CS177 LAB 5

Before the Lab Study Chapter 5 of the textbook.

Setting up your Environment Go to your working directory in “data.cs.purdue.edu” and create a directory “cs177/lab05”. Refer to the first lab or the other handouts on the course page if you need to remember the steps to do so. Then start the IDLE Python Interpreter.

Exercise 1 Complete the following program to display the output expected by replacing every “?” string with an appropriate string or list function (e.g. s[0]). Do not use string constants (e.g. “Hello World”).

# # lab5-1.py: # Complete the following program to print the desired output. # def Main(): s = "I love Python Programming." y = " Yes!" print() print("Char at index 10 of s:", "?") print() print("Chars 2 to 5 inclusive of s: ", "?") print() print("Last character of s:", "?") print() print("Length of s:", "?") print() print("s repeated 3 times:", "?") print() print("s concatenated with y:", s + y) print() #You are not allowed to just type in the new sentence, manipulate the given string s. print("I love Programming Python: ", "?") print()

l=["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"]

print("Weekdays:", "?") print() print("Weekend:", "?") print() print("Two weeks:", "?") print() print("Days of the week:") for i in range(len(l)): print("?")


This is the expected output:

Char at 10 of s: h

Chars 2 to 5 inclusive of s: love

Last character of s: .

Length of s: 26 s repeated 3 times: I love Python Programming.I love Python Programming.I love Python Programming. s concatenated with y: I love Python Programming. Yes! I love Programming Python: I love Programming Python

Weekdays: ['Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday']

Weekend: ['Sunday', 'Saturday']

Two weeks: ['Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday']

Days of the week: 0 : Sunday 1 : Monday 2 : Tuesday 3 : Wednesday 4 : Thursday 5 : Friday 6 : Saturday

Save the program in cs177/lab05/mystring.py. Exercise 2

Write a program that will generate 5 random sentences. The random sentences will be built using one component from each of the following lists:

subjects + verbs + objects + endings


subjects=['I','You','Bob','John','Sue','Kate', 'The lizard people'] verbs=['will search for','will get', 'will find','attained','found', 'will start interacting with', 'will accept','accepted'] objects=['Billy','an apple','a Triforce', 'the treasure','a sheet of paper'] endings=['.',', right?','.', ', like I said.','.',', just like you.']

(Lists based on the sentence generator in http://pastehtml.com/view/1c0gckz.html)

You can use the function:

from random import *

s = choice(subjects) print s

where choice will choose a random component from the sequence “subjects”.

Your program should print 5 random sentences.

Example: >>> Sue will accept a Triforce . I attained a sheet of paper , like I said. Sue accepted the treasure . John will get the treasure , just like you. Kate will get Billy , just like you. >>>

Save the program in cs177/lab05/sentences.py. Exercise 3

Given the following lists of colors and fruits, write a program that generates all possible combinations. Hint: Use two nested for loops.

fruits = [ "apple", "strawberry", "banana", "pear", "watermelon", "tomato"] color = ["green", "red", "blue", "orange", "pink", "violet"]

Example output:

>>> green apple red apple blue apple orange apple pink apple violet apple green strawberry red strawberry blue strawberry orange strawberry pink strawberry violet strawberry green banana red banana blue banana …

Save the program in cs177/lab05/combinations.py.

Turnin your project Run PuTTY and login to data.cs.purdue.edu.

Turn in your lab by typing: cd cs177 turnin –v –c cs177 –p lab05 lab05

(Remember that the final “lab05” is the name of your folder.) Lab5 Grading Form

Name: ______

Login: ______

Max Current Exercise 1 30 Submission (7) -2 points for every wrong question Heading and comments (3) Exercise 2 30 Submission (7) Generate random sentence (10) Print 5 sentences (10) Heading and comments (3) Exercise 3 30 Submission (6) Use for loops (10) Print all combinations (10) Heading and comments (4) Attend your Scheduled Lab 10 Total: 100