Monticello City Council
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Members Present – Mayor Glenn Newsome, Mayor Pro Tem Russell Gross, Councilmember Bryan Standifer, Councilmember Bobby Jacobs, Councilmember Katherine Alexander, and Councilmember Martha Pompey.
Staff Present – Bob Schwartz, City Manager, Peggy Billerman, Interim City Clerk, and Police Chief Bobby Norris.
Media Present – Ted Dunagan of the Monticello News.
Citizens Present – Honorary Councilmember Gary Jenkins, Reverend William Gibson, Carlton Burr, Bobby Sutton, David Dammann, Chuck Figlia, Yolanda Head, Doris Tripp and a contingent from Piedmont Academy’s State Champion football team.
Regular Meeting - Mayor Newsome called the meeting to order. Honorary Councilmember Gary Jenkins gave the invocation. Mayor Newsome led the pledge of allegiance. Peggy Billerman, Interim City Clerk called the roll.
Agenda Approval – Motion by Councilmember Standifer, seconded by Councilmember Jacobs to approve the agenda as printed. All in favor.
Honorary Councilmember – Gary Jenkins of West Washington Street was appointed Honorary Councilmember for the month of December by Councilmember Alexander. Mayor Newsome read a proclamation and Councilmember Alexander presented Honorary Councilmember Jenkins with a blanket depicting many scenes from around the community.
Citizen Comments –
David Dammann of West Washington Street thanked Council for their service and encouraged them to consider a referendum to allow alcohol pouring on Sundays, as the County referendum was passed this year.
Minutes – Motion by Councilmember Jacobs, seconded by Councilmember Pompey, to approve the minutes of November 9, 2010, as presented. All in favor.
Piedmont Academy football champions – Coach Rhett Farmer introduced coaches and team members from Piedmont’s State Champion football team. Mayor Newsome read a proclamation in their honor.
Page 1 of 5 Annual Audit – Brian Wright of Wright and Wright, CPA, presented the audit for FY2009-FY2010 stating that, as a whole, the City had increased its net position by $117,000. He remarked that this was possible due to difficult decisions made by Council throughout the year. While reviewing the enterprise funds, he commented that water had done well, electric would require some difficult decisions on rate structure, and that gas revenues were down due to changes at Georgia Pacific. Mayor Pro Tem Gross asked Mr. Wright if he had any recommendations for next year. Mr. Wright cautioned that the net increase should serve as a baseline to be maintained as a minimum through FY2010- 2011.
Downtown Development Authority - Chairman David Dammann advised Council that the DDA has let the contract on the sale of the building at 139 West Washington Street to Joyce MacDonald Realty. Monthly activity reports will be provided by the company. Mr. Dammann also presented the first check in repayment of the $10,000 loan from the City to the DDA.
Police Chief’s Report – Chief Norris reported fines collected in the amount of $2259 and 54 cases scheduled for municipal court. Chief Norris introduced Officer Cooper, Officer Phillips, Officer Baker, Officer Elkins, Officer Major, and office manager, Yolanda Head to Council. Judge Bumann conducted a ceremonial swearing-in of the officers in Council Chambers.
City Manager’s Report – Mr. Schwartz informed Council that the required Transportation Enhancement sidewalk grant advertisement had appeared in the newspaper for the first of four weeks. The Georgia Department of Transportation will be making improvements to Hwy 16 West near Hwy 212 which will require City utility relocation at an approximate cost of $1,000,000. GDOT will be asked to cover the expense. Interviews for the position of gas superintendent will begin next week. The automated meter reading project will not be complete until January at the earliest. The lack of progress is disappointing. City Engineer Robert Jordan is contacting the project manager for an explanation and time frame. Some change-overs have caused water damage, which the City has covered. A bill for these repairs will be sent to the contractor if the contractor’s employees caused the damage. Councilmembers Jacobs and Alexander criticized the Christmas decorations on the Square. Middle school children have put lights on the crepe myrtles, but the arrangement is not pleasing. The City put lights on the light poles on the Square. Previously, direction and supervision of the decorating was done by employees of Better Hometown and the Chamber of Commerce. Neither the Chamber nor Better Hometown has any employees at this time. Mayor Newsome suggested the City re-assess decorating responsibilities. Councilmember Jacobs inquired about the garland that had decorated City Hall last year. Councilmember Alexander inquired about the ‘skating’ people. Mr. Schwartz will try to locate both decorations. Mayor Pro Tem Gross suggested the meter reader check utility poles for ground wires and make a note of any missing. Councilmember Alexander inquired about replacing the missing light in front of the Silver Rabbit and unsatisfactory maintenance of the Square. Mayor Pro Tem Gross stated that the Square was not being properly cleaned. Complaints
Page 2 of 5 had been received from merchants regarding the lack of clean-up. Councilmember Alexander discussed scheduling the Community Yard Sale the weekend before the opening of the Market on the Square.
Consent Agenda
Payables – Motion by Councilmember Jacobs, second by Councilmember Standifer, to approve the payables as presented. All in favor.
Old Business
Westview Park – Six bids for playground equipment were received. City Engineer Robert Jordan reviewed the bids and recommended the bid of $64,899 by Southern Playground. Councilmembers asked questions of Carlton Burr with Southern Playgrounds and Chuck Figlia with Gametime. Equipment to be installed in January 2011. $32,500 to be charged to SPLOST and $32,500 to be charged to the general fund. Motion by Mayor Pro Tem Gross to accept the recommendation of the City Engineer, second by Councilmember Alexander. Mayor Pro Tem Gross and Councilmembers Standifer, Jacobs, and Alexander voted to approve, Councilmember Pompey abstained. Motion carried.
City Organizational Chart – Mayor Pro Tem Gross questioned how proposed Charter changes would affect the organizational chart. Councilmember Jacobs suggested the Mayor should be listed separately above the heading of Council. The chart will be amended, as necessary, if it is affected by any Charter change. Motion by Councilmember Standifer, second by Councilmember Jacobs, to approve the chart with the change in ‘Mayor’ position. All in favor.
New Business –
Employee Christmas – City offices will be closed Friday, December 24 through Monday December 27, 2010 for the Christmas holidays. Motion by Councilmember Pompey, second by Mayor Pro Tem Gross, to provide Christmas bonuses of $100 to each employee. All in favor.
Consideration of approval of 2011 alcohol licenses –
Hide-A-Way Package Store, 10 Towhee Street, approval of the renewal of Retail Liquor license. McMichael’s Package Store, 158 Frobel Street, approval of the renewal of Retail Liquor license. Top Shelf Bottle Shop, 541 Venture Court, approval of the renewal of Retail Liquor license. Deptula’s Bar and Grill, 336 Frobel Street, approval of the renewal of alcoholic beverage pouring license.
Page 3 of 5 El Giro Mexican Restaurant, 1196 147th Street, approval of the renewal of alcoholic beverage pouring license. Motion by Councilmember Pompey, second by Councilmember Standifer, to approve renewals. Mayor Pro Tem Gross, Councilmembers Pompey, Standifer, and Alexander voted to approve. Councilmember Jacobs abstained. Motion carried.
Four Seasons Café, 107 West Washington Street, requested six months renewal of their beer and wine pouring license. Motion by Councilmember Pompey to allow renewal for six month period, second by Councilmember Standifer. Councilmembers Standifer and Pompey vote to approve, Mayor Pro Tem Gross votes to deny, Councilmembers Jacobs and Alexander abstain. Motion fails 2-1. Motion by Councilmember Jacobs to approve the six month renewal pending amendment to the ordinance, second by Councilmember Standifer. Councilmembers Jacobs, Standifer, and Pompey voted to approve. Mayor Pro Tem Gross voted to deny, and Councilmember Alexander abstained. Motion carried.
Outdoor Watering Ordinance – The State of Georgia passed legislation, contained in OCGA 12-5-7, requiring the adoption of outdoor watering regulations. The ordinance under consideration was taken directly from the State’s model ordinance. Motion to approve first reading of ordinance by Councilmember Pompey, second by Mayor Pro Tem Gross. All in favor.
On-Bill Financing Ordinance – Electric Cities of Georgia has provided a matching grant to help with funding for on-bill financing of energy efficient appliances and home improvements. The ordinance is required before the program starts. Motion to approve first reading by Councilmember Standifer, second by Mayor Pro Tem Gross. All in favor.
Publication of Summaries – A resolution to allow publishing of summaries, rather than the entire bodies, of the Outdoor Watering Ordinance and the On-Bill Financing Ordinance prior to the second reading on January 11, 2010. Motion to approve by Mayor Pro Tem Gross, second by Councilmember Pompey. All in favor.
CDBG Update – The post-award CDBG public hearing was held November 18, 2010. City Engineer Robert Jordan has begun the RFP for the initial evaluation of the sewer system in the project area which may include smoke and TV testing.
Council Comments –
Councilmember Jacobs hoped that the City Manager will be able to work with the Henderson’s water bill and encouraged everyone to look to the future. Councilmember Pompey was proud of the information provided by the auditor showing that the City had gone forward in a positive manner this year. Councilmember Standifer commented that it had been a trying year, but we were better. He stated that Council must agree to disagree and always respect each other. Honorary Councilmember Jenkins thanked everyone for their service. Councilmember Alexander commented that some decisions are made with the heart and that some are made with the head. Speaking as a citizen, Councilmember Alexander shared her experience with an electrical problem that resulted in severe
Page 4 of 5 damage to all of her electric appliances. Apparently, a squirrel damaged the incoming electric wire, causing the breaker box to catch on fire as well as her dishwasher. Other appliances, including her washer, dryer, television, and computer blew up. Councilmember Alexander stated that this could have been prevented by a ground wire and that the missing wire was the City’s failure to maintain its equipment. City electric lineman, Mike Boykin, had told her that this happens four or five times a month. Mr. Bobby Sutton had asked that the trees on their street be cut back from the wires. City Manager Bob Schwartz contacted the City’s insurance carrier, but coverage was denied. Councilmember Alexander criticized the City Manager’s attitude and hoped other citizens were treated more kindly. Mayor Pro Tem Gross commented that the Council was in its final lap and that Council was guilty of the sin of omission when they failed to provide the usual stipend to volunteer fire fighters in 2009, requesting it be paid in 2010. Mayor Newsome complimented Council on their accomplishments while handing out copies of proposed Charter changes printed on yellow paper. Council will devote at least thirty minutes to discussion of the proposed changes at their January meeting.
Adjournment - Upon motion of Councilmember Jacobs, seconded by Councilmember Pompey, the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m.
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