Positioning at Rucks and Mauls

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Positioning at Rucks and Mauls

July 2017 Bristol Referees’ Society Newsletter Issue 2 Ah, Go Whistle!

CHAIRMAN’S REPORT Tony Bowers will be organising our Can I take this opportunity to Following the recent British Lions training and development thank the society committee, who have throughout the past performances in New Zealand, our programme which will assist all of year, worked tirelessly in our members, whether they are great game has been brought back ensuring every member feels into the forefront of sport. referees, match observers or valued. The atmosphere at coaches, to build their meetings has been encouraging This coming season marks the Bristol understanding and knowledge of the with large numbers attending Referee Society’s 125th year and will game. General Meetings on a regular clearly be a special anniversary. As basis. A tremendous amount of we reflect on last season there are Anyone who would like to take up effort goes into ensuring the so many positive achievements to the whistle, contact us via our meetings are of value in terms of collective and individual celebrate. website www.bristolrefs.co.uk or refereeing development. I would contact Tony Swash direct. We look As a society we covered 99% of trust all members attempt to forward to another successful ensure they make every attempt games requested and recruited season and already are planning the to attend the meetings, not only nearly 30 new referees. I would like end of season dinner - save the date: for their personal development to thank the committee for their 18th May 2018 - it promises to be a but for the benefit of the game continuous enthusiasm and hard great night out! overall. Remember better work; it was great to spend time referees make better matches. together recently in Exmoor to put The new season marks a special anniversary for the society, as we together our strategy plan covering STEVE LEYSHON celebrate our 125th year, a truly all aspects of the work of the momentous achievement. It’s Society. PRESIDENT essential we celebrate this occasion in style, which we During the summer Brad Bignell, Dear Members certainly plan to do. who has been promoted to the From a personal point of view I South West Group, together with Hopefully you have managed to plan to visit all our member clubs Tony Swash, a stalwart of the enjoy some down time from rugby, within the new season in an society, went to South Africa as part apart from the extensive 7’s events effort to foster even closer links with our society. of our referee exchange programme. taking place around the South West As the new season approaches, Besides having the opportunity to region. Recharging your batteries it’s time for us all to commence referee they also experienced the after a long season is essential as we our preparation, for what different culture and uniqueness of shortly embark on the new season promises to be a challenging ahead. period, however a very exciting South Africa with an highlight being and memorable one. a visit to a game reserve. We can all look back with enormous Best regards pride on the past season, where the Ed Morrison Jim Bennett, Ben Green and Andy society enjoyed great success, both Gibson represented the Society at on and off the field of play. A record the United World Games in number of new recruits joined the Klagenfurt, Austria whilst Richard society, enabling us to appoint Timbrell and Gareth Dinsdale referees to an ever increasing officiated at the Amsterdam 7's. number of matches. The challenge for us all is to continue our positive As we look to the season ahead, the recruitment efforts, by encouraging Society will have held its first general even more persons to take up the meeting with Tom Foley presenting whistle. the new global law variations. Positioning at Rucks and Mauls

Opening your body position is quite easy to achieve. I’ve attached a document to try to illustrate what I am about to write. At Rucks and Mauls you need to get there fast, in fact you should aim to be the 3rd person there. Spot the ball and always be aware of where it is. However, this does NOT mean keep your eye on it. Ball watching is one of a referee’s worst offences. The ball has never been penalised! I’m saying this, not because I think you are doing it, but to make you be aware of it should you slip into the habit. Once you’ve spotted the ball, back off a few yards to give yourself a better view. Then point to the nearest and furthest players opposite you on your side of the phase. For me, I find it hurts my back and so to get rid of it, I turned 90% so that I was facing a dead ball line. In this position, a quick turn of the head lets you see both teams’ offside lines . Every now and then look twice. The players presume that once you’ve looked, that’s it and will creep up behind you. Catch them once and they won’t do it again! Hope this is helpful. Cheers,

Updates to Appointment Emails IT’S NOT JUST RUGBY, WE A successful afternoon with good Over the coming days there are banter and fun was had, with some very important updates to how ARE MULTI-TALENTED umpires Simon Parsons and Jeff emails are handled by Morgan doing a splendid job WhosTheRef.com. keeping the undoubted There will be some gradual changes enthusiasm of the players in to make them look nice. These check, while the scorer for the changes to the layout will be a day, Mr Brown, kept the continual process throughout WTR scoreboard ticking. to keep improving how the system Thank you to everyone who took looks. part, with special thanks to There are two other very important Shirehampton CC for hosting, updates: On a glorious Sunday in June at Wayne Davis for the BBQ, all 1) The “Sender” will now always say Shirehampton CC, Bristol Rugby those who made the cakes and WhosTheRef.com. Previously they Referees Society and Somerset Rugby Clare Daniels and Paul Box for the had the name of the user who Referees Society held a social cricket teas. generated the email but that has match and with both societies coming A good day was enjoyed by all started to cause some problems with up trumps with players, a Barbarian who attended and it was great to spam filters. side was also formed. see the event well supported 2) Clicking “Reply” will no longer Before the matches the entrants for from both societies - the hope is work. Again, the dreaded spam the “Bake-Off” were exhibited and more events like this can take filters don’t like us using a different what a marvellous array of cakes there place in the future. “reply to” email address. Clicking were. The first game saw Somerset Steve Leyshon & Peter Dixon "Reply" and then sending will mean claim a victory against the Barbarians, the email will not be delivered to the hitting 99 runs and limiting the intended person. The email will opponents to a modest 68. So all was however display the email address set for the victors to take on Bristol link of the user who originated the Referees – the big question being how email, by clicking on this link you will would Bristol respond against the be able to write to the originator of clear favourites Somerset, and was Referees’ Dinner the email. that training session at Bristol County They try to keep changes like this to Ground, led by James Maby, going to a minimum but have been forced to be enough? Bristol hit a modest 78 make the above updates in order to runs, with Wayne Davis thwarting the keep the email programmes 100% hosts at the end of their innings - the effective and remain one step ahead last two overs only producing two of the spam filters. Their services runs with plenty of wickets. regularly generates 10,000's of Somerset were feeling confident, emails and they promise to never especially when Davis and Heath put send spam, but as you can imagine on 45 runs for no wicket in the first 6 they have to work hard to convince overs. But Bristol dug deep, with the spam filters of that. some inspirational bowling from Phil Congratulations must go to the As always, thank you for your Cheek, Maby, Oli Carey and Rich Hall Dinner Committee: - Tim understanding while they make aided by some fantastic fielding with Mahoney, Adrian Johnstone, these important changes. young Billy MacKay taking a stunning Peter Dixon, Huw Langley and catch, despite a collision with the Paddy Carberry for putting so Cheers impressive frame of Hall! Somerset, much effort into organising what Ian Hillier needing 7 runs from Hall’s last over, can only be described as ‘an choked and ended up two runs short. excellent evening’. The food To complete the round-robin event, supplied by the Academy was Bristol played the Barbarians and with “ To play rugby you need three superb and thanks go to Donna Steve Hambley hitting an unbeaten things: a good pass, a good tackle Stark, the Catering Manageress 25, Bristol Referees celebrated. and a good excuse.” at the Academy. Anon

A RUGBY ANORAK HOW TO SURVIVE A HEART ATTACK WELL DONE!! WHEN ALONE I first started as a Rugby Ref after I Please pause for 2 minutes and read Good news from the South West broke my neck playing in Wales. I this: - Group for next season - Brad was fortunate enough to get into the 1. Let’s say it’s 7.25pm and Bignell has been included on the Swansea RFC Training Squad and you’re going home (alone of team of Level 5 referees and course) after an unusually hard while playing for my local side I Tony Bowers as a Match day on the job. ended up under a prop while facing 2. You’re really tired, upset and Observer. the wrong way! It took three years frustrated. It will be hard work for both of to be able to run again. But being a 3. Suddenly you start stubborn sod, after a consultant told experiencing severe pain in your them and can involve lots of me initially that I would possible chest that starts to drag out into travel all over England plus never walk again, and as I recovered, your arm and up in to your jaw. meetings and training. Despite You are only about five km from again I was told that I would not be that, it is a great honour for them the hospital nearest your home. and the Society. able to run or take part in any 4. Unfortunately you don’t know sports. I progressed through the if you’ll be able to make it that far. Good luck gents. ranks within the WRU Refs, then, 5. You have been trained in CPR, due to work commitments, I first but the guy who taught the course ======joined the Bristol Refs Society in did not tell you how to perform it on yourself. 2003. HANDBOOK 6. HOW TO SURVIVE A HEART Bristol Combination, this year, I moved to the Caribbean in 2010, ATTACK WHEN ALONE? Since many people are alone when they proposed to include the names officiating with NACRA (North and contact details of the Society suffer a heart attack without help, American & Caribbean Referees the person whose heart is beating Committee only in the handbook - not the names and contact Association) Refs Society. During improperly and who begins to feel this time I was fortunate enough to faint, has only about 10 seconds details of all members. I am pleased to say that this idea has officiate either as Ref or AR1 for 7 left before losing consciousness. been overturned and Bristol Full Tier 3 Internationals including 7. However, these victims can Combination will include the final Regional Qualifying (RWC help themselves by coughing repeatedly and very vigorously. A everyone's name and contact 2015) Match between Guyana & details, as usual, in the handbook. deep breath should be taken Trinidad & Tobago. before each cough, and the cough Jim Bennett must be deep and prolonged, as ======When I returned to the UK I had a when producing sputum from break from officiating to concentrate deep inside the chest. A breath “ Rugby may have many on work. But being a Rugby anorak, I and a cough must be repeated problems, but the gravest is couldn't stay away for long. I am about every two seconds without undoubtedly that of the looking forward to the new season let-up until help arrives, or until persistence of summer.” and focusing on being in the middle the heart is felt to be beating Chris Laidlaw again. normally again. 8. Deep breaths get oxygen into ************************* Cliff Jones the lungs and coughing movements squeeze the heart and Editor’s Note keep the blood circulating. The Please accept my apologies for squeezing pressure on the heart the alignment of columns etc. in also helps it regain normal rhythm. the first edition of the In this way, heart attack victims Newsletter. Everything was spot can get to a hospital. on on my computer. However, 9. Tell as many other people as the document had to be possible about this. It could save converted to a PDF file in order to their lives!! send it out to you all and that caused a plethora of problems. HONORARY LIFE MEMBERS The worst affected was when it was put on the website, but Congratulations go to Chris Brockett, hopefully, this has now been Ian Hillier, Adrian Johnstone, Tim sorted out. Mahoney, Andy Miller, Jeff Morgan, and Ian Woodgate on being awarded for their services to the Society by Editor: Jane Deane, 0792-8852031 being made Honorary Life Members. A great honour and well deserved. e-mail: [email protected]

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