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The Local Government Technical Advisers Group
SPECIAL TAG BLOG TAG PRESIDENTIAL WORKSHOP Hounslow LBC hosted the Annual TAG Presidential Workshop on 20 May 2009. It was such a success and I really enjoyed it. The Hounslow Council Chamber was the perfect setting for it and gave us an opportunity to test out the webcast. Here is a quick outline, for those who missed it.
Peter Barker OBE from Reading University and Guide Dogs for the Blind spoke to us about “Innovations to assist visually impaired people and avoiding well meant intentions that do not assist them”. We had a useful discussion about shared surfaces and the value that visually impaired people place on kerbs to help them orientate where they are and give them confidence.
Paul Watters from the AA outlined “Issues affecting motorists and what the AA wants to see happening to improve conditions”. Paul's feedback from the AA Panel was fascinating with members wanting less street clutter, but more parking signs!
Martin Holland from LB Islington gave an inspirational talk about how he had transformed customer perceptions of highways maintenance delivered through his Direct Services Organisation (DSO). Customers get a knock on their front doors when works are next to where they live, to verify their complaint if the description is poorly recorded, or to advise them when the work is done. This has also improved job satisfaction and reduced staff turnover. Martin also explained how he had used 360 degree images linked to GIS mapping to help improve customer communication.
Mark Hadley is the Managing Director of E Digital Consulting and he outlined his company's approach to “Improving communication with customers through iLOOKABOUT Streetscape Technology”. The system is being trialled by Westminster City Council to give 360 degree views of the highway and adjacent buildings.
Bill Hall from F M Conway Limited spoke on “How much can we recycle from our highways?”. Bill showed what Michael Conway has done to recycle highway materials and build one of Europe's most advanced recycling plants.
Keith Firth from Colin Buchanan spoke about “Removing traffic signals” and some joint investigations with a journalist Martin Cassini who has an interesting Newsnight film on the following website (www.fitroads.org). If you are interested in finding out more, then watch this space.
We had hoped to have a special talk from the Security Services, but I stepped in to outline what we are doing in the City of Westminster to protect buildings from vehicle borne terrorist attacks. The Local Government Technical Advisers Group
Peter Jones, Professor of Transport and Sustainability at UCL and Chris Britton from Chris Britton Consultancy Ltd told us about their work with LB Hounslow on “Developing a model for network performance using the Whole Street Environment”.
Mike Slinn from MVA finished off the day with a presentation on "Local Highway Authorities - The Challenge to address freight and local delivery and servicing issues". We face big challenges to reduce the impact of freight deliveries, but I am not convinced that freight consolidation is very viable. Larger firms already do it and smaller firms do not seem to have much in common. However, we want to reduce tailpipe emissions and there might be potential if we can overcome some of the obstacles. More details about these presentations are available on the TAG Website at www.tagonline.co.uk and in the TAG Bulletin No 72 which is out soon.
Martin Low TAG President