Minute of Committee Meeting Held on Wednesday 6Th November 2013, 40 Union Street, Lochgilphead
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Autism Argyll
Minute of committee meeting held on Wednesday 6th November 2013, 40 Union Street, Lochgilphead.
Present: Alison Leask, Alison Hay, Sheila Campbell, Anna Cryans & Maureen Mackintosh. Apologies: Lorna Davidson, Fiona El Taweel, Gina Stewart, Jim Curnyn, Alison McQuade, Heather Chaplin
Alison welcomed everyone to the meeting. It was noted the meeting wasn’t quorate so decisions would need to be ratified at the next meeting.
Treasurer’s report: Lorna was unable to attend the meeting but had informed the meeting that at 4th October our bank balance was £12 443.
Coordinator’s report: Maureen presented her report for September, October and November.
Annual General Meeting: The AGM had gone well and there had been very positive feedback about the presentations.
Scottish Autism Knowledge Share Seminars: Maureen and Alison will attend the next seminar on 26th November.
Website & Newsletter: The website has been updated for October and November. Maureen had created a specific page for the Autism Argyll library in order to raise awareness of this resource and encourage people to use it more. A newsletter will be produced for December. ACTION POINT: Maureen to update website and produce newsletter for December.
Awareness Talks: Maureen delivered awareness talks to Oban Resource Centre (8th October) and Childcare Students at Argyll College (6th November) both of which had been well received. Maureen mentioned a video clip of a girl with autism called Carly Fleischman she had used at one of the talks and said Carly had written a book about her experiences. Alison spoke of a book called Autism Argyll
“The Reason Why I Jump” which was written by a boy with autism. Both of these people are non-verbal but communicate by typing. It was agreed to buy these books for the library. Alison Hay suggested contacting the Baptist Church Ladies Group to ask for a donation to buy them. ACTION POINT: Maureen to contact the Baptist Church Ladies Group.
Achievement Bute Autism Project: Maureen attended a Reference Group meeting on 26th September. They have another couple of boys involved with the project and are planning another event in February next year at Mount Stuart. ACTION POINT: Maureen to remain involved and to report back to the committee.
End of grant reports and Funding Applications: Maureen has been working on these over the past few months. End of grant reports have been sent to The Robertson Trust and Lloyds TSB Foundation. Grant applications have been sent to Santander and The Robertson Trust with others ready to go over the next few months. These applications are for funding for a coordinator’s post for one day a week. ACTION POINT: Maureen to continue with grant applications.
General duties: mail, e-mail, writing up of minutes/reports, maintaining records and dealing with enquiries. There have been 8 enquiries to the Autism Argyll office since the last committee meeting.
Chair’s Report: Alison presented her report for September, October and November.
Argyll & Bute Autism Strategy Group: Alison gave the background to the Autism Strategy Group and the various problems that have beset it since its formation. Despite some progress in some areas, it was felt that Argyll & Bute Council hadn’t committed itself fully to the development of an Autism Strategy, especially at strategic level. Alison said she would feel uneasy if Autism Argyll’s name was to be involved with a strategy that wouldn’t be fit for purpose. After Autism Argyll much discussion it was agreed that Alison will write to the Strategy Group, various council members and COSLA saying Autism Argyll no longer wanted to be involved with the development of the strategy at this stage. However, if the council were to show a commitment to engage at a more strategic level, then Autism Argyll would consider becoming involved again. ACTION POINT: Alison to write a letter about concerns over the issues around the writing of the strategy and state Autism Argyll’s position.
Scottish Government ASD Group and Scottish Autism Board meetings: Alison continues to attend these meetings. Maureen Bruce is now the chair of the ASD reference group. Alison is on the diagnostic subgroup and its focus is now on adult services. There’s to be a conference in Edinburgh on 21st November which Alison and Maureen will attend. ACTION POINT: Alison to continue to attend meetings and report back to the committee.
Development of Post Diagnostic Advisor (Get Set 4 Autism): A first stage application has been sent to the Big Lottery Fund. During the writing of the application we’d had feedback from the Big Lottery Fund, so we are hopeful it will progress to the next stage. The aim is still to have this project beginning in April next year. ACTION POINT: Maureen and Alison to continue working with Scottish Autism in the development of the project.
Honorariums: Given the current financial situation, it was agreed that the chair and treasurer’s honorariums would cease at present. Alison Hay asked that thanks be formally recorded for the hard work that Alison and Lorna do on a voluntary basis.
AOCB: A booklet called The Signpost has come to our attention. It contains links and information about a variety of health and Autism Argyll wellbeing resources in Mid Argyll, Kintyre, Islay and Jura. However, there was no mention of Autism Argyll. Maureen contacted Caroline Cecil who had been involved in the publication of the booklet. Caroline could not explain why we hadn’t been included but sent us information about Argyll and Bute Community Health Partnership Forum and a membership form. It was decided not to join this forum at this time.
Date of next meeting: TBA – probably early to mid January 2014.