All Saints School Association
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All Saints School Association President Mrs Alison Wyld
Minutes of the Meeting held Thursday 20th November 2014 Those Present Tracey Stone (Chairman), Lisa Rust (Treasurer), Margaret Thorne (Secretary), Richard Lewis, Christele Hyde, Sarah Threadgold, Jo Pullen, Nivia Rodrigues, Carol Sheircliff
Welcome and apologies Welcome and thanks to all those present Apologies: Nicky Wright, Sandy Poulter, Natasha Logan, Katharine Bulcock, Erika Mullerworth, Christina Perks
Approval of Previous Minutes Matters Arising Club 200 draw was moved from Bingo Night to this meeting. Tea and Coffee organiser still needed. TENs is not required for serving wine at the Thanksgiving Service. As a result, we have a credit for the next event requiring a TEN. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved. Proposed: Tracey Stone Seconded: Christele Hyde.
Head Teacher’s Report Mr Lewis reports that a Governors Financial meeting is to be held on Monday to discuss what the rest of the money raised by ASSA will be spent on. Everyone present at the meeting was shown the new Radio Station which will be ready to be used by the children as soon as Mr Fry and Mrs Scott who have had two full training days on how to operate it, are able to teach the staff and children. The children are preparing Play Scripts, which will be performed using the Radio Station. Mr Lewis will remind the children about the Christmas Fair in assembly. Action: Tracey is to email Mr Lewis a list of colours for the rainbow room. Staff are needed to man the Bouncy Castle. Miss Reece will prepare the Grotto. Staff will prepare the Rainbow Room. Coloured cloths in the lower ASSA drawer.
Treasurer’s Report: Lisa Rust Christmas Card money banked Bingo Night money banked
Club 200 The draw for Club 200 took place at the meeting for October and November. October : 1st Sandy Poulter 2nd Katharine Bulcock November 1st Erika Mullerworth 2nd Sally Allonby
Co-Option of Treasurer Lisa Rust co-opted as the new Treasurer. Proposed: Tracey Stone. Seconded: Sarah Threadgold. Lisa will take the mandate to the bank Friday 21st November. Anything for Lisa’s attention should be put into the ASSA draw. She will collect on Wednesdays and have cheques ready for second signature on Thursdays.
Registered Charity No. 1038424. For further information contact: Mins 20/11/14 [email protected] [email protected] P a g e | 1 of 3 All Saints School Association President Mrs Alison Wyld
Proposed meeting dates for the year A list was given. out with suggested meeting days. Some meetings have been moved forward due to INSET days and holidays. January 22 day, Feb -, March 19 evening, April 23 day, May 14 evening, June 25 day, July 16 evening The second Film Night is on the 8th May (not the 15th). It is correct on the school calendar and has been corrected on the website. Action: Tracey to correct date in bulletin.
Past Events
Film Night. Sarah Sewell and Ruth Lewis Raised just under £400. See the report on dropbox. Bag2School Sue Wilson estimated to raise over £120 Comment raised was that children want a class prize for the most bags brought into school. The next Bag2School event is 22nd April 2015. Bags are to go into the Community room. Bingo Night Tracey Stone Thank you to the team: Nicky Wright catering, Paula Jenkins calling, Natascha Logan checking Raised £450. £45 was raised for Children in Need. 77 Adults and Children attended. . Good feedback on food, calling and evening in general. Recommended changing hot dog brand and lowering adult price. It was agreed that the price should not be reduced, as it is in line with amounts charged for similar events by other organisations. People are to bring in their own snacks as the Snack Bar will not be available in the future, as it didn’t make a profit and required manpower to organise and run. Bingo Night is to start earlier. Arrive 18.30 for 19:00 start. Report is on dropbox Christmas Cards by Kim Cook All orders have gone to the printers and will be back soon for distribution.
Future Events
Face Painting Workshop (Friday 21st November) with Heather Bailey and Tracey Stone. 4 Adults and 4 Children were down to attend. TAFF (Saturday 29th November) ASSA to have a stall which Tracey will attend, anyone welcome to help Tracey. Service Thanks Giving (17 December) Helpers are Tracey Stone, Jo Pullen, Lisa Rust, Sarah Threadgold. Christele Hyde is available as back up. Still waiting to see if we can get Mince Pies donated. ASSA Christmas Drinks. Thursday 11th December at 7pm. Decision taken to move venue to the Prince Arthur. All welcome. New Years Disco (Friday 16th January 2015) Ursula Davidson and Caroline Coleman
Registered Charity No. 1038424. For further information contact: Mins 20/11/14 [email protected] [email protected] P a g e | 2 of 3 All Saints School Association President Mrs Alison Wyld
DJ is Booked. Quiz Night (Friday 6th February) Needs a Coordinator. Lisa Rust has offered if no one else offers. Paula Jenkins has offered to be Quiz Master. Staff will help with the marking.
Website Communications/Updates Facebook: Tracey still to be put on as an admin. Will publicise it further when this happens.
Christmas Fair: The Hamper list for the raffle prize was circulated. Guest Stalls: Pampered Chef, Kumon, TAFF, Peppertree Decorations, Jenuastudio bead jewellery and Emporium will have a stall. Koosa Kids will do a marble run with takings to ASSA. After discussion, it was decided to be more flexible on stall pricing, especially as some stalls now have to pay an additional £10 PLI. (£15) June White will have banner outside of the school and pay £20. Kumon.Fleet have sponsored the raffle tickets £100. Angela McDonald will count and collect the raffle returns Sarah Threadgold will continue to ask high street businesses for donations. National Grid matched £400.from Jo Heine Temporary Event Notice (£21) in place for serving mulled wine. Stalls: Ginger Bread, Sand Art, Maggie Thorne to sort Snow Balls Need someone to donate pulling Crackers After discussion, it was decided to ask people to man 1 hour slots, not half an hour. Helpers for set up on Friday Lisa Rust, Sarah Threadgold, Carol Shercliff and Jo Pullen. Helpers for set up on Saturday at 11am: Jo Pullen, Christele Hyde, Maggie Thorne Mr Lewis to speak with Alison Wyld regarding music. A suggestion was made of Bell Ringing or Carol singing outside.
Any Other Business PTA plus.magazine used to be free but will now be £12.50 per year. Tracey Stone recommended subscribing as the information helps when the committee changes. Also, the school got a 10% discount on the radio station as the result of a promotion, saving about £700. Give As You Live: are having a promotion and will match the funds raised by supporters through their online shopping link. Information back from parent re Class Rep. It was suggested that flyers are sent home with the children to encourage parents to become class representatives.
Date of next meeting: Thursday 22nd January 2015 14:00 to 15:00 at All Saints School.
Registered Charity No. 1038424. For further information contact: Mins 20/11/14 [email protected] [email protected] P a g e | 3 of 3