1.) the Meeting Was Called to Order by Chairman Reed
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1.) The meeting was called to order by Chairman Reed. 2.) Roll Call: Dick Olson, Butch Mehlberg, Ellis Mercier, Roger Reed, Nancy Rhode Others Present: Mayor Victoria Bostedt, John Bostedt (Director of Parks, Rec., and Forestry), and 14 observers 3.) Approval of agenda was called by Olson and seconded by Mercier. (5 Ayes) 4.) Olson moved for approval of the 6/17/2014 meeting minutes with the correction of Bill Clement not in attendance & 6/24/2014 special meeting minutes. Mehlberg seconded. (5 Ayes) 5.) Public Input: None. 6.) Correspondence: None. 7.) Discussion/possible recommendation/updates on the following: a. Update on Youth Sailing with Steve Eliasen was given by Mayor Bostedt. Eliasen worked in conjunction with Oconto Schools last year and hopes to start, with Commission interest, a continuing program here. Posters are in the community for a juvenile – adult orientation July 29, 30, 31st with 47 participants signed in. The Mayor thanked Mick, Sohr and the Oconto Yacht Club for voluntary efforts. The program will be at no cost to the City. She gave credit to the Sportsman’s Club for their $200.00 contribution. Rhode made a motion that the Commission promotes the program with a $100.00 contribution. Mercier seconed. (5 Ayes) b. Pay Request for the Oconto River Dredging Phase 1 to Veit Dredging, Inc. was not addressed at this time. c. Pay Request for Oconto River Dredging Phase 2 to Veit Dredging, Inc. was not addressed at this time. d. River Dredging Update-- Director Bostedt informed that a meeting with the Robert E. Lee engineer indicated discrepancies in the amount removed from Imig to the Hi Seas river area. The equipment is still here and in process of rectifying the issue. There will be a final verification from the engineer. e. Update on rented slips for 2014— At present there are 19 seasonals and rentals. The total invoices will be presented at the August meeting. f. Mission Statement and goals for Harbor— The Mayor requested these be identified on paper and encouraged the Commission to view them next month. g. Plan of action for Harbor Commission-- The Mayor requested it be identified on paper and encouraged the Commission to view it next month. At present f. and g. are keeping the Commission aware of its future intent. h. Access @ Harbor for Ice Fishermen update— Mehlberg authorized Jeremy Wusterbarth (Superintendent of Public Works) to contact the DNR (Crystal) and create and Ad Hoc Committee with the following members: Paul Stenstrup, Tom Fulton, John Reed and Steve Stock, with possibly a member from the Harbor Commission. (5 Ayes) Mayor Bostedt relayed the past history: across from the jetty, permit changes, safe access out to the Bay is our intent. New planning and the committee became necessary. 8.) Board Report: a. Marketing & Advertisement— J. Bostedt informed that Oconto split cost with Marinette for its May-July P.R. for the Campground. Rhode asked about other boating magazines that could use our successful article and Mercier would like to see more Press Gazette coverage. John will look into these and Fox 11 coverage. b. City boat ramps (Ellis) — The Park and Rec. crew has pulled the launches at Break Water Park because of the increased water height (approx. 14”) this year. There has been no new Grant information concerning the handicap dock. c. Fishing Tournaments /Special Events-- Fourteen boats fished the World Walleye here: there was a concern about how the fish caught were replanted. Appealing was that there were family events and a raffle. The Aim Tournament will fish in another week and the Sportsman’s Club will run their event in August. d. Park(s) Inspection Report (John) — The crew did move up the three launches. They sanded off the end of the ramp line. They will pressure wash the docks and will repaint the guide lines. One of the fish cleaning station cleaning boards was flipped for extended usage. They remain waiting on the stands to mount the signs. Thereafter ceremonies will be held. We are anticipating the launch lane extensions in September. 9.) A motion was called by Olson for an approval of Accounts Payable from June 12, 2014 thru July 7, 2014 in the amount of $797.24. A second was established by Rhode. (5 Ayes) 10.) Revenue/expenditure reports were studied and discussed. Concerns were slip rentals and launch fees. Mehlberg moved to accept the revenue/expenditure reports with a second by Mercier. (5 Ayes) 11.) Next meeting date, time: Tuesday August 19 @ 4:30 p.m. Agenda item: Launch Lanes update 12.) Adjournment was moved by Mehlberg with a second issued from Olson @ 5:17 p.m. (M/C)
Minutes submitted by Susan K. Seidl