Supplementary Material s94
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Supplementary material
A full preprocessing and analysis pipeline is contained in Fig. S1.
Figure S1. Complete preprocessing and analysis pipeline for EEG standalone, fMRI standalone and EEG-fMRI analysis
Table 1 contains the Broadman areas, MNI coordinates and number of voxels for all the group analysis of the EEG-informed fMRI in the control group for the five EEG bands.
TOTAL NUMBER OF BAND PEAK MNI NUMBER OF CONDITION BRAIN REGIONS VOXELS PER COORDINATE VOXELS BAND AND CONDITION Precuneus 9 -58 45 1701 Right parietal lobe -29 -38 37 793 Opened 5032 Left parietal lobe -41 -38 42 1042 Frontal lobe -39 29 14 1496 Occipital, Temporal lobes & -18 -42 -50 3535 DELTA Closed cerebellum 9070 Parietal and -38 24 36 5535 frontal lobes Left temporal lobe 37 7 -37 406 Right temporal Opened-Closed -28 -12 -19 150 823 lobe Frontal lobe 26 40 0 267 ALPHA Opened Left temporal lobe -22 -22 -30 91 Right temporal 64 -14 -2 32 lobe 401 Cerebellum 46 -68 -46 204 Left frontal lobe 0 52 -22 46 Right frontal lobe 10 48 38 28 Right parietal lobe 65 -30 27 609 2823 Occipital lobe -19 -78 32 890 Left parietal lobe -53 -37 25 498 1 Right temporal 57 -60 -10 826 lobe Temporal and 40 -52 14 1653 frontal lobe Right Thalamus 8 -10 10 65 2762 Left thalamus -7 -7 0 200 Closed Cerebellum 8 -78 73 844 Right frontal lobe 54 38 -26 132 Occipital and right -24 -90 -10 1496 2143 parietal lobe Left parietal lobe -72 -24 18 515 Occipital lobe -46 -77 17 1890 Medial temporal Opened-Closed 60 -42 -14 231 2294 lobe Frontal lobe 46 20 6 173 Left occipital lobe -60 -74 -28 412 Right temporo- 435 Opened 36 4 -18 970 frontal lobe Left temporal lobe -54 20 -12 123 Left temporal lobe -62 -24 -24 25 47 Left frontal lobe -22 50 34 22 Closed Frontal lobe -22 50 34 434 SUBBETA 1 908 Right parietal lobe 56 -32 30 474 Occipital lobe -35 -74 0 89 99 Caudate 20 -26 20 10 Left parietal lobe -44 -38 40 16 Opened-Closed Left putamen -28 2 4 12 Right temporal 51 91 54 -34 -26 lobe Left temporal lobe -46 -6 -34 12 Right temporal 2843 22 6 -30 lobe Opened Left temporal lobe -26 -24 -28 819 4424 Occipital lobe 58 -78 12 438 Right frontal lobe 34 34 30 324 Frontal lobe and 1611 -10 22 30 limbic Left occipital lobe -28 -52 -12 133 5707 SUBBETA 2 Closed Temporal lobe 46 -14 -40 1582 Cerebellum 24 -46 -50 2381 Right parietal lobe 38 -46 38 196 196 Right Occipital 72 lobe and 56 -52 -46 132 cerebellum Opened-Closed Thalamus 14 -28 18 60 Right frontal lobe 10 -22 48 101 113 Left frontal lobe 0 -6 50 12 Right temporal 604 24 0 -26 lobe Right frontal lobe 20 66 -6 345 Left inferior 176 Opened -34 -36 -8 2975 temporal lobe Occipital lobe and 1616 60 -60 -44 cerebellum Right parietal lobe 38 -46 38 234 SUBBETA 3 Right limbic 10 22 32 3529 Left frontal lobe -50 18 22 267 Right temporal 135 Closed 64 -22 -22 4689 lobe Cerebellum -36 -36 -46 619 Left temporal lobe -34 8 -48 139 Right Thalamus 14 -28 16 100 100 Cerebellum -18 -20 -48 75 Opened-Closed Left temporal lobe -28 2 -36 169 280 Right frontal lobe 28 50 -8 36
2 1. Broad brain regions, peak MNI coordinates and number of significant voxels per band and condition (rsfMRI series) are displayed. Gray and black texts inside the table are highlighting positive and negative associations respectively.
Broad brain regions, peak MNI coordinates and number of significant voxels per band and condition (EEG-informed fMRI analyses) for patient 1 are displayed. Gray and black texts inside the table are highlighting positive and negative associations respectively. and Broad brain regions, peak MNI coordinates and number of significant voxels per band and condition
(EEG-informed fMRI analyses) for patient 2 are displayed. Gray and black texts inside the table are highlighting positive and negative associations respectively. contain the Broadman areas, MNI coordinates and number of voxels for the EEG-informed fMRI for the five EEG bands in patient 1 and patient 2 respectively.
NUMBER OF BAND PEAK MNI NUMBER OF VOXELS PER CONDITION BRAIN REGIONS COORDINATE VOXELS BAND AND CONDITION Right medial temporal -24 -44 -16 265 lobe & Cerebellum Right Medial Frontal 10 54 -8 596 lobe Opened 2439 Right thalamus 14 -12 0 80 Right parietal lobe 16 -54 22 944 Left thalamus -16 -16 10 97 Left parietal lobe 6 -92 44 457 Left parietal lobe -54 -66 32 95 Thalamus -12 -36 -4 200 Closed Right temporal lobe 60 -10 -36 251 5285 Cerebellum 26 -72 -20 467 Frontal lobe 4 56 -15 4272 Occipital lobe -2 -82 -36 4005 Right Frontal lobe 46 52 -6 1460 Left Frontal lobe -24 54 -6 100 DELTA Right parieto temporal 16 -60 6 2120 8586 lobe Left parietal lobe -38 -46 24 613 Left thalamus -22 -18 20 143 Right insula 32 -14 16 145 Right Frontal lobe 50 34 6 392 Left Frontal lobe -60 14 24 84 Opened- Right temporal lobe 42 16 -26 611 Closed Left temporal lobe -34 10 -26 311 Right medial temporal -26 -36 -10 62 lobe Right parietal lobe 54 -70 30 186 2369 Left parietal lobe 26 -36 -10 194 Occipital lobe / 10 -38 -20 291 Cerebellum Caudate -6 12 -2 176 Left medial temporal -22 -26 -10 62 lobe 3 Right frontal lobe 6 44 -6 20 Right temporal lobe 66 -38 -4 171 Left medial temporal -16 -18 -16 63 Opened lobe 583 Right Limbic system 18 -12 18 133 Cerebellum 6 -58 -58 117 Left Occipital lobe -16 -92 -12 99 Occipital lobe -2 -82 -36 4005 Right Frontal lobe 46 52 -6 1460 Left Frontal lobe -24 54 -6 100 Right parieto temporal 16 -60 6 2120 8586 lobe ALPHA Left parietal lobe -38 -46 24 613 Left thalamus -22 -18 20 143 Right insula 32 -14 16 145 Right Frontal lobe 50 34 6 392 Opened- Left Frontal lobe -60 14 24 84 Closed Right temporal lobe 42 16 -26 611 Left temporal lobe -34 10 -26 311 Right medial temporal -26 -36 -10 62 lobe 2307 Right parietal lobe 54 -70 30 186 Left parietal lobe 26 -36 -10 194 Occipital lobe / 10 -38 -20 291 Cerebellum Caudate -6 12 -2 176 Left Limbic lobe -28 -14 -36 67 Left Occipital lobe -34 -84 -22 44 Left Limbic lobe 0 12 -10 34 633 Opened Left medial frontal lobe -8 62 -4 150 Left Thalamus -14 -38 6 203 Right Thalamus 18 -26 10 135 Frontal lobe 42 30 26 1496 Thalamus 22 -32 2 155 Occipital lobe -22 -94 -18 721 Closed 4417 Cerebellum 16 -60 -20 234 Right temporal lobe 56 -12 -34 315 Frontal lobe 42 30 26 1496 Occipital lobe -2 -82 -36 4005 Right Frontal lobe 46 52 -6 1460 Left Frontal lobe -24 54 -6 100 BETA 1 Right parieto temporal 16 -60 6 2120 8486 lobe Left parietal lobe -38 -46 24 613 Left thalamus -22 -18 20 143 Right insula 32 -14 16 145 Right Frontal lobe 50 34 6 392 Opened- Left Frontal lobe -60 14 24 84 Closed Right temporal lobe 42 16 -26 611 Left temporal lobe -34 10 -26 311 Right medial temporal -26 -36 -10 62 lobe Right parietal lobe 54 -70 30 186 2307 Left parietal lobe 26 -36 -10 194 Occipital lobe / 10 -38 -20 291 Cerebellum Caudate -6 12 -2 176 BETA 2 Opened Occipital lobe 5 58 -58 234 234 Frontal lobe and limbic -8 58 -22 1558 Closed Occipital lobe and 633 2191 -6 -108 -10 cerebellum Opened- Occipital lobe -2 -82 -36 4005 8586 Closed Right Frontal lobe 46 52 -6 1460 Left Frontal lobe -24 54 -6 100
4 Right parieto temporal 16 -60 6 2120 lobe Left parietal lobe -38 -46 24 613 Left thalamus -22 -18 20 143 Right insula 32 -14 16 145 Right Frontal lobe 50 34 6 392 Left Frontal lobe -60 14 24 84 Right temporal lobe 42 16 -26 611 Left temporal lobe -34 10 -26 311 Right medial temporal -26 -36 -10 62 lobe Right parietal lobe 54 -70 30 186 2307 Left parietal lobe 26 -36 -10 194 Occipital lobe / 10 -38 -20 291 Cerebellum Caudate -6 12 -2 176 Left Limbic lobe -28 -14 -36 67 Left Occipital lobe -34 -84 -22 44 Left Limbic lobe 0 12 -10 34 Opened 633 Left medial frontal lobe -8 62 -4 150 Left Thalamus -14 -38 6 203 Right Thalamus 18 -26 10 135 Limbic 10 42 -2 178 Left frontal lobe -50 18 22 267 Closed 1298 Right temporal lobe 60 16 34 569 Cerebellum -14 -66 -56 284 Occipital lobe -2 -82 -36 4005 Right Frontal lobe 46 52 -6 1460 Left Frontal lobe -24 54 -6 100 Right parieto temporal 16 -60 6 2120 8586 lobe BETA 3 Left parietal lobe -38 -46 24 613 Left thalamus -22 -18 20 143 Right insula 32 -14 16 145 Right Frontal lobe 50 34 6 392 Left Frontal lobe -60 14 24 84 Opened- Right temporal lobe 42 16 -26 611 Closed Left temporal lobe -34 10 -26 311 Right medial temporal -26 -36 -10 62 lobe Right parietal lobe 54 -70 30 186 Left parietal lobe 26 -36 -10 194 2369 Occipital lobe / 10 -38 -20 291 Cerebellum Caudate -6 12 -2 176 Left medial temporal -22 -26 -10 62 lobe
2. Broad brain regions, peak MNI coordinates and number of significant voxels per band and condition (EEG-informed fMRI analyses) for patient 1 are displayed. Gray and black texts inside the table are highlighting positive and negative associations respectively.
5 Parietal lobe -2 -46 72 413 Left temporal lobe -68 -34 -16 632 Right temporal lobe 48 18 -34 445 1667 Occipital lobe 24 -96 -18 177 Cerebellum 42 -54 -30 695 Cerebellum 0 -82 -20 106 Left Occipital lobe -8 -104 -12 145 281 Left Inferior Frontal -58 20 24 30 Closed lobe Occipital lobe 24 -78 26 107 Left Parietal lobe -66 -20 24 36 213 Right caudate 6 6 -4 70 Frontal lobe -16 2 68 2095 Right Occipital lobe 30 -102 -16 225 2433 Opened- Right Temporal lobe -66 -2 8 69 Closed Left temporal lobe -64 -6 32 44 Right Temporal lobe 64 -42 -4 224 477 Left temporal lobe -40 -26 -2 253 Right temporal lobe 46 20 -36 572 Cerebellum and 1147 42 -52 -30 occipital lobe Opened Hippocampus 36 -10 -18 85 2818 Right frontal lobe 40 32 -20 278 Right parietal lobe 64 -54 28 244 Left parietal lobe -4 -60 34 492 Inferior left Frontal lobe -58 20 22 398 398 Caudate 6 10 -4 336 Right superior frontal 12 36 -24 55 lobe ALPHA Closed Left Superior frontal 2 24 -28 124 771 lobe Right occipital lobe 44 -78 -8 116 Left Occipital lobe -44 -68 -4 140 Right occipital & 8 -90 -20 305 cerebellum 545 Left Superior frontal 2 24 -28 124 Opened- lobe Closed Right occipital lobe 44 -78 -8 116 256 Left Occipital lobe -44 -68 -4 140 Left temporal lobe -40 -24 -4 178 209 Right temporal lobe 46 -26 -8 31 Right temporal lobe 48 15 -34 556 Occipital lobe and 1084 14 -58 -42 Opened cerebellum 2827 Precuneus -6 -76 56 621 Left frontal lobe -52 16 44 566 Left Temporal lobe -68 -40 4 1851 Right Temporal lobe 60 -64 -4 2844 Left parieto-occipital -4 -92 40 902 lobe 6841 Inferior left Frontal lobe -52 34 -18 531 Inferior right Frontal 50 26 -26 398 BETA 1 lobe Cerebellum -6 -82 -18 315 Closed Left Thalamus / -16 -36 2 160 Hippocampus Right frontal lobe 18 34 -18 151 Left frontal lobe -16 8 -26 239 Left fronto parietal lobe -22 -44 28 255 3048 Left Parieto-occipital -62 -54 26 703 lobe Right parieto-occipital 54 -46 30 198 lobe Bilateral Cerebellum 38 -80 -36 1342 Opened- Left Temporal lobe -62 -62 24 121 2553
6 Closed Occipital lobe -30 -66 -16 2432 Right temporal lobe 66 10 -32 179 Opened 4801 Cerebellum 18 -44 -44 301 Right Occipital lobe 42 -90 -12 15 23 BETA 2 Left occipital lobe -2 -80 32 18 Thalamus -16 -38 4 80 Closed Left parieto-temporal -68 -48 22 400 830 lobe Left frontal lobe -12 30 2 350 Right temporal lobe 70 2 -6 1201 Occipital lobe -6 -98 -18 100 1512 Opened Right frontal lobe 8 56 -28 211 Left frontal lobe -42 30 -8 357 912 Cerebellum -4 -46 -44 565 Right Temporal lobe 66 -64 -4 562 Left Temporal lobe -64 -62 2 751 Left Parieto-occipital -8 -92 44 129 lobe BETA 3 1621 Right Parietal lobe 4 -76 14 66 Left Inferior Frontal -48 28 -14 104 lobe Closed Cerebellum 56 -64 -26 10 Left Thalamus -16 -36 4 15 Left Parieto-temporal -64 -56 26 132 lobe 551 Right caudate 6 8 -6 31 Left frontal lobe -16 6 -26 66 Cerebellum 24 -78 -40 321 3. Broad brain regions, peak MNI coordinates and number of significant voxels per band and condition (EEG-informed fMRI analyses) for patient 2 are displayed. Gray and black texts inside the table are highlighting positive and negative associations respectively.