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Montecito High School HANDBOOK 2017-2018
Parent/Student Handbook
Ramona Unified School District, 720 Ninth Street, Ramona, CA 92065 – 760-787-4300 phone – www.ramonausd.net Ramona Unified School District, 720 Ninth Street, Ramona, CA 92065 – 760-787-4300 phone – www.ramonausd.net Montecito High School Mission and Vision Statement
Montecito High School prepares students for academic success, for personal growth, and to become productive community members by providing a safe, supportive and flexible learning environment. Students fulfill academic requirements, and demonstrate personal social responsibility that will empower and prepare them to thrive in the 21st century.
3 Montecito High School
Expected Schoolwide Learning Results
Technology using digital resources in real world applications
Openly communicating with respect and efficiency
Ready for college and career by graduation
Opportunities for post-graduation, “What’s Your Plan”
School-wide close reading and writing for all curriculums
The 4Cs
4 Creativity, Collaboration, Communication and Critical Thinking Montecito High School Staff 2017 – 2018
Name Rm # Phone # Email address Position Lohman, Dave Office 760-787-4301 [email protected] Principal Kent, Erin Office 760-787-4301 [email protected] Secretary Funk, Kathy Office 760-787-4303 [email protected] Attendance/Registrar
Adult Education & G.E.D. Room #09 760-787-4316 [email protected] G.E.D. Instructor Adelsgruber, Greg MPR #1 760-787-4318 [email protected] Custodial Anastas, Holly Room #8 760-787-2067 [email protected] Future Bound/MHS Spanish Instructor Broussard, Jackie Office 760-787-4320 [email protected] Security Chan, John Room #3 760-787-4308 [email protected] Science Instructor Construction Training Rm Room #7 760-787-4312 [email protected] Construction Instructor Griffin, Janis Various classrooms 760-787-4311 [email protected] Para educator Hardy, Lyn Library 760-787-4317 [email protected] Librarian Jordan, Nicholas Room #11 760-787-4305 [email protected] Construction Instructor Kerchner, Leighanne Room #1 760-787-4320 [email protected] College Career/Assets Ketterer, Sue Room #2 760-787-4311 [email protected] Special Education Instructor Leitlein, Birgit Room #8 760-787-2066 [email protected] Future Bound Instructor Linares, Pablo Various classrooms 760-787-4316 [email protected] Bilingual Aide Muren, Kelly Room #15 760-787-4314 [email protected] English Instructor Nuth Sweitzer, Star Various classrooms 760-787-4310 [email protected] Para educator Tobias, Bruce Room #4 760-787-4309 [email protected] Social Science Instructor Vickery, Adam Room #14 760-787-4310 [email protected] Math Instructor
5 Program Definition
Montecito High School has received a six-year term accreditation by the Accrediting Commission for Schools from the Western Association of Schools and Colleges through June, 2020.
Daily Program
The regular educational program is offered five days per week between the hours of 7:45am and 12:48pm Monday through Friday. This program provides students with a comprehensive academic and vocational course of study which meets State and RUSD standards toward earning a high school diploma.
The 21st Century High School ASSETs grant provides incentives for establishing before and after school enrichment programs that partner with school and communities to provide academic support; safe, constructive alternatives for high school students. This includes opportunities for students who are striving to become credit current. The major focus of the credit recovery period is student learning, meeting state standards and providing additional academic support.
6 Graduation Requirements
The sequence of the courses listed below meet State and local requirements for Montecito High School graduation. Requirements are similar to those at Ramona High School. However, students who wish to transfer to the comprehensive high school are required to meet with the MHS Principal to determine eligibility. Elective credits earned through passing the California High School Proficiency Exam are not transferable to Ramona High School.
Required courses are as follows:
English 40 credits
Science 20 credits Physical 10 Biology 10
Mathematics 30 credits Integrated Math I and II 20 Other math classes 10
Social Studies 30 credits World History 10 U.S. History 10 Civics 5 Economics 5
Fine Arts, Foreign Language or C.T.E. 10 credits Physical Education 20 credits
Electives (as of class of 2017 75 credits required) 75 credits
Total required: 225 credits
7 Fifth Year Students
Students desiring to complete their high school education may attend a fifth year and are considered guests. A fifth year student must meet certain attendance requirements to continue their education at Montecito High School. Fifth year students will be required to not only attend the day program, but to participate in the afterschool program on a daily basis. Failure to do so may result in a fifth year student being asked to complete their education elsewhere.
Class Standing:
For testing purposes, student grade levels will coincide with the number of years the student has attended high school.
Student grade checks
Parents, guardians and students may check grade progress online anytime. You will find instructions on how to log onto Powerschools grades on the Power School Grades Instruction page at the end of this handbook. Parents may call the MHS office at 760-787-4300 for logon passwords. Student-parent-teacher conferences may be requested as needed throughout the school year. All students are expected to earn 25 credits per trimester.
Counseling Services
In order to support student’s personal issues, a school counselor/psychologist is available as needed; teachers and administration may refer students for counseling/psychologist services. If counselor/psychologist services are not sufficient, students who are Medi-Cal eligible, uninsured, or under insured are eligible to receive services through Vista Hill. Vista Hill Learning Assistance Center is a provider of counseling, behavioral intervention, social skill services, and mental health services to RUSD, Vista Hill may provide the following services to the students of MHS after meeting specified eligibility.
a. A student must be Medi-Cal eligible, uninsured, or underinsured with social security number
b. Student must demonstrate medical necessity as determined by Vista Hill
8 c. Parent must sign a consent/release form
d. Does not require IEP/could have an IEP
a. Individual, Group, or family
b. Medication management
If a student does not meet the above requirements, families with private insurance have access through the district office a low cost or no cost, sliding scale, counseling services in the community.
Nutrition Break
Montecito High School is a closed campus. MHS nutrition break is 10:08 – 10:23. District food service personnel serve a variety of meals during our daily nutrition break. Free and reduced nutrition break meals are available to qualified students who have completed district paperwork.
Off-Campus Lunch Privileges
Off-campus lunch privileges are available to seniors Monday through Friday. To qualify for this privilege seniors must provide to the office a Senior Off Campus form signed by a parent or guardian (form available in the office), be in good standing as to grades and attendance. Privileges can be revoked by Principal for grades, attendance or discipline issues.
SOS – SOS stands for Save One Student. If students choose to not work in class the teacher may assign SOS. If the student is assigned SOS, administration will direct the student to complete assignments during a study hall during lunch and Toro Time.
Toro Time - Leadership has implemented an intervention period or “Toro Time" as a method to increase pass rate of required classes. This period is designed to be support during the school day for students who need more attention or are struggling to complete assignments/tests.
Check Out Procedures:
All students who leave Montecito High School must report to the school office prior to their leaving to receive an off campus pass.
Visitor Passes
For campus safety and security no visitor passes will be given.
9 Adult students who reach the age of 18 are legal adults. The staff expectation is that adult students will conduct themselves in an appropriate manner. If an adult student’s behavior or effort does not warrant continued enrollment, they will be directed to enroll in a program better suited to their needs.
California High School Proficiency (CHSPE):
A maximum of 50 elective credits can be earned by passing the California High School Proficiency Exam. Elective credits are NOT transferable and can only be utilized for graduation requirements at Montecito High School. If you wish to use the CHSPE for elective credits toward graduation at MHS, you will need to be enrolled at MHS for at least one semester.
Registration Procedures
Students new to Ramona Unified School District who request an alternative high school placement are requested to register on line through the Ramona Unified School District website at www.ramonausd.net and meet with the Principal, an appointment can be made by calling the office at 760-787-4300. The Principal will meet with the student and parent to determine if the student can reach attainable goals at Montecito High School. The student must bring their transcript to this meeting. Students who are currently a part of the Ramona Unified School District and are requesting a transfer to Montecito High School must first meet with the counselor of their current school. Upon approval from the current counselor a meeting will be arranged with the MHS Principal. All students, according to State law, must have an up-to-date California School Immunization Record. The Immunization Record must be presented to school prior to attending class.
Attendance Policy
Attendance is an important factor in being successful in any school program. Parents must phone the school when a student is absent, THE ATTENDANCE LINE IS 760-787-4333
Before a student returns to school, a phone call from a parent must state the reason for the absence and the date of the absence. The following are valid excuses for being absent: illness, serious illness or death in the family, medical or dental appointments that cannot be handled after school, absences approved in advance by the principal, and authorized religious holidays. The following
10 are unexcused absences: “personal days”, truancy, missing the bus, oversleeping, shopping, gainful employment, babysitting, and a trip or excursion without prior approval from the school.
A pupil with an excused absence from school under this section shall be allowed to complete all assignments and tests missed during the absence that can be reasonably provided and, upon satisfactory completion within a reasonable period of time, shall be given full credit therefore. The teacher of any class from which a pupil is absent shall determine the tests and assignments shall be reasonably equivalent to, but not necessarily identical to, the tests and assignments shall be reasonably equivalent to, but not necessarily identical to, the testes and assignments that the pupil missed during the absence. In order to mark an absence as excused, you must call the MHS office at 760-787-4333 within 48 hours of the absence.
Any student who must leave early from school must obtain an off-campus prior to leaving. Only phone calls or parents requesting off-campus passes in person are accepted for off-campus passes. Passes are available for medical or dental appointments or family emergencies. Failure to obtain an off-campus pass will result in the absence being considered truancy.
Independent Study Contracts
Students who must be out of school for more than five days (and up to two weeks) for personal or medical reasons may utilize an Independent Study Contract. The contract must be signed by a parent and assigned work must be turned into the school office on the specified return date to receive any school credit for work completed independently.
Appropriate Language and Behavior
In order to contribute to the peace and tranquility of school, everyone is expected to use appropriate language and behavior in and out of class. Students will refrain from using language which discriminates against race or gender or is offensive to others. Students will treat teachers and peers respectfully, with an attitude that contributes to our learning community.
Harassment Policy
State and federal law prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, religion, gender or ethnicity. Montecito High School’s core values support equality and respect toward each individual. Harassment is illegal. Unwanted and unwelcome behavior from other students or staff members interferes with student’s learning and self worth. If a student is harassed: 1) make a truthful and accurate report to a teacher or the principal, 2) the principal will follow procedures to resolve the issue in accordance with District policies 5144 and 5114.
Parking Lot
11 Parking is provided for our student’s convenience and a completed parking form is required. Parking forms are available in the school office. Students shall provide evidence of a driver’s license and proof of insurance coverage. Violations will result in the loss of the parking privilege. Staff parking is designated for staff members only. Since we are located near and around four other educational facilities, including two elementary schools, we ask drivers to use extreme caution and courtesy upon arriving and departing from school. Visiting cars or loitering in the area is not allowed.
Smoking/Smokeless Tobacco
In order to promote a healthy lifestyle for our students and abide by California law, Montecito High School and the Board of Education prohibits the use of tobacco products at all times on District property and in District vehicles. This prohibition applies to all employees, students, visitors, and other persons at any school or school-sponsored activity or athletic event and applies to any meeting on any property owned, leased, rented by/or from the District.
Electronic Devices
Electronic devices may be used in the classroom for learning purposes when permitted by the teacher. Students are responsible for securing their own property.
Academic Honesty
Individual responsibility is stressed and expected at Montecito High School. Students who cheat will receive consequences ranging from monitoring, possible loss of credit, removal from class, to suspension from school.
Dress Code
Montecito High School students are expected to dress in an appropriate manner, to conform to community standards, health and safety requirements, and with regard to the orderly functioning of the educational process. Shoes must be worn at all times. Clothing, jewelry and personal items shall be free of writing, pictures or any other insignia which are crude, vulgar, profane or sexually suggestive, which bear drug, alcohol or tobacco company advertising. Clothes shall be sufficient to conceal undergarments at all times. No apparel which denotes membership or affiliation with any gang shall be worn. This includes but is not limited to jewelry, emblems badges, symbols, signs, hats or altered trademarks.
Library Usage/Lending Rules
12 The library is open to students during regular school hours Monday through Friday. Students will be expected to work or read quietly during their visit to the library.
Computers are available for student use as needed, including an on line catalog that can be accessed to search for a library book. Students may check out a maximum of three books at a time for a two-week loan period with the option to renew at the end of the two week period. Fines accumulate at .05 a day for each school day an item is overdue. Students will be contacted concerning overdue books on a regular basis before a notice is mailed home at the end of each quarter. Textbooks are checked out to students through the library as directed by the individual classroom teacher. All items loaned out are the responsibility of the student and should be returned in the condition in which they were received.
Library books and/or textbooks not returned, and/or fines not paid, by the end of the school year may result in report cards being held, or delay the forwarding of transcripts.
Additional Student Activities and Information
The 21st Century High School ASSETs grant provides incentives for establishing before and after school enrichment programs that partner with school and communities to provide academic support; safe, constructive alternatives for high school students. This includes opportunities for students who are striving to become credit current. The major focus of the credit recovery period is student learning, meeting state standards and providing additional academic support.
Student Aides
Being a student aide at our school is a privilege. This elective class requires good attendance, honesty and reliability. No more than 5 elective credits per trimester may be earned through this community service program. All student aides will receive a pass/fail instead of a letter grade.
Work Experience
Students may earn 1 elective credit for each 30 hours of work experience. Student must present dated paystubs to the registrar to receive credits. A maximum of 5 credits per trimester can be earned for elective credit.
On-Campus Community Service Credit
Students who perform community service hours may earn up to 1 elective credit for each 15 hours of service. An approved community service entity must be a non-profit organization, some
13 examples include the school, a church, the library or the Ramona Food and Clothes Closet. Please check with the MHS office to verify the organization you are seeking out is non-profit and does fit the criteria to earn credits. A maximum of 5 credits per trimester can be earned when documentation and dates are verified by the registrar.
Field Trips
All field trips from Montecito High School are a privilege. Good attendance is necessary for participation for field trips. No student will be allowed to participate in these trips without a signed parent permission form. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain this form from their teacher or from the office. Phone calls from parents requesting student participation on the day of the field trip must be accompanied by a note or fax. Any behaviors which detract form the success of our field trips will be grounds for disciplinary action. Please remember that you represent our school and how people view our school community.
School Site Council
SSC is a student, parent and staff council. Meetings occur throughout the school year. Notification of meeting dates will be provided to you by home contact and will be posted on the Montecito High School website. These meetings are informal and help direct school activities and events.
STAR Leadership Club
The STAR Club is an extra-curricular group representing Montecito High School students. The STAR Club focuses on community service as well as student recognition, and promotes leadership.
College and Career Center
The college career center is a place for students to explore career and college opportunities. An instructor is available in the center to help students navigate through computer assisted career and college searches, videos, vocational and college catalogues and applications, and career and job training information.
14 Powerschool Grades Instruction
(How to access your student’s attendance and grades)
You will need access to the internet and your student’s RUSD ID# (can be found on student ID card)
Log on to Ramona Unified School District website: https://ramonausd.net
Select school site: Montecito High School
Select: Online Services
Select: PowerSchool Parent/Student Log on
Log on as follows:
User Name: first initial of your first name, followed by first 3 letters of your last name, followed by last 4 numbers of your student’s ID number
Password: Last 2 digits of your student’s ID#, followed by DOB: (MMDDYY)
15 Montecito High School
Bell Schedule
16 - 17 School Year
Daily Schedule Monday – Friday
1st period 7:45 – 8:30 45 minutes
2nd period 8:34 – 9:19 45 minutes
3rd period 9:23 – 10:08 45 minutes
Nutrition 10:08 – 10:23 15 minutes
4th period 10:27 – 11:12 45 minutes
5th period 11:16 – 12:01 45 minutes
6TH period Toro Time/Extended Learning 12:01 – 12:20 19 minutes
Extended Learning 12:20 - 12:48 28 minutes
16 Montecito High School – 2013-14 Student Handbook
Table of Contents
Mission Statement...... 1
Expected Schoolwide Learning Results...... 2
Staff...... 3
Program Definition...... 4
Graduation Requirements………………………………………..………………………………………………………………..……………..5
Counseling Service……..…………………….………………………………………………………………………………………………………..6
School procedures, attendance, registration procedures, visitor passes……….……………………………….. 5 – 11
Additional Student Activities and Information………………………………………….…………….…………………………10-13
Powerschool parent log on instructions…………………………………………………………………………………………………..14