Foodbank of Southeasten Virginia
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800 Tidewater Drive Norfolk, VA 23504 757-627-6599 757-627-8588 FAX
Partner Agency Application Form
Date: ______Email: ______
Organization’s Name: ______
Site Address: ______Site Phone: ______
Mailing Address: ______
Contact Person: ______Contact Phone: ______
Contact Person’s Address:______
Contact Person’s Email:______
Parent and/or Affiliate Organization: ______
Authorized Shoppers (Persons authorized to order and pick up food):
(1) Name: ______Phone: ______
Address: ______
Email Address: ______
(2) Name: ______Phone: ______
Address: ______
Email Address: ______
(3) Name: ______Phone: ______
Address: ______
Email Address: ______
Do you have a FEDERAL non-profit determination status under Section 501(c)3 of the IRS code? ( ) YES ( ) NO If YES, what is
your Employer Identification Number (EIN) or Tax Identification Number (TIN)? ______Foodbank Verified ( )
What are your sources of funding? ______
What is your monthly budget for your food program?______
* There is a $100 annual membership fee (AMF) that is due upon approval of your site inspection and is also billed on your anniversary date every year thereafter. Further, all new and reactivated agencies will be required to carry a credit balance on your account in order to access product from the Foodbank. The minimum initial deposit required is $100. The $100 AMF and your deposit are both due upon approval of your application.
Revised 12/08/16 AS Please describe your general program including when you started providing services (or attach agency brochure):
As a partner agency of the Foodbank, your agency is required to be open to serve those in need at least once per month.
FIELDS OF SERVICE (check all that apply)
( A ) Emergency / Supplemental Food Pantry
______Emergency food packages (providing food to those in need of one-time or short-term food assistance)
______Supplemental food packages (providing food on more of a regular basis to help supplement what person already has)
( B ) Residential Program (cooking and serving meals to a registered clientele)
______Day Camps (Children) ______Residential Camps
______Family Day Care (Children OR Adults) ______Day Care Center (Adults, elderly, disabled, or mentally handicapped)
______Developmental experiences for disabled children & adults
______Group care or living for the aged and chronically ill ______Group care or living for troubled youth or adults
______Shelter programs
______Drug / Alcohol Rehabilitation
( C ) Soup Kitchen (cooking and serving meals to walk-in clients on a regular or occasional basis)
______Soup Kitchen ______Snacks Only
( A ) Emergency/Supplemental Food Pantry
1. What days and hours is your pantry open to help people?
Days: Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
2. Approximately how many households per month are you now serving? ______
3. What foods to you plan to provide (check appropriate food)? ___canned goods ___frozen foods ___dry goods (rice, cereal, etc.) ___perishables (dairy, fresh fruit, etc.) ___ meats (fresh/frozen)
4. How many days supply of food for each household is provided?______
5. What are your eligibility guidelines? How often may a person receive food? ______
6. How many refrigerators and freezers do you have? Enter below.
Revised 12/08/16 AS How many? Total cubic feet? Refrigerators: Freezers:
7. Present sources of food: % donated ______% purchased______
8. Do you accept walk-ins? ( ) YES ( ) NO Do you require referrals? ( ) YES ( ) NO
If you require referrals, from which sources?
9. What contact information should we give to a client needing food assistance when referring them to your agency?
Name ______Phone Number ______
10. Do you require people to attend church services or work in exchange for food? ( ) YES ( ) NO
( B ) Residential/Shelter Programs
1. How many individuals are in your program?______
2. What meals do you serve? Breakfast ( ) Lunch ( ) Dinner ( ) Snacks ( )
3. What days do you serve meals? Sun ( ) Mon ( ) Tues ( ) Weds ( ) Thurs ( ) Fri ( ) Sat ( )
4. How many refrigerators and freezers do you have? Enter below.
How many? Total cubic feet? Refrigerators: Freezers:
5. Do you charge for meals? ( ) YES ( ) NO
6. Do you have a health certificate from the local board of health licensing you to serve public meals? ( ) YES ( ) NO
Certificate #: ______Please attach a copy to this application.
7. What percentage of your clients are low-income and/or eligible for government aid?______
8. Present sources of food: % donated ______% purchased______
9. Name of person(s) in charge of food preparation: ______
Does he or she have their food manager’s/handler’s card? ( ) YES ( ) NO
10. Are any of your meals catered? ______If so, by whom? ______
( C ) Soup Kitchens
1. How many individuals are served per meal? ______What ages? ______
Revised 12/08/16 AS 2. Which meals do you serve? Breakfast ( ) Lunch ( ) Dinner ( ) Snacks ( )
3. What days and hours do you serve meals?
Days: Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
4. Do you charge for meals? ______If yes, how much? ______
5. Name of person(s) in charge of food preparation: ______
Does he or she have their food manager’s/handler’s card? ( ) YES ( ) NO
6. Do you have a health certificate from the local board of health licensing you to serve public meals? ( ) YES ( ) NO
Certificate #: ______Please attach a copy to this application.
7. Present sources of food: % donated ______% purchased______
8. How many refrigerators and freezers do you have? Enter below.
How many? Total cubic feet? Refrigerators: Freezers:
1. Name of person filling out application______Position: ______
2. How did you hear about The Foodbank of Southeastern Virginia? ______
3. How often do you anticipate accessing food products from the Foodbank?
Weekly ( ) Bi-weekly ( ) Monthly ( ) Bi-monthly ( ) Occasional/seasonal ( )
Agency Contact Person’s Signature: ______
Please Print Name: ______Date: ______
Agency Pastor or Executive Director’s Signature: ______
Please Print Name: ______Date: ______
PLEASE STOP HERE. The remaining portion to be completed at your initial site inspection.
Revised 12/08/16 AS 1. ______Food is stored off the floor on shelves or pallets
2. ______There is no evidence of insects or rodents in food storage area
3. ______Agency regularly checks grain, rice, nuts, seeds, spices, etc. for signs of pests
4. ______Does Agency exterminate? If yes, how often? ______
5. ______Food storage area is clean and well kept
6. ______Food is stored separately from cleaning supplies
7. ______Food is stored at least 4 inches off of the ground
8. ______Refrigerator and freezer are clean and well maintained
9. ______Are there thermometers in each separate freezer and refrigerator? If no, what does not have a
10. ______Refrigerator is 32-40 degrees
11. ______Freezer is at or below 0 degrees.
12. ______Agency has some routine for checking temperature of cold storage
13. ______Cold foods are kept cold, dry foods are kept dry
14. ______No food is stored off site or in someone’s home
15. ______Agency representatives take food from Foodbank directly to the site for proper storage
16. ______Agency has made provisions to transport refrigerated/frozen products from Foodbank to agency site
17. ______Agency uses First In, First Out system
18. ______Food is kept in a secure area
19. ______Storage area is dry (free from moisture)
20. ______There is no evidence of stock piling
ON SITE FEEDING PROGRAMS ONLY: 1. Are sinks clean and maintained? ( ) YES ( ) NO Comment______
2. Is stove clean and maintained? ( ) YES ( ) NO Comment______
3. Are temperature guidelines posted? ( ) YES ( ) NO Comment______
4. Is the dining area clean? ( ) YES ( ) NO Comment______
5. Kitchen License? ( ) YES ( ) NO License #______
Please read and initial each section below:
Initial Read
Revised 12/08/16 AS ANY SAFE FOOD HANDLING OVERSIGHTS OR INFRACTIONS WILL RESULT IN A 30 DAY PROBATION PERIOD. Agencies may draw Foodbank product during this 30 day period with the understanding that they will implement any safe food handling techniques found missing. At the end of 30 days, a Foodbank representative will return for an on-site visit. If no infractions in safe food handling are found, the probation period will be lifted. IF SAFE FOOD HANDLING IS STILL NOT OBSERVED, THE AGENCY WILL BE PLACED ON 30 DAYS SUSPENSION. Agencies may not draw any Foodbank product during the period of suspension. During the suspension period, the agency should make any changes necessary to stay in compliance with safe food handling. A Foodbank representative will return for an on-site visit. IF AN AGENCY IS STILL NOT IN COMPLIANCE WITH SAFE FOOD HANDLING GUIDELINES, THE AGENCY WILL BE PLACED ON SUSPENSION UNTIL THEY COME INTO COMPLIANCE. Agencies may not draw any Foodbank product during this period. The agency is responsible for contacting a Foodbank representative to come for an on-site visit.
General Comments of person interviewed:
Interviewer’s observations: ______
Recommendation: ( ) Accept Application ( ) Deny Application
****( ) Application pending, waiting on ______
( ) Received pending information, continue with application process.
Foodbank of Southeastern Virginia Staff Member’s Signature:
______Date: ______
Please Print Name: ______
Sign Here
Agency Contact’s Signature: ______Date: ______
Please Print Name: ______
Revised 12/08/16 AS