2016 meeting, there being none, Supervisor Mitcheltree made a motion to approve the meeting minutes as presented; seconded by Supervisor Thompson, MCU. Treasurer’s Report: Supervisor Thompson made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report for the period of March 14, 2016 through April 12, 2016, as presented; seconded by Supervisor Mitcheltree, MCU. Zoning Officer’s Report: Zoning Officer Wolfe reported four zoning permits were issued since the date of the last meeting:

1. Pine Village Inc. – campground at 620 Elder Lane, Waterville 2. Jeffrey Packech – 6 mos. Seasonal camper placement at 149 Church St., Waterville 3. Gary Snyder – 6 mos. Seasonal Camper placement at 600 Ramsey Drive, Ramsey Village 4. Brant Hartung – raise chickens & place two coops w/ requirements at 111 Church Street, Waterville

Zoning Officer Wolfe reported that Brant Hartung received approval from the Zoning Hearing Board to raise chickens and to have two chicken coops on his property, and the Zoning Hearing Board placed the following stipulations on the approval:

1. In and out openings are required for each coop; 2. Mr. Hartung must continue to clean up his property (Will noted some improvement has been made at the Hartung property); 3. Limited to having 24 chickens; 4. Chicken coops must be anchored; and 5. A chicken wire fence must be installed to contain the chickens

Supervisor Mitcheltree asked Zoning Officer Wolfe if the six month camper placement in Ramsey Village was in the floodway.

Zoning Officer Wolfe responded that the camper is not in the floodway, however, he stated that approximately 95% of Ramsey Village is in the flood fringe.

Supervisor Mitcheltree reported that he received a copy of the paperwork Dan Nestlerode received from Lycoming County Zoning which indicates that everything on the Nestlerode property is permitted to be there.

According to Mr. Nestlerode, the entire situation was caused by complaints made by Gene Feerar to Zoning Administrator Kurt Schmitt. Mr. Nestlerode had previously been advised by former Lycoming County Zoning Administrator David Hines that everything on his property i.e. campers, sheds, and tanks were permitted on his property with regard to the floodway and flood fringe. After Mr. Nestlerode spending $2,600, it was determined, once again, by the Zoning Administrator that nothing on the property has to be moved from the floodway.

Supervisor Mitcheltree said this is one reason he would like to see the Township take over the administration of the Township’s Zoning Ordinances rather than continuing to use the Lycoming County Zoning Administrator.

A discussion was held regarding whether the Township’s Zoning Ordinance would have to be updated and whether Lycoming County would continue to administer the Subdivision and Land Development Ordinances for the Township if the Township would take over administration of the zoning ordinances.

It was the consensus of the Board that Supervisor Mitcheltree look into the possibility of the Township taking over administering the Zoning Ordinance from Lycoming County and if it was decided by the Board to do so, whether the Township’s Zoning Ordinances would need to be updated, and what that would entail.

Roadmaster’s Report

Roadmaster Jim Mitcheltree reported that employees will be cleaning out ditches on Dam Run Road and will also be replacing pipes on that road, noting the Dirt & Gravel Road Projects will begin later this year.

Supervisor Mitcheltree made a motion to purchase pipe needed to complete pipe replacement on Dam Run Road; seconded by Supervisor Thompson, MCU.

Supervisor Mitcheltree reported he spoke with Dennis Norman, P.E. about the water engineering study for the bridge culvert replacement on Dam Run Road. Dennis said he is hiring someone to assist him with the study and expects to have it completed by May for submission to the Soil & Conservation District.

New Business: Bob Sheets, EMC

Cummings Township Emergency Management Coordinator Bob Sheets said he would like to sit down with Zoning Officer Wolfe to go over the new FEMA maps to determine the flood levels for various areas of the Township to figure out when residents in those areas would need assistance in the event of flooding.

The Supervisors suggested that he meet with residents to obtain information with regard to how the various water levels affect different areas of the township.

Bob agreed with the Supervisors and suggested the possibility of forming a committee of residents to obtain and compile information that would be helpful in determining how emergency responders would access areas of the Township which may not necessarily be flooded during a flood event, should an emergency situation arise.

A discussion was held and the Supervisors suggested creating a manual from information on how water levels may impact areas of the Township, such as what areas would need to be evacuated at a certain level; what level roads would flood, etc., in order to give emergency responders a way to assess and prioritize areas where residents may need assistance.

2017 Bridge Replacement on Rte. 414

Bob Sheets also expressed concerns with the Route 414 bridge replacement project tentatively scheduled for the spring of 2017 as the project will have a “turn about” rather than a detour as emergency responders would be unable to get to residents in that area should there be an emergency.

He said the rails to trails would be able to be used in an emergency; however, an ambulance and fire equipment would not be able to use the rails to trails. He said he spoke with Charlie Hall of Representative Everett’s office about his concerns with the road closure during the bridge project and a meeting will be scheduled to discuss the project.

Mr. Sheets noted that there will be a detour in place during the upcoming bridge replacement project in Jersey Mills.

Old Business:

Bureau of Forestry Property

Mr. Sheets said he and several other members of the Fire Company have spoken with Nick Thomas, Park Manager of Little Pine State Park, about the DCNR property across from the Township building and understands that the Supervisors have also been in contact with him about the property.

A discussion was held regarding demolishing the buildings on the property and whether it will be possible to demolish the house only and leave the garage on the property which may be used for storage by the fire company and the Township if the Township is successful in its efforts to lease the property.

Chairman Gasperine said it is his understanding that it is better if the Township takes the lead with regard to the property because the transaction will be between two governmental agencies.

Mr. Sheets encouraged the Supervisors to continue to work with DCNR in an effort to keep the garage building from being demolished.

It was the consensus of the Board that they will continue to follow through on the matter.

Waterville Fire Company

Grant Applications

Bob Sheets reported that the Waterville Fire Company submitted another federal grant for air packs and applied for a state grant for water rescue equipment and received $12,896 from the

state grant toward the purchase of water rescue equipment; however the Fire Company would like to purchase four additional dry suits, due to sizing, which would bring the total to eight dry suits available for use during water rescue calls.

According to Mr. Sheets, the Fire Company has been looking at target hazards in the area and water rescue is a big target hazard due to the number of people using the creek and park.

Chairman Gasperine asked how many volunteers are trained for water rescue.

Bob said there are five members who are certified in water rescue and another class is being held this year and after that class he said there may be 10 to 15 responders trained in water rescue.

Mr. Sheets provided the list of rescue equipment the Fire Company would like to purchase totaling $18,365.00 less the $12,878.46 received from the state grant leaving a balance of $5,500.00 and asked if the Supervisors would make a contribution toward the purchase of the equipment.

Supervisor Thompson suggested matching the Fire Company’s contribution of $2,750.00.

Supervisor Mitcheltree made a motion to match the Fire Company’s contribution toward the purchase of the equipment in the amount of $2,750.00 which will be disbursed from Act 13 Funds; seconded by Supervisor Thompson, MCU.

Playground Project

Chairman Gasperine reported that the contractor is working on installing the playground equipment, and after the three new pieces of equipment are installed, a cement curb and surface material will be installed.

The pavilions need to be cleaned and the Recreation Committee is in the process of scheduling a clean-up day at the park.

COG Dues

The Supervisors directed the Treasurer to issue a check in the amount of $100 to the Pine Creek Township Council of Government for the annual membership fee.

Pine Creek Rails to Trails Advisory Committee

Chairman Gasperine reported that Toner Hollick, local representative of the Pine Creek Rails to Trails Advisory Committee, is unable to attend the committee meeting scheduled for April 19th at 6:30 pm at the Morris Fire Hall and requested that one or all of the Supervisors attend the meeting in his absence.

Supervisor Thompson and Gasperine both expressed interest in attending the meeting.

Fire Company Consolidation

Bob Sheets reported that the merger of the Waterville and Cammal Fire Company is moving forward and the attorneys are preparing a merger plan. When the plan is completed, another meeting will be scheduled for the Township Supervisors and members of the Fire Companies to

review all the information in the plan to see if changes need to be made before the plan is submitted to the State for approval.

Supervisor Mitcheltree requested the Township Treasurer to provide the Board of Supervisors with what the Township currently pays for insurance coverage for the Fire Company.


Notice of Dirt & Gravel Road Training from the Soil & Conservation District.

Letter from PennDOT informing the Township of upcoming road projects scheduled for 2016 from April through November which includes seal coating 11.87 miles of road from Waterville to the Hyner Mountain Road and seal coating Rte. 44 from the Clinton County line to Ramsey. Both road projects have a tentative start date of July 16, 2016.

Notice of the Lycoming County Association of Township Officials Annual Spring Meeting scheduled for April 27, 2016 at 7:00 pm.

Notice from Range Resources to renew their DEP drilling permit for the Laurel Hill 1-H Well, one year extension.

Notice from PGE of their submission of an application for water withdrawal to the Susquehanna River Basin.

Invoices Supervisor Mitcheltree made a motion to approve the invoices as presented; seconded by Supervisor Thompson, MCU.

There being no further business, Supervisor Thompson made a motion to adjourn the meeting; seconded by Supervisor Mitcheltree, MCU.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 pm Respectfully submitted,

Darlene S. Macklem, Secretary/Treasurer

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