Queen of Angels Catholic School
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Queen of Angels Catholic School H.S.A Board Meeting Minutes December 12, 2017 Queen of Angels Room 120 8: 15 AM
President – Christina Doelling President Elect – Tracy O’Neill
2017-2018 Board Members in Attendance:
Monica Biddar o Nichole Damiani Jenny Dowd Gretchen Landry Courtney Loquasto Katie Morgan Brooke Newton Laurie O’Fallon Cindy Pearl Fifi Pernett Elizarraras Nadia Rodriguez Libby Schoenecke
Also in attendance: Dr. Arthur, Deborah Kopec, Julie Smith
1. Call Meeting to Order
2. Opening Prayer – Tracy O’Neill- Tracy read an Advent prayer by Matthew Kelly
3. Budget Talk- Mrs. Kopec: Mrs. Kopec spoke to the board about how the Development Office and the HSA board are designed to work together; the HSA should remember what the point of each committee is, and determine expenses and activities based on whether it satisfies the goals of the faith community, do the kids/community benefit from it, and is it fun and reasonable? Meant to be a low-pressure situation for the board members; she and the Development Office do not rely on income from the HSA for the school’s budget.
4. Secretary’s Report – Courtney Loquasto
5. VP Reports:
Spiritual Life – Monica Biddar and Libby Schoenecke Academic Enrichment – Brooke Newton and Fifi Pernett Elizarraras Fundraising – Nadia Rodriguez and Katie Morgan Volunteers – Cindy Pearl Hospitality – Nichole Damiani and Gretchen Landry Web Communications – Jenny Dowd
Spiritual Life Update: Monica Biddar and Libby Schoenecke
Service Projects Primary – [Mary] Completed: 2A to Georgian Lakeside, 1A&1B SGV, KA&KB RMH Service Projects I-Pod: [Denise] Completed: 3rd Care of Creation &4A OLPH. Upcoming 5th Grade Hoops for Heart in February, 4B OLPH in March.
Service Projects - Middle: [Sara] Completed: 7A &7B Atlanta Food Bank 6A Calvary. Upcoming: 8th grade CDA in March. 6B to Calvary in April.
Spiritual Angels: K-5: [Jenn] Completed: Our Lady of Guadalupe. Current: Advent (Las Posadas) 12/4-12/15
Spiritual Angels Middle: [Angela] Upcoming: 8th Grade Immigration focused experience on 1/25/18. Meeting 12/11. 7th Grade Hunger Meal date TBD, 6th Grade Walk for Water 3/20.
Para Liturgical: [Carina & Courtney ] Completed: Living Rosary, Thanksgiving Adoration, and Advent Reconciliation. Upcoming: Adoration in February, Lenten Reconciliation date TBD.
QA Prayer Group: [Meghan ] Upcoming: 12/14 @ 2:00PM in room 120.
Sunshine Committee: [Kimberly Pinto] Ongoing service.
Catholic Schools Week: [Kelly] 1/28-2/3. Door Decorating 1/24-1/26. Working to finalize co-lead.
First Holy Communion Retreat– [Paola] 4/20/18. Clay beads completed. Working to finalize co-lead.
E-Pray – [Adrienne] Ongoing service.
Care of Creation –[Carolina] Continuing to plan Earth Day. Board discussed ideas for Carolina to choose from.
Display Case: Current: Advent 12/1-1/5. January 5th: Catholic Schools Week (Service Project leads to display Service Project theme)
Academic Enrichment Update: Brooke Newton and Fifi Pernett Elizarraras:
Carmen Deedy's visit was enjoyed by all on 12/7. Fundraising Update: Nadia Rodriguez and Katie Morgan
7 Aurora deal cards were sold in November in the Guardian Gear store for a total of $140. November’s restaurant night was at Zoe’s Kitchen, and the school should be receiving a check for around $321. We sold a total of 40 HBH (Honey Baked Ham) cards in our first promotion for a profit of $225. My Clayground was a very successful event, the school received a check for $1,129. AmazonSmile sent a quarterly check for $51.82. All together we have received $81.78 from Amazon.
Today, Restaurant Night will be at Rojo Cocina Mexicana from 3:30-9pm. The second HBH promotion finished yesterday December the 11th. We sold 27 more gift cards for a profit of $134. Both promotions sold a total of 67 cards and the school received $359. The Star Wars VIII: The Last Jedi showing will be this Friday December the 15th at 4:25pm. We have a total of 244 tickets sold for a profit of $610. This is not the final number, we expect to have a few walk ups that will help increase the event income. We had a very good response on the Aurora Deal cards promotions during the month of December. We have already sold 20 cards for $400 and the total amount received from the Aurora Deal cards is $1,540 for a profit of $740.
January’s Spirit Night will be at Willy’s on Tuesday 9th from 3:30-8:00pm. We will promote the Aurora Deal Cards left. We will start promoting our second Box Tops collection.
Volunteers: Cindy Pearl:
1. Cafeteria duties have been going well. We have had great volunteers and only a few vacancies this entire semester. (We have very few sign-ups for January so will look to push that volunteer advertisement out in the next Herald.) A big thank you to all of those volunteers!
2. Christmas party plans are underway for K--5. The lead party parents have had meetings, submitted their list of volunteers, and party plans! Volunteers are getting excited for some fun parties on Tuesday, December 19.
3. Dr. Arthur had felt strongly that the middle school students needed to celebrate Christmas, too, like the rest of the children. We have successfully planned a fun middle school celebration! It will be held on December 19 from 1:15 to 2:15 in different parts of the school with the students moving through stations with their grade.
4. The middle school social was a success. The students will have one more social in late winter/early spring!
Hospitality: Nichole Damiani and Gretchen Landry:
1. THANK YOU to all who gave of their time by volunteering the morning of the Grand- parents Day Reception, as well as to those who contributed food items. We had a large turnout, but there was a wide variety of food items, and we had lots of help to make the morning run smoothly. We will make a few changes to make next year’s reception even better by adding more chairs at the tables, smoothing out the mats that protect the floor, and perhaps having guests enter the gym from two entrances rather than one. Overall, it was a memorable and special morning for our Queen of Angels grandparents, and we appreciate all who helped make it a success! Will work on process flow for next year, especially those who have special assistance needs.
2. Last week we provided refreshments and bagged lunches for the 15 priests who came for the Queen of Angels Reconciliation service, which was held at St. Peter Chanel.
3. We are looking forward to Catholic Schools Week. In the past, Hospitality has provid- ed lunch for the teachers and staff during that week. Is that still part of this year’s plan for CSW? Yes- Monica Biddar will email the CSR calendar to Gretchen.
4. Question for the administrative team - We have a Deanery Lunch in our budget. Is Queen of Angels hosting that event this year? Administration has not heard anything about it this year, assuming not.
Web Communications: Jenny Dowd: Nothing to add. Going well.
8. Treasurer’s Report – Laurie O’Fallon: Laurie reviewed the financial statement with the board. Please contact her with any questions or if you need help with your budgets for next year. Please have first drafts for your committee to her by 12/15/17.
9. Old Business & New Business: Christina Doelling
o MS Christmas Party: plans are in place, brief summary
o Slate of candidates: coming together, will be shared with HSA in January once all positions filled.
o In Jan: let me know all available Volunteer openings, will feature in Herald.
o Christmas Angel Fund: Final numbers from Annamarie
o Terry Kenan: “Pass the time” basket Annamarie Robb – Not in attenance.
10. Dr. Arthur’s Notes:
The number of students will remain the same in 2018; a 7th grade student will be leaving at the end of the year.
Dismissal Friday:
i. The decision of when to let school out was made in conjunction with BT principal
ii. The process to check students out in lobby was put in place last year; quickly changed the process Friday when there were delays getting students checked out. Will send new go-forward process out to parents in January, likely to entail parents picking up kids in pods.
School In Session Monday:
i. Decision to open QA was made after communicating with BT principal, Ken Keenan and others
ii. 42 students were absent
iii. No consequence for staying home (besides disqualifying for Perfect Attendance award)
Analyzing (with staff) if Perfect Attendance Award will be used going forward
Trying to make awards more meaningful and realistic for our community
Passed out HSA chocolate gifts to board members
11. Closing Prayer - Tracy O’Neill- Hail Mary
Meeting adjourned 9:36 AM