Chapter One Defintion and Rules for Adoption of Bylaws

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Chapter One Defintion and Rules for Adoption of Bylaws


As amended May 12, 2015

Student Government 348 Memorial Union One Shields Ave. Davis, CA 95616-8530 (530) 752-3632 FAX: (530) 752-8548 ASUCD BYLAWS



100. Definition of Bylaws 101. Adoption of Bylaws 102. Bylaw Structure 103. Suspension 104. Conflicting Bylaws 105. Rules of Order 106. Votes of the ASUCD Senate 107. Mandatory Recess 108. Request for Deliberation


200. Presiding Officers 201. Senate President Pro Tempore 202. ASUCD Senate Representative 203. Ex-officio Members of the ASUCD Senate 204. Commissions of the ASUCD Senate 205 Permanent Committees of the ASUCD Senate 206. Special Committees of the ASUCD Senate 207 Agenda of the ASUCD Senate and Subordinate Bodies 208. Membership in the ASUCD Senate, Subordinate Bodies of the ASUCD Senate, ASUCD Executive Office, ASUCD Court, and Student Government Administrative Office 209. ASUCD Outreach Assembly 210. ASUCD Court


300. Quorum 301. Attendance


400. Application 401. Definitions 402. Duties of the Elections Committee 403. Time of Elections 404. Eligibility of Candidates 405. Petitions and Notice of Candidacy 406. Ballots 407. Write-In Candidates or Tickets 408. Voting Procedures 409. Tabulation of Votes 410. Posting and Distribution Regulations 411. Election Regulations, Violations and Penalties 412. Campaign Finance 413. Complaint and Disqualification Process 414. Oath of Office 415. Issuance of Certification of Election and Assumption of Office 416. Ballot Measures, Recalls, and Special Elections 417. Candidacy Withdrawal

2 418. Elections Committee Inadequacy


500. Application 501. Vacancies 502. Recruitment and Selection 503. Confirmation 504. Term of Office 505. Removal from Office


600. Purpose 601. Policy 602. Commitment of ASUCD Funds 603. Procedure for Disbursement of Commission Funds 604. Authority and Responsibility 605. Reimbursements 606. Guarantee of Budget Execution 607. Prohibition of Independent Accounts 608. Initiation of Transfer and Control 609. Membership Fees and Privileges 610. Solicitation 611. Budgeting, Wages and Rates


701. Purpose 702. Definitions 703. The Role of Committee on Committees 704. Committee on Committees Membership 705. Interview Procedures 706. Confirmation 707. Academic Senate Requests for Consultation 708. Meetings 709. Committee Listserv 710. Committee Report


800. Application and Definitions 801. Introduction of Legislation 802. Consideration of Legislation 803. Amendments 804. Withdrawal of Legislation


900. Applicability 901. Public Venue Senate Meeting 902. ASUCD Senate Meetings 903. Special Meetings 904. Removal of Disruptive Persons


3 1000. Purpose 1001. Definitions 1002. ASUCD Annual Budget 1003. Duties of the ASUCD Management Team 1004. Duties of the Controller 1005. Subordinate Bodies of the ASUCD Senate 1006. Budget Hearings Rules of Order and Procedure


1100. Fiscal Reserve Definitions 1101. Fiscal Reserve Procedures 1102. Endowment Fund Definitions 1103. Endowment Fund Procedures


1200. Purpose 1201. Applicability 1202. The Role of the Student Government Administrative Office 1203. The Role of the ASUCD Commissions 1204. The Role of the ASUCD Senate 1205. The Role of ASUCD Unit Directors 1206. The Role of the ASUCD Controller 1207. Long-Range Plan Format 1208. Creating or Revising ASUCD Long-Range Plans 1209. Audit Reports Format 1210. Creating Audit Reports


1300. Purpose and Applicability 1301. Definitions 1302. Office Hours 1303. Workshops 1304. Subordinate Bodies of the ASUCD Senate Attendance 1305. Unit Adoption 1306. Unit Tours 1307. Conduct During Meetings 1308. Public Conduct During Meetings 1309. Reports 1310. My Student Government Channel 1311. Flag Display


1400. Applicability 1401. Censure Procedure


1500. Purpose 1501. Definitions 1502. Policy 1503. Procedures


1600. Purpose 1601. Policy 1602 Symbols 1603. Penalties 1604. ASUCD Websites


1700. Purpose 1701. Definitions/Applications 1702. Waste Prevention and Recycling 1703. References and Related Policies


1800. Purpose 1801. Interviews 1802. Duties 1803. Amendments


1900. Purpose 1901. The Mark and Linda Champagne ASUCD Customer Service/Exceptional Hourly Employee Award Eligibility and Criteria 1902. ASUCD Scholarship Eligibility and Criteria 1903. Amendments


2000. Purpose and Applicability 2001. Definitions 2002. Closed Session on the Agenda 2003. Meetings 2004. Minutes 2005. Closed Sessions of the ASUCD Senate 2006. Indictment Hearing of the Internal Affairs Commission 2007. ASUCD Excellence in Education Award 2008 Closed Session Rules of Order and Procedures


2100. Purpose 2101. Public Records 2102. Public Rights 2103. Student Government Administrative Office 2104. ASUCD Website 2105. Closed Sessions


5 2202. Activity Binder 2203. ASUCD Documents 2204. Archival Guidelines 2205. Shields Library Special Collection



100. DEFINITION OF BYLAWS: The ASUCD Bylaws will serve to define the rules of order directly concerning the operation and duties of the ASUCD Senate, the subordinate bodies of the ASUCD Senate and all other ASUCD entities. The ASUCD Bylaws will also outline the policies and procedures concerning the general operation of the ASUCD.

101. ADOPTION OF BYLAWS: The ASUCD Bylaws are considered adopted at every ASUCD Senate meeting and at every meeting of all of the subordinate bodies of the ASUCD Senate. A Senate Bill passed by a majority vote of the entire Senate may amend the ASUCD Bylaws. All Bylaws that deal with operations and practices of the ASUCD outside of Senate meetings are considered adopted until amended or suspended by the ASUCD Senate.

102. BYLAW STRUCTURE: The ASUCD Bylaws shall not include any binary gender references. All Bylaws shall use other language to avoid the use of gender references that may not be the preference of all members of ASUCD.

103. SUSPENSION: An ASUCD Bylaw(s) may be suspended for a particular purpose (to be stated in conjunction with the motion) by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the entire Senate.

104. CONFLICTING BYLAWS: No Bylaw is in order when it conflicts with the ASUCD Constitution. In the event that any two (2) or more Bylaws conflict, the most recently adopted Bylaw(s) shall take precedence over the older Bylaw(s).


A. The ASUCD Senate, and every subordinate body of the ASUCD Senate, shall have a Presiding Officer responsible for conducting business in an orderly and consistent manner and will recognize both the will of the majority and the rights of the minority to express their viewpoints. Any Presiding Officer may be overruled at any time by a majority vote of the entire body’s membership over which they preside.

B. Robert’s Rules of Order (Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised, 11th Edition) shall be used as a supplement to the ASUCD Constitution and ASUCD Bylaws in questions of parliamentary procedure.

C. Directly following the submission of a report by an ASUCD official, there will be a five (5)- minute period allocated for questions to be asked of the official submitting the report. Preference will be given to the public before Senators, ex-officio members of the ASUCD Senate as specified in Bylaw 203, and the Presiding Officer of the Senate.

D. Speaking Time and Deferment Guidelines

(1) A public discussion speaking period (not during the consideration of legislation) shall be limited to no more than three (3) minutes with two (2) deferments.

(2) Officer Reports

i. Elected officer and ex-officio reports shall be limited to no more than two (2) minutes with no deferments.

(3) Public announcements shall be limited to no more than three (3) minutes with no deferments.

7 (4) Presentation speaking time shall be limited to no more than three (3) minutes with no deferments. (5) Consideration of Legislation

i. Author’s comments shall be limited to no more than three (3) minutes with no deferments.

ii. While in public discussion, members of the public shall be limited to no more than five (5) minutes with two (2) deferments.

iii. While in public discussion, Senators and ex-officio members of the ASUCD Senate as specified in Bylaw 203 shall be limited to no more than two (2) minutes with one (1) deferment.

iv. While in Senate discussion, Senators and ex-officio members of the ASUCD Senate (as specified in Section 203 of the ASUCD Bylaws) shall be limited to no more than three (3) minutes with two (2) deferments.

v. While in Commission discussion, Commissioners and ex-officio members of the Commission (as specified in Section 204F of the ASUCD Bylaws) shall be limited to no more than three (3) minutes with two (2) deferments.

(6) Deferments

i. Deferments shall be limited to no more than two (2) minutes in length.

ii. Deferments may be given to people other than the original speaker to specifically address or elaborate upon questions or arguments given by the original speaker.

iii. Once the original speaker defers, they may not speak again until the time on the deferment has ended, the new speaker has given the floor back to the original speaker, or the original speaker withdraws the deferment. They may, however, raise points of inquiry (such as Parliamentary Procedure, Privilege, Order, or Clarification) or answer a question, provided the question adheres to the requirements in Bylaw 105D(6)(iv).

iv. Questions may be asked on deferment, provided they are specific and relevant to the matter at hand. If the question is directed at the original speaker, it must be intended to gain clarification or confirmation on the matter at hand; questions designed to extend the original speaker’s time are not permitted.

v. The speaker giving the deferment may withdraw the deferment at any time.

vi. The presiding officer has authority in determining if particular deferments or questions are in accordance with Bylaw 105D(6).

(7) Time limits are set on a per-speech basis, with no restriction on the number of speeches.

(8) Time limits not set in this section shall be set at the discretion of the Presiding Officer of the Senate.

(9) Public participation during consideration of legislation

i. The Presiding Officer shall maintain two (2) speaker lists while in public discussion of legislation. One list shall include ex-officio members of the ASUCD Senate as specified in Bylaw 203 and elected ASUCD officials who wish to speak. The other list (public list) shall include all other individuals who wish to speak.

8 ii. When granting the floor, the Presiding Officer shall alternate between these lists beginning with the list of speakers from the public. If one list does not have any further individuals wishing to speak, that list will be skipped and the Presiding Officer will return to the other list.

(10) When a speaker asks a question, time counts against the original speaker’s floor.

E. Points of Inquiry: Points of inquiry may arise at any point during a meeting. The member raising the point of inquiry need not hold the floor to raise a point of inquiry.

(1) Point of Order: A Point of Order alleges a violation of parliamentary procedure, and is directed at the Presiding Officer. The Presiding Officer has the discretion to accept this point, and has the authority to rule on the Point.

(2) Point of Parliamentary Inquiry: A member may raise a Point of Parliamentary Inquiry to seek information about parliamentary procedure from the Presiding Officer.

(3) Point of Information: A member may raise a Point of Information if they have a question regarding the matter at hand. Points of Information are directed at the current speaker, who has authority to accept or reject the Point.

i. If the speaker accepts the point, they yield the floor to the questioner to ask their question, who has twenty (20) seconds to ask their question. The question must be relevant to the original speaker’s statements.

ii. The original speaker may take back the floor at any time.

(4) Point of Clarification: A member may raise a Point of Clarification to correct an alleged inaccuracy in a statement made by a speaker. Points of Clarification are directed at the current speaker, who has the authority to accept or reject the Point.

i. If the speaker accepts the point, they yield the floor to the questioner to ask their question, who has twenty (20) seconds to state the correct fact. The question must be relevant to the original speaker’s statements.

ii. The original speaker may take back the floor at any time.

(5) Point of Personal Privilege: A member may raise a Point of Personal Privilege to raise a matter of personal concern. Points of Personal Privilege are directed at the Presiding Officer, who has the authority to rule on the Point.

i. Valid Points include, but are not limited to, inability to hear, directed attack, and lack of decorum.

F. Yielding Remainder of the Speaker’s Time

(1) At any time, the original speaker may yield the entirety of the remainder of their time to any individual.

i. The original speaker may not take back the floor at any time. ii. The individual cannot use any unused deferments from the original speaker, ask questions of another individual, or yield the remainder of their time to another individual.

9 G. The ASUCD Senate is prohibited from utilizing computers or other mobile devices while Senate is in session.

H. The Presiding Officer of the ASUCD Senate shall have a copy of the ASUCD Budget, the ASUCD Constitution, and the ASUCD Bylaws at every regularly scheduled ASUCD Senate meeting.

I. When speaking, the speaker is allowed to make direct comments to members and ex-officios of the ASUCD Senate and its subordinate bodies, unless specifically disallowed by the presiding officer of that body. A directed comment is a comment used to identify a previous speaker.

106. VOTES OF THE ASUCD SENATE: A majority vote of the Senate shall be when there are more affirmative votes than negative votes, or when there are an equal number of affirmative and negative votes and the Vice President likewise votes in the affirmative. A two-thirds (2/3) majority of the Senate shall be when at least two-thirds (2/3) of non-abstention votes are in the affirmative.

A. Elected officials shall take no action by secret ballot, whether preliminary or final. Any vote by elected officials must be recorded and included in the meeting minutes, as defined in section 2004(A), unless that body is acting in a closed session as defined in Chapter 20.

107. MANDATORY RECESS: Mandatory recesses of any interval less than thirty (30) minutes, as deemed necessary, shall occur at the discretion of the Senate President Pro Tempore when appropriate breaks in discussion present themselves. Any recess requiring longer than thirty (30) minutes must be made known to the public no less than forty eight (48) hours prior to the recess.

Before a meeting exceeds five hours in length, a minimum of thirty (30) collective minutes must be allotted for recess. At the time a meeting extends to ten hours in length, an additional thirty (30) minutes is required for breaks.

108. REQUEST FOR DELIBERATION: Any ASUCD Senator, while in session at an ASUCD Senate meeting, can motion to formally request that the ASUCD Court deliberate on proposed legislation, operational procedures, or any other issue(s) to be stated in the motion. The motion must specify the deadline for the Court to either accept or reject the request and, if accepted, the date by which the Court must return an opinion. Pending a majority vote on the motion by the Senators present at the meeting, the Senate President Pro Tempore shall submit a written Request for Deliberation detailing the issue to be deliberated on and the specified dates to the Chief Justice of the ASUCD Court. The ASUCD Court will follow the procedure outlined in ASUCD Judicial Codes Section 401(5).



200. PRESIDING OFFICERS: Presiding officers shall preside over all meetings of that body and act as unbiased parliamentarians. The Presiding Officer shall: (1) ensure public notice of each regularly scheduled meeting of that body at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the beginning of the meeting; (2) rule any personal attacks on an individual’s character as out of order; (3) solicit public discussion for a reasonable amount of time; (4) ensure that the meeting minutes are publicly posted; and (5) perform other duties as directed by the ASUCD Senate, ASUCD Constitution, and ASUCD Bylaws.

A. Presiding Officer of the ASUCD Senate: The ASUCD Vice President shall serve as the Presiding Officer over all Senate meetings as an unbiased parliamentarian. In the event that the Vice President is unable to attend a Senate meeting or wishes not to preside over the Senate meeting, the Senate President Pro Tempore shall assume these responsibilities. In the event that both the Vice President and the Senate President Pro Tempore are unable to attend a Senate meeting, the Senate must appoint by majority vote a temporary Presiding Officer from amongst themselves who shall assume these responsibilities for that meeting. The Vice President shall conduct a mandatory workshop for newly elected senators dealing with the duties and responsibilities of their positions.

B. Presiding Officers of ASUCD Commissions and Committees of the ASUCD Senate: The Chairperson of an ASUCD Commission or Committee shall serve as the Presiding Officer over all meetings of that body. In the event that the Chairperson is unable to attend a meeting, the Vice Chairperson shall assume these responsibilities. In the event that both the Chairperson and the Vice Chairperson are unable to attend a meeting, the body must appoint by majority vote a temporary Presiding Officer from amongst themselves who shall assume these responsibilities for that meeting.

C. Presiding Officer of the ASUCD Outreach Assembly: The Speaker of the Outreach Assembly shall serve as the Presiding Officer over all Outreach Assembly meetings as an unbiased parliamentarian. In the event that the Speaker is unable to attend an Outreach Assembly meeting, the Outreach Assembly Chair Pro Tempore shall assume these responsibilities. In the event that both the Speaker and the Outreach Assembly Chair Pro Tempore are unable to attend an Outreach Assembly meeting, the Outreach Assembly must appoint by majority vote a temporary Presiding Officer from amongst themselves who shall assume these responsibilities for that meeting.

201. SENATE PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE: The Senate must elect the Senate President Pro Tempore from amongst themselves at the first meeting of every quarter by a majority vote of the entire Senate. The Senate President Pro Tempore shall serve for that quarter and assume all responsibilities enumerated in the ASUCD Constitution and ASUCD Bylaws. In the event that this position becomes vacant, the Senate must elect, by majority vote at their next official meeting, a new Senate President Pro Tempore from amongst themselves to serve for the remainder of that quarter.

A. Duties of the Senate President Pro Tempore: The Senate President Pro Tempore shall serve as the official representative of the Senate and shall: (1) appoint members to Standing Committees as well as other appointments as prescribed by the ASUCD Constitution and ASUCD Bylaws; (2) compile and publicly display quarterly reports of all members of the ASUCD Senate, the ASUCD President, and the ASUCD Vice President on the ASUCD website; (3) ensure that each Unit Director submits reports to the ASUCD Senate the appropriate number of times each quarter; (4) serve as the Presiding Officer over Senate meetings in the absence of the Vice President; (5) serve as the Presiding Officer over the Interviewing Committee for the Chairperson and members of the ASUCD Elections Committee; (6) report to the Senate the status of all legislation passed at the previous meeting; (7) ensure that a substantive synopsis of the appointments and legislation to be considered at each week's Senate meeting will be printed in the Monday edition of The California Aggie; (8) work with the Vice President to conduct a mandatory workshop for newly elected senators dealing with the duties and

11 responsibilities of their positions; (9) suggest locations and dates for the quarterly public Senate meeting by the second meeting of the quarter; (10) reserve and publicize the quarterly public Senate meeting; (11) ensure that a representative from Aggie Pack submits a quarterly report to the ASUCD Senate; and (12) approve expenditures made to the Senate Staff Development line item; and (13) notify Commission Chairs and the Speaker on the 4th academic week to past hiring during the 5th academic week of fall and spring quarter for regular hirings; and (14) establish time to all scheduled agenda items to finalize the agenda.


A. Media Board Representative

(1) The Media Board Representative shall serve until the end of the quarter as the official liaison between the ASUCD Government and the Campus Media Board, and shall attend all regularly scheduled meetings of the Media Board and give a report of current projects.

(2) The ASUCD Senate must elect the Media Board Representative from amongst themselves at the first meeting of every quarter by a majority vote of the entire Senate. In the event that this position becomes vacant, the Senate must elect, by majority vote at their next official meeting, a new Media Board Representative from amongst themselves to serve for the remainder of that quarter.

B. Internet and Networking Committee Representative

(1) The Internet and Networking Committee Representative shall serve as the official liaison between the ASUCD Senate and the Internet and Networking Committee, and shall attend all scheduled meetings of the Internet and Networking Committee.

(2) The ASUCD Senate must elect the Internet and Networking Committee Representative from amongst themselves at the first meeting of every quarter by a majority vote of the entire Senate. In the event that this position becomes vacant, the Senate must elect, by majority vote at their next official meeting, a new Internet and Networking Committee Representative from amongst themselves to serve for the remainder of that quarter.

C. Unit Relocation and Space Allocation Committee

(1) The Unit Relocation and Space Allocation Committee Representatives shall serve as the official liaisons between the ASUCD Senate and the Unit Relocation and Space Allocation Committee, and shall attend all scheduled meetings of the Unit Relocation and Space Allocation Committee.

(2) The ASUCD Senate must elect two (2) Unit Relocation and Space Allocation Committee Representatives from amongst themselves at the first meeting of every quarter by a majority vote of the entire ASUCD Senate. In the event that one or two positions become vacant, the ASUCD Senate must elect, by majority vote at their next official meeting, a new Unit Relocation and Space Allocation Committee Representative(s) from amongst themselves to serve for the remainder of that quarter. D. Recruitment and Retention Organizing Committee Representative

(1) The Recruitment and Retention Organizing Committee Representative shall serve until the end of the quarter as the official liaison between the ASUCD Senate and the Recruitment and Retention Organizing Committee, and shall attend all regularly scheduled meetings of the Recruitment and Retention Organizing Committee.

(2) The ASUCD Senate must elect the Recruitment and Retention Organizing Committee Representative from amongst themselves at the first meeting of every quarter by a majority vote of

12 the entire Senate. In the event that this position becomes vacant, the Senate must elect, by majority vote at their next official meeting, a new Recruitment and Retention Organizing Committee Representative from amongst themselves to serve for the remainder of that quarter. E. Committee on Committees Representatives

(1) The Committee on Committees Representatives shall serve as the official liaisons between the ASUCD Senate and the Committee on Committees, and shall attend all scheduled meetings of the Committee on Committees.

F. Champagne Committee Representatives

(1) The Champagne Committee Representatives shall serve as the official liaisons between the ASUCD Senate and the Champagne Committees, and shall attend all scheduled meetings of the Champagne Committee.

(2) The ASUCD Senate must elect two (2) Champagne Committee Representatives from amongst themselves at the last meeting of winter quarter by a majority vote of the entire ASUCD Senate. In the event that one or two positions become vacant, the ASUCD Senate must elect, by majority vote at their next official meeting, a new Champagne Committee Representative(s) from amongst themselves to serve for the remainder of that quarter.

G. Scholarship Committee Representatives

(1) The ASUCD Scholarship Committee Representatives shall serve as the official liaisons between the ASUCD Senate and the ASUCD Scholarship Committee, and shall attend all scheduled meetings of the ASUCD Scholarship Committee.

H. Entrepreneurship Fund Committee Representatives

(1) The ASUCD Entrepreneurship Fund Committee Representatives shall serve as the official liaisons between the ASUCD Senate and the ASUCD Entrepreneurship Fund Committee, and shall attend all scheduled meetings of the ASUCD Entrepreneurship Fund Committee.

(2) The ASUCD Senate must elect one (1) ASUCD Entrepreneurship Fund Committee Representatives from amongst themselves at the first meeting of every quarter by a majority vote of the entire ASUCD Senate. In the event that one or two positions become vacant, the ASUCD Senate must elect, by majority vote at their next official meeting, a new ASUCD Entrepreneurship Fund Committee Representative(s) from amongst themselves to serve for the remainder of that quarter.

I. Student-Police Relations Committee Representative

(1) The Student-Police Relations Committee Representative shall serve as the official liaison between the ASUCD Senate and the Student-Police Relations Committee, and shall attend all scheduled meetings of the Student-Police Relations Committee.

(2) The ASUCD Senate must elect one (1) Student-Police Relations Committee Representative from amongst themselves at the first meeting of every quarter by a majority vote of the entire ASUCD Senate. In the event that the position become vacant, the ASUCD Senate must elect, by majority vote at their next official meeting, a new Student-Police Relations Committee Representative from amongst themselves to serve for the remainder of that quarter.

J. Student Services and Fees Administrative Advisory Committee (SSFAAC) Representative

(1) The SSFAAC Representative shall serve as an ex-officio, non-voting member, until the end of the quarter as the official liaison between the ASUCD Senate and SSFAAC. They shall attend all

13 regularly scheduled meetings of SSFAAC and give a report of current projects to the ASUCD Senate when appropriate.

(2) The ASUCD Senate must elect one (1) SSFAAC Representative from amongst themselves at the first meeting of every quarter by a majority vote of the ASUCD Senate. In the event that this position becomes vacant, the Senate must elect, by majority vote at their next official meeting, a new SSFAAC Representative from amongst themselves to serve for the remainder of that quarter.

K. Aggie Public Arts Committee Representative

(1) The Aggie Public Arts Committee Representative shall serve as the official liaison between the ASUCD Senate and the Aggie Public Arts Committee and shall attend all scheduled meetings of the Aggie Public Arts Committee.

(2) The ASUCD Senate must elect one (1) Aggie Public Arts Committee Representative from amongst themselves at the first meeting of every quarter by a majority vote of the entire ASUCD Senate. In the event that the position becomes vacant, the ASUCD Senate must elect, by majority vote at their next official meeting, a new Aggie Public Arts Committee Representative from amongst themselves to serve for the remainder of that quarter. It shall be the responsibility of the Aggie Public Arts Committee Representative to ensure that the Chairperson reports at least once per quarter to the ASUCD Senate.

L. International Undergraduate Student Committee (IUSC) Representative

(1) The International Undergraduate Student Committee Representative shall serve as the official liaison between the ASUCD Senate and the International Undergraduate Student Committee and shall attend all scheduled meetings of the International Undergraduate Student Committee.

(2) The ASUCD Senate must elect one (1) International Undergraduate Student Committee Representative from amongst themselves at the first meeting of every quarter by a majority vote of the entire ASUCD Senate. In the event that the position becomes vacant, the ASUCD Senate must elect, by majority vote at their next official meeting, a new International Undergraduate Student Committee Representative from amongst themselves to serve for the remainder of that quarter. It shall be the responsibility of the International Undergraduate Student Committee Representative to ensure that the Chairperson reports at least once per quarter to the ASUCD Senate.

M. DREAM Committee Representative (1) The DREAM Committee representatives shall serve as the official liaison between the ASUCD Senate and the DREAM Committee.

(2) The ASUCD Senate must elect two (2) DREAM Committee representatives from amongst themselves at the first meeting of every quarter, by a majority vote of the entire ASUCD Senate. In the event that the positions become vacant, the ASUCD Senate must elect, by majority vote in their next official meeting, new DREAM Committee Representative(s) from amongst themselves to serve for the remainder of that quarter. It shall be the responsibility of the DREAM Committee Representatives to ensure that the Chairperson reports at least once per quarter to the ASUCD Senate.

N. Sexual Assault Awareness Advocacy Committee (SAAAC) Representative

(1) The Sexual Assault Awareness Advocacy Committee Representatives shall serve as the official liaisons between the ASUCD Senate and the Sexual Assault Awareness Advocacy Committee.

(2) The ASUCD Senate must elect two (2) Sexual Assault Awareness Advocacy Committee Representatives from amongst themselves at the first meeting of every quarter, by a majority vote

14 of the entire ASUCD Senate. In the event that the position(s) become vacant, the ASUCD Senate must elect, by majority vote at their next official meeting, new Sexual Assault Awareness Advocacy Committee Representative(s) from amongst themselves to serve for the remainder of that quarter. It shall be the responsibility of the Sexual Assault Awareness Advocacy Committee Representatives to ensure that the Chairperson reports at least once per quarter to the ASUCD Senate.

O. Academic Senate Undergraduate Council Representative

(1) The Undergraduate Council Representative shall serve as an ex-officio, non-voting member, as the official liaison between the ASUCD Senate and Undergraduate Council until the end of the quarter. They shall attend all regularly scheduled meetings of Undergraduate Council and give a report of current projects, policy changes and goals to the ASUCD Senate when appropriate.

(2) The ASUCD Senate must elect one (1) Undergraduate Council Representative from amongst themselves at the first meeting of every quarter by a majority vote of the ASUCD Senate. In the event that this position becomes vacant, the Senate must elect, by majority vote at their next official meeting, a new Undergraduate Council Representative from amongst themselves to serve for the remainder of that quarter.

203. EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS OF THE ASUCD SENATE: No ex-officio members of the ASUCD Senate and/or subordinate bodies of the ASUCD Senate shall be permitted to make motions, second motions, or vote in the ASUCD Senate.

A. Chairpersons of ASUCD Commissions

(1) Duties: Chairpersons of the ASUCD Commissions will be responsible for: (1) submitting a quarterly report in accordance with Section 1302 to the ASUCD Senate President Pro Tempore no later than the last regularly scheduled Senate meeting of each quarter; (2) attending all regularly scheduled meetings of the ASUCD Senate (or send a designee in that individual’s absence) to speak on all matters and proposed legislation pertinent to that Chairperson’s Commission (Chairpersons are not required to attend beyond the time required for that Chairperson’s report and the discussion of pertinent legislation); (3) submitting a written report to the ASUCD Senate detailing the majority and dissenting opinions of Commission members with regard to legislation seen by the Commission since the previous Senate meeting; (4) reporting at each Senate meeting on the projects of the Commission and if any Commission members have missed two (2) meetings unexcused; (5) immediately reporting to the ASUCD Senate President Pro Tempore and the Student Government Administrative Office if a member has either been released or has resigned from the Commission; (6) informing each Commission member of the status of their term (members shall be informed of their terms no later than the fourth (4th) week of every quarter unless filling an interim position, in which a commissioner should be notified of the status of their current term at least one (1) week prior to the final filing date for the next term; proper means of notification shall include: e-mail, phone call, or a specific announcement addressing each individual Commission member at meeting); (7) holding a minimum of four (4) regular office hours each week, with at least half of them being held in a public venue. For further definition of a public venue, refer to Bylaw 1301A, Section 1; and (8) chairing the weekly Commission meetings.

(2) Eligibility: In the event that the Chairperson position is vacated before the end of the specified term, the position of Chairperson shall be filled in accordance with the hiring procedure outlined in ASUCD Bylaws Appointments Chapter. The Vice Chairperson of the Commission will be responsible for carrying out the duties of Chairperson until a new Chairperson can be confirmed by a majority vote of the entire ASUCD Senate.

B. Speaker of the ASUCD Outreach Assembly

15 (1) Duties: The Speaker of the Outreach Assembly shall be responsible for: (1) submitting a quarterly report in accordance with Section 1302 to the ASUCD Senate President Pro Tempore no later than the last regularly scheduled Senate meeting of each quarter; (2) attending all regularly scheduled meetings of the ASUCD Senate (or send a designee in his/her absence if absent) to speak on all matters and proposed legislation pertinent to the Outreach Assembly (the Speaker is not required to attend beyond the time spent for his/her the quarterly report and the discussion of pertinent legislation); (3) submitting a written report to the ASUCD Senate detailing the majority and dissenting opinions of Outreach Assembly members with regard to legislation seen by the Outreach Assembly since the previous Senate meeting; (4) reporting at each Senate meeting on the projects of the Outreach Assembly and if any Outreach Assembly members have missed two (2) meetings unexcused; (5) immediately reporting to the ASUCD Senate President Pro Tempore and Student Government Administrative Office (SGAO) if a member has either been released or has resigned from the Outreach Assembly; (6) informing each Outreach Assembly member of the status of their term (members shall be informed of their terms no later than the fourth (4th) week of every quarter unless filling an interim position, in which an Outreach Assembly member should be notified of the status of their current term at least one (1) week prior to the final filing date for the next term; proper means of notification shall include: e-mail, phone call, or a specific announcement addressing each Outreach Assembly member at meeting); (7) holding a minimum of four (4) regular office hours each week, with at least half of them held in a public venue. For further definition of a public venue, refer to Bylaw 1301A, Section 1; (8) chairing the weekly Outreach Assembly meetings.

(2) Eligibility: In the event that the Speaker position is vacated before the end of the specified term, the position of Speaker of the Outreach Assembly shall be filled in accordance with the hiring procedure outlined in the ASUCD Bylaws Appointments Chapter. The Outreach Assembly Chair Pro Tempore shall be responsible for carrying out the duties of the Speaker until a new Speaker can be confirmed by a majority vote of the entire ASUCD Senate.

C. ASUCD Controller: The ASUCD Controller will serve as the financial advisor of the ASUCD. In addition to the responsibilities enumerated in the ASUCD Bylaws, the ASUCD Controller must attend all regularly scheduled meetings of the ASUCD Senate and give a weekly report of current projects and any recent financial matters regarding specific units.

D. ASUCD President: The ASUCD President (or designee) shall deliver, at all regularly scheduled meetings of the ASUCD Senate, a weekly report of current projects undertaken by the Office of the ASUCD President.


A. Meetings: The ASUCD Commissions shall meet weekly during the first nine (9) weeks of each academic quarter. ASUCD Commissions will conduct their business in accordance with the ASUCD Constitution and ASUCD Bylaws.

B. Member Selection

(1) Voting and alternate members of all ASUCD Commissions must be eligible to serve under ASUCD Bylaw 208.

(2) Alternate members: Alternate members will serve as non-voting members of the Commission unless a voting member is absent, at which point an alternate member (the First Alternate, then the Second Alternate, and then the subsequent alternates thereafter) will be able to vote. Alternate members shall serve until the next regularly scheduled recruitment process is completed. Alternate members, for the purpose of establishing an official quorum, may be counted as regular voting members of their respective Commissions, as stated in Chapter Three of the ASUCD

16 Bylaws. When a voting member position is vacant, the First Alternate will automatically be given the lowest voting position term and all other members will be moved up in rank accordingly.

(3) Reapplicants: Reapplicants, for the purposes of ASUCD Commission interviews, are defined as current members of an ASUCD Commission who are reapplying for a job on their current Commission.

(4) Process for annual Fall and Spring Quarter Commission Member Selection: (1) All Commissions will hold annual Fall quarter (for Winter term) and Spring quarter (for Fall term) member selections that shall begin simultaneously in those quarters; (2) All Commissions will post for the regular hiring periods during the 5th academic week of the fall and spring quarters. Commissions may also post hiring at other times when necessary at the discretion of the chairperson of the respective commission; (3) All applicants applying for Commission positions can apply to as many Commissions as they desire and must fill out separate applications for each position; (4) Each Commission Chairperson shall receive copies of all applications which lists that Chairperson’s Commission; (5) The Interviewing Committee for each Commission shall consider all applications collected or received and shall interview at least seventy-five percent (75%) of all the applicants in this pool; (6) Selected applicants shall be nominated by the Interviewing Committee in accordance with Chapter Five of the ASUCD Bylaws; (7) In the event that an applicant is selected for more than one (1) Commission, the applicant shall pick one (1) nomination immediately.

(5) The schedule for subordinate bodies of the ASUCD Senate appointments shall be the following: For a nine (9)-person body, five (5) members will serve Fall terms and four (4) members will serve Winter terms; for a seven (7)-person body, four (4) members will serve Fall terms and three (3) members will serve Winter terms. Fall terms shall be one (1) year and start on the first (1st) of July and end on the thirtieth (30th) of June. Winter terms shall be one (1) year and start on the first (1st) of January and end on the thirty-first (31st) of December.

(6) In the event that a voting member position is vacated, the First Alternate will be given the lowest voting position term and all other members will be moved up in rank accordingly. If there are no alternate members available, then the Chairperson of that Commission shall initiate the recruitment process for new members within two (2) weeks in accordance with Chapter Five of the ASUCD Bylaws.

(7) In the event that both the positions of Chairperson and Vice Chairperson are vacant, the Commission shall elect an interim Chairperson, who will not apply to be Chairperson, from amongst themselves to serve as Chairperson of the Interviewing Committee for a new Commission Chairperson and Chairperson of the Commission meetings until a new Chairperson is confirmed by the Senate.

(8) The ASUCD Senate must consider the removal of Commission members who have missed two (2) Commission meetings in a quarter without being excused by the Chairperson of the Commission prior to the Commission meetings or at the next regularly scheduled Commission meetings (also stated in Chapter Five of the ASUCD Bylaws).

C. Vice Chairperson: At the first meeting of every quarter, Commission members shall nominate candidates for Vice Chairperson from amongst the Commission. The Commission shall confirm by a majority vote one candidate for Vice Chairperson, who shall serve as acting Chairperson in the event that Chairperson is absent. The Vice Chairperson must be a regular voting member of the Commission. The Vice Chairperson shall assist Chairperson of the respective Commission in their duties. If a vacancy occurs in the position of Vice Chairperson, the Commission shall nominate from amongst the Commission a Vice Chairperson to be confirmed by a majority vote. In the event that no candidate receives a majority of the vote, the Chairperson shall appoint a Vice Chairperson to be confirmed by a majority vote.

17 D. Recorder: At every meeting, a Commission member shall, to the best of their ability, record all matters and discussions for the duration of the meeting. In the event no Commission member wishes to record the minutes for the meeting, the Chairperson of the respective Commission shall select a Recorder for that meeting. Following the meeting, the minutes shall be forwarded to the Chairperson of the Commission, and at the next regularly scheduled meeting shall be voted on by a majority vote of the entire Commission, which shall be forwarded electronically to the Student Government Administrative Office (SGAO) following their approval.

E. Duties of ASUCD Commissions: Each ASUCD Commission shall make formal recommendations on legislation placed on its agenda. In addition to the duties enumerated in the ASUCD Constitution, each Commission will have a stated purpose:

(1) The Academic Affairs Commission (AAC) shall recommend ASUCD programs and policies in areas of Academic Affairs at UC Davis and throughout the University of California; and disseminate information concerning student development of courses and curriculum and the tasks of the Commission. The Academic Affairs Commission shall consist of nine (9) voting members and up to four (4), but no fewer than (2), alternate members at the discretion of the Chairperson of the Interviewing Committee.

(2) The Internal Affairs Commission (IAC) is responsible for investigating and recommending improvements in ASUCD internal operations and structure; investigating and recommending changes to the ASUCD Constitution, ASUCD Bylaws and ASUCD Long-Range Plans; and disseminating information concerning the tasks of the Commission. The Internal Affairs Commission shall consist of nine (9) voting members and up to four (4), but no fewer than two (2), alternate members at the discretion of the Chairperson of the Interviewing Committee.

(3) Business and Finance Commission (B&F) is responsible for advising the ASUCD Senate on matters dealing with the fiscal concerns of ASUCD; recommending action on financial allocations; participating in the ASUCD Budget process and making recommendations for annual allocations of funds; and disseminating information concerning the tasks of the Commission. The Business and Finance Commission will consist of nine (9) voting members and up to four (4), but no fewer than two (2), alternate members at the discretion of the Chairperson the of Interviewing Committee.

(4) The External Affairs Commission (EAC) is responsible for establishing liaison and achieving rapport with all off-campus, public bodies affecting students and their welfare in the University; working with the ASUCD Senate in developing and recommending policies for action on external areas; and disseminating information concerning the tasks of the Commission. The External Affairs Commission will consist of nine (9) voting members and up to four (4), but no fewer than (2), alternate members at the discretion of the Chairperson of the Interviewing Committee.

(5) The Ethnic and Cultural Affairs Commission (ECAC) is responsible for investigating and recommending policies and programs concerning all ethnic communities at UC Davis; establishing liaison and achieving rapport with on and off-campus bodies affecting ethnic communities and their quality of life in the University; and disseminating information concerning the tasks of the Commission. The Ethnic and Cultural Affairs Commission will consist of nine (9) voting members and up to four (4), but no fewer than (2), alternate members at the discretion of the Chairperson of the Interviewing Committee.

(6) The Environmental Policy and Planning Commission (EPPC) is responsible for investigating and recommending policies and programs concerning all environmental issues affecting UC Davis. EPPC will collaborate with students, the UC Davis administration, ASUCD entities, student environmental groups, the City of Davis, and other relevant bodies in order to better recognize and address the environmental concerns of the campus and its community. EPPC will work to provide environmental education and outreach to better inform students and the campus community about

18 the environment and relevant environmental issues. In order to improve the environmental practices of ASUCD, EPPC will also complete environmental assessments of ASUCD units every other year. The underlying goal of EPPC is to create a more healthy and sustainable environment and improve the quality of life at UC Davis. The Environmental Policy and Planning Commission will consist of nine (9) voting members and up to four (4), but no fewer than (2), alternate members at the discretion of the Chairperson of the Interviewing Committee.

(7) The Gender and Sexuality Commission (GASC) shall: (1) actively promote awareness of gender and sexuality issues, as well as prevention of sexual assault, through outreach efforts, publicity drives, and special projects; (2) work with campus resources pertaining to gender, sexuality, and rape prevention education in order to improve these efforts; (3) assist in the organization and coordination of educational programs concerning gender, sexuality, sexual assault and sexual harassment; (4) review and make recommendations to the ASUCD Senate and relevant ASUCD Commissions on gender, sexuality, and sexual assault issues and programs at UC Davis and throughout the UC system; (5) review, consider, and make recommendations on all legislation related to gender, sexuality, and sexual assault to the ASUCD Senate. The Gender and Sexuality Commission shall be made up of nine (9) voting members and up to four (4), but no fewer than (2), alternate members at the discretion of the Chairperson of Interviewing Committee.

F. Ex-officio Members of the ASUCD Commissions

(1) The ASUCD President and Vice President shall serve as ex-officio, non-voting members of all ASUCD Commissions. The following is a list of additional ex-officio members for each Commission:

Academic Affairs Commission: One (1) appointed designee from each of the Dean’s Advisory Committees from the College of Letters and Science, the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, the College of Engineering, and the College of Biological Sciences. All ASUCD designees for Academic Senate Committees. Assistant Director for Academic and University Affairs for ASUCD Office of Advocacy and Student Representation. One (1) designee from the Student Recruitment and Retention Center (SRRC).

Internal Affairs Commission: The ASUCD Controller, the Elections Committee Chairperson, and the ASUCD Historian.

Business and Finance Commission: The ASUCD Controller

External Affairs Commission: One (1) City/County Affairs designee, one (1) University Affairs designee, one Graduate Student Association (GSA) representative, and one (1) Lobby Corps designee.

Ethnic and Cultural Affairs Commission: One (1) designee from the Cross-Cultural Center, and one (1) designee from the Outreach Assembly.

Environmental Policy and Planning Commission: One (1) City/County Affairs designee and one (1) designee from the Campus Center for the Environment, and one (1) designee from the Outreach Assembly.

Gender and Sexuality Commission: One (1) Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Resource Center (LGBTRC) designee, one (1) Campus Violence Prevention Program (CVPP) designee, one (1) designee from the Women’s Resources and Research Center (WRRC), and one (1) designee from the Outreach Assembly.

19 (2) Each ex-officio member, or that individual’s designee, will be asked by the Commission Chairperson to make a formal, quarterly presentation to the respective Commission for which that individual serves as an ex-officio member.


A. Recorder: At every meeting, a committee member shall, to the best of their ability, record all matters and discussions for the duration of the meeting. In the event that no committee member wishes to record the minutes for the meeting, the Chairperson of the respective committee shall select a Recorder for that meeting. After the meeting, the minutes shall be forwarded to the Chairperson of the committee, and at the next regularly scheduled meeting shall be voted on by a majority vote of the entire committee, then forwarded electronically to the Student Government Administrative Office (SGAO) following their approval.

B. ASUCD Elections Committee

(1) The ASUCD Elections Committee shall conduct all ASUCD General Elections set forth in the ASUCD Constitution and all Special Elections as authorized under Chapter Four of the ASUCD Bylaws. The ASUCD Elections Committee is responsible for carrying out all ASUCD Elections in a fair and impartial manner as outlined in Chapter Four of the ASUCD Bylaws. The ASUCD Elections Committee shall also set all deadlines regarding submission of Election material if the deadline is not provided in the ASUCD Bylaws. They shall set these deadlines provided that public notice of each deadline is given no less than five (5) academic days before the deadline.

(2) The ASUCD Elections Committee will be composed of two (2) ASUCD members and one (1) chairperson selected in accordance with Chapter Five of the ASUCD Bylaws and confirmed by the ASUCD Senate no later than the last regularly scheduled ASUCD Senate meeting of Spring Quarter each academic year. The Senate President Pro Tempore is responsible for recruiting and nominating a new member to the ASUCD Elections Committee in the event that a vacancy occurs. No person who is a candidate for ASUCD elected office may serve as a member of the ASUCD Elections Committee until the Election in which that person was seeking elected office is terminated. No person who holds any other ASUCD position confirmed by the ASUCD Senate shall serve as a member of the ASUCD Elections Committee. No employee or staff member of a campus media entity may serve on the ASUCD Elections Committee. If a person currently holding one (1) of the above listed positions is confirmed as a member of the Elections Committee, that person will be automatically resigned from that prior position.

(3) The Chair of the ASUCD Elections Committee shall be responsible for running all ASUCD elections until the Chair’s term ends. The Chair must have knowledge of the ASUCD Election Codes and remain impartial throughout each election process. This position will organize, coordinate, supervise, and monitor the election process. (i) Duties: The Chair of the ASUCD Elections Committee shall be required to (1) meet bi-weekly with the two (2) member committee and advisor, (2) assign duties and supervise tasks to be performed by the committee, (3) facilitate press and/or candidates workshops, (4) arrange room reservations, (5) arrange, plan, and implement all logistics necessary for an online election, (6) meet as scheduled with the Internet and Networking Committee (INC), (7) facilitate election outreach, publicity, and candidates forums and/or events, (8) organize the Fall and Winter election calendar, (9) enforce election codes and regulations as outlined in Chapter 4 of the ASUCD Bylaws, as well as educate students regarding relevant procedures.

(4) Eligibility: In the event that the Elections Committee Chairperson position is vacated before the end of the specified term, the position of Elections Chairperson shall be filled in accordance with

20 the hiring procedure outlined in Chapter Five of the ASUCD Bylaws. The Elections Committee members shall select from amongst themselves, an interim Elections Committee Chairperson to assume all responsibilities outlined in the ASUCD Bylaws and Constitution until a new Chairperson is confirmed by majority vote of the entire ASUCD Senate.

B. Internet and Networking Committee (INC)

(1) The purpose of the Internet and Networking Committee, hereinafter referred to as "INC," is to (1) provide recommendations on legislation relating to the purchase of technology and Network and Internet-related requests; (2) have the responsibility and authority to recommend the allocation of computer and network equipment within ASUCD as seen necessary; (3) initiate research methods to reduce costs and of computer purchases; (4) review and oversee ASUCD units’ computer and network purchases; (5) review and prioritize all Network and Internet-related requests from ASUCD bodies and Units prior to submitting those requests to Creative Media.

(2) The Voting Members of INC shall include the ASUCD Business Manager, the ASUCD Controller, the Chairperson of the Business and Finance Commission or that Chairperson’s designee, the Director of Creative Media, and the Chairperson of the Internal Affairs Commission or that Chairperson’s designee. The ASUCD Controller shall serve as the Chairperson for INC, and the ASUCD Business Manager shall serve as the Vice Chairperson.

(3) INC shall meet at least once every two weeks during the academic year or at the call of the Chairperson or Vice-Chairperson. When the Senate is not in session, INC shall meet at the call of the Chairperson or Vice-Chairperson.

(4) All requests regarding new websites, mobile apps, AggieCard capabilities, and any other requests that require the assistance of the Director of Creative Media must be submitted in writing to the Chairperson of the INC prior to each meeting. These requests will be reviewed at the next INC meeting. In the case of multiple pending requests, INC will, by a majority vote, decide on the priority of these requests.

(5) A pending request will be defined as any request that has been formally submitted to INC and/or has not been completed by Creative Media.

(6) INC will review all website requests that have been referred to the committee by the Creative Media Director. INC will, by a majority vote, decide on whether or not to approve of these website requests.

C. Unit Relocation and Space Allocation Committee (URSAC)

(1) The purpose of URSAC shall be to create a forum to discuss physical Unit relocations and space allocations within ASUCD. Any, and all, space allocations and Unit relocations shall be brought to the Committee Chairperson only by voting members of the Committee. URSAC shall meet on an ad hoc basis; however, membership shall be determined annually based on term limits. Meetings will be called, as needed, by the Committee Chairperson.

(2) The ASUCD Controller shall serve as the Chairperson of the Committee and a voting member of the Committee. The other voting members of the Committee shall include the ASUCD President (or the President's designee), the ASUCD Business Manager, two (2) ASUCD Senators the Chairperson of the Internal Affairs Commission, and the Chairperson of the Environmental Policy and Planning Commission shall serve as non-voting, ex-officio member of the Committee on a permanent basis. All affected Unit Directors, the Director of Creative Media/ASUCD Network Administrator, and the chair of the Business and Finance Commission shall serve as non-voting, ex-officio members of the Committee.

21 (3) The ASUCD President shall serve until the end of their term in office. The ASUCD Senate representatives shall be selected for the Committee by majority vote of the entire Senate at the first meeting of every quarter. The Committee shall make no decisions unless the ASUCD President, ASUCD Business Manager, and the ASUCD Controller are present. All decisions made by majority vote of the voting members present at a meeting of the Committee shall be final.

D. Student-Police Relations Committee (SPRC)

(1) The goal of the Student-Police Relations Committee will be to strengthen the relationship between the greater student population and local law enforcement agencies including, but not limited to, the Davis Police Department (DPD), and the UC Davis Police Department (UCDPD). The committee will initiate dialogue between the students and the UCDPD and DPD, address student concerns about police procedures, educate the student population on rights, laws, and safety practices, and organize ad hoc programs and projects.

(2) The Student-Police Relations Committee shall be composed of the following three (3) voting members; the Student-Police Relations Committee Chairperson and two (2) Student-Police Relations Committee members. The following are non-voting ex-officio members, the ASUCD President or designee, the Campus Safety Coordinator, the Director of City and Community Relations or designee, one (1) ASUCD Senators, the Chairperson of the Ethnic and Cultural Affairs Commission or designee , a UC Davis Police Department Representative, the Chairperson of the Gender and Sexuality Commission or designee, one member of ASUCD Court, and the Chairperson of the External Affairs Commission or designee. The following members shall also be invited to: a Davis Police Department representative; a Cross-Cultural Center representative; a Davis Collegiate Panhellenic Association representative; Interfraternity Council representative; an African-American Greek Letter Council representative; a United Fraternity/Sorority Council representative, a Graduate Student Association representative; a Davis City Council representative; a Cowell Student Health Center representative; a UCD Office of Campus and Community Relations; a Davis Student Liaison Commission representative; a Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Resource Center representative; an Office of Student Assistants to the Chancellor representative; and a Student Recruitment and Retention Center representative; and a Womens Research and Resource Center Representative. The Chairperson of the Student-Police Relations committee shall extend invitations to all SPRC meetings to any other relevant parties.

(3) The Student-Police Relations Committee shall meet twice per month with meeting times to be determined by the Chairperson. The Chairperson or designee shall report to the ASUCD Senate at least once a quarter. All Student-Police Relations Committee meetings are open to the public.

E. Committee on Committees (COC)

(1) The purpose of Committee on Committees shall be to conduct the advertising, application, and appointment process of undergraduates to Administrative Advisory Committees (AAC) and Academic Senate Committees (ASCs). The Committee shall meet on a biweekly basis with duties further enumerated in Chapter 7 of the ASUCD Bylaws. Meetings will also be called, as needed, by the Committee Chairperson or by the ASUCD President.

(2) The ASUCD Office of Advocacy and Student Representation’s Assistant Director of Academic and University Affairs shall serve as the Chairperson of the Committee and a voting member of the Committee. The other voting members of the Committee shall include the ASUCD President (or the President’s designee), two (2) ASUCD Senators, the Academic Affairs Commission Chairperson (or the Chairperson’s designee), the Internal Affairs Commission

22 Chairperson (or the Chairperson’s designee). The ASUCD Advisor to Athletics and Administrative Advisory Committees.

(3) The voting members of the Committee shall serve until the end of their term in their respective positions. The ASUCD Senate representatives shall be selected for the Committee by majority vote of the entire Senate. The Committee shall make no decisions without at most one (1) person being absent. All decisions must be made by a majority vote and all decisions made by the Committee shall be considered final.

F. The Mark and Linda Champagne ASUCD Customer Service/Exceptional Hourly Employee Award Committee (Champagne Committee)

(1) The purpose of the Mark and Linda Champagne ASUCD Customer Service/Exceptional Hourly Employee Award Committee, hereinafter referred to as the “Champagne Committee,” is to manage all activities relating to the ASUCD Customer Service/Exceptional Hourly Employee Award (hereinafter referred to as “the Award”) and ASUCD Customer Service/Exceptional Hourly Employee Award Fund (hereinafter referred to as “the Fund”). Responsibilities of the committee shall include, but are not limited to, (1) planning and publicizing; (2) selecting recipients; and (3) ensuring proper distribution of the Award.

(2) The Voting Members of the Champagne Committee shall include the ASUCD Business Manager the Director of the ASUCD Coffee House, the General Manager of Unitrans, an ASUCD student Unit Director (chosen at the discretion of the ASUCD Business Manager), the ASUCD President or designee, and two (2) ASUCD Senators. The ASUCD Business Manager shall serve as Chairperson for the Champagne Committee, and the ASUCD President or designee shall serve as the Vice Chairperson.

i. The ASUCD Senate must elect the two (2) ASUCD Senators serving on the Champagne Committee from amongst themselves at the last meeting of both fall and winter quarters by a majority vote of the entire Senate. The Senators shall serve until the end of winter and fall quarters respectively. In the event that this position becomes vacant, the ASUCD Senate must elect, by majority vote at their next official meeting, a new Champagne Committee representative from amongst themselves to serve for the remainder of the quarter the position became vacant.

(3) The Champagne Committee shall select recipients according to Section 1901 of the ASUCD Bylaws.

(4) The Champagne Committee shall meet by the first (1st) week of fall and winter quarters. All subsequent meetings of The Committee will be at the discretion of the Chairperson or Vice Chairperson based off of the schedule agreed upon by The Committee at the first meeting.

(5) The Committee shall present The Award twice a year during fall and winter quarters. Advertisement of The Award shall begin no later than the start of the second (2nd) week of the respective quarter. Nominations for the Award shall be received no later than the end of the sixth (6th) week of fall and winter quarters. Recipients shall be notified no later than the beginning of the eighth (8th) week of the respective quarter. The Award ceremony shall be held on the tenth (10th) week of fall and winter quarters.

(6) Any and all details relating to the Champagne Committee, The Award, or The Fund not included in Section 205(E) or Section 1901 of the ASUCD Bylaws, including, but not limited to, the number of awards distributed and dollar amount per award, shall be at the discretion of

23 the Voting Members of the Champagne Committee. The Committee shall make decisions regarding any matter not included in Section 205(E) or Section 1901 of the ASUCD Bylaws by majority vote.

(7) The Chairperson of the Champagne Committee must notify The Division of Student Affairs about the Award Ceremony no later than the beginning of the eighth (8th) week of fall and winter quarters. The Vice Chairperson of the Champagne Committee, the President or a designee of ASUCD, shall update the list of Champagne Scholarship recipients when the award is given out. The list should include a biography of the recipient to be created by the ASUCD President or designee. The template for the biography may be found in SGAO. This formal record-keeping of recipients shall be stored with SGAO.

G. The ASUCD Scholarship Committee

(1) The purpose of the ASUCD Scholarship Committee is to manage all activities relating to the ASUCD Scholarship. Responsibilities of the committee include, but are not limited to, (1) planning and publicizing; (2) selecting recipients; and (3) ensuring proper distribution of ASUCD Scholarships.

(2) The Voting Members of the ASUCD Scholarship Committee shall include the ASUCD Business Manager, the ASUCD Vice President, the Academic Affairs Commission (AAC) Chairperson, one (1) other Commission Chairperson, chosen at the discretion of the ASUCD Senate, the Ethnic and Cultural Affairs Commission (ECAC) Chairperson and two (2) ASUCD Senators. The ASUCD Vice President shall serve as Chairperson for the Scholarship Committee, and the AAC Chair shall serve as the Vice Chairperson. The ASUCD Controller shall serve as an ex-officio, non-voting member of the Committee.

(3) The ASUCD Scholarship Committee shall select recipients according to Section 1902 of the ASUCD Bylaws.

(4) The ASUCD Scholarship shall be given out in the fall and spring quarters.

(5) The ASUCD Scholarship Committee shall be required to meet no later than the second (2nd) week of the quarter in which the scholarship is to be awarded. The Committee shall publicize and distribute the Scholarship application no later than the Sunday of the fourth (4th) week of the quarter. The application deadline for the scholarship shall be no later than the Sunday of the sixth (6th) week of the quarter. Interviews for the selected applicants shall take place during the seventh (7th) and eighth (8th) weeks of the quarter. Recipients shall be notified no later than the ninth (9th) week of the quarter.

(6) Any and all details relating to the Scholarship not included in Section 205(F) or Section 1902 of the ASUCD Bylaws, including, but not limited to, the number of awards distributed and dollar amount per award, shall be at the discretion of the Scholarship Committee. The Scholarship Committee shall make decisions regarding any matter not included in Section 205(F) or Section 1902 of the ASUCD Bylaws by majority vote. (7) The chairperson of the ASUCD Scholarship Committee, the Vice President of ASUCD, shall update the list of ASUCD Scholarship recipients when the scholarship is given out, in the fall and spring quarter. The list should include the recipient’s name and application, and their resume. The vice chairperson create a biography of recipients including pictures and forward a copy to the UCD Financial Aid Office. All record- keeping of recipients shall be stored with SGAO.

H. DREAM Committee

(1) The DREAM Committee was created to improve campus climate, by building awareness of resources as well as issues regarding the AB 540 and Undocumented community. The Committee’s task is to create resources, organize events, and bridging the gap between ASUCD and any issues in regards to the AB 540 and Undocumented community.

24 (2) The voting members of the DREAM shall include the following composed of seven (7) voting members who shall be current undergraduate students at UC Davis. The following shall be ex officious of the Committee: the Chairperson of the Ethnic and Cultural Affairs Commission (ECAC) (or designee), the Chairperson of the Gender and Sexuality Commission (GASC) (or designee), or (1) ASUCD Senator, one (1) Scholars Promoting Education Awareness and Knowledge representative, two (2) Student Recruitment and Retention Center (SRRC) Representatives, one (1) Cross Cultural Center (CCC) Representative.

(3) All DREAM Committee meetings will be open to the public and will meet on a regular basis at the discretion on the DREAM Chairperson

I. Aggie Public Arts Committee (APAC)

(1) The purpose of APAC shall be to create and promote student-led public art on the UC Davis campus and in the City of Davis. In addition, APAC will assist students who wish to create public art.

(2) The Voting Members of APAC shall include the one (1) Chairperson and six (6) voting members. All voting members shall serve terms of one (1) year, which shall start on the first (1st) of July and end on the thirtieth (30th) of June. The chairperson and three (3) APAC members shall serbe as fall term membership and the remaining three (3) shall serve as winter term membership. A member of the External Affairs Commission and an ASUCD Senator shall serve as an ex-officio, non-voting member of APAC.

(3) All APAC meetings will be open to the public and will meet on a regular basis at the discretion of the APAC Chairperson.

J. International Undergraduate Student Committee (IUSC)

(1) The purpose of the IUSC shall be to bring together both international and domestic students to advocate for international student interests, organize events that cater to international students, and to better connect international students to ASUCD’s resources.

(2) The Voting Members of IUSC shall include the following nine (9) voting members: one (1) chairperson, six (6) undergraduate students, (1) representative from the Services for International Students and Scholars (SISS), and one (1) representative from the Student Housing Office of Student Development. One (1) representative from the External Affairs Commission, one (1) representative from the Outreach Assembly, one (1) representative from the Ethnic and Cultural Affairs Commission, and one (1) ASUCD Senator shall serve as ex-officio, non-voting members.

(3) All IUSC meetings will be open to the public and will meet on a regular basis at the discretion of the IUSC Chairperson.

K. Marketing Committee

(1) The purpose of the Marketing Committee shall be to prioritize publicity and marketing tasks for ASUCD. The committee will oversee the advertising and marketing plan and prioritize different tasks to ensure a cohesive marketing strategy. The committee shall prioritize tasks and set goals to ensure effective communication of ASUCD’s mission and promotion of ASUCD events and services.

(2) The Marketing Committee shall be composed of five (5) voting members: the ASUCD President, the ASUCD Business Manager, the ASUCD Controller, and the Director of Creative Media, and the Speaker of the Outreach Assembly. Two (2) ASUCD Senators, one (1) representative from AggieTV, and the Marketing Director of Creative Media shall serve as ex-officio, non-voting members. The ASUCD Controller shall serve as Chairperson of the committee and the Director of Creative Media shall serve as the Vice Chairperson.

(3) The Marketing Committee shall meet at least once every two weeks during the academic year or at the call of the

25 Chairperson. When the Senate is not in session, the committee shall meet at the call of the Chairperson.

(4) All requests regarding the publicity of events or services and any other requests that require the assistance of the Creative Media Marketing Director must be submitted in writing to the Chairperson of the Marketing Committee. These requests shall be reviewed by the Marketing Committee at their next regularly scheduled meeting if received at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance of that meeting. In the case of multiple pending requests, the Marketing Committee shall, by majority vote, decide on the priority of these requests.

H. Sexual Assault Awareness Advocacy Committee (SAAAC)

(1) The purpose of the SAAAC shall be to bring students together to advocate for improving campus climate, and to facilitate the expansion of accessibility to educational resources about sexual violence, sexual harassment, and sexual assault.

(2) The voting members of SAAAC shall include the following be composed of seven (7) voting members who shall be current undergraduate students at UC Davis. The following shall serve as ex-officio, non- voting members of the committee: a designated representative from the Gender and Sexuality Commission, a designated representative from the Ethnic and Cultural Affairs Commission, a designated representative from the External Affairs Commission, the Chairperson of the Student-Police Relations Committee, a designated representative from the Women’s Resource & Research Center (WRRC), a designated representative from the Center for Advocacy for Resources and Education (CARE), a designated representative from the LGBTQIA Resource Center, a Student Assistant to the Chancellor (SAC), the Campus Safety Coordinator of the ASUCD Vice President’s office and two (2) ASUCD Senators. The ASUCD Senate must elect two (2) SAAAC representatives from amongst themselves at the first meeting of every quarter by a majority vote of the entire ASUCD Senate.

(3) All SAAAC meetings will be open to the public and will meet on a regular basis at the discretion of the SAAAC Chairperson.


A. A Special Committee may be created for a limited purpose and a limited time not to exceed one (1) calendar year.

B. The purpose of a Special Committee will be to investigate, research, and present proposals on specific issues arising at regular meetings of the ASUCD Senate.

C. Creating a Special Committee

(1) A Special Committee may be created by a Senate Bill that shall include the need for, purpose of, and directions to the Committee, along with the Committee’s termination date. If no termination date is specified, the Special Committee will terminate one (1) year from the day it is established.

(2) A Senate Bill to create a Special Committee may list the Chairperson and/or some or all members of the Committee, or may delegate responsibility for selecting the Chairperson and/or members of the Committee to one (1) or more person(s).

(3) If the Chairperson and/or voting members are not listed in the Bill, then they must be confirmed by a majority vote of the entire ASUCD Senate before the Chairperson and/or voting members may assume their responsibilities. This confirmation will not disqualify the individual from holding another ASUCD position requiring confirmation by the Senate.

26 D. The Chairperson for each respective Special Committee shall report to the ASUCD Senate no later than the last Senate meeting of each quarter on the progress of projects, future plans, and goals of the Committee.


A. The order of the agenda for the ASUCD Senate shall be: (1) call to order; (2) quorum roll call; (3) farewell comments; (4) seating of new officers; (5) appointments and confirmations; (6) Unit Director reports; (7) Committee reports; (8) presentations; (9) public announcements; (10) public discussion, scheduled; (11) status of legislation previously passed; (12) introduction of new legislation, including new assignments of legislation to subordinate bodies of the ASUCD Senate; (13) consideration of old legislation, including public hearings on each piece of legislation before the ASUCD Senate for action, Commission recommendations, debate, and action on that legislation; (14) Ex-officio reports, including Commission Chairpersons, the Outreach Assembly Speaker, and the ASUCD Controller; (15) Elected Officer reports, including the ASUCD President, ASUCD Vice President, and ASUCD Senators; (16) Announcement of new ASUCD Court Cases, reading of the prior week’s verdict(s).and ASUCD Court Announcements; (17) approval of the past meeting’s minutes; (18) public discussion, unscheduled; (19) closed session; (20) other business; and (21) adjournment.

(1) Any ASUCD member may place an item on public discussion, scheduled for a specific time, by submitting a request to the Office of the Vice President at least forty-eight (48) hours before the meeting. (i) The ASUCD Senate President Pro Tempore shall schedule all requests for public discussion according to the times available on the agenda, followed by urgency, and lastly the time of which they request to be scheduled.

(2) Any ASUCD member may place an item on presentations by submitting a request to the Office of the Vice President at least forty-eight (48) hours before the meeting. Any presentation lasting longer than twenty (20) minutes must receive approval by the majority of the ASUCD Senate. (i) The ASUCD Senate President Pro Tempore shall schedule all requests for presentations according to the times available on the agenda, followed by urgency, and lastly the time of which they request to be scheduled.

(3) The agenda for ASUCD Senate must be posted and publicly available forty-eight (48) hours before the beginning of a meeting. i. The agenda for all ASUCD subordinate bodies must be posted and publicly available 24 hours before the beginning of a meeting.

(4) The ASUCD Senate President Pro Tempore shall schedule the time for all agenda items before the agenda is sent out to be posted for the public.

(5) Before the minutes of the ASUCD Senate can be approved, each senator must sign the front page and initial all pages of the minutes. Once until the signatures of all present senators are affixed to the front page, the minutes can be approved.

(6) Only the Vice President has the authority to send the unofficial minutes upon request with the disclaimer that they are unofficial. This will be done on a case by case basis.

B. The order of the agenda for subordinate bodies of the ASUCD Senate shall be: (1) call to order; (2) quorum roll call; (3) seating of new members; (4) appointments; (5) consideration of legislation; including public hearings on each piece of legislation before the subordinate body, debate, and action on that legislation; (6) public announcements; (7) public discussion; (8) consideration of authoring legislation; (9) reports: from voting and alternate members of subordinate bodies; (10) approval of the last meeting’s minutes; (11) public discussion; (12) other business; and (13) adjournment.

27 (1) The Chair of a subordinate body may, at their discretion, provide an alternate agenda to the one enumerated above. This agenda must meet all requirements for consideration of legislation referred to it from the ASUCD Senate, including requirements described in Section 802 of the ASUCD Bylaws.

C. The ASUCD Senate or any subordinate body of the ASUCD Senate may, by majority vote of the entire body, move into a different agenda item.

D. No action or discussion shall be undertaken on any item not appearing on the posted agenda unless members of a legislative body or its staff are briefly responding to statements made or questions posed by persons exercising their public testimony rights with the following exceptions:

(1) Upon a determination by a majority vote of the legislative body that an emergency situation exists, as defined in Section 802.1.

(2) Upon a determination by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members of the legislative body present at the meeting, or, if less than two-thirds (2/3) of the members are present, a unanimous vote of those members present, that there is a need to take immediate action and that the need for action came to the attention of the local agency subsequent to the agenda being posted.

(3) The item was posted pursuant to subdivision (a) for a prior meeting of the legislative body occurring not more than five calendar days prior to the date action is taken on the item, and at the prior meeting the item was continued to the meeting at which action is being taken.


A. Under Article I of the ASUCD Constitution, no individual may concurrently hold both an elected ASUCD position and an appointed ASUCD position requiring confirmation by the ASUCD Senate.

B. Under Article I of the ASUCD Constitution, only undergraduate ASUCD members may hold an appointed office requiring confirmation by the ASUCD Senate.

C. No person may be a member of more than one (1) subordinate body of the ASUCD Senate; except where a position necessitates membership on another subordinate body as stated in the ASUCD Bylaws or legislation encated. This provision does not apply to members of Special Committees. Anyone confirmed to more than one (1) subordinate body (not within the exceptions above) will be automatically resigned from all positions on said subordinate bodies except for the position for which the person was most recently confirmed.

D. With the exception of Unit Directors and Administrative Advisory Committees undergraduate members(s), no appointed ASUCD official requiring Senate confirmation may serve as a member of any subordinate body of the ASUCD Senate.

E. Any appointed ASUCD official who required Senate confirmation other than a Unit Director and/or Administrative Advisory Committee undergraduate member(s) shall be automatically resigned from their position upon being confirmed for a subordinate body of the ASUCD Senate.

F. No Justice of the ASUCD Court shall serve in any role in the ASUCD Executive Office. Any Justice who is appointed to a position in the ASUCD Executive Office shall be automatically resigned from their position as Justice.

28 G. No Outreach Assembly Speaker, Commission Chair, or Senator shall serve in any role in the ASUCD Executive Office. Any Senator, Commission Chair, or Outreach Assembly Speaker who is appointed to a position in the ASUCD Executive Office shall be automatically resigned from their respective position.

H. No Unit Director shall hold an additional stipend position that requires Senate confirmation.

I. No individual shall hold more than one (1) stipend or hourly wage position within the ASUCD Senate, subordinate bodies of the ASUCD Senate, ASUCD Executive Office, and Student Government Administrative Office.

J. All voting members of the ASUCD Senate shall serve as ex-officio members of all subordinate bodies of the ASUCD Senate.


A. Meetings: The ASUCD Assembly shall meet weekly during nine (9) weeks of each academic quarter. The ASUCD Assembly shall conduct all business in accordance with the ASUCD Constitution and ASUCD Bylaws.

B. Member Selection

(1) Voting members of the ASUCD Assembly must be eligible to serve under ASUCDBylaw 208.

(2) Alternate members: Alternate members will serve as non-voting members of the Assembly unless a voting member is absent, at which point an alternate member (the First Alternate, then the Second Alternate, and then the subsequent alternates thereafter) will be able to vote. Alternate members shall serve until the next regularly scheduled recruitment process is completed. Alternate members, for the purpose of establishing an official quorum, may be counted as regular voting members, as stated in Chapter Three of the ASUCD Bylaws. When a voting member position is vacant, the First Alternate will automatically be given the lowest voting position term and all other members will be moved up in rank accordingly.

(3) Reapplicants: Reapplicants, for the purposes of ASUCD Assembly interview procedures, are defined as current members of an ASUCD Assembly who are reapplying for a job on their current Assembly.

(4) Process for annual Fall and Spring Quarter Assembly Member Selection: (1) The Assembly shall hold annual Fall quarter (for Winter term) and Spring quarter (for Fall term) member selections that shall begin simultaneously in those quarters; (2) The Assembly shall post for the regular hiring periods during the 5th academic week of the fall and spring quarters. The Assembly may also post hiring at other times when necessary at the discretion of the Speaker of respective Assembly; (3) All applicants applying for Assembly positions can apply to as many Assemblies as they desire and must fill out separate applications for each position; (4) Each Assembly Speaker shall receive copies of all applications which lists that Speaker’s Assembly; (45) The Interviewing Committee shall consider all applications collected or received. The Interviewing Committee shall interview at least seventy- five percent (75%) of these applicants; (6) Selected applicants shall be nominated by the Interviewing Committee in accordance with Chapter Five of the ASUCD Bylaws; (7) In the event that an applicant is selected to be on an Assembly and also accepted on a Commission, the applicant shall pick one (1) of these nominations immediately.

(5) The schedule for appointments to the ASUCD Assembly shall be as follows: Eight (8) members shall serve Fall terms and Eight (8) members shall serve Winter terms. Fall terms shall be one (1) year and start on the first (1st) of July and end on the thirtieth (30th) of June. Winter terms shall be one (1) year and start on the first (1st) of January and end on the thirty-first (31st) of December.

(6) In the event that a voting member position is vacated, the first alternate will be given the lowest voting position term and all other members will be moved up in rank accordingly. If there are no alternate

29 members available, then the Speaker of that Assembly shall initiate the recruitment process for new members within two (2) weeks in accordance with Chapter Five of the ASUCD Bylaws.

(7) In the event that both the positions of Speaker and Assembly Speaker Pro Tempore are vacant, the Assembly shall elect an interim Speaker, who may not apply to be Speaker, from amongst themselves, to serve as Chairperson of the Interviewing Committee for a new Speaker and Chairperson of the Outreach Assembly meetings until a new Speaker is confirmed by the Senate.

(8) The ASUCD Senate must consider the removal of Assembly members who have missed two (2) Assembly meetings in a quarter without being excused by the Speaker prior to the Assembly meeting or at the next regularly scheduled Assembly meeting (also stated in Chapter Five of the ASUCD Bylaws).

C. Assembly Speaker Pro Tempore: At the first meeting of every quarter, Assembly members shall nominate candidates for Speaker Pro Tempore from amongst the current voting Assembly members. The Assembly shall confirm by a majority vote one candidate for Speaker Pro Tempore, who will serve as acting Speaker in the regular Speaker’s absence. The Assembly Speaker Pro Tempore must be a regular voting member of the Assembly. The Assembly Speaker Pro Tempore shall assist Assembly Speaker in their duties. If a vacancy occurs in the office of Assembly Speaker Pro Tempore, the Assembly shall nominate from amongst the current voting Assembly members a Speaker Pro Tempore to be confirmed by a majority vote. In the event that no candidate receives a majority of the vote, the Speaker shall appoint a Speaker Pro Tempore to be confirmed by a majority vote.

D. Recorder: At the first meeting of every quarter, Assembly members shall nominate candidates for Recorder from amongst the Assembly. The Assembly shall confirm by a majority vote one candidate for Recorder. The Recorder shall, to the best of the member’s ability, record all matters and discussions for the duration of the each meeting. Following the meeting, the minutes shall be forwarded to the Speaker of the Assembly and at the next regularly scheduled meeting be voted on by a majority vote of the entire Assembly, which shall be forwarded electronically to the Student Government Administrative Office (SGAO) following their approval.

E. Duties of the ASUCD Assembly: each Assembly shall have a stated purpose:

(1) The Outreach Assembly (OA) shall outreach to the UC Davis community through programmatic events, tabling, fliering and other marketing strategies; organize a Job Fair at least twice per academic year in order to promote available positions within ASUCD. At least one of these fairs will take place in the residence halls; initiate collaborative events between multiple student organizations, ASUCD Commissions and ASUCD units with an intent to serve and outreach to the UC Davis community; Organize tabling on behalf of the ASUCD at UC Davis campus events; advise and assist units with hosting programmatic events and aid in units’ tabling efforts; host a town hall ASUCD Senate meeting once per academic quarter. OA shall consist of sixteen (16) voting members and up to four (4), but no fewer than two (2) alternate members at the discretion of the Chairperson of the interviewing Committee.

F. Duties of Membership.

Members of Outreach Assembly shall be tasked with one specific focus throughout their term. Their tasks will be assigned when members are hires. The chair of the interviewing committee shall take into consideration an applicant’s preferences when assigning them a focus. A member’s focus will be reassigned upon their rehiring if they reapply. The twenty (20) job rules are as follows:

30 (1) Four (4) members to work on campus-wide visibility. Duties include organizing giveaway events, chalking and flyering. (2) Two (2) members to represent Registered Student Organization (RSO) interests within ASUCD. These members will serve as delegates between ASUCD and the Center for Student Involvement. They will also manage the RSO email list, make RSO presentations and work with units to improve club resources. (3) Two (2) members to work with Student Housing. These members will work to plan events, such as the Dorm Fair, work with Resident Advisors to host collaborative programs. (4) Three (3) people to work with units to assist their programmatic events. These members will work to help nits engage students. They will assist in planning, organizing, and promoting these events. (5) Five (5) members to plan programmatic and hiring events for Outreach Assembly and ASUCD. These members will work on the hiring showcases, town hall and finals study space events. They will also assist the Student Housing team in planning the Dorm Fair. (6) Two (2) members to focus on social media. These members will manage Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts for Outreach Assembly. They will also run social media contests. (7) Two (2) members to organize ASUCD-related tabling at campus-wide events such as Decision Day, orientation and the center for Student Involvement’s Activities Fair. These members will also keep the Aggie Resource Guide updated.

G. Duties of the Speaker. The Speaker of the Outreach Assembly shall:

(1) Disseminate information about ASUCD events.

(2) Attend ASUCD Outreach Assembly and Senate meetings and turn in a weekly report.

(3) Provide updates on the budget status of the ASUCD Outreach Assembly.

(4) Disseminate information about the ASUCD Outreach Assembly and student activities to the Senate.

(5) Chair ASUCD Outreach Assembly meetings.

(6) Write a weekly written report to the Senate.

(7) Organize presentations about ASUCD to educate members of the Outreach Assembly.

H. Duties of the Outreach Assembly members. Outreach Assembly members shall:

(1) Initiate collaborative events including multiple student organizations and ASUCD Commissions, and ASUCD units

(2) Attend ASUCD Outreach Assembly meetings.

(3) Maintain ASUCD bulletin boards in on-campus housing areas.

I. Ex-officio Members:

(1) The following is a list of additional ex-officio members for each Assembly:

Outreach Assembly: The ASUCD President and Vice President, the Controller, a designee from the Executive Office, all ASUCD Senators, a designee from External Affairs Commission, a designee from the Academic

31 Affairs Commission, a designee from the Ethnic and Cultural Affairs Commission, a designee from the Environmental Policy and Planning Commission, a designee from the Internal Affairs Commission, and a designee from the Gender and Sexuality Commission a designee from Creative Media Marketing, a designee from the Center for Student Involvement Student Advisory Council.


A. Composition of the ASUCD Court

(1) Composition of the ASUCD Court shall consist of eight (8) Associate Justices and one (1) Chief Justice.

B. Restrictions to Membership:

(1) No ASUCD Court Member may hold any of the following positions in ASUCD while a member of the ASUCD Court:

i. ASUCD President, ASUCD Vice President or ASUCD Controller ii. ASUCD Senator or ex-officio member of the ASUCD Senate iii. Member of a subordinate body of the ASUCD Senate iv. ASUCD University of California Systemwide Representative v. Member of the ASUCD Elections Committee vi. Employee or staff member of a campus media vii. An Assistant Business Manager viii. Candidate running for an ASUCD elected office ix. Member of the Campus Media Board

C. Hiring Process:

(1) In making appointments to the ASUCD Court, the President shall hire as many Associate Justices as there are vacancies to the Court.

(2) When a vacancy occurs in the Chief Justice position, the President shall post a vacancy listing for Chief Justice. The Chief Justice is confirmed separately from Associate Justices.

(3) The Interviewing Committee for Associate Justices and the Chief Justice of the ASUCD Court members is outlined in Article VII of the ASUCD Constitution and Section 502B(3) of the ASUCD Bylaws.




A. Quorum for the ASUCD Senate shall be defined in Article II of the ASUCD Constitution.

B. Quorum for subordinate bodies of the ASUCD Senate will be constituted when a majority of the total number of filled and unfilled voting positions of the subordinate body is present at any regularly scheduled or special meeting. Alternate members of the subordinate body may temporarily fill the absences of voting members and be considered voting members in order to establish quorum.

C. A quorum must be present before any body may conduct business. Once a quorum is established, it will remain in effect until shown otherwise by an official quorum roll call.

D. A majority of the members of a legislative body shall not, outside a meeting authorized by this chapter, use a series of communications of any kind, directly or through intermediaries, to engage in conversation that develops collective concurrence on any item of business that is within the subject matter jurisdiction of the legislative body. Business does not include the process of legislation writing.

(1) A serial meeting is defined as when the majority of members of a legislative body have communicated about the same issue in a series of private meetings.

(2) Members of the Senate or any of its subordinate bodies may not conduct any private correspondence between the majority of the body that develops a collective concurrence.

a. Examples of private correspondence include e-mail, phone conversations, and text messages.

(3) Nothing in this section shall impose the requirements upon the following:

a. The attendance of a majority of the members of a legislative body at (i) a conference or similar gathering open to the public that involves a discussion of issues of general interest to the public or to public agencies of the type represented by the legislative body; (ii) an open and publicized meeting organized to address a topic of local community concern by a person or organization other than the local agency; or (iii) a purely social or ceremonial occasion, provided that a majority of the members do not discuss among themselves, other than as part of the scheduled program, business of a specified nature that is within the subject matter jurisdiction of the legislative body.

301. ATTENDANCE: Voting and ex-officio members of the ASUCD Senate are expected to attend all regularly scheduled and special meetings of the ASUCD Senate (please refer to the “Duties” of Commission Chairpersons in Chapter Two of the ASUCD Bylaws for further attendance requirements). All Chairpersons and voting and alternate members of subordinate bodies of the ASUCD Senate are expected to attend all regularly scheduled and special meetings of their respective body. If a member is unable to attend, the member should notify the Presiding Officer of the reason(s) for absence in advance of the scheduled meeting. The consequences for not attending meetings are outlined in Section 302: Senator Compensation.




400. APPLICATION: The rules and procedures specified in this Chapter shall apply to all ASUCD Elections and are intended to supplement provisions of the ASUCD Constitution pertaining to the conduct of ASUCD Elections.

401. DEFINITIONS: The following terms are defined to make Chapter Four of the ASUCD Bylaws free of ambiguity.

A. The “Presidential Ticket” (hereafter referred to as “Ticket”) consists of two (2) people running for office together, one (1) for ASUCD President and one (1) for ASUCD Vice President.

B. A “Slate” is any group of candidates and/or Tickets who run together under a common name or common slogan.

C. Campaigning

(1) “Active campaigning” shall be defined as verbal or physical actions taken by a candidate, group of candidates, or other individual(s) in an attempt to persuade voters to support their chosen cause such as the Election itself, specific candidate(s), Ballot Measures, or any other issue/idea related to any entity participating in an ASUCD Election.

(2) “Passive campaigning” shall be defined as non-verbal, non-physical activities that attempt to persuade voters toward a certain cause or candidate, which have only a secondary or tertiary effect of campaigning. Wearing campaigning material such as shirts and/or buttons is an example of

34 passive campaigning. Attempts to draw attention to these items, however, constitute active campaigning.

D. A “Ballot Measure” shall include any measure, other than Ticket or candidate, placed on the ballot of an ASUCD Election. There are two (2) types of Ballot Measures:

(1) A “Legislative Ballot Measure” is a measure that has proceeded through the legislative process and is placed on the ballot by a majority vote of the ASUCD Senate prior to the third week of the Quarter in which general election is held.

(2) An “Initiative Ballot Measure” is a measure in which an individual collects signatures and UC Davis Student Identification (ID) numbers of eight percent (8%) of ASUCD members to place the measure on the ballot.

i. A “Recall” is an Initiative Ballot Measure that seeks to remove an elected ASUCD official from office.

ii. A “Referendum” is an Initiative Ballot Measure in which the members of ASUCD are asked to approve or reject a certain proposal. Referenda shall be placed on the ballot in accordance with the ASUCD Constitution.

(3) A “Constitutional Amendment” is a either a Legislative or Initiative Ballot Measure that seeks to amend the ASUCD Constitution.

E. A “campaign executive” shall be defined as a candidate, both members of a Ticket, a Ballot Measure campaign coordinator (pro or con), an elected official being recalled, or a recall campaign coordinator (con). There may only be two (2) campaign executives per ballot measure, one (1) pro coordinator and one (1) con coordinator, and two (2) campaign executives per recall election, one (1) recall campaign coordinator and the elected official being recalled.

F. An “endorsement” shall be when a Campaign Executive receives the support of a member of the ASUCD or an authorized student organization through a signed agreement on a document titled “Endorsement Form.” In order for the endorsement to be valid, the form must be filed with the Elections Committee. Endorsement forms shall be distributed to each Campaign Executive by the Elections Committee. G. Potential Polling Station

(1) “Potential stationary polling stations” shall include any computer labs located on the UC Davis campus that are usable by the general undergraduate student body, any UC Davis Residence Halls, and any other location specifically and visibly marked by the Elections Committee. All specially marked areas must be announced by the Elections Committee at the Mandatory Candidates Meeting and marked by that time.

(2) A “Potential mobile polling station” shall include any portable device capable of accessing the ASUCD Elections website.

H. "Elections fraud" shall include the following actions: modifying any ballot other than one’s own, logging in as another person to vote, voter intimidation, bribery of any individual(s), and/or tampering with the Elections results in any other fashion. Note that these terms are to be understood as they are interpreted in State and Federal Elections Law.

I. A "violation point" is a way of censuring a candidate for violation of these elections codes in the course of a campaign. J. A “Statement”, which is comprised of platforms, is a public statement including, but not limited to, the principles, objectives, and/or policies of a campaign executive.

35 402. DUTIES OF THE ELECTIONS COMMITTEE: The Elections Committee does not have any power beyond that explicitly granted to them in the ASUCD Bylaws. The responsibilities of the elections Committee are enumerated in ASUCD Bylaw Section 205A(1). In addition, the Elections Committee shall perform the following duties:

A. The ASUCD Elections Committee shall sponsor a mandatory workshop three (3) weeks before all ASUCD General Elections to inform Campaign Executives of Election guidelines and the Election process. All Campaign Executives shall be responsible for the information disseminated at the workshop. The workshop shall include a description from two (2) Senators (each selected each General Election by the ASUCD Elections Committee Chairperson) and the ASUCD President and Vice President (for the Winter General Elections only) of the nature of their respective positions. One Commercial Service Unit Director, One Programming Unit Director, and one (1) Advocacy Unit Director (selected by the ASUCD Elections Committee Chairperson) shall describe the relationship between ASUCD elected officials and the ASUCD Units. The Senate President Pro Tempore shall describe the makeup of the ASUCD Senate and its subordinate bodies.

B. No member of the Elections Committee or Elections staff (including Interns of the Committee), Network Administration Team (whose membership is determined by the Internet and Networking Committee [INC]), or Creative Media student staff shall endorse, campaign for, make a contribution to, or in any other manner support or oppose any Candidate Executive (except by that individual’s vote in the Election). A list of all Elections staff shall be publicly released at least four (4) academic days prior to the first day of each ASUCD Elections.

A. The Elections Committee shall review the Expenditure Form for each Campaign Executive

a. For every Expenditure Form submitted by the respective deadline, the Committee shall publicly release the results of their initial review and the original expenditure forms as filed by the Campaign Executives no later than forty-eight (48) hours after the deadline for submission of the forms.

b. The results of the Committee’s initial review of any Expenditure Form submitted late, as well as the Expenditure Form itself, shall be publicly released as soon as it is practical, at the discretion of the Chairperson of the Elections Committee.

D. The Elections Committee shall consider reasonable reports of voting difficulties.

E. The Elections Committee shall conduct audits on cast ballots when fraud is suspected or when otherwise deemed necessary.


A. Elections Timing and Duration. The timing of ASUCD General Elections is outlined in Articles II and III of the ASUCD Constitution. Each General Election shall last at least seventy-two (72) hours.

B. Special Elections. ASUCD Special Elections shall be conducted on a Tuesday and Wednesday no sooner than two (2) weeks and no later than four (4) weeks after the requisite number of signatures has been verified. After consulting with the party who collected the requisite number of signatures to hold a Special Election, the dates of the Special Election shall be determined by the ASUCD Elections Committee and publicly released no later than three (3) academic days after the signatures have been verified.

36 C. Elections Calendar. The ASUCD Elections Committee shall maintain a master calendar (referred to as the “Elections Calendar”) containing deadlines, dates of events, and other important dates to ensure adequate notice to all candidates and other interested parties of relevant Election information.

D. Election Extension. If for any reason, a problem occurs with the Elections Website, which causes a large portion of the electorate to be completely unable to vote (the sufficient threshold for this shall be determined by the Elections Committee), the Elections Committee shall extend the election by the same length of time this large portion of the electorate was unable to vote. The exact length of the outage shall be determined by the Elections Committee to the best of its ability.

E. Notification of Election Time Change. The time of each Election shall be posted on the Elections Committee website. In the event that the Elections Committee changes the time of the election, the Committee must publicly release notice of this change within one (1) hour of such a decision being made.


The following rules for Eligibility to Run and Eligibility to be Seated together make up a Campaign Executive’s Eligibility to Hold Office.

A. Eligibility to Run

1. Any undergraduate member of the ASUCD in good academic standing based on Grade Point Average (GPA), who shall have completed no less than sixty (60) quarter units of University credit, or the equivalent, and shall have been a registered full-time or part-time student at the University of California, Davis, during one (1) or both of the two (2) quarters immediately preceding the quarter in which elected, shall be eligible to hold the office of ASUCD President (see Article III of the ASUCD Constitution). The Student Services Office Manager shall perform the appropriate check to ensure that each candidate has fulfilled these requirements immediately following the submission of official Nominating Petitions and Notices of Candidacy and notify the Elections Committee Chairperson if any candidate is found to be ineligible due to these requirements.

2. The eligibility requirements for ASUCD Vice President shall be outlined in the ASUCD Constitution. The Student Services Office Manager shall perform the appropriate check to ensure that each candidate has fulfilled these requirements immediately following the submission of official Nominating Petitions and Notices of Candidacy and notify the Elections Committee Chairperson if any candidate is found to be ineligible due to these requirements.

3. Any undergraduate member of the ASUCD in good academic standing based on Grade Point Average (GPA), registered as a full-time or part-time student at the University of California, Davis, shall be eligible to run for ASUCD Senate (see Article II of the ASUCD Constitution). The Student Services Office Manager shall perform the appropriate check to ensure that each candidate has fulfilled these requirements immediately following the submission of official Nominating Petitions and Notices of Candidacy and notify the Elections Committee Chairperson if any candidate is found to be ineligible due to these requirements.

4. No Student may run for an ASUCD elected office if on academic probation. The Student Services Office Manager shall perform the appropriate check to determine the academic standing of each candidate immediately following the submission of official Nominating Petitions and Notices of Candidacy, and The Elections Committee Chairperson and will privately ask any candidates determined to be currently on academic probation or subject to academic disqualification to withdraw their candidacy. If any candidate does not comply, the Student Services Office Manager will notify the Elections Committee of the candidate’s ineligibility and the Elections Committee shall disqualify the candidate.

5. No student shall run for more than one (1) elected ASUCD position at any given time.

37 6. Any elected ASUCD official currently in office and seeking another office must resign that current office only if elected to the new position.

7. No student may run for an ASUCD elected office if they do not attend the Mandatory Candidates Workshop set by the Elections Committee, unless a pre-arranged alternative meeting has been made with the Elections Committee Chairperson. The Elections Committee shall disqualify any candidate(s) that does not attend the workshop or other pre-arranged meeting. If a candidate arrives more than thirty (30) minutes late to the workshop, the Elections Committee shall hold a meeting with the candidate within forty-eight (48) hours of the workshop. After this meeting, the Elections Committee may, by unanimous vote, disqualify the candidate. The meeting shall be recorded so that minutes will be available in the case that an appeal of disqualification is filed.

8. As dictated by Student Judicial Affairs, no student who has been sanctioned with a loss of privileges shall be eligible to run for ASUCD elected office. Immediately following the submission of official Nominating Petitions and Notices of Candidacy, the Student Services Office Manager shall provide a list of candidates for all elected offices to Student Judicial Affairs. Should Student Judicial Affairs notify the Student Services Office Manager at any time during the Election that any candidate is currently under loss of privileges sanction, the Elections Committee Chairperson shall hold a private meeting with the candidate to request that the candidate to withdraw from the election. If the candidate does not comply with this request, the Elections Committee shall immediately disqualify the candidate.

9. The Elections Committee shall be responsible for ensuring that the Student Services Office Manager performs the duties afforded to that position in Chapter 4, Section 404 of the ASUCD Bylaws.

B. Eligibility to be Seated

1. A candidate’s Eligibility to be Seated shall be determined by the following criteria:

a. Receiving fewer than three (3) violation points from the ASUCD Elections Committee b. Receiving the required number of votes (as outlined in ASUCD Bylaw 409) c. There being no pending complaint or ASUCD Court case against the Elections Committee

2. An additional requirement for an ASUCD Senate candidate is that they may neither have an outstanding elections complaint(s) nor be in the process of appealing an ASUCD Court appeal of an elections complaint.

3. An additional requirement for ASUCD Executive Tickets is that there be no outstanding elections complaint or ASUCD court appeal of an elections complaint with either involving any member of an ASUCD Executive Ticket.


A. All candidates or Tickets for any ASUCD elected office must obtain an official Nominating Petition and a Notice of Candidacy and a copy of Chapter Four of the ASUCD Bylaws in person from the Student Government Administrative Office. The original petition (no other physical copies may be used or submitted) must be returned to the ASUCD Elections Committee after being signed by the requisite number of ASUCD members. The official petition will be made available to candidates and Tickets four (4) weeks prior to the first day of the General Election and must be returned no later than three (3)weeks prior to the first day of the Election. The ASUCD Elections Committee shall publicize the availability of these documents and the deadline for submission of petitions through campus media.

B. The ASUCD Elections Committee shall, upon receipt of each candidate or Ticket's petition with the requisite number of signatures and UC Davis Student ID numbers (as they appear on the registration cards of ASUCD members), determine the validity of the UC Davis

38 Student ID numbers. Candidates for Senate must obtain one hundred twenty-five (125) signatures and UC Davis Student ID numbers and Executive Tickets must obtain two hundred fifty (250) signatures and UC Davis Student ID numbers of current ASUCD members. The determination of the validity of these signatures and UC Davis Student ID numbers shall result in the certification of the candidate or Ticket for listing on the ballot, pending all other eligibility checks. The ASUCD Elections Committee shall verify twenty- five percent (25%) of the UC Davis Student ID numbers on each petition by random method. After establishing the proportion of valid UC Davis Student ID numbers within the random sample, the ASUCD Elections Committee shall then check to see if the petition meets the required number of valid UC Davis Student ID numbers by assuming that the proportion of valid UC Davis Student ID number in the entire petition is the same as the random sample. IF there would be an insufficient number of valid ID numbers using this proportional method, the ASUCD Elections Committee shall then check the entire petition to see if the petition has the required number of ID numbers. If the petition still fails to meet the required number of ID numbers, the ASUCD Elections Committee shall promptly inform the Campaign Executive of the number of valid ID numbers their petition has. The ASUCD Elections Committee shall verify each candidate or Ticket’s petition after receiving the list of registered undergraduate students from the University Registrar.

i. Only entries (defined as a row with matching printed name, signature, and UC Davis Student ID number) written on the original lines of official ASUCD elections petition forms and digital entries on the candidate’s official ASUCD Elections webpage shall be counted towards the required total. Incomplete entries (those without a matching or incomplete printed name, signature, or UC Davis Student ID number entries), not written on the petition’s original lines, and entries written on anything other than an official ASUCD election petition form or the electronic equivalent shall not be counted by the Elections Committee.

D. Before obtaining an official Nominating petition, each candidate or Ticket shall sign a Notice of Candidacy using their name that appears on their University Registration Card and preferred named on the ballot. This Notice of Candidacy shall also include: a statement obligating them to follow all ASUCD Elections regulations, a Registration Verification Waiver, a Disciplinary Record Verification Waiver, a statement indicating that they have yet to become an official candidate, and an option to accept or decline the voluntary spending agreement.

E. The name of the candidate or Ticket that appears on the ballot shall be the same as that which appears on the candidate’s or ticket’s preferred name of their Notice of Candidacy, shall be the same that which appears on the candidate’s or ticket’s University Registration Card(s), or a derivative thereof, or under a name commonly used by the individual pending review by the Elections Committee with consultation from the chairs of the Gender and Sexuality Commission and Ethnic and Cultural Affairs Commission and subject to the regulations in (1). (1) Any candidate who wishes to run under a preferred name commonly used by the individual, in lieu of the their name that appears on their University Registration card, may meet with the Elections Committee and present evidence supporting their claim. The Elections Committee shall notify such candidates at least 24 hours in advance of the release of the official candidate list of the decision regarding the candidate’s name on the ballot. Any such candidate wishing to withdraw their candidacy may do so at this time and their name(s) will not appear on the ballot regardless of Section 417. E. All ASUCD Executive and Senate candidates shall sign a consent form upon taking a petition of candidacy F. inquiring if the candidate wishes for their information to be maintained online at the ASUCD Elections website. The online presence detailed in the consent form includes the candidates’ photos and their candidate statements. (1) Creative Media shall maintain full control of a candidate’s disclosed information for ASUCD Elections if the candidate chooses to sign the consent form.

39 In the event that a candidate chooses not to sign the consent form, Creative Media will remove their information from the ASUCD Elections website one (1) week following the official results of the election.

G. Creative Media shall be responsible for taking photos of all candidates in ASUCD Elections.


A. In the event that a Recall or Ballot Measure is placed on the ballot, these measures will be listed before candidate listings on the ballot.

B. Eligible candidates and Tickets for each office filing a valid Nominating Petition and Notice of Candidacy shall be listed on the appropriate ballots in a fair manner determined by the ASUCD Elections Committee. The listing of candidates or Tickets for the same office on the ballot shall not purposefully exhibit bias towards any candidate(s) or Ticket(s).

C. Ballots shall ask the voters to rank the candidates they support in order of preference, with “1” or "1st" being the highest/most preferred. Voters may rank as many or as few candidates as they wish. Ballot instructions shall include a statement expressing the following idea to voters: “You do not hurt the chances of your higher-ranked candidates by ranking additional candidates.”

D. Text of all Ballot Measures and Constitutional Amendments on the ballot will reflect complete objectivity, as specified in Bylaw 416B.

E. For all elected offices in the ASUCD General Election held under the authority of the ASUCD Constitution and Chapter Four of the ASUCD Bylaws, a write-in box will be included on the ballot whenever there is an official write-in candidate.

F. Before being presented to the ASUCD membership, all ballots and campaign regulations/deadlines prepared by the ASUCD Elections Committee shall be approved by the Elections Committee Chairperson. The Internal Affairs Commission shall approve all Ballot Measures, pursuant to Section 416 of the ASUCD Bylaws.

G. Those Ballot Measures that are approved in accordance with Section 416 of the ASUCD Bylaws shall be placed on the ballot of the next regularly scheduled Election.


A. For a write-in candidate or Ticket to be recognized and that candidate’s or Ticket’s votes tallied, that candidate or Ticket must be registered with the ASUCD Elections Committee no later than seven (7) academic days prior to the first day of the Election. Upon registration, the write-in candidate(s) or Ticket(s) must submit a list of reasonable misspellings of their first and last names. This list is not to exceed ten (10) misspellings of the candidate(s) or Ticket(s) first name(s) and ten (10) misspellings of the last name(s). A write-in candidate or Ticket must use that candidate’s or Ticket’s first name(s) and last name(s). The Election Committee must then approve this list at least five (5) academic days prior to the first day of the Election. No votes for non-registered write-in candidates or Tickets shall be tallied in computing the results of the Election.

B. No write-in candidate or Ticket shall receive any free copies or advertisements from ASUCD or have ASUCD pay for their statements to be printed on the Sample Ballot. These services shall be offered to official candidates and Tickets only.

C. Official write-in candidates or Tickets shall be able to participate in all appropriate ASUCD candidates’ forums.

40 D. All write-in candidates or Tickets will be subject to the rules and regulations of Chapter Four of the ASUCD Bylaws.


A. Only current undergraduate members of the ASUCD may vote in any ASUCD Election.

B. No voter may cast more than one (1) ballot in any ASUCD Election.

C. Any difficulties experienced while voting or suspected Elections fraud should be reported to the Elections Committee.


A. The ASUCD Elections Committee shall oversee the tabulation of votes cast in every ASUCD Election held under the authority of the ASUCD Constitution and Chapter Four of the ASUCD Bylaws. At least four (4) weeks prior to each Election, the Elections Committee, in conjunction with the ASUCD Network Administrator, will decide on the vote-tabulation software and procedures to be used. The tabulation method, as stated in the ASUCD Constitution, shall be as follows:

(1) Pursuant to the ASUCD Constitution, Instant Runoff Voting (IRV) shall be used to elect the ASUCD President/Vice-President.

i. In Instant Runoff Voting, the tabulation of votes proceeds in rounds. In each round, a value of one (1) vote is assigned to each voter’s highest remaining preference. For a Presidential Ticket to be elected, the required number of votes is a majority of the votes in that round. If a voter’s preference is for a Ticket with the lowest accrued vote total, that Ticket is eliminated, and the vote is transferred to the next preferred Ticket still in the running. This process is completed when one (1) Ticket receives the required majority of votes.

(2) Pursuant to the ASUCD Constitution, Single Transferable Voting (STV) shall be used to elect the ASUCD Senators. Fractional transfer shall be used in this tabulation.

i. In Single Transferable Voting with fractional transfer, the value of one (1) vote is assigned to each voter’s first preference. The quota for the Election is the smallest number of votes necessary to elect the required number of candidates. A candidate is elected to a seat if that candidate has accrued a quota of the votes, or if no surplus candidates remain. If a voter’s current preference is for a candidate who has received more than the quota for votes, the surplus value of that voter’s vote shall be transferred to that voter’s next eligible preference based on the proportion of the total votes accrued by that candidate. If a voter’s current preference is for a candidate eliminated or already elected, the current value of the vote shall be transferred to the voter’s next eligible preference.

ii. In the event that two (2) Senate Candidates have the same amount of votes for the last available Senate seat (typically the sixth (6th) seat), the candidate with the most votes in the first (1st) round shall be declared the winner. If there is also an equal number of votes in the first (1st) round between the two (2) tied candidates, the candidate with the most votes in the proceeding round shall be declared the winner of the last available Senate seat.

B. Creative Media and the ASUCD Elections Committee shall maintain a permanent website that includes an explanation of the Instant Runoff Voting and Single Transferable Voting systems used in ASUCD Elections. This website shall also include a complete description of the algorithms that will be used to tabulate the votes and/or the name of any software that will be used to carry out the algorithm. Any changes to the tabulation process must be made on the web site at least four (4) weeks prior to an Election.

41 C. Pursuant to Article II and III of the ASUCD Constitution, the ASUCD Elections Committee shall authorize the public release of the ballot ranking data the same day that the results of the vote tally are announced so that independent verifications of the vote tally may be performed.

D. Pursuant to the ASUCD Constitution, the Elections Committee shall provide to any ASUCD member, upon request, an electronic copy of the rankings cast by ballot in that Election.


A. All Campaign Executives are required to conform to the Posting and Distribution Regulations and Solicitation policies set by the University; however, violation of University policy does not necessarily constitute a violation of these Bylaws, violation points may be given at the discretion of the Elections Committee.

B. The Elections Committee, after receiving a complaint of a candidate’s violation of University and/or Student Housing Policy including, but not limited to, spamming, solicitations in residence halls and prohibited posting/distribution of campaign materials, will notify Student Judicial Affairs and/or Student Housing of the violations as needed. Note: Complaints may be filed directly with Student Judicial Affairs and/or Student Housing.

C. If the Elections Committee refers a complaint to Student Judicial Affairs and/or Student Housing the Committee may post a written report on the status of the complaint within three (3) days. Any subsequent reports will be at the discretion of the Elections Committee.

D. All Campaign Executive not complying with the Posting and Distributive Regulation shall be assessed one (1) violation point per offense.


A. Purpose. The purpose of this Section is to inform Campaign Executives of what actions on their part will constitute a “campaign violation” and subject them to possible loss of eligibility to hold the office which they seek or disqualify the Recall or Ballot Measure campaign which they support. Additional campaign violations are located in Sections 410, 412 and 416.

B. Violation Points.

(1) Candidates and Tickets. Any candidate or Ticket who accrues three (3) violation points during the course of a campaign shall be disqualified by the Elections Committee.

(2) Ballot Measures and Recalls. Violations for Recall (pro/con) or Ballot Measure (pro/con) supporters will be subject to referral to Student Judicial Affairs depending on the severity. The referral to Student Judicial Affairs shall be determined by the Elections Committee based on the intent and circumstances of the violation.

C. Endorsement Policy

(1) Endorsements. Any ASUCD member or registered student organization may endorse a Campaign Executive, unless a right for such a member to do so is restricted elsewhere in Chapter Four of the Bylaws.

.a Endorsements shall be filed by completing an Endorsement Form provided by the Committee.

.b Only ASUCD members may be involved in the endorsement process.

42 .c A copy of the written list of supporters must be filed with the ASUCD Elections Committee one (1) academic day prior to the use of the endorsement.

()2 Unauthorized Use of Endorsements. Any Campaign Executive that uses a list of supporters in any advertisement, poster, leaflet, or other campaign material paid for by the Election fund without prior written approval of any listed supporter shall be assessed one (1) campaign violation point per falsely listed supporter.

(3) Endorsement List. The ASUCD Elections Committee shall publicly release a list, updated daily, of endorsements for each campaign executive filed.

(4) ASUCD Units. No Campaign Executive or slate may use the endorsement of or make or approve any campaign message implying endorsement of any ASUCD Unit (with the exception of The California Aggie and KDVS). Any Campaign Executive who violates this section shall be assessed two (2) violation points.

(5) ASUCD Officers. The following restrictions on endorsements apply to all Campaign Executives.

.a No ASUCD Unit Director may endorse an ASUCD Campaign Executive or ASUCD Elections campaign.

.b No ASUCD Unit may make any public statements regarding any ASUCD Campaign Executive or ASUCD Elections campaign unless written approval is given in advanced by the ASUCD Elections Committee.

.c No ASUCD appointee or employee may represent to the public the Unit(s) they are appointed to or employed by, or represent ASUCD in any way in regards to any ASUCD Election campaign or Campaign Executive. The California Aggie and KDVS.

.d An individual ASUCD appointee or employee may publicly endorse a Campaign Executive or ASUCD Elections campaign but may only use their title as listed in the ASUCD Budget or the ASUCD Bylaws.

(6) External Individuals and Organizations. The following restrictions on endorsements apply to all Campaign Executives.

a. No Campaign Executive or slate shall use the endorsement of any career employee of ASUCD or any person or organization outside of ASUCD, with the exception of registered student organizations.

b. The endorsement of a student organization is only considered valid if it is adopted by ASUCD members within the student organization; non-ASUCD members may not participate in the endorsement process.

c. Any Campaign Executive who uses an endorsement or active support from a career employee of ASUCD or any member or organization outside of ASUCD, except valid endorsements from student organizations will be assessed one (1) violation point per Campaign Executive per endorsement violation.

(7) Elections Officials. The following restrictions on endorsements apply to all campaign Executives.

a. No Campaign Executive may use the endorsement of an ASUCD Court member, Student Judicial Affairs/Campus Judicial Board member, Elections Committee member, Elections staff member, Elections Committee Intern, Creative Media employee or any other official responsible for the fair and impartial enforcement of

43 the ASUCD Election Bylaws, except in the case that the aforementioned official elects to be recused from all issues related to the Election in which the member endorses a campaign or Campaign Executive.

b. A Campaign Executive shall be assessed three (3) campaign violation points for violating this section.

c. In addition, the aforementioned officials may not endorse, campaign for, make a contribution to, or in any other manner support any ASUCD campaign, Campaign Executive, or Slate by name or title of any other position which that official might hold without having first elected to be recused from Election issues.

D. Polling Stations. Any candidate actively campaigning under one of the following conditions on any ASUCD Election Day shall receive one (1) violation point per offence.

(1) Within any one hundred (100) foot horizontal plane from any potential stationary polling station.

(2) Inside any computer lab on campus, including departmental computer labs and UC Davis Residence Hall computer labs.

(3) Actively campaigning to an individual while the individual is using any potential mobile polling station, such as an electronic device with Internet access, with the Elections Website visibly open.

(4) Actively campaigning to any individual while providing a potential mobile polling station.

Any non-candidate in violation of these rules will be removed from the premises and subject to referral to Student Judicial Affairs.

Note: Departmental computer labs are excluded from both the definition of “potential stationary polling station” and from the one hundred (100) foot prohibition on campaigning because they are not traditionally watched by the Elections Committee. Their locations are often unknown and access to them is restricted. An example is the lab in room 124 of Hoagland Hall (in January 2005), which has computers that can only be logged onto by people registered for Land, Air and Water Resources courses. Thus, candidates may not know that this or any similar lab is actually there. Therefore, candidates are prohibited from campaigning within these labs, but may campaign near them. The main computer labs, such as those in Olson Hall and the Memorial Union, cannot be campaigned in, nor can candidates campaign within one hundred (100) feet of them on Election days. These areas are to be monitored by the Elections Committee or poll workers.

E. Elections Fraud. Any individual who commits Elections fraud shall be referred to Student Judicial Affairs. Any Campaign Executive who commits Elections fraud shall be assessed 0, 1, 2, or 3 violation points, at the discretion of the Committee.

F. Violation Reporting. All campaign executives are required to report suspected or actual campaign fraud and violations. Any campaign executive who fails to do so shall be assessed one (1) violation point.

G. ASUCD Services. ASUCD Units may offer free services outside the voluntary spending agreement; however, these services must be offered to all campaign executives and approved by the ASUCD Elections Committee prior to the services’ usage. Campaign executives may still use services that were not offered to all candidates; however, they must be displayed on the expenditure form. Each campaign executive violating this section shall be assessed two (2) violation points and be subject to referral to Student Judicial Affairs.

44 H. SmartSite Mailtool. Any campaign executive who uses a SmartSite listserv, mailtool, or course-wide email address for the purposes of campaigning shall be assessed one (1) violation point and shall be referred to Student Judicial Affairs.


A. Election Funds. All Campaign Executives shall establish an Election fund comprised of all donations made on behalf of the campaign by ASUCD members. All Campaign Executives shall designate a Campaign Treasurer, other than themselves, to manage their Election funds, including the collection of donations and the expenditures of money and material on the campaign.

(1) No money or material may be used on behalf of the campaign except from the Election fund. Any campaign expenditures made by the campaign executive or campaign treasurer shall be considered to come from Election fund(s). The requirements in these codes for the disclosure of campaign expenditures are based on standard accounting principles and procedures.

i. Should Campaign Executives or Campaign Treasurers spend money for the purposes of promoting a campaign before petitions become available, then those expenditures must be reported pursuant this section.

(2) If it is determined in advance of the start of the campaign period that the Election fund for a particular campaign is equal to zero dollars ($0), the Campaign Executive shall complete a separate form, stating that the aforementioned Campaign Executive shall spend zero dollars ($0) for the entire campaign period. Completion of the form shall nullify the need for the candidate to maintain a treasurer and shall automatically indicate that candidate’s compliance with all campaign spending limits. Any change to the candidate’s use of funds after signing the zero dollar ($0) form shall require the use of the standard expenditure form, and all other rules pertaining to it.

B. Campaign Spending Agreement: All Campaign Executives shall be offered a Voluntary Spending Agreement. In this agreement Campaign Executive will concur with spending limits in return for incentives provided by the Elections Committee. The terms of the Voluntary Spending Agreement are as follows:

(1) No Ticket or candidates for the office of the ASUCD President and ASUCD Vice President shall spend more than five hundred dollars ($500) from their General Election fund on the campaign. No candidates for the office of ASUCD Senator shall spend more than two hundred and fifty dollars ($250) from their General Election fund on the campaign. No Ballot Measure campaign coordinators (pro/con) shall spend more than two hundred and fifty dollars ($250) from their General Election fund on the campaign. No Recall Campaign Coordinator (pro) nor elected official subject to recall shall spend more than two hundred and fifty dollars ($250) on their campaign.

i. Any Ballot Measure campaign coordinators (pro/con), Recall Campaign Coordinator (pro) or elected official subject to recall that spends more than two hundred and fifty dollars ($250) in a General Election shall be assessed one (1) violation point. Any Ballot Measure campaign coordinators (pro/con), Recall Campaign Coordinator (con) or elected official subject to recall that expends more than two hundred and sixty dollars ($260) in a General Election shall be assessed two (2) additional violation points.

ii. Any candidate for Senate that expends more than two hundred and fifty dollars ($250) in a General Election shall be assessed one (1) violation point. Any candidate that expends more than two hundred and sixty dollars ($260) in a General Election shall be assessed two (2) additional violation points.

iii. Any Ticket for the office of the ASUCD President and ASUCD Vice President that expends more than five hundred dollars ($500) in a General Election shall be assessed one (1)

45 violation point. Any Ticket that expends more than five hundred and twenty dollars ($520) in a General Election shall be assessed two (2) additional violation points.

(2) Platform Flyers: All Campaign Executives that participate in the Voluntary Spending Agreement shall receive, at no charge to the candidates or Tickets, up to five hundred (500) copies of one (1) platform flyer on letter-sized paper. The platform flyer must include, but is not limited to, the official ASUCD Election Web site as announced at the mandatory candidates’ meeting, the dates of the Election, the candidate's name and the office for which the candidate is running (or the Recall or Ballot Measure campaign’s name and stance). The procedures for printing copies shall be determined by the ASUCD Elections Committee and shall be announced to all candidates for office.

(3) Statements: The ASUCD Elections Committee shall publish a sample ballot containing all submitted candidate and Ticket's statements and a submitted statement in favor and against all Ballot Measures and Recalls (if applicable). A sample ballot shall be published prior to the first day of the ASUCD General Election in the campus media or an ASUCD-managed website in an impartial manner. A link shall be established on the ASUCD Elections website providing the statements of individual campaigns one (1) week in advance of the Election, given the participants follow all rules and regulations set forth by the ASUCD Elections Committee. Each Campaign Executive’s statement shall be no longer than 500 words, and must be submitted electronically. No late statements will be accepted.

The pro and con statement for Recall Elections will be sent to the ASUCD lawyer to be evaluated for libel and slander. The Senate President Pro Tempore will be responsible for turning in the statements to the lawyer and informing the ASUCD Elections Committee of the lawyer's recommendation. The Elections Committee must follow the lawyer's recommendation and shall inform the authors of the statements. The Elections Committee shall not add any additional wording.

(4) Public Forum/Event: The ASUCD Elections Committee shall sponsor at least one (1) public candidates forum/event and at least one (1) ballot measure forum/event per ASUCD Election, unless no ballot measures shall be on the ballot or pro/con have agreed not to conduct. All participants of the Voluntary Spending Agreement and all Ballot Fee Initiatives and referendums shall be given an opportunity to participate in any public forums or events at no charge. All participants who do not sign the spending agreement shall pay $50 to participate in any public forums or events.

(5) Website: Only and all participants of the Voluntary Spending Agreement will be given an opportunity to have their photograph featured on the ASUCD Elections Website one (1) week in advance of the Election, given that the participant follows all rules and regulations set forth by the ASUCD Elections Committee and the ASUCD Bylaws. The Elections Committee shall determine if a candidate’s photograph is appropriate for the ASUCD Elections Website and Sample Ballot. Only and all candidates that do not participate in the Voluntary Spending Agreement shall be noted on the Elections website.

(6) Pictures: All participants of the Voluntary Spending Agreement will be given an opportunity to have their photograph featured in the Sample Ballot.

(7) Storage Space: All participants of the Voluntary Spending Agreement will be offered storage space for campaign materials by ASUCD. The particular storage space shall be a reasonable amount, at the discretion of the Student Government Administrative Office. The Student Government Administrative Office shall provide access to this space during regular operating hours of SGAO.

46 (8) AggieTV: Only and all participants of the Voluntary Spending Agreement will be given an opportunity to have AggieTV direct and produce one (1) short campaign video, at no charge to the candidate.

C. Donations and Expenditures

(1) Donations to a Campaign Executive’s Election fund shall only be accepted from ASUCD members. No group donations may be made to a Campaign Executive’s Election fund by any registered student organization. Three (3) campaign violation points shall be assessed for violating this subsection.

(2) The Campaign Treasurer shall report to the ASUCD Elections Committee by 12:00 p.m. one (1) week before the first day of the Election concerning the following: a list of all donations including the individual donors names, UC Davis Student ID numbers, and the donation amount; an itemized list of all expenditures from the Election fund on behalf of the Campaign Executive’s campaign, including the purpose for each expenditure; and all receipts for such expenditures and the total amount of donations and expenditures up to midnight of the evening prior.

i. The value of any materials purchased without receipts will be estimated from a survey of current prices by the Elections Committee and the candidate(s) who made the purchase.

ii. Donations of material shall be assigned a realistic monetary value, based upon the lowest price (within three (3) months prior to the day of the ASUCD Election) of the material at local stores located in Yolo County, Solano County or Sacramento County. Any material not generally acquirable within these counties shall have a shipping cost added to their assigned monetary value.

iii. The monetary value of donated materials used during the campaign shall be listed as expenditures.

iv. All donations purchased, donated, or used by the Campaign Executive in a previous campaign or existing before the current candidacy is announced must be reported if also used in the current campaign.

v. Donated labor need not be reported as either a donation or an expenditure.

vi. Materials that are rented or borrowed for the duration of the Election shall be noted on the expenditure form as an expenditure equaling the cost of purchasing the rented or borrowed material.

a. “Materials” shall be considered those items that are part of a final product used for the purpose of campaigning. For example, materials would be the stake (wood), paper, screws (or nails), and ink (or paint) used in making a sign or flyer that is used for the purpose of getting elected. However, the screwdriver, the paintbrush, the hammer, or the original design used to make the sign or flyer would not be considered materials.

b. All prices must include applicable sales tax for the area in which the material was purchased.

c. Copyrighted material shall not be used by any campaign unless the campaign executive owns the work, has a license to use the work, or is allowed to use the work under fair use. Any costs to acquire a license to use a copyrighted work for a campaign shall be included in campaign expenditures. Any Campaign Executive in violation of this subsection shall

47 be assessed zero (0) or one (1) violation points for each work, and subject to referral to Student Judicial Affairs.

vii. The costs of materials used to create a final product representing multiple campaigns may be divided and reported as expenditure representative of a division by the campaigns involved.

a. In this division, a Presidential Ticket must account for two (2) parts of the whole. For example, on expenditures divided among five (5) Senate candidates and one (1) Presidential Ticket, the Presidential Ticket must account for 2/7 of the total expenditures.

b. Expenditure forms must include the names of all candidates dividing expenditures, and each individual candidate must submit a signed expenditure form.

c. An expenditure form must be submitted for every candidate that divides expenditures.

viii. An expenditure form is required from all campaign executives, not just those agreed to the Voluntary Spending Agreement.

ix. If a Campaign Executive fails to turn in that individual’s expenditure form and/or all receipts related to their expenditure form, that individual may be assessed one (1) campaign violation point at the discretion of the Elections Committee.

(3). Post Election Expenditure Form The Campaign Executive shall also report to the ASUCD Elections Committee by 12:00 p.m. the day following the last day of the Election, and before the Election is certified, on all other donations to and expenditures from the Election fund made since the date of the last such report in a manner similar to that report. If the campaign executive fails to do so the campaign executive will be assessed one (1) violation point.

(4) No Campaign Executive may use ASUCD funds, facilities, or equipment for the purpose of campaigning, unless ASUCD is providing a service noted on the Campaign Executive’s expenditure form. Any campaign executive who violates this bylaw may be assessed violation points at the discretion of the Elections Committee. Use of ASUCD internet resources is exempt from this subsection.

D. Falsifying Expenditure Forms:

(1) No Campaign Executive may falsify expenditure forms. This may include, but is not limited to, false signatures, incomplete forms, and/or not claiming purchases/donations used for campaign purposes.

(2) If the Elections Committee finds that any Campaign Executive has falsified their expenditure form(s), they shall be assessed either zero (0), one (1), two (2), or three (3) violation points depending upon the severity of the falsification.


A. Any ASUCD member must file a written complaint with Student Government Administrative Office if they believes that a Campaign Executive has violated any of the regulations outlined in Chapter Four of the ASUCD Bylaws. All such complaints shall include: the name(s) of the person(s) filing the complaint, a description of the alleged violation, the name(s) of the candidate, Ticket, Recall (pro/con) or Ballot Measure (pro/con) that allegedly committed the violation, and if possible, the time, date, place of the observed violation, and all other evidence. All complaints must be filed Before the announcement of the election results. If the complaint is submitted to the Student Government

48 Administrative Office, then it will immediately be forwarded to the Elections Committee Chairperson and the ASUCD Court.

B. If any complaint(s) from an individual(s) that a Campaign Executive violated Chapter Four of the ASUCD Bylaws are brought to any member of the ASUCD Elections Committee, that Committee member shall direct the individual to file a written complaint with the Student Government Administrative Office.

C. The ASUCD Elections Committee shall investigate and review all properly filed complaints (in accordance with the "Elections Committee procedures for a complaint" section below) and give violation point assessments. A progress report of the investigation shall be publicly released within one (1) academic days from when the complaint is filed. The campaign violation point assessment shall be publicly released within four (4) academic days from when the complaint is filed.

D. The majority decision of the Elections Committee regarding campaign violation assessments shall be final, unless a written complaint is filed with the Student Government Administration Office within three (3) academic days of the rendering of the Elections Committee decision, contending that the Elections Committee violated ASUCD Judicial Code 5021(A). This complaint shall be immediately forwarded to the Chief Justice of the ASUCD Court and the Elections Committee Chairperson.

E. An ASUCD recorder must be present and must record all Elections Committee deliberation(s) pertaining to the assessment(s) of violation points or the dismissal of any Campaign Executive(s) or Ticket(s).

i. For the purposes of accessibility and handling, all records taken during such deliberations(s) shall be treated as records taken during Senate closed sessions as outlined in Chapter 920 of the ASUCD Bylaws. The ASUCD Court will have access to these minutes upon subpoena. Candidates receiving violation points may also have access to the minutes with the names of the Elections Committee members removed (with the expressed instruction that they not be shared with any member of the public).

F. Elections Committee procedures for a complaint:

(1) Investigation:

i. Contact/interview all concerned parties.

a. The person(s) who filed the complaint.

b. The person(s) accused.

c. Witnesses

ii. Collect evidence: This may include, times, dates and/or documents.

(2) The Elections Committee must consult the ASUCD Bylaws to determine what specific codes were or were not violated.

(3) The Elections Committee by a majority vote of its members shall make a violation point assessment.

(4) The ASUCD Elections Committee shall review all filed Election complaints and post a collective statement outlining their official violation point assessment(s). The complaint will simultaneously be posted with the Elections Committee’s response, not prior.

49 i. This outline must include how the Committee came to their violation point assessment, including the procedures stated above.

(6) If the Elections Committee finds that a candidate or Ticket has three (3) or more campaign violation points, then the candidate or Ticket shall be disqualified.

G. Hearing: A Hearing by the ASUCD Elections Committee shall be an opportunity for the person who files a complaint (hereinafter referred to as the complainant) and the Campaign Executive accused to plead their case in front of the ASUCD Elections Committee.

(1) The ASUCD Elections Committee Chairperson shall run the Hearing. The ASUCD Elections Committee Chairperson shall notify the complainant and the Campaign Executive accused should the ASUCD Elections Committee choose to conduct a Hearing regarding a filed complaint.

(2) The ASUCD Elections Committee shall consult all parties prior to setting a Hearing time. All parties involved in the Hearing shall be given twenty-four (24) hour notice of the public hearing.

(3) The complainant and/or Campaign Executive accused may designate a representative for the Hearing. The ASUCD Elections Committee Chairperson must be notified if any party chooses to send a designee on their behalf prior to the Hearing.

(4) Should the person who filed the complaint or Campaign Executive accused fail to attend the Hearing, the Hearing shall continue with the party present.

(5) At the Hearing, the complainant and the Campaign Executive accused shall be given no more than fifteen (15) minutes each to present and five (5) minutes each for a rebuttal.

(6) Both parties shall be permitted to present evidence and witnesses during the allotted time of their presentation time.

i. Evidence that is not directly related to the alleged violation shall not be permitted. (Example: attacking the character of either party)

(7) All Hearings shall be held in a closed session in accordance with Bylaw 2003.

(8) An ASUCD Recorder must be present during the Hearing and record arguments presented.

i. All records taken during deliberation(s) shall be closed. The ASUCD Court shall have access to these minutes upon subpoena. Campaign Executives receiving violation points shall have access to the minutes with the names of the Elections Committee members removed (with the expressed instruction that they not be shared with any member of the public).

E. A Court Complaint against the Elections Committee may be filed with the Student Government Administrative Office and will be immediately forwarded to the ASUCD Court.

F. If the Elections Committee disqualifies from eligibility any candidate or Ticket before the ballot is approved by the Elections Committee Chairperson, then the disqualification shall be automatic. No disqualified candidate shall be removed from the ballot unless they have lost all potential appeals of their disqualification or have waived their right to appeal. If the candidate has not filed an appeal within three (3) full academic days of their disqualification, they shall be considered to have waived their right to appeal. In the case of a Recall Election, if the party which took out the petition (pro) is disqualified by the Elections Committee prior to the first day of the Election, then the Recall Election

50 shall be cancelled by the Elections Committee and the cancellation shall be printed in the campus media. The ASUCD Elections Committee shall not tally any votes cast for such candidate(s) or Ticket(s) and votes for such candidate(s) or Ticket(s) shall not be used to determine the majority requisite for Election of other candidates for that (those) office(s). If the Elections Committee shall disqualify from eligibility any candidate or Ticket after the Election is held, the ASUCD Elections Committee shall re-determine the results from the Election without recognizing any votes cast for the disqualified candidate or Ticket, and shall determine the winner(s) of the Election based on such results.

414. OATH OF OFFICE: All voting members of the ASUCD Senate, and the ASUCD President and Vice President, before obtaining a Certificate of Election, shall recite the ASUCD Oath of Office and sign a copy to be held on file.

A. All voting members of the ASUCD Senate shall say their own name and then recite:

“I, ______, Student of the University of California, Davis, in good academic standing, promise to abide by the ASUCD Guidelines of Ethics; and promote the welfare and interests of the members of ASUCD; and in consistency with the ASUCD Constitution, enact rules and procedures necessary and proper for the efficient operation of ASUCD; and carry out and faithfully execute the duties enumerated in the ASUCD Constitution and the ASUCD Bylaws at all times during my term as a Voting Member of the ASUCD Senate.”

B. The ASUCD President and Vice President shall say their own name and then recite:

“I, ______, Student of the University of California, Davis, in good academic standing, promise to abide by the ASUCD Guidelines of Ethics; and promote the welfare and interests of the members of the ASUCD; and in consistency with the ASUCD Constitution, enact rules and procedures necessary and proper for the efficient operation of ASUCD; and carry out and faithfully execute the duties enumerated in the ASUCD Constitution and the ASUCD Bylaws at all times during my term in office.”


A. The ASUCD Elections Committee Chairperson shall submit a full and detailed report of the number of votes for every candidate, Ticket, Recall (pro/con), and Ballot Measure (pro/con) of every Election to the Senate President Pro Tempore no later than the second regularly scheduled meeting of the ASUCD Senate following the Election. In the case of Senate and Presidential Elections, the report shall also include the number of votes for each candidate in every round of the tabulation, as well as an account of all transfers of votes. The Elections Committee Chairperson shall also post this report on the Elections Committee bulletin board.

B. Candidates for ASUCD Senate who receive the required number of votes for Election shall be issued Certificates of Election at the first (1st) regularly scheduled ASUCD Senate meeting following the ASUCD Election unless a written complaint for an alleged campaign violation is filed with the Elections Committee against a candidate for ASUCD Senate and/or there is a pending written complaint against the Elections Committee for an alleged violation of ASUCD Judicial Code 501(A) or 501(B), filed with the Student Government Administrative Office and immediately referred to Student Judicial Affairs.

C. If a complaint filed against a candidate(s) for ASUCD Senate with a campus department or University governing board has not been resolved, the candidate(s) for ASUCD Senate receiving the required number of votes for Election shall receive Certificates of Election at the second regularly scheduled ASUCD Senate meeting following the ASUCD Election.

51 D. In the event that an appeal(s) of candidate disqualification is pending at the second regularly scheduled ASUCD Senate meeting following the ASUCD Election in which the candidate was disqualified, the Elections Committee will execute the following procedure; making each step public, in an expedient manner.

Step 1: Run the voting data to determine the winning candidates for every possible resulting scenario, pending rulings on ongoing appeals.

Step 2: Allow only those candidates who win seats in all possible resulting scenarios to take their seats and receive Certificates of Election. If a Senate seat is vacant at the end of this process, the seat will remain empty until the conclusion of the appeal process.

Step 3: After any appeal is finalized, the Elections Committee shall recalculate the voting data, starting again at Step 1 of this process until all seats are filled.

E. The Ticket for ASUCD President and ASUCD Vice President receiving the required number of votes for Election shall receive Certificates of Election at the beginning of the final regularly scheduled ASUCD Senate meeting of Winter Quarter.

F. The Presiding Officer at the first regularly scheduled ASUCD Senate meeting following the ASUCD Election shall issue a Certificate of Election signed by the Senate President Pro Tempore and the Chairperson of the ASUCD Elections Committee to each Senate candidate who received the required number of votes for Election and administer the Oath of Office. The outgoing ASUCD President and ASUCD Vice President shall issue Certificates of Election signed by themselves and the Chairperson of the ASUCD Elections Committee to the eligible candidates for ASUCD President and ASUCD Vice President who received the required number of votes for Election. The ASUCD Court Chief Justice shall administer the Oath of Office. Upon receiving a Certificate of Election, the person elected to an office shall immediately assume that office.


A. Initiative Ballot Measures: At any time, any member(s) of ASUCD may request a petition for an Initiative Ballot Measure or a recall of an elected official. Forms to request a petition shall be available at the Student Government Administrative Office (SGAO) upon request. The Elections Committee Chairperson shall answer any questions about the petition process. If the Initiative Ballot Measure increases student fees, the campaign coordinators shall be responsible for compliance with additional requirements for student fee initiatives, as stipulated in Section 416C of the ASUCD Bylaws.

(1) A completed request for a petition for an Initiative Ballot Measure or a recall is to be submitted to the SGAO. SGAO shall then forward the request to the Internal Affairs Commission.

i. If the Initiative Ballot Measure raises student fees, the Internal Affairs Commission Chairperson shall consult with the Student Affairs Office regarding the language of the Ballot Measure, as required Section 416C(1) of the ASUCD Bylaws, before considering the language of the petition. After receiving the suggestions of the Student Affairs Office, the Internal Affairs Commission Chairperson shall follow the approval procedures outlined in Section 416A(2) of the ASUCD Bylaws.

(2) The Internal Affairs Commission Chairperson shall place the request for a petition on the agenda of the next Internal Affairs Commission meeting if there is forty-eight (48) hours notice, or otherwise on the agenda of the following Internal Affairs Commission meeting. The Internal Affairs Commission shall be responsible for the approval of the proper language of all Initiative Ballots Measures for the purposes of clarity, brevity and accuracy. The Internal Affairs Commission may suggest modifications to an Initiative Ballot Measure, but may not make any amendments to the Ballot Measure without the approval of the authors. Upon Internal Affairs Commission’s approval of the Initiative Ballot Measure language, the Internal Affairs

52 Commission Chairperson shall sign the request for an Initiative Ballot Measure or recall, and shall submit the request for a petition to the SGAO and the Senate President Pro Tempore. Internal Affairs Commission shall not postpone an Initiative Ballot Measure by more than one (1) week except by consent of the petitioner(s).

(3) Upon the receipt of the Internal Affairs Commission’s Initiative Ballot Measure language, the Elections Committee shall prepare and present official petition forms to the petitioner(s) within two (2) academic days. This petition must clearly state its purpose. The petitioner(s), at this time, must select a Campaign Coordinator to represent the campaign and take on all duties and responsibilities granted by the ASUCD Elections Codes. The Campaign Coordinator may request more copies of the petition if needed. If the Elections Committee presents the petition to the petitioner(s) within four (4) academic weeks of the end of spring quarter instruction, the petitioner(s) may elect to take out the official petition during the first academic week of the subsequent fall quarter.

i. The Petition shall contain the ballot language, as well as the format outlined in Bylaw 405. Each page shall be stamped by SGAO to indicate the Petition’s authenticity.

ii. Any petition that would initiate a recall, constitutional amendment, increase in student fees, decrease in student fees, or a legislative initiative shall be clearly written as such in no less than eighteen (18) point font and all capital letters at the top, bottom and both sides of each piece of paper. (Example: CONSITUTIONAL AMENDMENT)

(4) The Campaign Coordinator and any other ASUCD members who wish to circulate the petition may do so. Only signatures of ASUCD members shall be valid for the Petition. The Petition requires eight percent (8%) of the currently registered undergraduate population, as specified in Article V of the ASUCD Constitution.

i. A person who is not a member of ASUCD shall not circulate the Petition. For each person who circulates the petition on behalf of the Campaign Coordinator who is not a member of ASUCD, that Campaign Coordinator shall be assessed one (1) violation point. ii. The Petition may be signed and circulated by electronic and online means. Through the ASUCD Elections website.

(5) All petitions must be returned to the SGAO within four (4) academic weeks after the petition was taken out or by the end of Spring quarter instruction, whichever is earlier, before 10 a.m. that day. In order to be included in a General Election, a petition must be returned at or before the same time candidate petitions are due. Petitions must be submitted by the due date and time, and must have the valid signatures of eight percent (8%) of ASUCD members, or the petition shall be disqualified. Once a petition has been submitted, it cannot be withdrawn.

(6) The Elections Committee shall be responsible for verifying the validity of the petition, using the process delineated in Bylaw 405. The Elections Committee shall notify the Campaign Coordinator(s), officials named in the recall petition, and the Senate President Pro Tempore of the status of the petition within six (6) academic days.

(7) Elections:

i. Any Initiative Ballot Measure may be included in a General Election if the petition is returned by the time specified in Section 416A(5) above. A recall must be run in a Special Election, as specified in the ASUCD Constitution, but a Recall Special Election may be held concurrently with a General Election if submitted within one (1) to three (3) academic weeks of the date of a General Election, at the discretion of the Elections Committee.

ii. If the next General Election is scheduled more than six (6) weeks or less than three (3) weeks in advance of when the Initiative Ballot Measure petition was submitted to SGAO, a special

53 election shall be held at the request of the Campaign Coordinator (pro). The Campaign Coordinator may also choose to delay the issue until the next regularly scheduled General Election. Recall elections automatically call Special Elections, but may be run concurrently with General Elections. The ASUCD Senate may also call a special election at any time by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote.

a. In the event that a Special Election is called, any Ballot Measure or Recall already submitted may be included in the Special Election. An Initiative Ballot Measure shall be moved by the mutual consent of the Pro and Con (if applicable) Campaign Coordinators. Recall elections will automatically be moved to this Special Election.

b. Any additional Ballot Measure submitted through Initiative Ballot Measure petition within one (1) academic week of a call for a special election may also be included in the Special Election. Additional recall petitions submitted within this week shall be included in the Special Election.

c. The Special Election called by an Initiative Ballot Measure or recall shall be held within three (3) academic weeks of the submission of the petition and shall take place over a minimum of two (2) academic days.

iii. If participating in the Voluntary Expenditure Agreement, signed expenditure forms for Ballot Measures and recalls must be filed with the ASUCD Elections Committee by the Campaign Treasurer before 12:00 p.m. five (5) academic days prior to the first (1st) day of the Election and by 12:00 p.m. following the last day of the Election.

(8) Ballot Measures and Recalls must be approved by the 60% affirmative vote specified in the ASUCD Constitution. Ballot Measures and Recalls take effect immediately upon certification by the Elections Committee and settlement of all appeals, unless a later date is specified by the measure.

B. Legislative Ballot Measures: A Ballot Measure may be placed before a vote of the student body by a majority vote of the ASUCD Senate.

(1) A Ballot Measure shall enter the legislative process in accordance with Section 801A of the ASUCD Bylaws. The Ballot Measure shall be referred to commissions in accordance with Section 801B of the ASUCD Bylaws.

i. The Internal Affairs Commission Chairperson and the author(s) of the Ballot Measure shall consult with the Student Affairs Office prior to the commission’s consideration of the Ballot Measure. After receiving the suggestions of the Student Affairs Office, the Internal Affairs Commission shall consider the Ballot Measure as outlined in Section 802A of the ASUCD Bylaws.

(2) Elections:

i. Any Legislative Ballot Measure may be included in a General Election if the measure is approved by the ASUCD Senate prior to the third week of the Quarter in which General Election is held.

ii. The ASUCD Senate may call a special election at any time by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote. In the event that a Special Election is called, any Ballot Measure or Recall already submitted may be included in the Special Election, and any previously approved Legislative Ballot Measure may be rescheduled for this Special Election by majority vote of the Senate.

a) Any additional Ballot Measure approved by the ASUCD Senate through legislation within one (1) academic week of a call for a special election may also be included in the Special

54 Election. Additional recall petitions submitted within this week shall be included in the Special Election.

b) A Special Election called by legislation shall be held at the date specified in the legislation, which must be at least two (2) academic weeks from the date of the legislation was enacted.

iii. If participating in the Voluntary Expenditure Agreement, signed expenditure forms for Ballot Measures and recalls must be filed with the ASUCD Elections Committee by the Campaign Treasurer before 12:00 p.m. five (5) academic days prior to the first (1st) day of the Election and by 12:00 p.m. following the last day of the Election.

(3) If the Legislative Ballot Measure increases student fees, the campaign coordinators shall be responsible for compliance with additional requirements for student fee initiatives, as stipulated in Section 416C of the ASUCD Bylaws.

(4) Ballot Measures must be approved by the 60% affirmative vote specified in the ASUCD Constitution. Ballot Measures and Recalls take effect immediately upon certification by the Elections Committee and settlement of all appeals, unless a later date is specified by the measure.

C. Fee Referenda: Any Initiative or Legislative Ballot Measure that raises student fees shall comply with all UC Davis and University of California requirements, as stipulated in the UC Davis Policy and Procedure Manual (PPM), Section 280-15 and the University of California Office of the President (UCOP) Policies Applying to Campus Activities, Organizations, and Students (PACAOS), Policy 80.00. Fee referenda are advisory to the Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs.

(1) Student Consultation with the Student Affairs Office: The campaign coordinators for the fee initiative shall consult with the Student Affairs Office regarding the content of the referendum, the programs and services included in the referendum, and the voting conditions of the referendum. The Student Affairs Office shall seek approval of the Chancellor and the University of California Office of the President (UCOP).

i. For Initiative Ballot Measures, the Internal Affairs Commission Chairperson and the petitioners shall consult with the Student Affairs Office prior to review of the Initiative Ballot Measure language by the Internal Affairs Commission. After receiving the suggestions of the Student Affairs Office, the Internal Affairs Commission Chairperson shall follow approval procedures outlined in Section 416A(2) of the ASUCD Bylaws.

ii. For Legislative Ballot Measures, the Internal Affairs Commission Chairperson and the author(s) of the Ballot Measure shall consult with the Student Affairs Office prior to the commission’s consideration of the Ballot Measure. After receiving the suggestions of the Student Affairs Office, the Internal Affairs Commission shall consider the Ballot Measure as outlined in Section 802A of the ASUCD Bylaws.

(2) Educational Outreach: The campaign coordinators shall develop and implement an educational program to inform students of the issues and options related to the referendum.

i. The educational program shall include distribution of informational materials, selection and training of students to lead discussions, outreach to broad groups of students, press releases about fiscal issues, and promotion of voter turnout.

ii. While the campaign coordinators are responsible for implementation of the program, the Student Affairs Office may assist as appropriate.

(3) If voter turnout does not reach at least twenty percent (20%) of the eligible voting population, the fees proposed in the Ballot Measure shall be null and void.

55 (4) Each proposed new, increased, or renewed fee must be voted on as separate Ballot Measures, unless there are multiple fees that support a common student service goal, in which case they may be aggregated into a single Ballot Measure.

(5) Any fee initiative that will fund the construction or renovation of a building or facility must state describe the purpose of any continued fees and the mechanism for determining the level of such a continued fee; state whether the fee will be continued after the retirement of the original debt; and require that students not begin paying the fee until the can benefit from the construction, unless explicitly stated otherwise that student will pay a percentage of the fee in advance of the benefits.

(6) Campaign coordinators are responsible for compliance with any additional requirements for fee initiatives that may be outlined in the UC Davis Policy and Procedure Manual (PPM), Section 280-15, or the University of California, Office of the President Policies Applying to Campus Activities, Organizations, and Students (UCOP PACAOS), Policy 80.00.


A. Any candidate or Ticket who wishes to terminate their candidacy must submit a dated and signed letter to the Elections Committee stating their withdrawal. If the candidate, Ticket, or Ballot Measure (pro/con) fail to inform the Elections Committee, they will be subject to deadlines and penalties. If the Elections Committee receives the letter of withdrawal one (1) calendar week after the deadline to submit Nominating Petitions and Notices of Candidacy, then the withdrawing candidate shall be left on the ballot during the voting, but shall not have any votes cast for them counted.

B. Initiative Ballot Measures, Legislative Ballot Measures, and Recall petitions may not be withdrawn once the petition has been submitted. However, a campaign coordinator (pro or con) may resign their position, which would allow another person to take over the responsibilities thereof.


A. As specified in Section 904C(10) of the ASUCD Bylaws, the Senate must hold an IAC Indictment Hearing of an Elections Committee Member before considering their removal. Per Chapter Five of the ASUCD Bylaws, the Senate may remove any member of the ASUCD Elections Committee from office with a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the entire Senate.



500. APPLICATION: The rules and procedures specified in this Chapter shall apply without exception to all ASUCD appointed positions requiring confirmation by the ASUCD Senate.

501. VACANCIES: A position shall be considered vacant at the time specified by Bylaw 504 (Term of Office) or whenever the position is slated to start on the hiring form submitted to the Student Services Office. A position may also be considered vacant if the appointed official submits a letter of resignation to the Senate President Pro Tempore. The current official may remain in the position until an applicant has been selected and confirmed by the ASUCD Senate. When a position becomes vacant, the official assigned to chair the Interviewing Committee for that position shall initiate the recruitment process as outlined in this Chapter of the ASUCD Bylaws. During the recruitment and selection process, the officer(s) responsible for making the appointment(s) may designate an interim official(s) for a period of no longer than one (1) month with the exception of ASUCD Court members. These interim officials must be confirmed by a majority vote of the entire ASUCD Senate. If the Chairperson of the Interviewing Committee fails to initiate the recruitment process within two (2) weeks, the Senate President Pro Tempore may initiate the recruitment process and replace the Chairperson of the Interviewing Committee and assume all responsibilities of the Chairperson of the Interviewing Committee as outlined in this Chapter of the ASUCD Bylaws.

502. RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION: All ASUCD officials shall comply with the ASUCD Personnel Policy, as outlined in Chapter Seven of the ASUCD Bylaws, in the recruitment of all appointees.

A. Posting: Postings for ASUCD Unit Directors (with the exception of Picnic Day, Office of Advocacy and Student Representation, and Whole Earth Festival) shall be put up no later than the fifth week of Winter Quarter. Each position shall be posted for at least one (1) academic week, (no earlier than the first day of instruction and no later than the last day of instruction), with the exception of the ASUCD Controller, which shall be posted for at least two (2) academic weeks. If after that time only one (1) applicant applies for the position, it shall be posted for an additional one (1) academic week. If after this time there is still only one (1) applicant, then the Interviewing Committee shall review that applicant. A posting shall not, for any reason, be removed before the filing deadline indicated on the posting. If no applicants apply for a position or the officer(s) responsible for making the appointment(s) do not wish to appoint any of the applicants, then the position may remain posted continuously. The posting, however, will always indicate a filing deadline. If no appointee(s) have been forwarded to the Senate for confirmation within two (2) weeks after the filing deadline has passed, the ASUCD Senate may, by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote, force the officer(s) responsible for making the appointment(s) to submit the name(s) of appointee(s) for confirmation within two (2) academic weeks of the vote.

B. Interviewing Committees: After the final filing deadline for a vacant position has passed, the Chairperson of the Interviewing Committee shall set up interviews for that (those) position(s) and shall be responsible for notifying the applicant(s) and the members of the Interviewing Committee of the dates, times, and locations of the interviews no less than forty-eight (48) hours prior to the interviews. This process is described in more detail in Sections 204B (for ASUCD Commissions) and 209B (for the ASUCD Outreach Assembly).

(1) The Interviewing Committees for ASUCD Unit Directors (except for The California Aggie and KDVS, whose governance is delegated to the Campus Media Board) shall be chaired by the ASUCD President (or the ASUCD Vice President if the ASUCD President is unable to attend, or a designee chosen by the ASUCD President if both the President and Vice President are absent). The Interviewing Committee shall include the ASUCD President, the ASUCD Vice President, the outgoing Unit Director (or the next highest available officer in the Unit’s Long-Range Plan if the Unit Director is reapplying or unavailable), the ASUCD Business Manager, at least one (1) of the

57 Unit’s adoptive Senator(s), and one (1) other Senator (chosen by the Senate President Pro Tempore. The ASUCD Controller shall also be included in the interviews for ASUCD Commercial Units. The ASUCD President may also select other appropriate person(s) to sit on the Interviewing Committee for any particular interview. All members of the Interviewing Committee shall be invited to attend; however, only the President (or Vice President, or a designee chosen by the President) and the outgoing Unit Director (or the next highest available officer in the Unit’s Long-Range Plan) need be present for the interviews to take place. The Interviewing Committee shall advise the President on which applicant the President should appoint.

(2) The Interviewing Committee for the ASUCD Controller shall be chaired by the ASUCD President (or the ASUCD Vice President if the ASUCD President is unable to attend, or a designee chosen by the ASUCD President if both the President and Vice President are absent). The Interviewing Committee shall include the ASUCD President, the ASUCD Vice President, the outgoing ASUCD Controller (or the outgoing ASUCD President if the Controller is reapplying or unavailable), two (2) Senators chosen by the Senate President Pro Tempore, the ASUCD Business Manager, and the Chairperson of the Business and Finance Commission. However, only the President (or Vice President, or a designee chosen by the President), and the ASUCD Business Manager and the outgoing Controller (or the outgoing President) need be present for the interviews to take place. The Interviewing Committee shall advise the President on which applicant the President should appoint but the President shall have exclusive appointment power, as defined in the ASUCD Constitution.

(3) The Interviewing Committee for ASUCD Court members is outlined in Article VII of the ASUCD Constitution. The Interviewing Committee shall be chaired by the ASUCD President (or the ASUCD Vice President if the ASUCD President is unable to attend or designee chosen by the President if both the President and Vice President are absent). The Interviewing Committee shall include the ASUCD President, two (2) Senators chosen by the Senate President Pro Tempore, the Internal Affairs Commission Chairperson, and the Elections Committee Chairperson. The Chairperson of the Interviewing Committee shall select the applicants to be confirmed by the Senate. The rest of the Interviewing Committee shall advise them on which applicants to select. Only one (1) member of the Interviewing Committee may be absent for the interviews to take place.

(4) The Interviewing Committees for ASUCD Commission Chairpersons and members is outlined in Article II of the ASUCD Constitution. The Interviewing Committee shall be chaired by the current or outgoing Chairperson of the hiring Commission or their replacement whose selection is outlined in the ASUCD Constitution, one (1) voting member of the hiring Commission, one (1) Chairperson of another ASUCD Commission both chosen at the discretion of the Chairperson of the hiring Commission and two (2) Senators chosen at the discretion of the Senate President Pro Tempore. In the event that there is no Chairperson and Commission member to sit on the Interviewing Committee for Commission Chairpersons, members, or alternates, the Senate President Pro Tempore shall appoint two (2) replacement members to the Interviewing Committee to fill these positions. In the hiring of commissioners and alternates the chair of the Interviewing Committee shall select the applicants to be confirmed by the Senate. The rest of the Interviewing Committee shall advise them on which applicants to select. In the hiring of a Commission Chairperson, the Interviewing Committee shall select an applicant to be confirmed by majority vote. Three (3) members of the Interviewing Committee, including the Chair of the Committee and one (1) Senator, must be present for the interview to take place.

(5) The Interviewing Committees for Chairpersons and members of Committees of the ASUCD Senate (with the exception of the ASUCD Elections Committee and the Aggie Public Arts Committee) shall be chaired by the current or outgoing Chairperson of the Interviewing Committee (or the Vice Chairperson of that Committee if the Chairperson is reapplying, or a designee chosen by a majority vote of the entire Committee if both the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson are unable to attend). In addition to the current or outgoing Chairperson of the hiring Committee, the Interviewing Committee will include one (1) voting member of the hiring

58 Committee and one (1) Chairperson of an ASUCD Commission (both chosen at the discretion of the Chairperson of the Interviewing Committee), the ASUCD President (or the ASUCD Vice President or a designee chosen at the discretion of the President), and the Senate President Pro Tempore (or one (1) Senator chosen at the discretion of the Senate President Pro Tempore). Only one (1) member of the Interviewing Committee may be absent for the interviews to take place.

(6) The Interviewing Committee for the Chairperson of the ASUCD Elections Committee shall be chaired by the ASUCD Senate President Pro Tempore. The Interviewing Committee shall include the ASUCD President or the President’s designee, the Senate President Pro Tempore, one (1) other senator chosen by the Senate President Pro Tempore, the outgoing or current Elections Committee Chairperson, and ASUCD Business Manager. Only one (1) voting member of the Interviewing Committee may be absent for the interviews to take place. The Interviewing Committee shall by majority vote of the entire Committee nominate an individual or individuals to the position(s).

(7) The Interviewing Committee for all interim ASUCD Senate positions shall be chaired by the ASUCD President (or the ASUCD Vice President if the ASUCD President is unable to attend, or a designee chosen by the ASUCD President if both the President and Vice President are absent). The Interviewing Committee shall include the ASUCD President, the ASUCD Vice President, the outgoing Senator, and two (2) ASUCD Senators chosen by the ASUCD Senate President Pro Tempore. However, only the President (or Vice President, or a designee chosen by the President) need be present for the interviews to take place. The Interviewing Committee shall advise the President on which applicant(s) they should appoint.

(9) The Interviewing Committee for ASUCD Outreach Assembly members is outlined in Article II, Section 16 of the ASUCD Constitution, and shall be chaired by the current or outgoing Speaker. In the event that there is no outgoing Speaker to sit on the Interviewing Committee for Outreach Assembly Speaker or members, the Senate President Pro Tempore shall serve as acting Speaker for the Interviewing Committee, or appoint a senator in their place should they be unable to fulfill their responsibility, exclusively to fulfill the duties pertaining to the hiring of Outreach Assembly Speaker or members. In the hiring of Outreach Assembly members, the chair of the Interviewing Committee shall select the applicants to be confirmed by the Senate. The rest of the Interviewing Committee shall advise them on which applicants to select. In the hiring of an Outreach Assembly Speaker, the Interviewing Committee shall select an applicant to be confirmed by majority vote. Only one (1) member of the Interviewing Committee may be absent for the interviews to take place.

(10) The Interviewing Committee for ASUCD Historian shall be chaired by the ASUCD Internal Affairs Commission Chairperson. The Interviewing Committee shall include the ASUCD Controller or designee, two (2) ASUCD Senators, the Chairperson of the Internal Affairs Commission, and the outgoing ASUCD Historian. The Interviewing Committee, by a majority vote, shall select among the applicants. All members of the Interviewing Committee shall be invited; however only the Internal Affairs Commission Chairperson and ASUCD Historian need to be present for interviews to take place.

(11) The Interviewing Committees for Chairperson and members of Committees of the Aggie Public Arts shall be chaired by the current or outgoing Chairperson for the Interviewing Committee (or a member of that Committee if the Chairperson is reapplying). In addition to the current or outgoing Chairperson of the Hiring Committee, the Interviewing Committee will include two (2) ASUCD Senators (chosen at the discretion of the Senate President Pro Tempore).

C. Interviewing Questions: All applicants shall be asked the same question during their interviews, unless a specific question pertaining to the applicant’s resume, application, and/or response arises. In interviews for Commission or Outreach Assembly positions, Interviewing Committees are encouraged to ask reapplicants

59 (as defined in Section 204B(3) or 209B(3)) on their experience and achievements in their position to more effectively evaluate their performance in their position.


A. The Chairperson of the Interviewing Committee shall introduce the name(s) of the appointee(s) to the ASUCD Senate (or a member of the Interviewing Committee if the Chairperson is unable to attend). The Chairperson of the Interviewing Committee should provide a list of the name(s) of individuals who served on the Interviewing Committee. The appointee(s) shall then proceed to briefly introduce themselves to the ASUCD Senate.

B. Upon the date of confirmation, appointed candidate(s) are required to be present during the time of the confirmation, or the consideration of confirming the appointed candidate(s) will be postponed until the next Senate meeting. If the Senate wishes to confirm a candidate who is not present, it may pass a separate motion to do so by a majority vote of the entire Senate.

C. Discussion and questions shall be limited to the ASUCD Senate and its ex-officio members, who may inquire about the appointees’ qualifications, relevant experience, or capacity to perform the duties of the position as outlined in the ASUCD Bylaws.

(1) The appointee(s) shall not be questioned on political viewpoints or affiliations, with the exception of the ASUCD Court Appointees, who shall be questioned on their capacity to remain impartial while fulfilling their duties as members of the ASUCD Court.

(2) The appointee(s) shall be informed by the presiding officer of their rights to decline to answer any question prior to the beginning of the questioning period.

D. All confirmation deliberations shall be open to the public, unless the ASUCD Senate tables the appointment(s) to a closed session by a majority vote of the entire Senate.

E. The ASUCD Senate may, by majority vote of the entire Senate, accept testimony and ask questions of any ASUCD member about the qualifications of the appointee(s).

F. The ASUCD Senate, by majority vote of the entire Senate, may:

(1) Approve the appointee(s); or

(2) Ask the Interviewing Committee to re-evaluate the applicants and present another appointee(s) at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the ASUCD Senate.

G. The ASUCD Senate shall ask all appointees for a specific position the same questions during their confirmation and for the duration of the meeting unless a specific question pertaining to the applicants’ responses arises.

H. The ASUCD Senate may, by majority vote of the entire Senate, move to confirm each appointee individually. The ASUCD Senate may continue to ask any appointees remaining questions until a motion to confirm or no more questions are available.

I. The ASUCD Vice President shall forward all names and position of titles confirmed appointments to Student Government Administrative Office the day after the Senate meeting at which the candidates were confirmed.


A. All ASUCD Non-Advocacy Unit Directors and all Chairpersons of ASUCD Commissions and Committees shall have termination dates of June 30.

60 (1) The Speaker of the Outreach Assembly shall have a termination of December 31.

B. ASUCD Court members shall serve a term defined in Article VII of the ASUCD Constitution.

C. Commission and Committee voting members and Outreach Assembly members shall serve terms of one (1) year and alternates shall serve until the next regularly scheduled selection process, as outlined in Chapter Two of the ASUCD Bylaws.

D. The ASUCD Controller’s term shall terminate upon the confirmation of the incoming ASUCD Controller, which must be within two (2) academic weeks of the seating of the new regularly-elected ASUCD President.

E. Each Advocacy Unit Director’s term shall terminate upon the confirmation of an incoming Director, which must be within four (4) academic weeks of the seating of the new ASUCD President.

(1) The ASUCD Advocacy Unit is: i. ASUCD Office of Advocacy and Student Representation

F. The ASUCD Historian shall serve terms of one (1) year and shall have a termination date on June 30.


A. The ASUCD Senate may, by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the entire ASUCD Senate, remove from office any appointed ASUCD official that required Senate confirmation.

B. The ASUCD Senate must consider the removal of any ASUCD Commission member that has missed two (2) Commission meetings in a quarter without being excused by the Chairperson of the Commission. If a member takes a leave of absence for a period of one (1) month or more, that member’s resignation will be automatic (also stated in Chapter Two of the ASUCD Bylaws).

C. The ASUCD Senate must consider recommending the removal of any ASUCD Outreach Assembly member that has missed two (2) Outreach Assembly meetings in a quarter without being excused by the Speaker of the Outreach Assembly. If a member takes a leave of absence for a period of one (1) month or more, that member’s resignation will be automatic (also stated in Chapter Two of the ASUCD Bylaws).

D. The ASUCD Senate must consider the removal of any ASUCD Unit Director that has not reported or sent a designee to report to the ASUCD Senate a quarterly report during any given quarter. This consideration must take place the quarter following that in which the Unit has failed to make a report.

E. The ASUCD Senate must consider the removal of any ASUCD Commercial Unit Director, as well as any designated Unit Director that has not reported or sent a designee to report to the ASUCD Business and Finance Commission a quarterly report during any given quarter. This consideration must take place the quarter following that in which the Unit has failed to make a report. Non-Commercial Unit Directors chosen to present a report to the Business and Finance Commission shall be designated by the Chairperson of the ASUCD Business and Finance Commission. The designated Unit Director(s) shall be notified no later than seven (7) working days after the start of the quarter in which they are expected to report. The report shall be submitted to the Chairperson of the ASUCD Business and Finance Commission in both written and oral form and include the progress of daily operations and projects, as well as a synopsis of current fiscal standing.

F. The ASUCD Senate has the ability to consider the removal of any ASUCD Unit Director that has not reported or sent a designee to report to the ASUCD Internal Affairs Commission for the purpose of updating their Long-Range Plan within the duration of their term. The consideration would take place

61 during the quarter following that in which the Unit has failed to revise their Long-Range Plan at the request of the Internal Affairs Commission.

G. The ASUCD Senate has the ability to consider the removal of any ASUCD Unit Director that has not worked with EPPC to adhere to their R4 audit and Chapter 17 of the Bylaws to the best of their ability. The consideration would take place during the quarter following that in which the Unit has failed to adhere to their R4 audit and Chapter 17 of the Bylaws to the best of their ability.



600. PURPOSE: This Chapter establishes the authority and responsibility of the ASUCD Business Manager, the ASUCD Controller, and all ASUCD officers engaged in business affairs for ASUCD and provides guidelines to ensure the proper and responsible execution of financial matters.


A. The ASUCD Business Manager and ASUCD Controller will conduct the affairs of their offices in a manner that provides for the fiscal stability and integrity of ASUCD in all financial matters.

B. All ASUCD officers engaged in business affairs for ASUCD will comply with the policies and procedures of the ASUCD Constitution and ASUCD Bylaws to ensure the stability of ASUCD.


A. The ASUCD Controller is the representative of the ASUCD elected officials with respect to financial and business responsibilities.

B. No representative of ASUCD may commit ASUCD funds prior to obtaining a purchase order or contract specifically approved for the items of service under consideration, except with the permission of the ASUCD Controller or ASUCD Business Manager. In order to be approved, a purchase order or contract must be signed by the ASUCD Business Manager or ASUCD Controller.

C. All proposals to engage in contractual relationships require advance approval by the ASUCD Controller.

D. The ASUCD Controller or the ASUCD Business Manager shall approve purchase orders only for a properly prepared purchase requisition, which shall include:

(1) The Unit name, account number, and budget line item;

(2) The date;

(3) The vendor name and address;

(4) The signature of the Unit Manager;

(5) A detailed, item by item description of the services and materials requested. This shall include, but is not limited to, the quantity, cost per Unit, and detailed description of the material or service.

E. A quote must first be obtained from CCCN before purchase orders for custom t-shirts are made on behalf of an ASUCD unit.


A. All funding allocated from a commission’s budget must be approved by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the commission.

B. Any outside organizations requesting monies from a commission must submit an ASUCD Co- Sponsorship Application and provide any relevant documents or information along with the form. This form will be made available online at the ASUCD website, SGAO, and at the ASUCD commissions.


A. Every Activity, service, and program (hereafter referred to as Unit) funded by ASUCD shall have only one (1) representative designated to handle all business transactions for the Unit. This person, referred to as the Unit Manager, shall have the authority to sign forms pertaining to the financial business of the Unit. This person may be the Unit Director, an individual designated by the Unit Director, a Chairperson, or a Unit’s Business Manager (if so designated in the ASUCD Annual Budget). The Unit Manager is responsible to the ASUCD Business Manager and ASUCD Controller for maintaining sound business practices for the Unit. The Unit Director is ultimately responsible for the overall soundness of the Unit.

B. The Unit Director, or a designee thereof, is required to submit a minimum of one oral report per quarter, to the Senate, Student (non-career) Unit Directors must also submit a written report at the end of each pay period delivered to the ASUCD Payroll Personnel Supervisor, to be forwarded to the ASUCD Business Manager, the ASUCD Controller, Student Government Administrative Office (SGAO), and the Senate President Pro Tempore. The reports should include the progress of daily operations and projects, as well as a synopsis of the Unit's current fiscal standing. The Senate President Pro Tempore shall contact all unit directors at the beginning of each quarter and schedule the days and times on which they are to present. No later than the beginning of the second week of the quarter, the Senate President Pro Tempore shall submit a complete list of the senate meetings and times on which unit directors are to report to the ASUCD Vice President. If any unit director is unresponsive, the President Pro Tempore shall assign that unit a senate meeting and time by which to present. If a Student Unit Director does not submit a written report, the Student Unit Director will not be paid for that pay period until a written report is submitted.

(1) The SGAO shall be responsible for delivering reports to Senators from their adopted Units and delivering all reports to the Senate President Pro Tempore. The SGAO shall also be responsible for ensuring the timely submission of written reports, maintaining an archive of these reports, and making them available upon request.

(2) All student unit directors, excluding those of The California Aggie and KDVS, must meet with the ASUCD Controller once per academic month, at the Controller’s discretion, to discuss financial standing, current programming and activities, and unit performance.

(3) All passed legislation which allocates funds for a unit after the enactment of the annual operating budget must be accompanied by a conference to discuss the implementation and execution of all monies allocated in the bill. This conference shall occur no more than two weeks after the legislation is signed by the ASUCD President, and shall include the director of the affected unit, the ASUCD Controller, the author of the bill, and the Senator who introduced the bill. The author and the Senator’s attendance shall be at the discretion of the ASUCD Controller.

C. The Unit Director is authorized to withhold approval of Unit purchase requisitions solely on the basis of financial strain to the Unit.

D. No ASUCD funds may be committed without the approval of the Unit Manager unless the Unit Director directly requests the ASUCD Controller to approve the commitment. This request must be in writing and must explain why the Unit Manager did not approve the commitment.

E. The Unit Manager may initiate a purchase requisition without prior approval of the Unit Director if the requisition is related to a previously approved Unit requisition. The Unit Manager must notify the Unit Director of this additional requisition within ten (10) working days.

F. The ASUCD Business Manager or ASUCD Controller is authorized to withhold approval of Unit purchase requisitions and purchase orders on the basis of financial strain or if the purchase is

64 determined by the ASUCD Business Manager or ASUCD Controller not to be within the intent of the original ASUCD budgetary allocation.

G. If the ASUCD Business Manager or ASUCD Controller determine that it is necessary to place a Business Manager within a Unit, the ASUCD Controller must first receive ASUCD Senate approval.

H. The ASUCD Controller must comply with the principles governing the maintenance of sound business practices and the policies and procedures regarding expenditure of ASUCD funds.

I The ASUCD Controller, in consultation with appropriate Unit Directors and Managers, is authorized to develop operating procedures for ASUCD Units to provide continuity and efficiency.

J. Commercial Units must submit pricing plans, internal policies, procedures, and work rules to the ASUCD Controller for approval to ensure the employment of sound business and personnel practices at the beginning of each quarter.

K. The ASUCD Controller is authorized to request any information from any Unit pertaining to the maintenance of sound business practices. Units shall submit the requested information within ten (10) academic days. Exceptions are at the discretion of the ASUCD Controller.

L. ASUCD funds designated for use by ASUCD Senate subordinate bodies may be reallocated in the same manner outlined in ASUCD Bylaw 607 as long as no other Bylaws or violated.

M. In order to use staff development or volunteer development funds, the Unit Director must complete and submit a form detailing what the funding will go towards. The ASUCD Controller or the ASUCD Business Manager must approve the request before any funds shall be made available.

605. REIMBURSEMENTS: The Associated Students, University of California, Davis will not honor charges, receipts, agreements, mileage reimbursements, or any other commitment of Unit funds made without an approved purchase order or contract, except with the permission of the ASUCD Controller. Such charges incurred without approval will be the responsibility of the individual who initiated the purchase. When written or verbal permission of the ASUCD Controller has been obtained for charges, the person who initiated the purchase shall provide the ASUCD Controller an Expense Statement of such charges. Only after an Expense Statement has been submitted will the person initiating the purchase be reimbursed. No Expense Statement for more than $100 and/or submitted to the ASUCD Controller later than thirty (30) days after the expenses have been incurred will be honored. Exceptions are at the discretion of the ASUCD Controller.

606. GUARANTEE OF BUDGET EXECUTION: The ASUCD Annual Budget does not represent a guarantee of financial responsibility for any specific item in the Unit’s budget. ASUCD monies are committed by the ASUCD Business Manager or ASUCD Controller through means of a purchase order, contract, request for check, or written request for transfer of funds. All payments of ASUCD funds to personnel (stipend, hourly, or independent contract) and all payments to individuals and vendors outside of ASUCD may only be signed by the ASUCD Controller or the ASUCD Business Manager. Inter-ASUCD Unit transactions may only be signed by the ASUCD Business Manager, except copy requests. The ASUCD Business Manager, ASUCD Controller, the Main Office Supervisor, or the Business Office Supervisor may sign copy requests.

607. PROHIBITION OF INDEPENDENT ACCOUNTS: ASUCD Units may not maintain funds independently of ASUCD (e.g. checking or savings accounts). Any outside donations of funds must be reported to the ASUCD Business Manager or ASUCD Controller within five (5) academic days after receipt of such funds. Violation of this Bylaw shall result in action by the ASUCD Senate, which may include but is not limited to suspension of the Unit budget and the termination of the individual(s) responsible for the violation.


65 A. The ASUCD Business Manger or ASUCD Controller is authorized to reallocate up to five hundred dollars ($500) between line items within each Unit budget. All reallocations shall be reported to the ASUCD President within five (5) days of the reallocation and to the ASUCD Senate at the Senate meeting immediately following the reallocation. The ASUCD Business Manager or ASUCD Controller may not reallocate funds from sub-account 2 (General Assistance) to any other budget line, or from any other budget line to sub-account 2, or alter stipend levels as approved in the ASUCD Annual Budget. The ASUCD Senate must approve all other reallocations of funds.

B. The ASUCD Senate shall have control over all ASUCD monies except those specifically labeled “grant” in the ASUCD Annual Budget. Any organization, however, which receives a grant from Cultural Days or Club Finance Council must clearly and visibly display ASUCD as a co-sponsor. Failure to comply may constitute grounds for denial of future funds from Cultural Days or Club Finance Council.


A. The ASUCD Fee or any other fee voted on by ASUCD membership may only be adjusted by a vote of the ASUCD membership in accordance with the ASUCD Constitution.

B. Membership privileges for each quarter shall begin on the first day of registration and terminate on the day before the first day of the next regular quarter.

C. Membership privileges for outside organizations shall be determined by negotiation between the ASUCD President and the Chief Officer of the outside organization only after being approved by a majority vote of the entire ASUCD Senate.

610. SOLICITATION: No person shall solicit money, merchandise or financial support, including advertising for any ASUCD Units, without the prior approval of the ASUCD Business Manager or ASUCD Controller.


A. The ASUCD Controller is responsible for providing the ASUCD President and Vice President, the ASUCD Senate, and other parties with the information necessary to ensure sound business practices within the dictates of the ASUCD Annual Budget. This may include, but is not limited to, fiscal projections for ASUCD over a reasonable planning time period.

B. All personnel issues shall be handled by the Personnel Committee consisting of the ASUCD President, ASUCD Vice President, ASUCD Business Manager, ASUCD Controller, Chairperson of the Business and Finance Commission, one (1) member of the ASUCD Senate chosen by the Senate President Pro Tempore, and the Human Resources Coordinator. All recommendations made by this Committee must be approved by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the entire ASUCD Senate.


During the budget writing process ASUCD must allocate a minimum of 5% of the collected Undergraduate Fees (as reflected in the budget) towards the ASUCD Net Revenue Fund. An additional 7.5% of the collected Undergraduate Fees shall be allocated towards the ASUCD Capital Reserves. This bylaw will be revisited in 2020, 2025, 2030, and every 5 year internal following, by the ASUCD management team.


The ASUCD Net Revenue Fund shall be used to cover losses accrued by ASUCD units, overdrafts of ASUCD line items, and lawsuits against the association. There are no other ways to spend this money unless specified within the ASUCD Bylaws.

66 A. If the ASUCD Senate would like to reallocate funds from the Net Revenue Fund towards ASUCD Capital Reserves, the bill doing so must be passed by at least a 3/4ths majority by the ASUCD Senate, provided that the amount reallocated is no more than 10% of the ASUCD Net Revenue Fund.

1. No more than 10% of the ASUCD Net Revenue Fund may be allocated in this way in a single fiscal year.

2. Money cannot be reallocated towards the ASUCD Capital Reserves unless the ASUCD Net Revenue Fund has an amount of money equal to at least 10% of the ASUCD operating budget.




The purpose of this Chapter is to provide a comprehensive policy and procedure regarding the Committee on Committees and its relationship to all ASUCD representatives at the respective committees in order to foster shared governance at the university level.


A. ASUCD Representatives: All ASUCD appointed representatives to Administrative Advisory Committees and Academic Senate Committees

B. Chairperson of the Committee on Committees: The ASUCD Office of Advocacy and Student Representation Assistant Director of University and Academic Affairs

C. CoC General Assembly: All voting members of CoC and all ASUCD Representatives


The purpose of COC shall be to serve as the central interface between ASUCD and all administrative and academic decision making spaces at the university level through Administrative Advisory Committees (AACs) and Academic Senate Committees (ASCs). The Committee shall meet on a biweekly basis regarding the publicity of Administrative Advisory Committee (AAC) and Academic Senate Committee (ASC) appointments and shall be responsible for delivering all recommendations for AAC and ASC appointments, as well as maintaining a relationship between all appointed ASUCD representatives to respective committees.


The ASUCD Office of Advocacy and Student Representation’s Assistant Director of Academic and University Affairs shall serve as the Chairperson of the Committee and a voting member of the Committee. The other voting members of the Committee shall include the ASUCD President (or the President’s designee), two (2) ASUCD Senators, the Academic Affairs Commission Chairperson (or their designee), the Internal Affairs Commission Chairperson (or their designee), and the ASUCD Advisor to Athletics and Administrative Advisory Committees.

A. Term: The voting members of the Committee, excluding the ASUCD Senate representative, shall serve until the end of their term in their respective positions. The ASUCD Senate representatives shall be selected for the Committee by majority vote of the entire Senate. At the first meeting of each quarter the Committee shall make no decisions without at most one (1) person being absent. All decisions must be made by a majority vote and all decisions made by the Committee shall be considered final.

B. ASUCD Representatives Roster: The Chairperson of the Committee on Committees shall maintain a public roster of all ASUCD Representatives and their assigned committees.


A. The Committee shall interview at least two-thirds (2/3) of all applicants received.

68 B. Only one (1) person may be absent for the committee to make appointment decisions. All decisions must be made by a majority vote. The ASUCD President with the Director of ASUCD Office of Advocacy and Student Representation and the Assistant Director of University and Academic Affairs of the ASUCD Office of Advocacy and Student Representation will be responsible for communicating the final selections to the appropriate body.

A. Administrative Advisory Committee Appointments: The ASUCD President shall deliver all recommendations of Administrative Advisory Committee appointments to the Chairperson of the Committee on Committees.

1. The Interviewing Committee for the ASUCD Representatives to Administrative Advisory Committees shall be chaired by the Committee on Committees Chairperson. The Interviewing Committee shall include the ASUCD Internal Affairs Commission Chairperson, the adopted Senators of Committee on Committees, the ASUCD President (or the President’s designee) and one (1) commissioner chosen by the Internal Affairs Commission Chairperson. However, only the ASUCD Internal Affairs Commission Chairperson, the ASUCD President (or a designee), the Chairperson of the Committee on Committees and one (1) commissioner need be present for the interviews to take place. The Interviewing Committee shall advise the President on which applicant the President should appoint but the President shall have exclusive appointment power, as defined in the ASUCD Constitution.

B. Administrative Advisory Committee Appointments: The ASUCD Academic Affairs Commission shall deliver all recommendations of Academic Senate Committee appointments to the ASUCD President.

1. The Interviewing Committee for the ASUCD Representatives to Administrative Advisory Committees shall be chaired by the Committee on Committees Chairperson. The Interviewing Committee shall include the ASUCD Internal Affairs Commission Chairperson, the adopted Senators of Committee on Committees, the Director of ASUCD Office of Advocacy and Student Representation, and one (1) commissioner chosen by the Internal Affairs Commission Chairperson. However, only two members of the Interviewing need to be present for the interviews to take place. The Interviewing Committee shall advise the President on which applicant the President should appoint but the President shall have exclusive appointment power, as defined by the ASUCD Constitution.

C. Recommendation Procedures: The Committee shall forward one more undergraduate student’s name per committee than the number of undergraduate student members on that committee for appointment.

1. In the case of committees with four or more student members, the Committee shall forward two more undergraduate student’s names per committee than the number of undergraduate student members on that committee for appointment.


All selections for undergraduate membership on committees, after received by the ASUCD President, must be confirmed by a majority vote of the ASUCD Senate. The President shall be responsible for coordinating Senate confirmation with the ASUCD Vice President and the selected undergraduates.


ASUCD Senate Resolutions shall be used as the official format on all requests for consultation to the Academic Senate. The approval process for such resolutions shall be enumerated in Bylaw 801B(2).

A. The Committee on Committees shall vote to approve all requests for consultation sent to the Academic Senate before they are voted on by the ASUCD Senate. B. The Committee on Committees must pass all ASUCD Senate Resolutions used as requests for Consultation with a majority vote in order to be sent to the ASUCD Senate, regardless of commission recommendations.

69 708. MEETINGS:

Committee on Committees shall meet at least once every two weeks during the academic year and at the call of the Chairperson. When the Senate is not in session, CoC shall meet at the call of the Chairperson.

A. ASUCD Representative Assembly: Committee on Committees shall organize a general assembly at least once per quarter or at the call of the Chairperson. The Chairperson of the Committee on Committees shall invite all ASUCD Representatives, committee applicants, and interested parties for the purposes of discussing developments in Administrative Advisory Committees and Academic Senate Committees, as well as developing student recommendations to be sent to the ASUCD Senate, the Chair of the Academic Senate, and the Vice Provost. 1. All Assembly meetings shall be based around the availability of the Committee on Committees. ASUCD Representatives are required to attend unless they specify that they are not available for the meeting time.


The Chairperson of the Committee on Committees shall be responsible for moderating the Committee on Committees listserv, which shall include all ASUCD Representatives, CoC members, AAC and ASC applicants, and other interested parties. A. The Chairperson of the Committee on Committees shall invite all AAC and ASC applicants to the listserv.

B. The listserv shall be used to send notifications of all ASUCD Representative Assembly meetings.


All ASUCD Representatives shall be responsible reporting on the committee meetings they attended. If the ASUCD Representative cannot attend the ASUCD Representative Assembly meeting, a report must be sent to the Chair of the Committee on Committees before the assembly meeting is called. The Chairperson of the Committee on Committees shall report to the ASUCD Senate by week 10 of each quarter on the affairs of each committee that includes the input of the ASUCD Representatives in each ASC and AAC.

A. All ASUCD Representatives must send individual reports for their respective committees by week 9 of each quarter. B. The Chairperson of the Committee on Committees shall send their quarterly report to the Student Government Administrative Office by week 10 of each quarter to be posted on the ASUCD website.




A. This Chapter will apply to the consideration and passage of any legislation by the ASUCD Senate.

B. A “Senate Bill” shall consist of any legislation referred to a vote of the ASUCD membership. A Ballot Measure may be a Referendum, an Initiative or Legislative Ballot Measure, or a Constitutional Amendment. The proposed Ballot Measure will be placed on the ballot of the next regularly scheduled ASUCD General Election. If the Ballot Measure initiates a Special Election, then the date of the Special Election will be determined by the ASUCD Elections Committee in accordance with Chapter Four of the ASUCD Bylaws. Referenda, Legislative Ballot Measures, and Constitutional Amendments may be initiated through legislation in accordance with this Chapter and Section 416B of the ASUCD Bylaws.

C. A “Senate Resolution” shall consist of legislation used for expressing the views of the membership of ASUCD. The ASUCD Senate, as a representative body of ASUCD, were elected to speak on behalf of the membership of ASUCD, on matters concerning student welfare. This may include, but is not limited to, stances on city, county, state and national political legislation and issues. In the event that any (2) or more Resolutions conflict, in full or in part, the most recently adopted Resolution shall take precedence over the older Resolution(s).

D. A “Ballot Measure” shall consist of any legislation referred to a vote of the ASUCD membership. A Ballot Measure may be a Referendum, Initiative, or Constitutional Amendment. The proposed Ballot Measure will be placed on the ballot of the next regularly scheduled ASUCD General Election. If the Ballot Measure initiates a Special Election, then the date of the Special Election will be determined by the ASUCD Elections Committee in accordance with Chapter Four of the ASUCD Bylaws.

801. INTRODUCTION OF LEGISLATION: A Senate Bill, Senate Resolution, or Ballot Measure, as defined in Section 800, shall not be considered a piece of legislation until it is formally introduced by a voting member of the ASUCD Senate or an ASUCD Commission. The ASUCD Annual Budget shall not be considered a piece of legislation until it is formally introduced by the ASUCD President as Senate Bill #1 following the budget hearing process.

A. Authoring and Introduction

(1) Any ASUCD member may author legislation (except ASUCD Court members whose authorship privileges are regulated by ASUCD Judicial Code 404). However, either a member of the Senate or a Chairperson of a Commission must introduce it.

(2) Legislation will bear the name of only one (1) author. The author shall have their name in capital letters on the legislation. If this person is a member of an ASUCD Commission authoring the legislation, then their name shall appear in parentheses, in capital letters, next to the name of the Commission. The author may only list as co-authors individuals who were involved in conceiving and/or drafting the legislation. Any person may be a co-author, except the ASUCD Court members, whose privileges are regulated by Judicial Code 404.

(3) ASUCD Commissions may author legislation. Non-monetary bills authored this way shall be introduced in the Commission and voted upon by a majority of the entire Commission Spending bills shall require a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the entire Commission. After being voted upon the legislation shall immediately be submitted to the Office of the Vice President. Their authoring vote shall be noted as a “Do Pass” recommendation on the official vote tally.

71 i. Legislation that is authored by an ASUCD Commission shall be introduced at the next regularly scheduled Senate meeting. If the legislation need not be considered by any ASUCD Commission other than the Commission that authored the legislation, then the legislation shall be considered by the ASUCD Senate at the meeting in which it is introduced.

(4) Legislation must be submitted to the Office of the ASUCD Vice President prior to the meeting at which it will be introduced by a specific time to be determined by the ASUCD Vice President.

i. Senate Resolutions and Senate Bills (non-monetary) introduced by a Commission shall require a majority vote of the entire Commission. Spending bills introduced by Commission shall require a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the entire Commission. All legislation introduced by a Commission shall be submitted to the Office of the Vice President immediately following the meeting at which it is voted upon.

(5) The Author or their designee shall serve as an ex-officio, non-voting member of the subordinate ASUCD body at which the legislation is being considered during its consideration.

B. Assignment of legislation to subordinate bodies of the ASUCD Senate

(1) Legislation to purchase network or technological capital equipment shall be approved by the Internet and Networking Committee (INC) before it is voted on by the ASUCD Commissions and the ASUCD Senate. SGAO shall not distribute legislation involving the purchase of network or technological capital equipment to any commission before it has been approved by the Internet and Network Committee.

i. Legislation referred to any ASUCD Commission(s) shall be forwarded to the Commission Chairperson, ASUCD Senators, and ex-officio members by the ASUCD Vice President the day after the Senate meeting at which it was introduced.

(2) Legislation to send requests for consultation to the Academic Senate through ASUCD Senate Resolutions shall be approved by the Committee on Committees (CoC) before it is voted on by the ASUCD Commissions and the ASUCD Senate. SGAO shall not distribute legislation involving requests for consultation to the Academic Senate to any commission before it has been approved by the Committees on Committees.

i. Legislation referred to any ASUCD Commission(s) shall be forwarded to the Commission Chairperson, ASUCD Senators, and ex-officio members by the ASUCD Vice President the day after the Senate meeting at which it was introduced.


A. Consideration of legislation by subordinate bodies of the ASUCD Senate

(1) Each ASUCD Commission Chairperson shall ensure that legislation is distributed to their respective Commission prior to the next regularly scheduled meeting.

(2) For any ASUCD Commission to consider a spending bill, the bill must include an itemized budget which includes the costs of specific items to be purchased, appropriate quotes, receipts, and a list of other sources of funding, when available. The itemized budget must also explicitly state funds that originate from the ASUCD General Fund with the term “ASUCD” and include a line item noting the total amount of ASUCD General Fund monies already allocated to the proposal.

(3) All subordinate bodies of the ASUCD Senate shall consider legislation at the first meeting after the legislation was placed on the agenda of the subordinate body for its consideration, unless the

72 author or the author’s designee is not present to speak on behalf of the legislation and answer questions. If the author, or the author’s designee, is not present at the second regularly scheduled subordinate body meeting after the legislation was placed on its agenda, the legislation shall be considered withdrawn by the author.

(4) ASUCD Commissions shall make a formal recommendation to the ASUCD Senate in one (1) of the following manners: “Do Pass,” “Do Pass, as amended,” “No Recommendation,” “Do Not Pass,” or “Do Not Pass, as amended.” Legislation must receive a majority vote of the entire ASUCD Commission to receive a “Do Pass,” or “Do Pass, as amended,” a tie vote will result in a “No Recommendation.” A Senate Bill that allocates ASUCD monies requires a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the entire Commission to receive a “Do Pass” or “Do Pass, as amended.” A Senate Bill which allocates ASUCD monies and receives a vote less than a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the entire Commission shall receive a “Do Not Pass,” or a “Do Not Pass, as amended.”

i. Only those members who are in attendance for the discussion of a piece of legislation may cast a vote on that particular piece of legislation. If the Chairperson of a Commission determines that a member was absent for a significant aspect or duration of the discussion on a particular piece of legislation, that member’s vote shall be counted as an abstention. If an appropriate alternate member of the Commission was present for the discussion, they may cast a vote for the voting member, as though the voting member is still absent (see ASUCD Bylaw 204(B)(ii)).

ii. All other subordinate bodies of the ASUCD Senate must make informal recommendations to the ASUCD Senate in the exact same manner.

iii. A subordinate body of the ASUCD Senate may, by majority vote of the entire body, table (choose not to consider) a piece of legislation until the next regularly scheduled meeting of that body unless the Senate votes to consider it urgent. Tabling legislation for a second (2nd) week shall result in a "No Recommendation" recommendation.

iv. When legislation is assigned to more than one (1) subordinate body of the ASUCD Senate, then the legislation may be considered at each within the same week; however, no two Commissions shall consider the same piece of legislation on the same day.

(5) Each subordinate body of the ASUCD Senate to which the ASUCD Senate referred a piece of legislation shall report its recommendation and outcome of votes taken on the legislation to the ASUCD Senate no later than the second (2nd) regularly scheduled ASUCD Senate meeting after the legislation was placed on the agenda of the subordinate body for its consideration. If legislation is not reported to the ASUCD Senate by the second (2nd) regularly scheduled ASUCD Senate meeting after the legislation was placed on the agenda of the subordinate body for its consideration, then the legislation will be given a “No Recommendation” by that subordinate body. The ASUCD Senate may, at any time, by a majority vote of the entire Senate, grant a subordinate body one (1) time extension, not to exceed two (2) weeks, for the consideration of a particular piece of legislation.

B. Consideration of legislation by the ASUCD Senate

(1) Any legislation that receives a recommendation of “Do Pass,” “Do Pass, as amended,” or “No Recommendation” by at least one-half (1/2) of the ASUCD Commission(s) to which it was sent, shall be placed on the agenda of the next regularly scheduled meeting of the ASUCD Senate. If a Commission author’s legislation, their authoring vote is denoted as “Do Pass,” and is included in the count of recommendations.

(2) Legislation that receives a recommendation of “Do Not Pass” or “Do Not Pass, as amended” by more than one-half (1/2) of the Commission(s) to which it was sent may only be considered by the

73 Senate if it is revived by two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the entire Senate within two (2) weeks of receiving its final Commission recommendation.

(3) For the ASUCD Senate to consider a spending bill, the bill must include an itemized budget. This must include specific costs for specific items and should include appropriate quotes, receipts, and a list of other sources of funding, when available. The itemized budget must also explicitly state funds that originate from the ASUCD General Fund with the term “ASUCD” and include a line item noting the total amount of ASUCD General Fund monies already allocated to the proposal.

(4) Any legislation may be considered by the ASUCD Senate during any regularly scheduled meeting as “urgent legislation” pending a majority vote of the entire ASUCD Senate and approval from the Presiding Officer, or by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the entire Senate. Prior to the Senate voting on whether to consider legislation as “urgent,” the author(s) will have no more than one (1) minute to present reasons for the urgency of the legislation.

(5) The ASUCD Senate may reconsider any legislation that was vetoed by the ASUCD President no later than the adjournment of the second (2nd) Senate meeting after the legislation originally passed the Senate. The President will submit the President’s rationale for the veto on legislation [not to exceed two (2) pages] to the Senate, to be presented with the legislation when the Senate reconsiders it. The Senate President Pro Tempore shall inform the Senate at the beginning of "Status of Legislation Previously Passed” on the status of bills passed the previous week.

i. The President or designee shall inform the author of the bill of the veto prior to the ASUCD Senate meeting, at which the ASUCD Senate may reconsider it.

ii. The vetoed bill shall be attached to the Senate Agenda.

C. Actions by the ASUCD Senate

(1) At any time the ASUCD Senate may refer or remove a referral of any legislation to any subordinate body of the ASUCD Senate by a majority vote of the entire ASUCD Senate.

(2) The ASUCD Senate may table (choose not to consider) a piece of legislation and place it on the agenda of the next regularly scheduled ASUCD Senate meeting by a majority vote of the entire ASUCD Senate.

(3) The ASUCD Senate may pass any piece of legislation by a majority vote of the entire ASUCD Senate. Any Senate Bill that allocates ASUCD monies from the ASUCD Senate Reserve or the Capital Reserve or adopts or revises the ASUCD Annual Budget may only be passed by a two- thirds (2/3) majority vote of the entire ASUCD Senate. Any Senate Bill that places a Ballot Measure before a vote of the ASUCD membership must be passed in accordance with Section 416B.

(4) Abstentions will be recorded as either absences or present abstentions, reported with either (A) or (P) respectively after the number of each type.

(5) All legislation shall take effect immediately upon enactment (by signature of the ASUCD President or the equivalent form of enactment specified elsewhere in the ASUCD Bylaws or ASUCD Constitution), unless otherwise specified in the legislation. If the President does not sign the legislation and does not veto it, the legislation becomes law.


A. The ASUCD Senate or any ASUCD Commission that considers a piece of legislation may amend that piece of legislation by a majority vote of the entire body.

74 B. Once the proposed ASUCD Annual Operating Budget is formally introduced as a piece of legislation by the ASUCD President, the proposed ASUCD Annual Operating Budget shall be referred to the Business and Finance Commission and is subject to amendment by a majority vote of the ASUCD Senate. However, no subordinate body of the ASUCD Senate may amend the ASUCD Annual Operating Budget prior to or following its adoption by the ASUCD Senate. The ASUCD Annual Operating Budget can only be passed and adopted by a two thirds (2/3) majority vote of the ASUCD Senate.


A. The Author or that Author’s designee may withdraw the Author’s legislation from consideration by the ASUCD Senate at any time. In the case that an ASUCD Commission authored the legislation, the Commission Chairperson may withdraw the legislation or the Commission may withdraw the legislation by majority vote of the entire Commission.

B. While in consideration of legislation at the ASUCD Senate, the senator who introduced the legislation may withdraw the introduction of that legislation at any time. The chair of the meeting shall then ask if any other senator is willing to introduce the legislation. If a senator agrees to sponsor the legislation, that senator becomes the introducing senator and the ASUCD Senate remains in consideration of the legislation. If no senator(s) sponsors the legislation at this time, the bill is withdrawn.

C. For a piece of legislation to be withdrawn, the author (or a co-author if the author is not present) must give a statement to the presiding officer of the Senate as to the reason why the bill was withdrawn. The author or co-author can choose to give “no comment” as their reason. This statement will be included in official records of the bill.

Section 3: The ASUCD Senate hereby nullifies Chapter Eight of the Table of Contents.

Section 4: The ASUCD Senate hereby enacts Chapter Eight of the Table of Contents as follows:


800. Application and Definitions 801. Introduction of Legislation 802. Consideration of Legislation 803. Amendments



900. APPLICABILITY: All meetings of the ASUCD Senate and subordinate bodies of the ASUCD Senate shall be open to the public, unless otherwise specified in the ASUCD Bylaws.

901. QUARTERLY TOWN HALL: The ASUCD Senate shall schedule a town hall event in the beginning of a regularly scheduled ASUCD Senate meeting once a quarter specifically designed to answer to the concerns of students, promote their respective projects as well as inquire on suggestions for new projects, and address inadequacies in the quality of student life on campus. The ASUCD Senate shall schedule this meeting in a high volume area on campus, and will determine by majority vote by the second regularly scheduled Senate meeting of every quarter when and where to locate the town hall.

(1) The Senate President Pro Tempore shall be responsible for reserving and publicizing the locations of these meetings.

(2) ASUCD Outreach Assembly is responsible for promoting and raising awareness of the town hall to undergraduate students.

(3) No more than the first three hours of each designated Senate meeting must be dedicated to the town hall event.

902. ASUCD SENATE MEETINGS: A parliamentary procedures guide shall be provided for the general public at every ASUCD Senate meeting on the back of the agenda coversheet.


A. The ASUCD Senate and all subordinate bodies of the ASUCD Senate may hold special meetings. The ASUCD body must give at least twenty-four (24) hour public notice for these meetings.

B. The notice shall specify the time, place, and agenda of the special meeting. The ASUCD body shall not consider any business not included on the agenda portion of the notice.

C. The ASUCD Senate shall hold a special meeting at the call of the ASUCD President, or any five (5) voting members of the ASUCD Senate.

D. A subordinate body of the ASUCD Senate shall hold a special meeting at the call of the Chairperson of the subordinate body or by majority vote of the entire ASUCD Senate. Once properly called, a special meeting will be held unless there is not a quorum present.

904. REMOVAL OF DISRUPTIVE PERSONS: In the event that any ASUCD body’s meeting is willfully interrupted by a person, or group of persons, so as to render the orderly conduct of the meeting unfeasible, the Presiding Officer shall issue a warning and then the Presiding Officer may order the removal of the individual(s) who are willfully interrupting the meeting. The body, by majority vote of its voting members present, may also order the meeting room cleared and continue in session.


A. Chairperson(s) of ASUCD committees must notify the ASUCD Senate of scheduled meeting times and locations at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the start of the meeting.

76 B. Chairperson(s) of ASUCD Committees are responsible for notifying members of the public of their meeting times and locations for at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the start of the Committee meeting by notifying SGAO.



1000. PURPOSE: The purpose of this Chapter is to provide a comprehensive guide for budgeting, Budget Hearings and procedures. This chapter aims to establish consistent guidelines to ensure the proper and responsible execution of Budget Hearings.


A. ASUCD Management Team: The ASUCD President, the ASUCD Vice President, the ASUCD Business Manager, and the ASUCD Controller.

B. Budget Hearings: The Budget Hearings, called by the ASUCD Management Team, shall be considered a special meeting of the ASUCD Senate (as defined in Bylaw 903).


A. The ASUCD Management Team shall initiate the budgeting process no later than the fourth (4th) week of winter Quarter.

(1) The ASUCD Management Team shall present a proposed schedule of administrative recharges and the income available for subsidy to the ASUCD Senate by the fifth (5th) week of winter Quarter.

B. During the sixth (6th) week of winter Quarter, the ASUCD Management Team may request from each Unit Director:

(1) A Unit Director’s Report, which evaluates the Unit’s fiscal standing and performance.

(2) Objective information concerning student demand for the Unit if available.

(3) A proposed budget including complete justifications for each line item. The requests must be completed by the end of the ninth (9th) week of winter Quarter.

C. The ASUCD Annual Budget shall take effect on July 1st or after final approval of the budget, whichever is later.

(1) Any proposal to increase the compensation of an elected ASUCD Official(s) shall not take effect until the seating of the officials elected in the following winter General Election.

(2) Once the ASUCD budget has been enacted, any line-items for “Grants” or “General Programs” can only be amended by the ASUCD Senate so long as the next fall quarter senators have not been seated.


A. The ASUCD Management Team may request Unit Directors of commercial Units to submit the income component of their budget proposal by an earlier date than their expense component.

B. The ASUCD President will present copies of the recommendations to the ASUCD Senate and The California Aggie no fewer than five (5) business days in advance of Budget Hearings. Copies of the ASUCD President’s recommendations for each Unit shall be sent to the appropriate Unit Directors and the ASUCD Business and Finance Commission.

78 C. The ASUCD President will introduce a Senate Bill with the ASUCD Annual Budget reflecting the changes that were made during the ASUCD Budget Hearings by the eighth (8th) week of spring Quarter. The ASUCD Annual Budget must be passed by the end of the ninth (9th) week of spring Quarter.

D. The ASUCD President shall not withdraw the Senate Bill that introduces the ASUCD budget.

E. The Senate shall not adjourn until the ASUCD Annual Budget has been passed.

F. The ASUCD President must send copies of the approved ASUCD Annual Budget to the UC Davis Administration for approval in accordance with the Campus and Policy and Procedures Section 330- 26X.

G. The Management Team, as defined in Chapter 10 of the ASUCD Bylaws is required to submit budgetary actuals as part of the proposed budget with data from no earlier than three weeks before budget hearings occur. These actuals shall be defined as the actual amount of money spent in any given line item for both the previous and the current fiscal years.


A. The ASUCD Controller may schedule mandatory Program Orientation meetings. At these meetings, each Unit Directors shall make a brief presentation about their respective Unit and the future goals they have for further development. All voting members of the ASUCD Senate and members of the ASUCD Business and Finance Commission are recommended to attend these meetings.

B. The ASUCD Controller may schedule mandatory Program Orientation meetings. At these meetings, each Unit Director shall make a brief presentation about the Unit and the future goals he/she have for further development. All voting members of the ASUCD Senate and members of the ASUCD Business and Finance Commission are recommended to attend these meetings.

C. The ASUCD Controller shall be responsible for scheduling the ASUCD Budget Hearings. The Budget Hearings shall be held during spring quarter.

D. The ASUCD Controller shall notify all representatives from organizations external to ASUCD receiving line items in the proposed budget at the same time Unit Directors are told when their budget is being seen. It will be recommended that they bring sixteen (16) copies of their most recent allocations of ASUCD grants as well as any other pertinent information.

E. The ASUCD Controller shall be responsible for compiling the proposal from the Commission Chairpersons, Student Government Office Manager, and the Elections Committee Chairperson into the Student Government budget.

F. The ASUCD Controller shall be required to formally notify Unit Directors, including Unit Directors of any units whose removal has been proposed, Committee Chairpersons, and Commission Chairpersons of a tentative budget hearing hourly schedule at least five days before the start of Budget Hearings.


A. ASUCD subordinate bodies shall submit annual programmatic budget proposals to the ASUCD Controller for inclusion in the proposed Student Government budget. Budget proposals must be sent to the ASUCD Controller for their respective budget line items by the end of the fifth (5th) week of spring Quarter and meet with the ASUCD Controller to discuss the proposals no later than the budget hearings.

79 B. Any reallocation of the funds that does not follow the original intent of the approved budget, as outlined in the Chapter Six ASUCD Business Practices, can only be approved by the ASUCD Business Manager or the ASUCD Controller if all the following conditions are met:

(1) The subordinate body approves the proposed reallocation of the approved programmatic funds by majority vote of all voting members of the subordinate body.

(2) The subordinate body’s Chairperson submits a written request for the proposed reallocation to the ASUCD Business Manager or the ASUCD Controller with the vote count of the subordinate body attached.

(3) The ASUCD Business Manager or the ASUCD Controller may choose not to approve the reallocation at their own discretion.

C. The Student Government Office Manager must submit budget proposals to the ASUCD Controller for their respective budget line items by the end of the fifth (5th) week in spring Quarter and meet with the ASUCD Controller to discuss the proposals no later than the actual budget hearings.

D. The Chairperson of the ASUCD Business and Finance Commission shall be required to attend all of the ASUCD Budget Hearings. Members of the ASUCD Business and Finance Commission shall be ex-officio members of the ASUCD Senate during all ASUCD Budget Hearings.


A. All Senators are required to attend all Budget Hearing Meetings.

B. The ASUCD Senate shall follow the Budget Hearings schedule to the best of their ability; however, while in consideration of a Budget, it shall have the following agenda order: (1) Comments from the ASUCD Management Team; (2) Comments from the Representative of the Budget opened; (3) Questions-in-Text; (4) Public Discussion; (5) Senate Discussion; (6) Consideration to close the Budget.

(1) The presiding officer of the ASUCD Senate and the Budget Hearings Recorder shall be responsible for recording the questions-in-text.

(2) The Representative of the individual Budget shall be considered part of the ASUCD Management Team during consideration of that Representative’s budget.

C. During consideration of the Student Government Budget, the Chair of the ASUCD Commissions Unit Directors, and Outreach Assembly Speaker shall be considered as part of the ASUCD Management and Representatives of the Opened Budget List.

D. The speakers’ list during Budget Hearings shall alternate between The Management Team, members of the public, and the ASUCD Senate while in Public Discussion.

E. The ASUCD Senate may amend the ASUCD Annual Budget at any time during Budget Hearings:

(1) If the ASUCD Management Team accepts the proposed amendment(s), the ASUCD Senate shall only require a simply majority vote.

(2) If the ASUCD Management Team does not accept the proposed amendment(s), the ASUCD Senate shall require a 2/3rd vote to make the amendment.




A. Accrue: To take funds from one source in order to increase another.

B. Assets: Properties of value (e.g. equipment, vehicles, and buildings).

C. ASUCD Annual Budget: The annual financial plan for the ASUCD, composed of Unit budgets, miscellaneous income, administrative recharges, and back-up information, as adopted by the ASUCD Senate.

D. Capital Expenditures: Either expenditure for an asset with a useful life of more than two (2) years or expenditure for construction.

E. Restricted Reserve: Funds preserved or earmarked for specific purposes.

(1) Unit Operating Reserves: Funds remaining from one year’s budget surplus used to augment a future year’s budget.

(2) Unit Equipment Reserves: Funds earmarked for the periodic replacement of individual Units’ inventoried assets.

(3) Capital Reserve: A fund used for capital expenditures.

(4) Entertainment Council Large Show Reserve: Funds used by Entertainment Council to put on large entertainment events.

F. Unrestricted Reserve: A contingency fund to ensure fiscal stability, to (or from) which all unbudgeted annual operating net revenue (or losses) accrue.

G. ASUCD Senate Reserve: A fund earmarked for unbudgeted, non-capital expenditures by an ASUCD Senator in compliance with Internal Revenue Code 501(C)(3) and policies set by the University of California, Office of the President 86.10, 86.20, and 86.30. Note: ASUCD units and subordinate bodies of the ASUCD Senate are also eligible to receive funding from Senate Reserves.


A. Unrestricted Reserves

(1) All unbudgeted year-end net revenues shall accrue to the Unrestricted Reserve. All unbudgeted fiscal year-end losses shall accrue from the Unrestricted Reserve.

(2) Funds in excess of five percent (5%) of the gross income of the previous fiscal year shall accrue from the Unrestricted Reserve to the Capital Reserve. If the transfer is necessary, it shall be made each year after the internal/external audit report.

(3) Any transaction that causes the Unrestricted Reserve to drop below five percent (5%) of the gross income of the previous year is not in order.

(4) All allocations from Unrestricted Reserve shall be approved by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the entire ASUCD Senate before the transfer will occur. All allocations from the Unrestricted Reserves must be appropriated before the fiscal close of that year which it passed the ASUCD

82 Senate, unless otherwise stated in the Senate Bill and at the discretion of the ASUCD Business Manager.

B. Capital Reserve

(1) Additions to the Capital Reserve shall accrue only from the Unrestricted Reserve and from repayment of internal loans originating from the Capital Reserve.

(2) The Capital Reserve shall only be used as a source of funds from which capital expenditures are made or from which internal loans are made. Such an allocation shall be made only for one (1) or more of the following purposes:

i. To modify existing ASUCD facilities or to construct new ASUCD facilities.

ii. To make internal loans for capital expenditures as outlined above to cover a deficit of any Unit designated as a Self-Sufficient Unit. The terms of the loan will be defined in a Senate Bill.

iii. To purchase or develop software and other applications for use by ASUCD.

iv. To fund Smith v. Regents refunds set forth in the guidelines approved by the ASUCD Senate and the UC Office of the President.

C. Self-Sufficient Units

(1) Units that do not receive any subsidies from the ASUCD shall be designated as self-sufficient. Examples of self-sufficient Units include the ASUCD Coffee House and the ASUCD Bike Barn.

(2) Self-sufficient Units shall earn interest on their Reserves at the passbook rate. Any net loss that cannot be covered by the Unit Operating Reserve of a Self-Sufficient Unit shall be covered by a loan from the Capital Reserve. A repayment plan for the principal amount of the loan shall be outlined in a Senate Bill.

(3) Unitrans shall also earn interest on their Reserves at the passbook rate.

D. Unit Equipment Reserves: Each ASUCD Unit may maintain a Unit Equipment Reserve and will carry a line item in its operating budget funding the Reserve. These allocations may only be used to replace or upgrade the Unit’s assets. Expenditure out of a Unit Equipment Reserve of up to seven hundred and fifty dollars ($750) per item may be authorized by the ASUCD Controller and will be reported at the next regularly scheduled ASUCD Senate meeting. Any expenditure out of a Unit Equipment Reserve over seven hundred and fifty dollars ($750) per item must be approved by a two- thirds (2/3) majority vote of the entire ASUCD Senate in the form of a Senate Bill.

E. Entertainment Council Large Show Reserve: Entertainment Council may maintain a Large Show Reserve to fund large, on-campus entertainment events.

(1) To initiate the consideration of any use of the Entertainment Council Large Show Restricted Reserve, the Entertainment Council Director and Business Director must prepare and distribute a formal proposal to the ASUCD President, ASUCD Controller, and Business and Finance Commission Chairperson. The proposal shall include: a comprehensive (I) a comprehensive financial report containing a breakdown of estimated expenses and projected income, based on contracts and any relevant documents (e.g. artist fee, facility rental, ticket revenue); (II) publicity and promotions strategy; (III) assessment of artist popularity; (IV) assessment of the date of the event and potential conflicting events; (V) an implementation timeline.

83 (2) Events funded from the Entertainment Council Large Show Reserve must be revenue-neutral at a maximum of 75% of capacity.

(3) Allocations from the Entertainment Council Large Show Reserve must be unanimously approved by the ASUCD President, ASUCD Controller, and ASUCD Business and Finance Chairperson in a formal vote, after consultation with the ASUCD Business Manager. The formal vote shall be on the following: (1) approval of allocation given the proposal’s ticket pricing and projections; (2) approval of allocation given specified changes to pricing and/or listed expenditures; or (3) rejection of allocation.

(4) If the Entertainment Council Director’s proposal is approved unanimously in either original or amended form by the ASUCD President, ASUCD Controller and ASUCD Business and Finance Commission Chairperson after consultation with the ASUCD Business Manager, the proposal will thereafter serve as formal stipulations for the allocation and may not be altered without another formal vote by the ASUCD President, ASUCD Controller and ASUCD Business and Finance Commission Chairperson.

i. A contract may not be signed prior to the formal vote specified in Section 1101(E)(4).

(5) The ASUCD Controller shall submit a report to the ASUCD Senate evaluating actual expenses, revenue, and any pending transactions. The report shall be submitted during Public Discussion at the next regularly scheduled Senate Meeting.

(6) The net revenue generated by an event funded through an allocation of the Entertainment Council Large Show Reserve shall accrue to the Entertainment Council Large Show Reserve.

F. ASUCD Senate Reserve

(1) The ASUCD Senate Reserve shall be no less than one and three quarters percent (1.75%) of the “Total Income Available for Subsidy” at the beginning of each fiscal year. The ASUCD Senate Reserve shall be considered a portion of the ASUCD Annual Budget. The ASUCD Senate Reserve shall be considered a reserve account separate of the ASUCD Annual Budget.

(2) No more than fifty percent (50%) of the fiscal year beginning balance of the ASUCD Senate Reserve may be allocated prior to the end of the academic Fall Quarter. No more than eighty percent (80%) of the fiscal year beginning balance of the ASUCD Senate Reserve may be allocated prior to the end of the academic Winter Quarter.

(3) ASUCD Senate Reserve allocations may not be made to augment Unit Replacement Reserves or “Equipment Purchase” line items of any ASUCD Unit.

(4) All allocations from the ASUCD Senate Reserve shall be approved by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the entire ASUCD Senate before the transfer will occur. All allocations from the ASUCD Senate Reserves must be appropriated before the fiscal close of that year which it passed the ASUCD Senate.

(5) ASUCD Senate Reserve allocations may not be used to fund multiple events or projects within the same bill. Each event or project must have its own independent bill in order to be considered.

(6) The ASUCD Controller shall provide the ASUCD Senate with the current balance of the Senate Reserves Account and the percentage of the account has spent throughout the current fiscal year. The balance shall be emailed to the ASUCD Vice President no later than twenty-four (24) hours before the next regularly scheduled meeting of the ASUCD Senate.

84 G. Over-enrollment Funds: Over-enrollment funds shall be accrued into the Capital Reserves.


A. ASUCD Awards Endowment Fund: An endowment fund managed by the UC Davis Foundation, disbursed by the ASUCD Scholarship Committee established in Section 205(F) of the ASUCD Bylaws under rules of eligibility and criteria established in Section 1902 of the ASUCD Bylaws.

B. Mark and Linda Champagne ASUCD Customer Service/Exceptional Hourly Employee Award Fund: An endowment fund managed by the UC Davis Foundation, disbursed by the Mark and Linda Champagne ASUCD Customer Service/Exceptional Hourly Employee Award Committee established in Section 205(E) of the ASUCD Bylaws under rules of eligibility and criteria established in Section 1901 of the ASUCD Bylaws.

(1) Any proposed change must be approved in writing by the ASUCD Business Manager.

C. ASUCD Entrepreneurship Fund Gift Fund: A gift fund, disbursed by the ASUCD Entrepreneurship Fund Committee established in section 205H(2) of the ASUCD Bylaws and by criteria established in section 205H(3) and 205H(5) of the ASUCD Bylaws.


A. ASUCD Awards Endowment Fund

(1) ASUCD shall contribute 5% of the accrued surplus at the end of each fiscal year to the ASUCD Awards Endowment Fund.

(2) In the event that one of the following circumstances arises, ASUCD shall not make an investment into the endowment for that fiscal year: (1) ASUCD runs a deficit, or (2) Capital Reserves in the previous year exceeds 90% of the surplus at the end of that fiscal year.

(3) The ASUCD Scholarship Committee shall distribute, in one academic year, no more than 95% of interest accrued in the previous year in the ASUCD Awards Endowment Fund Account.

(4) The Academic Affairs Commission shall be responsible for fundraising efforts on behalf of the ASUCD Awards Endowment. The AAC Chairperson shall prepare a report to the ASUCD Senate at least once a quarter on the status of fundraising efforts.

B. Mark and Linda Champagne ASUCD Customer Service/Exceptional Hourly Employee Award Fund

(1) ASUCD shall contribute 5% of the accrued surplus at the end of each fiscal year to the Mark and Linda Champagne ASUCD Customer Service/Exceptional Hourly Employee Award Fund.

(2) In the event that one of the following circumstances arises, ASUCD shall not make an investment into the endowment for that fiscal year: (1) ASUCD runs a deficit, or (2) Capital Reserves in the previous year exceeds 90% of the surplus at the end of that fiscal year.

(3) The Mark and Linda Champagne ASUCD Customer Service/Exceptional Hourly Employee Award Committee shall distribute, in one academic year, exactly 100% of the interest accrued the previous year in the Mark and Linda Champagne ASUCD Customer Service/Exceptional Hourly Employee Award Fund account.

85 (4) The ASUCD Controller shall be responsible for fundraising efforts on behalf of the ASUCD Champagne endowment. The ASUCD Controller shall prepare a report to the ASUCD Senate at least once a quarter on the status of fundraising efforts.

(5) Any proposed change to Section 1103B(3) must be approved in writing by the ASUCD Business Manager.



1200. PURPOSE: In order to increase managerial accountability, develop a written history, offer a vehicle for program evaluation and budgeting, establish a policy guide for the operations of ASUCD Units, and provide a training manual for Unit representatives. ASUCD Long-Range Plans are ASUCD Senate approved policy statements regarding the general purpose, objectives, operations, and future plans of every ASUCD Unit. ASUCD Audits are financial summaries consisting of income expense line-item breakdowns and graph and charts comparing financial actuals to those of previous years.

1201. APPLICABILITY: Every ASUCD Unit will have an ASUCD Senate-approved Long-Range Plans. If a Unit’s existing Long-Range Plans becomes inapplicable, a new Long-Range Plan will be drafted as soon as possible. Other ASUCD activities may have Senate-approved Long-Range Plan.

1202. THE ROLE OF THE STUDENT GOVERNMENT ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE: The Student Government Administrative Office (SGAO) shall maintain and update a folder with all Senate approved Long-Range Plans and attach each Individual Audit Report to their respective Long-Range Plan. SGAO shall post the most current version of a Unit’s Long-Range Plan on the ASUCD website on its own page. The Audit Reports shall also be posted on the ASUCD website prior to Budget Hearings.


A. The ASUCD Internal Affairs Commission shall author and review all ASUCD Long-Range Plans. The representative from the Internal Affairs Commission, along with the Units adopted ASUCD Senator, shall be responsible for initiating the Long-Range Planning process, for scheduling planning conferences, and for writing or revising the actual plan. The Internal Affairs Commission shall insure that each unit’s plan is updated every two (2) years.

(1) The Internal Affairs Commission Chairperson shall be responsible for distributing a Unit’s current Long-Range Plan to each newly confirmed Unit Director.

B. The ASUCD Business and Finance Commission shall be responsible for conducting audits of all Unit Budgets in the ASUCD Annual Operating Budget, with the exemption of the Administration General, ASUCD Coffee House, Unitrans, The California Aggie, and Grants-EOP budgets.

1204. THE ROLE OF THE ASUCD SENATE: At least one (1) adoptive Senator of the Unit shall attend all Long-Range Plan Conferences. The ASUCD Senate shall approve all ASUCD Long-Range Plans.

1205. THE ROLE OF ASUCD UNIT DIRECTORS: Unit Directors shall be responsible for attending all Long-Range planning conferences for their Units, as well as the Senate meetings when their Long-Range Plans are under consideration. Unit Directors will also be responsible for knowing and adhering to their Long-Range Plan.

1206. ROLE OF THE ASUCD CONTROLLER: The ASUCD Controller shall provide the Business and Finance Commission and Internal Affairs Commission Chairperson with budgetary actuals, defined as the actual amount of money spent in any given line-item for both the previous and current fiscal year for the Long- Range Planning Conference.

1207. LONG-RANGE PLAN FORMAT: Each Long-Range Plan shall begin with a statement of purpose and brief overview of the Unit. The Long-Range Plan will also include a section on the Unit’s history.

87 Following the purpose and overview, the Long-Range Plan will detail the current status, future projections, and two-year goals of all following relevant topics:

(1) Purpose and History: An overview of past events within the Unit and a general mission of the unit.

(2) Personnel: A general overview of all employees outlined in the ASUCD Budget for the year, which the Long-Range Plan is created or revised, which shall include a description of each job. In addition, there shall be an organizational chart outlining the hierarchical structure of the Unit.

(3) Operations: An in-depth analysis of the Unit’s operations, including but not limited to, programs, services or resources offered.

(4) Finances: A general overview of all line-items in the ASUCD budget Long-Range and Programmatic Expenses in the ASUCD Budget.

(5) Environmental Sustainability: A general overview of the Unit’s commitment to promoting environmental sustainability.

(6) External Relations: A general overview of the Unit’s interaction with external entities of ASUCD.

(7) Internal Relations: An overview of the Unit’s interaction with other ASUCD entities.

(8) Two-Year Goals: A summary of major challenges confronting the unit over the past year and a strategy to overcome those challenges in the future years.


A. The creation or revision of an ASUCD Long-Range Plan shall begin with a planning conference. The Unit Director, the Unit’s adoptive ASUCD Senator, ASUCD Controller (or designee), and one (1) representative from the Internal Affairs Commission. The representative from the Internal Affairs Commission shall chair the planning conference. Business and Finance Commission members and additional Internal Affairs Commission members may join at the discretion of the Internal Affairs Commission Chairperson. The ASUCD Business Manager, the ASUCD President, the ASUCD Vice President, and supervisors and business managers from within the Unit are also encouraged to attend. This conference shall be responsible for drafting an Long-Range Plan to guide the Unit’s operations over a two-year time period.

B. A copy of the Long-Range Plan draft must be provided to the ASUCD President and the ASUCD Business Manager for review and feedback.

C. The Long-Range Plan shall be enacted and revised through an ASUCD Senate Bill.

1209. AUDIT REPORTS FORMAT: Each Audit Report shall begin with a statement of purpose and a brief overview. Each budget in the ASUCD Annual Operating Budget, unless exempted in the ASUCD Bylaws shall have a Quarterly Budget Audit Report with the following sections:

(1) Introduction: The budget being reviewed, along with a final vote count by the ASUCD Business and Finance Commission approving the content of the Quarterly Budget Audit Report.

(2) Unit Director Goals: A list of goals the Unit Director intends to accomplish by the end of the quarter.

88 (3) Unit Director Performance: An evaluation of how well the Unit Director has accomplished the goals enumerated in the previous quarterly report. This section will not be included in fall quarter reports.

(4) Fiscal Health Summary: A general summary of findings of issues arising in the audit and recommended actions by the ASUCD Senate, including, but not limited to, suggested increases or decreases in specific line-items and revised line-item descriptions.

(5) Review of Budget Line-Items: An assessment, by line-item, of the amount most recent financial statements allocated for the fiscal year, compared to the previous and current fiscal years as well as the current fiscal year’s operating budget;

(6) Issues and Recommendations: An assessment, by line-item, of issues arising in the audit and recommended actions by the ASUCD Senate, including, but not limited to, suggested increases or decreases in specific line-items and revised line-item descriptions.


A. The creation of an Audit Report shall begin with a meeting between the Unit Director, the Controller, and one (1) representative from the Business Finance Commission; The Business Manager, the ASUCD President, and ASUCD Vice President, the Unit’s Adoptive ASUCD Senator(s), and supervisors, business mangers; and one (1) representative from the Internal Affairs Commission from within the Unit are also encouraged to attend. The meeting shall take place no later than three weeks into the quarter. The order of review of all ASUCD Units shall be disclosed no later than the fourth (4th) week of the winter quarter. The Unit Directors of those Units under review shall be officially notified by the Business and Finance Commission Chairperson, or designee, no later than the fourth (4th) week of winter quarter in the academic year, in which they are under review.

B. Each voting member of the ASUCD Business and Finance shall be assigned to at least one ASUCD Unit by the ASUCD Business and Finance Commission Chairperson, no later than the fourth (4th) week of winter quarter. The alternate members of the Business and Finance Commission shall be assigned to audit an ASUCD Unit.

C. All Audit Reports shall be approved by majority vote of the Business and Finance Commission before the last regularly scheduled Senate Meeting of each quarter.

D. The Business and Finance Commission Chair shall make available to the public the approved Budget Audit Reports through the ASUCD website and to the ASUCD Senate during Presentations before the regularly scheduled Senate meeting before ASUCD Budget Hearings.

E. All approved Audit reports shall be attached to their respective Long-Range Plans.



1300. PURPOSE AND APPLICABILITY: The purpose of this chapter is to lay the basis guidelines of ethics of ASUCD. The Senate President Pro Tempore shall be responsible for seeing Bylaw 1301-1304 requirements are met.


A. A public venue shall be defined as any populated student area on campus other than the Senate Office and regularly scheduled meeting locations of ASUCD bodies, such as, but not limited to, the Quad, the Coffee House, Student Housing Dormitories, the Silo Union, or any student resource center.

B. Outreach shall be defined as, but not limited to, the systematic attempt to provide services beyond conventional limits to the student body, the dissemination of information, the attainment of student feedback, as well as the attempted fulfillment of an elected official election platform. (Examples of outreach include tabling, gather students’ concerns and inputs on issues affecting campus life and services, classroom visits, visiting campus organizations, etc.)

C. Elected Officials shall be defined as the ASUCD President, ASUCD Vice President and voting members of the ASUCD Senate.

1302. OFFICE HOURS: One of the primary goals of holding office hours is to outreach to the student community. ASUCD Elected Officials and ex-officio members of the ASUCD Senate shall post and hold office hours for at least four (4) hours per week, at least half of which must be held in a public venue, for student consultation and be accessible through the Student Government Administrative Office. The post must include time and location of office hours.

A. Each voting and ex-officio member of the ASUCD Senate must check-in with the Student Government Administrative Office prior to their respective office hours.

B. ASUCD Elected Officials and ex-officio members of the ASUCD Senate shall include in their weekly Report where they intend to hold public office hours outside of the Senate Office for the following week.

C. In order to better outreach to the general student body, the Student Government Administrative Office will provide Senators with signs to advertise office hours.

90 D. ASUCD Elected Officials and ex-officio members of the ASUCD Senate are encouraged to refrain from using electronic devices while holding office hours in a public venue.

1303. WORKSHOPS: The ASUCD Senate President Pro Tempore shall ensure that all Elected Officials and ex- officio members of the ASUCD Senate receive the following trainings. ASUCD Elected Officials and ex- officio members of the ASUCD Senate shall be required to submit a transcript of participation to the Senate President Pro Tempore within two (2) regularly scheduled ASUCD Senate meetings following the workshops as an attachment to the weekly reports.

A. Following their election to office, all voting members and ex-officio members of the ASUCD Senate shall attend a mandatory workshop dealing with the duties and responsibilities of their respective positions. The ASUCD Senate President Pro Tempore shall conduct the workshop, and shall include an orientation to the ASUCD Constitution, ASUCD Bylaws, and any other ASUCD governing document.

B. Following their election to office, all voting members and ex-officio members of the ASUCD Senate shall attend a presentation on payroll procedures as well as services of the Student Government Administrative office put on by the Student Government Administrative Office Coordinator.

C. ASUCD Elected Officials and ex-officio members of the ASUCD Senate shall undergo Safe Zone training and/or Safe Zone Transgender training through the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Resource Center (LGBTRC).

D. ASUCD Elected Officials and ex-officio members of the ASUCD Senate shall undergo Peer Education And Community Empowerment (PEACE) training through the Cross Cultural Center (CCC).

E. Following the appointment of a new ProTemp and ASUCD Vice, both shall undergo a professional facilitation training through the Office of Campus Dialogue and Deliberation. An individual only needs to attend training once.

(1) The training shall be completed by week 3 of the respective quarter.

1304. SUBORDINATE BODIES OF THE ASUCD SENATE ATTENDANCE: All voting members of the ASUCD Senate are required to attend at least one (1) of the ASUCD Commission meetings per week, attend each ASUCD Commission at least once a quarter, and to attend at least one (1) ASUCD Outreach Assembly meeting per quarter.

A. If an ASUCD Senator has class during a Commission or Outreach Assembly meeting, the Chairperson of respective Commission, or the Speaker of the Assembly, must be notified at the beginning of the quarter by the ASUCD Senator. The ASUCD Senator shall not be expected to attend Commission’s or Outreach Assembly meeting for only that quarter.

B. If a senator does not inform a Chairperson or the Speaker of a class scheduled at the same time as the Commission or Outreach Assembly meetings, it will be assumed that the Senator is able to attend.

1305. UNIT ADOPTION: Each ASUCD Unit must be adopted by at least one (1) Senator, but not more than two (2) Senators.

(1) The SGAO shall inform all Senators whenever there is an unadopted unit, and shall provide Senators with the corresponding unit director’s contact information.

(2) Senators shall list at least three (3) units, one (1) unadopted units and units that have fewer two (2) Senators, of interest to them and follow the procedures outlined below for each of these units.

91 (3) SGAO shall contact all applications for a specific unit and submit them to the unit director.

(4) The unit director shall select from among the applications and/or conduct interviews from among the applicants at the discretion of the unit director.

(5) After the application process has concluded, the unit director shall select from among the applicants but have no more than three (3) Senators. The unit director shall notify SGAO of their decision.

(6) In the event an unadopted unit remains, the Senate President Pro Tempore shall assign the unit to a Senator(s) which have not adopted two (2) units

(7) SGAO shall ensure all units are adopted.

1306. Unit Tours: It is the responsibility of a given unit’s adoptive senator(s) to schedule and organize tours for their unit.

(1) An adoptive senator shall contact their unit’s director and schedule a unit tour.

(2) Upon confirmation of the tour the senator shall extend invitations to all voting and ex-officio members of the ASUCD Senate as well as to the ASUCD President, Vice President, and Controller.

(3) Each unit must be toured at least once per fiscal year.

(4) The tour shall include, but is not limited to, an explanation of the units’ daily and long term operations, business practices, current deficiencies, and long term goals.


A. All voting and ex-officio members of the ASUCD Senate are required to attend all ASUCD Senate meetings and, if contacted twenty-four (24) hours in advance, are required to attend special meetings. If a voting member of the ASUCD Senate cannot attend a meeting, the Senate President Pro Tempore should be notified prior to the absence, with exceptions for outstanding circumstances.

1. Items that are not on the agenda may be discussed in the case of emergency situations, a need for immediate action (to be decided by a 2/3 vote), or items continued from the agenda of a meeting no more than five days prior.

B. All voting and ex-officio members of the ASUCD Senate, the ASUCD President, and the ASUCD Vice President, during the “Reports” sections of the Senate agenda, shall only report on projects or any other tasks that the individual is currently involved with in regard to their position(s) within ASUCD, and their office hours.

C. All voting members of the ASUCD Senate, the ASUCD President, ASUCD Vice President, ASUCD Controller, and the Chairperson of the Business and Finance Commission are required to attend all ASUCD Budget Hearings.

1308. PUBLIC CONDUCT DURING MEETINGS: Members of the public cannot be required to register their names, provide other information, complete a questionnaire, or otherwise “fulfill any condition precedent” to attending a meeting. Any attendance list, questionnaire, or similar document posted at or near the entrance to the meeting room or circulated at a meeting must clearly state that its completion is voluntary and that all persons may attend whether or not they fill it out.


92 A. ASUCD Elected Officials and ex-officio members of the ASUCD shall each prepare a written quarterly report that will include the status of their completed, current, and future projects, in addition to planned outreach. Reports must be turned in to the Senate President Pro Tempore by the beginning of the last regularly scheduled meeting of the academic quarter. Any ASUCD officials failing to turn in a quarterly report within 24 hours of the due date will have their names submitted to The California Aggie.

B. ASUCD Elected Officials and ex-officio members of the ASUCD during the “Reports” sections of the Senate agenda should only report on projects or any other tasks that the individual is currently involved with retaining to their position, and their office hours. There should be no comments associated with the conduct of the meeting or opinionated dialogue.

1310. MY STUDENT GOVERNMENT CHANNEL: ASUCD Elected Officials, ex-officio members of the ASUCD Senate, Elections Committee Chairperson, and the members of the ASUCD Court shall be responsible for providing Student Government Administrative Office with sufficient information from their respective officers of student government for the My Student Government Channel to be updated every week during the academic year. The procedure for updating the MSGC, eligibility requirements, and other MSGC guidelines can be found in the MyUCDavis “My Student Government Channel” Operating Guidelines, available in Student Government Administrative Office.


A. A flag of the United States of America shall stand visibly at the location of each ASUCD Senate meeting. It shall remain standing from opening to adjournment. When Senate is not in session, the flag shall remain standing in the ASUCD Executive Office.

B. If the flag is not available for an ASUCD Senate meeting, an explanation of the flag’s absence will be stated by the Presiding Officer of the ASUCD Senate at the beginning of the meeting and recorded in the meeting’s minutes.



1400. APPLICABILITY: The ASUCD Senate shall have the power to censure any official of ASUCD.


A. A declaration of the intent to censure requires a petition of no fewer than four (4) voting members of the ASUCD Senate, submitted to the Office of the Vice President no later than forty-eight (48) hours prior to the start of the ASUCD Senate meeting for which it will be placed on the agenda.

B. When a censure is introduced, the censure will be titled “Censure” with the appropriate number given.

C. To be considered by the ASUCD Senate, a censure must be defined as one (1) of two (2) types:

(1) Rei Censure: A censure that states the ASUCD Senate’s opposition to a particular action taken by an individual. This censure may only be in reference to a particular action that must be specified in the censure.

(2) Personae Censure: A censure that states the ASUCD Senate’s disapproval of the general behavior of an individual.

D. A censure may only contain factual information and shall not contain any inflammatory language.

93 E. A censure is bound by all rules of closed sessions’ personnel matters, as described in Chapter Twenty of the ASUCD Bylaws. All deliberations pertaining to the censure will take place in a closed session.

F. The ASUCD Senate will vote on the censure at the closure of the closed session. The ASUCD Senate may pass a censure with a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the entire Senate.

G. A censure takes effect immediately following its passage by the ASUCD Senate. No Presidential approval is necessary.



1500. PURPOSE: The purpose of this policy is to lay the basis for equitable arrangements between all ASUCD Programming Units and student organizations concerning co-sponsored entertainment events while providing enough flexibility so as to encourage a wide range of student organizations to participate in campus programming and production. This policy will also explain the procedures involved in initiating and obtaining ASUCD co-sponsorship.


A. Student Organizations: Any student-affiliated campus organization registered through the Center for Student Involvement (CSI) or ASUCD Outreach Assembly.

B. ASUCD Programming Unit: Any ASUCD Unit whose purpose is to provide and produce campus entertainment events for students on a regular basis.

C. Entertainment Events: Any concert, lecture, presentation, film, or other on-campus programming event offering extra-curricular entertainment or education.

1502. POLICY: Student organizations may enter into a co-sponsorship agreement with an ASUCD Programming Unit only if the student organization follows the procedures outlined below and meets the appropriate standards as agreed upon with the ASUCD Programming Unit Director, ASUCD Business Manager, and ASUCD Controller.


A. There are two (2) basic types of co-sponsorships:

(1) Name-Only Co-Sponsorships: Student organizations may set up name-only co-sponsorships for eligible events by meeting with the ASUCD Programming Unit Director, the ASUCD Business Manager, and the ASUCD Controller to agree upon the amount of labor and capital or materials if applicable in return for publicity for their organization(s). Programming Units are encouraged to

94 publicize lists of scheduled events so that Student Organizations will be aware of the events forthcoming.

(2) Self-Initiated Co-Sponsorships: Student Organizations with a specific artist, group, or program concept for which they desire ASUCD support must submit an ASUCD Concert Plan and cover letter to the appropriate ASUCD Programming Unit Director. The cover letter must include a description of the event, its value to the campus, and the services, labor, capital and/or funds the Student Organization is able to contribute to the event.

i. The ASUCD Programming Unit Director will evaluate the budget and proposal to determine if the information is accurate and the proposal is reasonable. At that time, the ASUCD Programming Unit Director may reject or revise the ASUCD Concert Plan.

ii. When the programming Unit Director approves an ASUCD Concert Plan, they shall seek approval from the ASUCD Business Manager and ASUCD Controller. Upon the approval of the ASUCD Business Manager and ASUCD Controller, the ASUCD shall initiate a letter of agreement between the ASUCD Programming Unit and the Student Organization, to be signed by the Programming Unit Director, the ASUCD Business Manager, the ASUCD Controller, an official from CSI, and at least two (2) officers of the Student Organization. This letter of agreement shall establish the responsibilities of the ASUCD and of the Student Organization and shall agree upon percentages for the ultimate division of net profits or losses.

iii. If the budgeted expenses exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000), a security deposit in the form of a certified check (or other form as deemed satisfactory by the ASUCD Business Manager) from the Student Organization shall be required. The amount of the deposit will be twenty- five percent (25%) of the budgeted expenses.

iv. In the event of a financial loss, the security deposit shall be retained either wholly or partially as commensurate with the Student Organization’s previously established financial responsibility for the event. If the amount of the deposit does not cover the financial responsibility of the Student Organization, the organization will be expected to make up all differences under terms negotiable with the ASUCD Business Manager and ASUCD Controller as per the co-sponsorship agreement.

B. In the event that the maximum amount of funding from Club Finance Council (CFC) has been reached, a Student Organization may seek from the ASUCD Senate or other entity additional funds or co- sponsorship with a letter of support from the Club Finance Council Board. A registered Student Organization may be funded through ASUCD without exhausting its funding through CFC only if a social and/or political event transpires after the appropriate deadline for funding through CFC, and the organization finds it necessary to immediately address the issue.

C. Any co-sponsorship proposal shall be rejected if:

(1) The ASUCD Programming Unit Director, the ASUCD Business Manager, or the ASUCD Controller determine that there is a clear lack of empirical evidence indicating the success of the event; or

(2) There are scheduling conflicts with other campus programming events that will be detrimental to all events; or

(3) The ASUCD Business Manager, ASUCD Controller, or the ASUCD Programming Unit Director feel that the Student Organization will be unable to bear its share of the financial burden should the event end up with a net loss; or

(4) The event is eligible to receive a grant from Cultural Days; or

95 (5) The registered Student Organization has not exhausted funding opportunities with Club Finance Council (CFC) before requesting funding or co-sponsorship from any Unit or program of ASUCD including the Senate.



1600. PURPOSE: This Chapter establishes a policy regarding the use of the ASUCD names and symbols, as well as the creation of ASUCD marketing materials. ASUCD names and symbols include, but are not limited to, the letterheads and logos of the brands of ASUCD and subsidiary ASUCD student government bodies and services. ASUCD marketing materials encompass all materials, physical and digital, utilized to market ASUCD and its subsidiary ASUCD student government bodies and services; including but not limited to print materials, websites, and social media pages.

1601. POLICY

A. The terms "ASUCD", and "The Associated Students, University of California, Davis", the name of an ASUCD Unit, or symbols of the ASUCD shall not be used in any way that might be construed as implying support, endorsement, or advancement of, or opposition to, any political, religious, sociological, or economic movement, activity, or program by the entire Associated Students of the University of California, Davis (ASUCD) except by majority vote of the ASUCD Senate in the form of a Senate Resolution.

B. The terms "ASUCD" and "The Associated Students, University of California, Davis", symbols of the ASUCD, or the name of any body of the ASUCD shall not be used in any way that supports any candidate for public office, in accordance with Article I, Section 6(2) of the ASUCD Constitution, with the exception of self-sufficient media Units.

C. Candidates for ASUCD elected office may only be endorsed as defined in Chapter Four of the ASUCD Bylaws.


A. The ASUCD President has the authority to propose to change the ASUCD logo, symbol, or icon that represents the brand of the Associated Students, University of California, Davis student government. To do this, the logo, symbol, or icon must be approved by a 2/3rds vote of both the ASUCD Marketing Committee and the ASUCD Senate.

(1) Creative Media must design the logo, symbol or icon.

B. Elected or appointed officials of ASUCD bodies have the authority to propose to change the logo, symbol, or icon that represents their respective body’s brand. To do this, a request must be submitted to the Liasion of Creative Media in written form and accepted by a 2/3rds vote of the Marketing Committee. (1) Creative Media must design the logo, symbol or icon.

1603. PENALTIES: Any person or organization found using the name or symbols of ASUCD inappropriately will be referred to the ASUCD Court and/or Student Judicial Affairs/Campus Judicial Board at the discretion of the ASUCD Business Manager. Any ASUCD member may also file a complaint with these bodies concerning an inappropriate use.


A. All ASUCD marketing materials must either be created by Creative Media or be created according to the ASUCD Brand Guide. a. All marketing materials created by Creative Media must be distributed according to terms agreed upon by Creative Media Marketing and the appropriate representative(s) from the client

97 ASUCD body.

B. Marketing Committee will have final jurisdiction over all marketing material content in cases relating to the proper representation of any ASUCD brand.


A. The websites and social media pages of all ASUCD student government bodies, Units and services must be created by Creative Media or otherwise approved by the Marketing Committee, following approval and prioritization by the Internet and Networking Committee.

i. Current social media pages of all ASUCD government bodies, Units and services must grant administrative access of their pages to the Creative Media Marketing Department except those social media pages already overseen by a career staff member with administrative access. ii. Once given administrative access to their page, the appropriate representative may interact with their page without the approval of Creative Media Marketing.

B. The websites of all ASUCD student government bodies and services must be hosted on servers operated by Creative Media or otherwise hosted as approved by the Director of Creative Media. All requests for changes to any existing website of a ASUCD body must be submitted in written form to the Liaison of Creative Media. The Director of Creative Media will either approve the changes or refer the changes back to the Internet and Networking Committee for consideration.

C. All ASUCD social media pages must be created by Creative Media. Creative Media will then provide access to the appropriate representatives, who may make posts to such pages without the approval of Creative Media.

D. All features of access, including but not limited to passwords, PIN numbers, and security questions and answers, may not be changed without the approval of the Marketing Director of Creative Media.

E. The names of all ASUCD social media pages must consist of “ASUCD” followed by the name of the ASUCD body.




This chapter sets forth standards and processes aimed at ensuring the long-term viability of campus sustainability operations through appropriate educational programs, coordination, management, and oversight by reducing waste at the source; encouraging the purchase and use of durable, biodegradable, non-toxic, and reusable products; encouraging the purchase of products with high post-consumer content; maximizing the total volume of waste materials diverted from landfills to recycling processes; and encouraging a reduction in energy usage while increasing optimal efficiency of electricity.


A. Definitions

(1) Durable and Reusable Goods: Goods that can be used more than once and withstand long use, wear, and decay. Material that can be used again, either for its original purpose, or for a new purpose.

(2) Biodegradable: Materials capable of decomposing by biological agents in under ten (10) years.

(3) Non Toxic: Materials that do not contain a chemical or mixture that may present an unreasonable risk of injury to health or to the environment.

(4) Toxic: Capable of causing injury or death, especially by chemical means; poisonous.

(5) Electronic Waste: Technological devices such as batteries, ink cartridges, CDs, computers, phones, mp3 players, and other similar devices.

(6) CFL: A compact fluorescent lamp (CFL) that is designed to last longer than an incandescent light bulb while using less energy.

B. Applications

(1) Each ASUCD Unit must comply with the Guidelines for Environmental Sustainability in addition to the sustainability objectives outlined in their Long-Range Plans.

(2) Unit Directors and Managers will be held responsible for awareness and implementation of the Guidelines for Environmental Sustainability and will be expected to follow the outlined policies.

(3) ASUCD Commissions and ASUCD Administrative Offices, receiving funding from ASUCD shall adhere to the Guidelines for Environmental Sustainability. Any outside groups receiving funding from ASUCD shall be strongly encouraged to adhere to the Guidelines as well.


A. Policy

(1) As a body serving the student population, ASUCD will strive to help create a culture of sustainability with regard to its environmental policies and practices.

(2) ASUCD shall comply with Campus wide waste reduction goals.

(3) Each ASUCD Unit shall undergo an annual Environmental Practice Assessment (EPA) through EPPC and implement suggested programs to the best of each unit’s ability. The Assessment shall be completed by the end of the winter quarter and submitted to the EPPC Chair – with recommendations to be addressed before the end of spring quarter.

(4) Each Unit Director shall be responsible for overseeing that their Unit adheres to the policies outlined in the Guidelines for Environmental Sustainability and for informing EPPC of their Unit’s progress. Each Unit Director in conjunction with an EPPC commissioner shall complete and electronically submit a report outlining what suggested changes have and have not been made between the time the EPA is submitted and before the end of spring quarter. EPPC will be responsible for informing the Senate President Pro Tempore of any Unit’s non-adherence to these policies. EPPC will provide EPA procedures for all Unit Directors.

99 B. Procedures for Source Reduction

(1) ASUCD Units shall purchase recycled content paper products whenever the recycled product meets necessary performance standards. Standard office paper shall contain a minimum of 30% post-consumer content if equipment permits.

(2) ASUCD Units shall follow purchasing guidelines as outlined by the UC Environmental Preferable Purchasing System.

(3) ASUCD Units will avoid the purchase and sale of products which can adversely affect human and environmental health.

(4) Use of plastic beverage containers shall be limited to 25% of beverages available at all ASUCD outlets. Only containers that are recyclable on the UC Davis Campus (#1 and #2 plastics, aluminum cans, and glass), reusable, or compostable may be sold.

(5) ASUCD Units shall reduce the amount of non-recyclable materials and products used, and promote the use of durable and reusable products (e.g., using reusable utensils instead of disposable ones ).

(6) All recyclables must be recycled in appropriate recycling bins. All compostable/biodegradable items much be placed in compost bins.

(7) All newly installed, replaced, or purchased lamps used for the purpose of lighting a place of passes, congregation, and work on ASUCD property shall be restricted to only Light Emitting Diode (LED). After use, all light bulbs shall be disposed of properly in accordance with state law.


(1) Copiers and printers of ASUCD Units shall have their default set to two-sided copying or printing.

(2) Employees shall reuse office paper that is printed on only one side whenever possible. Paper shall be recycled after use.

(3) Proposals and reports, including those submitted by vendors or consultants, should be submitted electronically. When printed, documents shall be printed double-sided, and whenever possible, on recycled paper.

(4) Forms should be made available to complete and submit electronically.

(5) Electronic correspondence should replace written correspondence whenever possible.

Presentations shall be made electronically and presenters shall avoid using printed handouts.


(1) ASUCD Unit newsletters, catalogs, and other publications shall be distributed electronically whenever possible.

(2) Electronic mailing lists or other electronic contact media shall be used to circulate information in place of paper mail or fliers whenever possible. If electronic distribution is not feasible, these publications shall be printed on post-consumer paper.


(1) All special events with food service shall follow Zero Waste Guidelines and principles, by the Student Services Office to coordinate the use of biodegradable disposables, and to receive information on said disposables.

(3) Larger events, including but not limited to Picnic Day and Whole Earth Festival, should have both a waste prevention plan and staff to implement the plan. Organizers of these larger events shall designate an environmental sustainability contact or point person.


A. Office of the President: Policy on Green Building Design, Clean Energy Standards, and Sustainable Transportation Practices.

B. UC Davis Policy and Procedure Manual:

(1) Section 350-05, Waste Prevention and Recycling.

(2) Section 350-10, Procurement Authority.

(3) Section 350-18, Government Excess and Surplus Property.

(4) Section 350-25, Procurement Through the Purchasing Department.

(5) Section 350-80, Disposition of Excess and Surplus Property.



1800. Purpose

The purpose of this chapter is to outline a set of guidelines for ASUCD members to follow that are also consistent with the Club Finance Council Statutes and Procedures.

1801. Interviews

The interviewing committee shall review applications and interview candidates. The interviewing committee shall consist of the ASUCD President or designee; an ASUCD Senator appointed by the Senate President Pro Tempore; the Chairperson of the Club Finance Council; the Vice Chairperson of the Club Finance Council; and a voting member of the Club Finance Council, as decided by the chairperson. The interviewing committee shall, by majority vote, select voting and alternate Members. The list of the Club Finance Council members shall be reported to the ASUCD Senate.

1802. Duties

A. Program Coordinator of the Club Finance Council shall act as a liaison between the University and the the Club Finance Council and administer Club Finance Council allocations to registered student organizations through University channels.

B. Chairperson of the Club Finance Council shall be responsible for assuring that the Club Finance Council and ASUCD award listings reflect actual Club Finance Council allocations and shall act as the liaison between the Club Finance Council and ASUCD.

101 C. ASUCD Controller shall be responsible for receiving a copy of the final allocations each allocation period.

D. Internal Affairs Commission shall be responsible for receiving any proposed amendments to the Club Finance Council Statutes and Procedures, process the proposed amendments, and coordinate the amendments through the legislative process (as outlined in Chapter 8).

1803. Amendments

Any ASUCD member (unless specified in Chapter Eight) may amend the Club Finance Council Statutes and Procedures. All amendments must be approved by the Program Coordinator of the Club Finance Council before the Club Finance Council may vote on it at their Business Meeting. After receiving approval, the Club Finance Council by majority vote, may approve the amendments. Once approved, the Amendment shall be forwarded to the Internal Affairs Commission. The ASUCD Senate shall approve all amendments to the Club Finance Council Statutes and Procedures by majority vote of the entire ASUCD Senate.



1900. PURPOSE: The rules and procedures specified in this Chapter shall apply to all ASUCD Scholarships and Awards. All ASUCD Scholarships and Awards require the purview of one of the two permanent committees outlined in Section 205(E) and Section 205(F) of the ASUCD Bylaws.


A. Eligibility

1. A candidate for the Award must fulfill the following eligibility requirements at the time of consideration. The candidate must be: (1) an undergraduate member of the University of California, Davis; (2) registered full-time, part-time, and/or current Planned Education Leave Program (PELP) student of the University of California, Davis; and (3) an hourly employee of the ASUCD.

2. No voting member of the Champagne Committee shall be eligible to receive the Award.

B. Criteria

1. The Champagne Committee shall present the Mark and Linda Champagne ASUCD Customer Service/Exceptional Hourly Employee Award based on exemplary service. Exemplary service, for the purposes of Section 1901 of the ASUCD Bylaws, shall be defined as having some of the following qualities: being a good listener; making a customer feel appreciated and important;

102 giving above and beyond one’s normal duties; regularly taking shifts on behalf of fellow workers; treating fellow workers with respect; exhibiting politeness and helpfulness toward customers in problematic situations; and being supportive of student and career staff management.

C. Any and all details relating to eligibility and criteria for the award not included in Section 1901 of the ASUCD Bylaws shall be at the discretion of the Champagne Committee. The Committee shall make decisions regarding any matter not included in Section 1901 of the ASUCD Bylaws by majority vote.

Note: The structure and responsibilities of the Champagne Committee are found in Section 205(E) of the ASUCD Bylaws.

Note: The eligibility and criteria outlined in Sections 1901(A) and 1901(B) were requested directly by the donor to the Mark and Linda Champagne ASUCD Customer Service/Exceptional Hourly Employee Award Fund. The ASUCD Senate is asked to respect the intentions of the donor in perpetuity and refrain from making substantive changes to the aforementioned bylaws.


A. Eligibility

1. A candidate for an ASUCD Scholarship must fulfill the following eligibility requirements at the time of consideration. The candidate must: (1) an undergraduate member of the University of California, Davis in good academic standing based on Grade Point Average (GPA); (2) a registered full-time, part-time or Planned Education Leave Program (PELP) student of the University of California, Davis; (3) have no current disciplinary sanctions; and not have previously received the ASUCD Scholarship during that individual’s time as an undergraduate of UC Davis.

2. The ASUCD Executive Office (President, Vice President, Controller, Chief of Staff, and executive office staff) and the voting and ex-officio members of the ASUCD Senate shall not be eligible for any ASUCD Scholarship while they are currently in office or holding a position.

3. Any student that has any direct involvement in creating, reviewing, or voting on an ASUCD Scholarship, shall not be eligible for the said Scholarship.

4. No student may apply to receive the ASUCD Scholarship within a year after which they had received the scholarship.

B. Criteria

1. The ASUCD Scholarship Committee shall present ASUCD Scholarships according to the following criteria: high achievement in academics; exceptional leadership; participation in the community; care for the environment; service to the university; financial need; athletic achievement; work experience; extracurricular activities; first-generation college attendance; and endurance in personal hardship.

C. The ASUCD Senate and ASUCD Scholarship Committee shall not distinguish between Scholarships derived from the ASUCD Awards Endowment Fund by name, or in terms of eligibility or criteria. This does not preclude awarding Scholarships that differ in amount awarded.

D. Any and all details relating to eligibility and criteria for the award not included in Section 1902 of the ASUCD Bylaws shall be at the discretion of the ASUCD Scholarship Committee. The Committee shall make decisions regarding any matter not included in Section 1902 of the ASUCD Bylaws by majority vote.

103 Note: The structure and responsibilities of the ASUCD Scholarship Committee are found in Section 205(F) of the ASUCD Bylaws.


A. Any proposed change to Section 1901(A), Section 1901(B), or Section 1901(C) of the ASUCD Bylaws must first be approved in writing by the ASUCD Business Manager.



2000. PURPOSE AND APPLICABILITY: The rules and procedures specified in this Chapter shall apply to any ASUCD body expressing authority to conduct a closed session. In a closed session, the ASUCD Senate may only consider matters covered in its statement as outlined in this Chapter of the ASUCD Bylaws. Nothing in this Chapter shall require or authorize the giving of names or other information that would constitute an invasion of privacy or otherwise unnecessarily divulge the particular facets concerning the closed session.

2001. DEFINITIONS: “Employee” or “Appointee” shall not include any person who is elected within ASUCD.

A. “Action taken” is defined as a collective decision made by the voting members of the ASUCD Senate.

B. “Appointee” shall be defined as those appointed to and/or confirmed for positions of the ASUCD Senate.

C. “Employee” shall be defined as all other employees, both paid and volunteer, of the ASUCD

2002. CLOSED SESSION ON THE AGENDA: In placing the closed session on the agenda, the Internal Affairs Commission Chairperson will observe the provisions of this Chapter of the ASUCD Bylaws.

A. A closed session shall be placed on the agenda of the next regularly ASUCD Senate meeting by majority vote of the ASUCD Senate, or by the ASUCD Controller as specified in Bylaw 2005(A) (6).

B. A closed session shall be placed on the agenda of the next regularly scheduled meeting of the subordinate body of the ASUCD Senate by majority vote of that subordinate bdy, unless otherwise stated in this Chapter.

2003. MEETINGS: All closed sessions of the ASUCD Senate and subordinate bodies of the ASUCD Senate shall be closed to the public, except as otherwise specified in this Chapter of the ASUCD Bylaws.

A. Prior to holding any closed session, the ASUCD Senate or subordinate body of the ASUCD Senate shall state the general reason(s) for the closed session and cite the specific Bylaws granting authority to conduct such a closed session at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance of the meeting.

(1) The required notice of a closed session shall include the specific type of matter to be discussed during the closed session. The required notice of the closed session shall also include the title of any person to be involved in the closed session.

B. The ASUCD Senate or subordinate bodies of the ASUCD Senate may not move into a closed session during a regular scheduled meeting for the purposes of discussing a previously approved/hired ASUCD employee or appointee, unless in accordance with the “Personnel Matters” section below.

104 2004. MINUTES: The ASUCD Senate and subordinate bodies of the ASUCD Senate shall designate a recording secretary or other officer or employee of ASUCD to attend each closed session of the body to keep and enter in a minute book a record of the closed session. However, all actionable votes, contracts, and agreements are public knowledge and must be explicitly reported in the same fashion as regular meeting minutes.

A. The minute book and digital recordings made pursuant to this section is not public record and shall be kept confidential. The minute book and digital recordings shall only be available to the voting members of the ASUCD Senate, the ASUCD President, the ASUCD Vice President, and the Internal Affairs Commission Chairperson.

(1) No digital recordings shall be taken during a closed session, unless specifically requested by the appointee in question.

B. The ASUCD Senate and subordinate bodies of the ASUCD Senate shall meet in closed to discuss and approve minutes taken at a closed session at the following regularly scheduled meeting. This second closed session will be justified as a Litigation Matter and will follow all Litigation Matter closed session guidelines. This closed session to approve minutes will not warrant a third closed to approve minutes taken. Instead, the minutes taken at the closed session in which previous minutes were approved will be approved in public session without discussion. If discussion is needed, another closed session will be called as a Litigation Matter and the minutes will be approved. This process will continue until a unanimous approval of minutes can be made in public session without discussion.

(1) The ASUCD Senate and subordinate body of the ASUCD Senate shall allow all persons that were present at the closed session whose minutes are to be approved to attend the session where the approval will occur.

2005. CLOSED SESSIONS OF THE ASUCD SENATE: An ASUCD Senator must motion for a closed session regarding personnel matters, investment matters, or litigation matters. That motion must be seconded. At this time, a closed session will be placed on the agenda of the next regularly scheduled meeting of the ASUCD Senate, unless otherwise specified in the motion. The motioning ASUCD Senator shall be responsible for notice pursuant to this Chapter of the ASUCD Bylaws.

A. Personnel Matters: The ASUCD Senate shall conduct a closed session when it meets to consider or discuss matters concerning the appointment, employment, performance, compensation, or dismissal of any ASUCD appointee or employee.

(1) The ASUCD Senate shall conduct a closed session unless the ASUCD appointee or employee being discussed requests that the hearing be public. In either case, the hearing will occur at the meeting in which the Senate meets to consider or discuss matters relating to complaints or charges brought against the ASUCD appointee or employee.

(2) If a matter to be discussed in closed session involves two (2) or more parties, the proceedings may not take place publicly unless all parties request a public hearing.

(3) As a condition to holding a closed session to discuss complaints, to consider disciplinary action, or to consider dismissal, the appointee or employee shall be given written notice of their right to have a public hearing. This notice shall be delivered by the Vice President at least forty-eight hours (48) hours before the closed session to the appointee or employee personally or through email, provided that the appointee or employee is also contacted by a phone call or through text message, notifying them that they should check their email. The notice shall include the name and phone number of the person who called the closed session in order to provide additional information prior to the meeting.

105 (4) If notice is not given, any disciplinary or other action taken against any appointee or employee at the closed session shall be null and void.

(5) The ASUCD Senate shall publicly report any action(s) taken and any roll call vote to appoint, employ, or dismiss an ASUCD appointee or employee during a closed session at the subsequent Senate meeting.

(6) The ASUCD Controller may call a closed session on any student commercial Unit Director, excluding those of The California Aggie and KDVS, if that Unit Director’s job performance is unsatisfactory, pursuant to the business practices outlined in the ASUCD Bylaws. One (1) week prior to the proposed closed session, the ASUCD Controller must submit to the Senate President Pro Tempore a written testimony illustrating the alleged wrongdoings and deficiencies of the appointee and/or employee in question.

(7) Before the ASUCD Senate can consider the removal of the ASUCD Chief Justice, ASUCD Court member(s), ASUCD Elections Committee Chairperson, or ASUCD Election Committee member(s), the Internal Affairs Commission shall hold a closed session on the matter (hereinafter referred to as “Indictment Hearing”) and determine that there exists reasonable cause for an ASUCD Senate Personnel Matters closed session.

B. Investment Matters: The ASUCD Senate must conduct a closed session when it meets to consider or discuss the acquisition or disposition of property if the discussion of these matters in open session would adversely affect ASUCD’s ability to acquire or dispose of the property.

C. Litigation Matters:

(1) For purposes of this section, “litigation” includes any proceeding before a court, an administrative body with adjudicator authority, a hearing officer, or an arbitrator on cases or issues to which ASUCD is or may be named as a party.

(2) The ASUCD Senate must conduct a closed session when it meets to consider or discuss matters involving litigation, if discussion in an open session concerning those matters would adversely affect the position of, or be detrimental to, ASUCD’s interest.

(2) If a closed session is called for the discussion of litigation involving ASUCD, the Senate shall specifically identify the litigation to be discussed.

2006. CLOSED SESSIONS OF SUBORDINATE BODIES OF THE ASUCD SENATE: For any subordinate body of the ASUCD Senate to hold a closed session, a voting member of that body must motion for a closed session regarding personnel matters, investment matters, or litigation matters. That motion must be seconded. At this time, a closed session will be placed on the agenda of the next regularly scheduled meeting of the subordinate body of the ASUCD Senate, unless otherwise specified in the motion. The Chairperson of that subordinate body of the ASUCD Senate shall be responsible for notice pursuant to this Chapter of the ASUCD Bylaws. No person may be present during a closed session of a subordinate body of the ASUCD Senate, except the President, Vice President, voting members of the ASUCD Senate, the Internal Affairs Commission Chairperson, the voting and alternate members of that subordinate body, any personnel being discussed during the closed session, and any witness or person allowed to give testimony either by authority vested in their position by the ASUCD Bylaws or by the majority vote of that subordinate body, unless otherwise stated in this Chapter.

A. Personnel Matters: A subordinate body of the ASUCD Senate shall conduct a closed session when it meets to consider or discuss matters concerning performance of its members and grievances of its members.

B. Investment Matters: A subordinate body of the ASUCD Senate must conduct a closed session when it meets to consider or discuss the acquisition or disposition of property of the ASUCD when it’s in the

106 form of legislation if the discussion of these matters in open session would adversely affect ASUCD’s ability to acquire or dispose of the property.

C. Litigation Matters:

(1) For purposes of this section, “litigation” includes any proceeding before a court, an administrative body with adjudicator authority, a hearing officer, or an arbitrator on cases or issues to which ASUCD is or may be named as a party.

(2) The subordinate body of the ASUCD Senate must conduct a closed session when it meets to consider or discuss matters involving litigation, if discussion in an open session concerning those matters would adversely affect the position of, or be detrimental to, ASUCD’s interest.

2007. INDICTMENT HEARINGS OF THE INTERNAL AFFAIRS COMMISSION: For the purpose of this section “Defendant Justice” shall refer to the ASUCD Chief Justice and Court Justice and “Defendant Committee Member” shall refer to the ASUCD Elections Committee Chairperson and Elections Committee members.

A. Before the ASUCD Senate can hold a closed session on the ASUCD Chief Justice, Court Justice, the ASUCD Elections Committee Chairperson or Elections Committee Members, the Internal Affairs Commission must pass the indictment charges by two-thirds (2/3rds) majority vote of the Internal Affairs Commission.

B. At any official ASUCD Senate meeting, the ASUCD Senate by majority vote may call for the Internal Affairs Commission to conduct Indictment Hearing and is to specify Bylaw 2006 granting such authority. The Defendant Justice or Defendant Committee Member is not to be named.

(1) The Defendant Justice or Defendant Committee Member shall not be notified of the Indictment Hearing before it occurs, or if the Internal Affairs Commission does not proffer charges.

C. The ASUCD Senator motioning for the Indictment Hearings shall present the Chairperson of the Internal Affairs Commission with a written document of charges alleged against the Defendant Justice or Defendant Committee member at the ASUCD Senate meeting at which it was called. This document is to include:

(1) Documentation of Defendant Justice:

a. The specific portion(s) of the ASUCD Constitution, ASUCD Bylaws, ASUCD Judicial Codes, ASUCD Judicial Directives, or other statue(s) allegedly violated.

b. The specific action(s) and/or inaction(s) the Defendant Justice allegedly committed, and the specific time(s) and/or place(s) of these action(s) and/or inaction(s), if applicable;

c. The general nature of evidence or witness(es) who would be able to attest that it is reasonable to believe these allegations without identifying the witness(es), if any; and

d. An argument or explanation that, if true, these allegations would render the Defendant Justice unfit for the position of the ASUCD Chief Justice or ASUCD Justice or ASUCD Chief Justice.

(2) Documentation of Defendant Committee Member:

a.The specific portion(s) of the ASUCD Constitution, ASUCD Bylaws, or other statue(s) allegedly violated;

107 b.The specific action(s) and/or inactions(s) the Defendant Committee Member allegedly committed, and the specific time(s) and/or place(s), of these action(s) and/or inaction(s), if applicable;

c.The general nature of evidence or witnesses who would be able to attest that it is reasonable to believe these allegations without identifying the witness(es), if any; and

d.An argument or explanation that, if believed, these allegations would render the Defendant Committee Member unfit for the position of ASUCD Elections Committee Chairperson or Election Committee Member.

C. Only voting members and alternates of the Internal Affairs Commission may be present in the room during the Indictment Hearing.

D. The Internal Affairs Commission may amend, add, or remove charges before putting the matter to a vote.

E. The Indictment Charges, if any, is approved by two-thirds (2/3rds) majority vote of the Internal Affairs Commission, it must state that Internal Affairs Commission finds that there exists reasonable cause for an ASUCD Senate Personnel closed session, and must specify:

(1) Indictment Charges of Defendant Justice:

a.The date of the written document of charges submitted to the Internal Affairs Commission, and the ASUCD Senator submitting the document to the Internal Affairs Commission.

b.The specific citation(s) and text(s) of the portion(s) of the ASUCD Constitution, ASUCD Bylaws, ASUCD Judicial Codes, ASUCD Judicial Directives, or other statue(s) allegedly violated.

c.A brief summary, for each charge, of alleged facts which form the basis for these allegations (without identifying the witness(es),if any.

d.An argument, for each charge, as to how the action(s) and/or inaction(s) of the Defendant Justice, as demonstrated by the alleged facts for that charge, violated the portion(s) of the ASUCD Constitution, ASUCD Bylaws, ASUCD Judicial Codes, ASUCD Judicial Directives, other statue(s) cited and quoted for that charge.

e.The final vote tally for the approval and disapproval of charges.

(2) Indictment Charges of Defendant Committee Member:

a.The date of the written document of charges submitted to the Internal Affairs Commission, and the ASUCD Senator submitting the document to the Internal Affairs Commission.

b.The specific citation(s) and text(s) of the portion(s) of the ASUCD Constitution, ASUCD Bylaws, or other statue(s) allegedly violated.

c.A brief summary, for each charge, of alleged facts which form the basis for these allegations (without identifying the witness(es), if any.

F. If the Internal Affairs Commission approves the Indictment Charges, it is the responsibility of the motioning ASUCD Senator to arrange the Personnel Matter closed session in accordance

108 with this Chapter. When the ASUCD Senator notifies the Defendant Justice or Defendant Committee Member of the closed session of the ASUCD Senate, the ASUCD Senator shall give the Defendant Justice or Defendant Committee the Internal Affairs Commission- approved Indictment Charges in a sealed envelope. The Chairperson of the Internal Affairs Commission shall submit a copy of the Indictment Charges to the ASUCD Senator who presented the Internal Affairs Commission with the documented charges as specified in Bylaw 2006C.

G. If the Internal Affairs Commission does not, by a two-thirds (2/3rds) majority vote, approve the Indictment Charges, the Senate may not hold a closed session on the Defendant Justice or Defendant Committee Member and the matter shall be considered closed.

H. If the personnel matter closed session does not take place within twenty (20) academic days of the date of the passage of the Indictment Charges, the Indictment Charges shall be considered null and void.

I. Bylaw 2006 shall apply only to Indictment Hearings for the ASUCD Chief Justice, ASUCD Court Justices, ASUCD Elections Committee Chairperson, and ASUCD Elections Committee Members. Indictment Hearings shall follow all other applicable Bylaws, except when there is a contradiction, in which case the Indictment Procedures shall take precedence. Indictment Hearing Procedures shall not affect ASUCD Senate Personnel Closed Session, except as explicitly stated.

2008. ASUCD SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE: The ASUCD Scholarship Committee shall conduct a closed session to consider or discuss applications and potential recipients, where an open session would adversely affect the confidentiality of the award recipients. Only voting members of the ASUCD Scholarships Committee may be present in the room during those discussions.

2009. CHAMPAGNE COMMITTEE: The Champagne Committee shall conduct a closed session to consider or discuss applications and potential recipients, where an open session would adversely affect the confidentiality of the award recipients. Only voting members of the Champagne Committee may be present in the room during those discussions.

2010. ASUCD EXCELLENCE IN EDUCATION AWARD: The Academic Affairs Commission shall conduct closed session to consider or discuss nomination of professors, which would adversely affect the confidentiality of the award recipients. Only voting members and alternates of the Academic Affairs Commission may be present in the room during the discussion.

2011. CLOSED SESSION RULES OF ORDER AND PROCEDURES: No person may be present during a closed session of the ASUCD Senate except the voting members of the ASUCD Senate, the ASUCD President, the ASUCD Vice President, the Internal Affairs Commission Chairperson, a recording secretary, any personnel being discussed during the closed session, and any witness or person allowed to give testimony either by authority vested in their position by the ASUCD Bylaws or by majority vote of the ASUCD Senate. When a closed session is placed on the agenda by the ASUCD Controller, they will be automatically included in the list of permitted attendees.

A. The agenda for closed session of the ASUCD Senate shall be: (1) statement by the ASUCD Senator that motioned for the closed session; (2) statement by the party/parties the closed session is concerning (if any); (3) public discussion; (4) discussion of action(s) (if any); (5) adjournment of the closed session.

B. Speaking Time and Deferment Guidelines: The speaker’s list shall alternate in public discussion between the individual-in-question and ASUCD President, the Vice President, and the ASUCD Senate, the ASUCD Internal Affairs Chairperson, and any individual motioned into the close session.

109 (1) A public discussion speaking period shall be limited to no more than three (3) minutes with no deferments.

(2) During discussion of action speaking period shall be limited to no more than three (3) minutes with one (1) deferment.



2100. PURPOSE: The chapter serves as the basis of consistent public records practice which directly concerns the operation and duties of the Student Government Administrative Office and shall apply without exception(s).

2101. PUBLIC RECORDS: Agendas of public meetings of the ASUCD Senate and its subordinate bodies, all other submitted writings, all digital recordings, and all public records shall be made available for public inspection prior to, during, and after public meetings.

A. The agenda of the ASUCD Senate and its subordinate bodies shall be available at least forty-eight (48) hours before the start of the meeting.

B. Documents distributed to all or a majority of all the members of the ASUCD Senate or one of its subordinate bodies by any person in connection with a matter subject to discussion or consideration at an open meeting of the body are disclosable public records under the California Public Records Act.


A. The legislative body shall not prohibit public criticism of the policies, procedures, programs, or services of the agency or of the acts or omissions of the legislative body. Nothing in this subdivision shall confer any privilege or protection for expression beyond that otherwise provided by law.

B. Any person attending an open and public meeting of a legislative body shall have the right to record the proceedings with an audio or video tape recorder or a still or motion picture camera in the absence of a reasonable finding by the legislative body of the local agency that the recording cannot continue without noise, illumination, or obstruction of view that constitutes or would constitute a persistent disruption of the proceedings.

1. No legislative body shall prohibit or otherwise restrict the broadcast of its open and public meetings in the absence of a reasonable finding that the broadcast cannot be accomplished without noise, illumination, or obstruction of view that would constitute a persistent disruption of the proceedings.

2103. STUDENT GOVERNMENT ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE: The Student Government Administrative Office shall prepare and distribute legislation between the ASUCD President, the ASUCD Vice President, the ASUCD Senate, and all seven of the ASUCD Commissions.

A. The Student Government Administrative Office shall maintain and regularly update the ASUCD Constitution, ASUCD Bylaws, ASUCD Judicial Codes, and Club Finance Council Policies and Procedures when amendments are enacted.

B. The Student Government Administrative Office shall ensure that the back of the agenda cover sheet contains the parliamentary procedures for the general public at every ASUCD Senate meeting.

110 C. The Student Government Administrative Office shall keep records of all elected ASUCD officials, ASUCD Court members, Executive Office staff, and subordinate bodies of the ASUCD Senate including, but not limited to, commissions and committees, if such rosters are available to the Student Government Administrative Office by the Activity Manager of the respective bodies of the ASUCD, which shall include, but are not limited to, name, term, e-mail address, and phone number.

D. The Student Government Administrative Office shall be responsible for inputting Senate meeting attendance, average number of office hours, outreach event attendance, and/or attendance at all commission meetings and Outreach Assembly meetings on all quarterly reports. ASUCD officials must give the Student Government Administrative Office at least one (1) business day to input this information into the respective quarterly reports.

E. The Student Government Administrative Office shall maintain and regularly update a binder containing all legislation enacted throughout each academic year.

F. The Student Government Administrative Office shall maintain and regularly update an attendance record of the ASUCD Senate, if such information is provided to the Student Government Administrative Office by the ASUCD Vice President. Pursuant to Bylaw 302, should not correspondence be forwarded to the Student Government Administrative Office regarding attendance by the ASUCD Vice President it shall be assumed each ASUCD Senator was not absent.

G. The Student Government Administrative Office shall forward to the Student Services Office all legislation regarding re-appropriations within a unit’s budget upon enactment. Amendments to the ASUCD Budget shall be verified by the ASUCD Controller.

H. The Student Government Administrative Office shall distribute legislation to be considered by the ASUCD Commissions prior to the beginning of the regularly scheduled ASUCD Commission.

I. The Student Government Administrative Office shall have election complaint and ASUCD Court complaint forms available in the Student Government Administrative Office, as well as online, for any ASUCD member requesting them.

2104. ASUCD WEBSITE: The ASUCD Website shall be maintained by Creative Media and regularly updated with content by the Student Government Administrative Office. All content not contained in this section may be posted on the ASUCD website, but at the discretion of the Student Government Administrative Office.

A. Legislation

(1) Legislation that is newly introduced shall be posted on the ASUCD website the first (1st) day that the Student Government Administrative Office is open following the Senate meeting at which it was introduced.

(2) Within one (1) week after legislation is enacted or failed, the Student Government Administrative Office shall post the final version on the ASUCD website. All accompanying documents, such as spending quotes, will be kept in records at the Student Government Administrative Office.

(3) Whenever the ASUCD President vetoes a piece of legislation, the ASUCD President shall make the reasoning available to the Student Government Administrative Office within one (1) week of the veto. The Student Government Administrative Office shall post the reason(s) on the ASUCD website for all presidential vetoes within one (1) week after it is received by the Student Government Administrative Office.

B. Governing Documents

111 (1) The Student Government Administrative Office shall post the most recently amended ASUCD Constitution, Bylaws, Judicial Codes, Judicial Directives, Club Finance Council Policies and Procedures, and any governing document adopted by subordinate bodies of the ASUCD Senate on the ASUCD website every two (2) weeks, if such amendments are available to the Student Government Administrative Office during the academic quarters, excluding summer sessions. (2) SGAO shall post the most current version of a unit’s Long-Range Plan of the ASUCD website.

C. Minutes

(1) The Student Government Administrative Office shall post all public ASUCD Senate meeting minutes. The minutes shall be posted on the ASUCD website by the third (3rd) calendar day following the meeting at which it was approved, if such minutes are available to the Student Government Administrative Office.

(2) The Student Government Administrative Office shall post all public meetings of ASUCD subordinate bodies of the ASUCD Senate minutes. The minutes shall be posted on the ASCUD website by the third (3rd) calendar day following the meeting at which it was approved, if such minutes are available to the Student Government Administrative Office.

D. Voting Records

(1) The Student Government Administrative Office shall maintain and update voting records of ASUCD Senate and shall post the voting records on the ASUCD website.

E. Resource Guides

(1) The Student Government Administrative Office shall post Parliamentary Procedure Guides, ASUCD Legislation Templates, and ASUCD Legislation Guides on the ASUCD website. All creation and maintenance of the aforementioned documents shall be the responsibility of the Internal Affairs Commission. These documents shall be regularly updated and consistent with the legislative process.

F. Rosters

(1) The Student Government Administrative Office shall post rosters of all subordinate bodies of the ASUCD Senate on the ASUCD website, when such amendments are made available to the Student Government Administrative Office.

G. Quarterly Reports

(1) The Student Government Administrative Office shall post all quarterly reports on the ASUCD website within one (1) week of receiving them from the ASUCD Senate President Pro Tempore.

H. ASUCD Budget

(1) The ASUCD Controller shall provide the Student Government Administrative Office a copy of the proposed ASUCD Budget five (5) business days prior to the first day of the scheduled budget hearings. The copy of the ASUCD Budget shall be posted on the ASUCD Website.

(2) Following the enactment of Senate Bill #1, the ASUCD Controller shall provide the final approved ASUCD Budget to the Student Government Administrative Office, which shall be posted on the ASUCD Website.

112 I. Outdated Information: Any outdated information pertaining to any area on the ASUCD website should be reported to the Student Government Administrative Office with the appropriate corrections in order for the Student Government Administrative Office to make the necessary amendments.

2105. CLOSED SESSIONS: Pursuant to Bylaw 2004, no minutes taken during a closed session (as defined in Chapter 20) shall be public record. These records shall be kept confidential and filed accordingly within the Student Government Administrative Office. Furthermore, any action taken (as defined in 2001A) shall be reported at the next regularly scheduled ASUCD Senate.



2200. PURPOSE: The purpose of the Archives is to provide the ASUCD with a comprehensive institutional memory. The ASUCD Historian shall gather, organize, maintain, preserve, and make accessible for public inspection for the study and use of the records of the ASUCD and the history of the Association. In addition, the purpose of this chapter is to establish a method for preserving the history of ASUCD, documenting all activities, and ensuring public records are available for future inspection.

2201. ASUCD HISTORIAN: The ASUCD Historian shall serve as the officer responsible for ensuring that the archival methods established in this chapter are properly carried out.

A. Duties of the ASUCD Historian:

(1) Archive historical ASUCD documents, as described in this chapter

(2) Compile all articles and editorials from The California Aggie and/or other media sources pertaining to ASUCD in a binder each academic year.

(3) Submit a quarterly report to the Internal Affairs Commission of a historical event in ASUCD history for announcement at Senate meetings.

(4) Collaborate with the Student Government Administrative Office (SGAO) to ensure that the ASUCD website has accurate historical information.

(5) When necessary, move ASUCD records to the Shields Library Special Collection, as described in Section 2205.

(6) Collaborate with external entities to ensure ASUCD historical content is accurate.

2202. ACTIVITY BINDER: At the end of each academic year, each body of the ASUCD Senate is encouraged to compile an activity binder containing the body’s activities for the academic year. ASUCD Units are also encouraged to submit an Activity Binder.

A. This Activity Binder shall include minutes of that body, important correspondences of that body, and/or any event material put on by that body.

B. The Activity Binder shall detail the procedure through which events were organized so that future members of the body may continue to organize such events.

2203. ASUCD DOCUMENTS: ASUCD shall store the last five (5) years of ASUCD Governing Documents in SGAO. Any older document shall be archived in the ASUCD Special Collections, Peter J. Shields Library (See Bylaw 2205):

113 A. Agendas and Minutes of the ASUCD Senate and subordinate bodies.

B. Chronological file of all ASUCD Resolutions, Senate Bills, Ballot Measures, and Constitutional Amendments.

C. Records of ASUCD Court cases and opinions including copies of the complaint, written briefs and documents used in each case.

D. Copies of the annual budget of the ASUCD and any related and clarifying budget material.

E. Appointment rosters of all subordinate bodies of the ASUCD Senate.

F. Articles and editorials from The California Aggie and other news media sources pertaining to ASUCD.

G. At least one (1) photograph of every elected official.

2204. ARCHIVAL GUIDELINES: The following procedures describe how to archive past ASUCD documentation. When a document is found, perform the following:

A. If the document is labeled confidential or stipulated in the Bylaws closed to the public it shall be presented to the ASUCD Business Manager and relocated in Student Services and do not follow any of the following procedure.

B. Scan the document, convert it to Portable Document Format (PDF), and transfer to proper cloud storage.

(1) If the document is an ASUCD Senate Bill or ASUCD Senate Resolution, transfer the scanned copy to the cloud storage. Ensure that a brief description of the bill or resolution is available on the ASUCD Website so that others may request access to the scanned copy of the full bill.

(2) If the document is an ASUCD Court Opinion, transfer the scanned copy to the cloud storage. Collaborate with SGAO to ensure that the scanned opinion is posted on the ASUCD website for public viewing.

C. Extract any important information from the document and ensure that it is noted in other areas, as described in the duties of the ASUCD Historian (described in Section 2202). This information may include, but is not limited to, the following:

(1) Commission Chairpersons and membership: If a document contains information about the membership of an ASUCD commission, ensure that the names of the commissioners are recorded in the proper area of the ASUCD Wiki.

(2) Documents concerning ASUCD Units: If a document contains information that applies to ASUCD Units, ensure that the Unit’s ASCUD Wiki page is properly updated with the new information.

2205. SHIELDS LIBRARY SPECIAL COLLECTION: The following procedure describes how to transfer older ASUCD documents to the Shields Library Special Collection.

A. When deemed appropriate to archive ASUCD literature, the ASUCD Historian shall contact the University Archivist at Peter J. Shields’ Library Special Collections. The Historian shall prepare an inventory list of all material available for submissions into the ASUCD Special Collection.

The ASUCD Business Manager must sign over ownership of documentation upon submissions to the ASUCD Special Collections.


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