The Offshore Petroleum Activities (Conservation
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Is this a notification of intent to carry out a survey? Application date (DD/MM/YYYY):
Is this an application for consent to test survey equipment?
Is this an application for consent to carry out a Survey CS9 Identifier1: survey?
Is this an application for consent to carry out a shallow drilling operation?
Is this an amendment of a previous notification or For DECC Use – DECC Ref No: application?
Is this a cancellation of a previous notification or application?
Has an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) been submitted in support of the application?
2. Contact Details
Name of licensee: Address:
Operational contact name: Emergency contact name: Telephone: Telephone: Fax: Fax: Mobile: Mobile: E-mail: E-mail: Name of Survey Contractor: Address:
Operational contact name: Emergency contact name: Telephone: Telephone:
1 The Survey CS9 Identifier must be provided for most seismic surveys (2D, 3D, 4D and OBC/OBS), gravity surveys and magnetic surveys (it is not currently a requirement for site or VSP / Borehole seismic surveys, shallow drilling operations, or seabed surveys). The Survey CS9 Identifier must follow the CS9 Generic Standard – see The identifier format is CCYYSSSSSS, where CC is the licensee code (assigned by DECC), YY is the year acquired and SSSSSS is the unique survey identifier. New licensees requiring a CC code should contact Phil Harrison at [email protected]. Fax: Fax: Mobile: Mobile: E-Mail: E-mail:
3. Type of Survey / Operation (please enter tick or text in all relevant boxes)
Seismic surveys 2D 3D 4D Regional Reservoir Site OBC / OBS Multi-component 4C (shear wave measurement) Marine vibroseis Refraction N/A N/A Vertical seismic profile (VSP) / Borehole seismic
Gravity surveys, e.g. gradiometric survey (provide brief description) Magnetic surveys, e.g. electromagnetic survey (provide brief description) Shallow drilling operations (provide brief description)
Other geophysical seabed surveys not covered by the above2 (provide brief description) All surveys within, or adjacent to, conservation sites3 (provide brief description and identify site(s))
4. Survey Date
Earliest start date: Latest end date: Estimated number of working days:
5. Survey Location A map (A4 size) must be submitted in support of all applications, showing the survey and greater work area and, if appropriate, the survey sail (transect) lines.
Location, e.g. Southern North Sea: Quadrant and block numbers to be traversed: Minimum distance from nearest coastline: Approximate geographical co-ordinates and datum for Latitude and longitude coordinates: corners of survey area:
Datum: Survey area (km2): Approximate geographical co-ordinates and datum for Latitude and longitude coordinates: corners of greater work area (if different):
Datum: Greater work area (km2): Total sail (transect) line length (km) – if appropriate:
2 Notification is required for non-seismic geophysical surveys undertaken using any survey technique, e.g. site surveys (rig, well, platform or other infrastructure surveys) and pipeline route surveys undertaken using grabs, corers, side-scan sonar, ROVs / AUVs etc, but is not required for routine surveys undertaken solely to collect scientific data or samples for environmental studies (NB see Footnote 3). 3 It is only necessary to provide information that is not included elsewhere in the table, e.g. to identify the conservation site within, or adjacent to, a seismic survey, or to notify a scientific or environmental survey that will be undertaken within, or adjacent to, a relevant site, e.g. a grab or core benthic fauna survey on a sandbank or reef site. Sail (transect) line spacing (m) – if appropriate: Pipeline route length (km) – if appropriate
6. Details of Vessel(s)
No of vessels involved4:
Name: Tonnage: Registration: Call sign: Vessel’s role, e.g. source, guard, fisheries liaison etc:
Name: Tonnage: Registration: Call sign: Vessel’s role, e.g. source, guard, fisheries liaison etc:
7. Details of Survey Equipment
Seismic Surveys Energy source type: Energy source volume (cu in): Shot interval (seconds): No of cables: Length of towed equipment, including tail-buoys (m): Width of towed equipment (m): Depth of towed equipment (m):
Other Surveys / Operations Survey type5 e.g. shallow drilling, side-scan sonar etc: Brief description of equipment:
8. Licence Details
Production/Exploration Licence No6: Licence Round No (if applicable): Is the survey subject to any licence conditions? e.g. No seismic during period January to March Which body is responsible for the conditions? e.g. JNCC / CEFAS / FRS / MOD / Defra Have any waivers been granted in relation to those conditions? Which body issued the waiver, and when was it issued?
9. Consultation / Liaison
Have discussions taken place with other licensees (if survey extends into area licensed by a third party)? Which licensees were involved?
Have you obtained the permission of those licensees, and when was the permission granted? Have discussions taken place with marine conservation bodies? Which bodies were involved, e.g. JNCC / SNH / NE,
4 If more than two vessels are involved, please continue table and enter details for all vessels. 5 If more than one survey type, please continue table and enter details for each survey type. 6 If more than one licence, please continue table and enter details for each licence. and when did the discussions take place?
9. Consultation / Liaison (continued)
Have you arranged Marine Mammal Observer(s)?
Which organisation will provide the MMO(s)?
How many MMOs will they provide?
Have you arranged Passive Acoustic Monitoring?
Which organisation will provide the PAM?
Have discussions taken place with fishing organisations? Which organisations were involved, and when did the discussions take place? Have you arranged Fisheries Liaison?
Which organisation will provide the Fisheries Liaison?
How many Fisheries Liaison staff will they provide?
10. Declaration Please note that incomplete application forms will be returned to the applicant so that the missing information can be provided, and that this could delay determination of any application for consent.
For and on behalf of (insert name of licensee): Name: Company: Position: Date:
Please send your completed PON14A application (and relevant accompanying documents) to [email protected]. A copy should also be sent to the relevant notification contacts, see Contact List of Non-Government Consultees at:
Please note that incomplete application forms, including those that are not supported by any relevant accompanying documents referred to in the application, will be returned to the applicant so that the missing information can be provided, and this could delay determination of any application for consent.