Hosted By: Kathleen Carpenter and Shari Miller, EC

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Hosted By: Kathleen Carpenter and Shari Miller, EC

Service Professional Advisory Council

SPAC Minutes November 20, 2014 8:30am - 10:00am Location: Extended Campuses (Bldg 16, True Blue Room)

Hosted by: Kathleen Carpenter and Shari Miller, EC


Shari Miller, Andrea Graves, Kathleen Carpenter, KC Dragoo, Felice Jackson, Patricia Nelson, Leah Heffelfinger, Stephanie Gerharter, Dylan Rust, Trevor Luttinen , Mark Young, Justin Hagin, Suzanne Siler, Yael Bernstein, Alice Jackson, Cheryl Goldberg

By Collaborate:

Stephanie McCarthy, Bernadette Presloid, Stephanie Mayer, Mary Kate Wolter, Sharon Tewksbury-Bloom, Susan Lauer, Cori Gordon


Justin Hagin, Kim Knowles

8:30am Call to Order & Introductions Suzanne Siler, Chair

Called to order by Suzanne Siler and introductions w/ names and roles at NAU

Those on collaborate introduced

8:35 – 9:00am Personalized Learning Dr. Corrine “Cori” Gordon, Lead Faculty of Liberal Arts & Personalized Learning in EC

 Powerpoint presentation on Overview of NAU’s Competency-Based Learning, available at the Agenda on the website.

 Pres. Haeger, Fred Hurst, Allison Brown – developed the Liberal Arts Program.

 See Personalized Learning website for more detail

 Launch 2013, currently 583 students, 3 degree programs – CIT, Small Bus Admin, LA (BA/BS), 2 new BS coming soon in Management and MS CIT.

 Completely Online and Self-Paced, in 6 mos subscription models ($2,500 all inclusive).

 Based on captivating students early in their area of focus, general education is concurrent with major. Service Professional Advisory Council

 Faculty roles: Lead Faculty are “Chairs”, all students have a Faculty Mentor (50% advisor/50% Faculty Coach) serves as a first resource for all needs academic and services related; Subject Matter Faculty (PT at 52 weeks/yr) in all disciplines provide tutoring, instruction materials and help in the self-paced process and assessment; GA/Graders provide grading and assessment throughout.

 Credit to Competency: BA in Liberal Arts has 40 courses. Ex “analysis” in PSY, CCJ, Writing, etc. Deconstructed syllabi from cross-disciplines, then created inter-disciplinary syllabi with connection points like “social conflict”, guide students to multiple resources to make connections.

 “COLT” model: Lesson Guide, Pretest, Topics, Post-test, Mastery (Topics: readings, exercises, multimedia, presentations, assignments, discussions). Mastery level is required for “A” in course; one attempt for pretest, 85% is benchmark for passing lesson for entry in Mastery level and tracking of deficiency, referral to tutoring and targeted work with Subject Matter Faculty

 Dashboard: award winning in-house design, navigation is intuitive and organized point of entry for “LMS” Learning Management System.

 Q&A:

o Did you develop the program with Employees of the State in mind? / Not specifically, but industry in the Phoenix were used such as Motorola in the early research; ultimately designed for the non-traditional student – already in the workforce, already taken some higher education courses, not geared to the 18-24 learner. Takes a self- motived, task-driven learner to success, good fit for some, but not all.

o Any tuition discount offered? / yes.

o Who to direct about enrollment / admissions? / anyone at EC PL can assist, website is helpful.

o Average time to complete? / Variable but have to graduate in the track.

o Transfer credit allowed? / yes.

o Financial Aid offered? / yes.

o Students allowed to continue track after subscription ends? / Can’t be co-enrolled in NAU regular and PL, dashboard is de-activated if not paid up

9:00 – 9:10am Update on Tri-University Conference Suzanne Siler, SPAC Chair

 Classified and Service Professionals attend from all three campuses.

 2014 Conference was hosted by NAU – state-wide issues discussed include action items headed for proposals:

*Short-Term Disability as standard instead of elective (to consider – Rates? Cost to state?)

*Career Path Challenges – new degrees earned not helping to increase wage, no reward; (to consider – NAU HR is reviewing hiring practices) Service Professional Advisory Council

*Employee Performance Evaluation – forms, practices (streamline and increase productivity in the process)

*Employee tuition rates – not currently extended to Certificate programs (draft is created and will be reviewed at Jan 2014 SPAC)

Q & A:

o Business Certificate is now currently included in tuition discount? / yes, but this is one a only a few, variable at each campus.

o How are you assessing the NAU staff about this? / tba, welcome any ideas on how best to disseminate.

 Budget: $160 of SP Fund was used for this conference. Balance: $1,600.92

9:00/9:10 – 9:20am HR Update Diane Verkest, Associate VP – Human Resources

 Normally policy changes are reviewed at SPAC Executive level, then decide which to focus on, but this meeting did not have time – so here are the details:

*eROA – policy language streamlined for current and future practices. Appointed staff – reporting of non-renewal changes from President to delegation at VP level, general procedure does not change – President will review, but letter to staff comes from the VP. HR will still manage any violations or issues that arise, all protections of rights of employees remain.

 Q&A:

o Why the change? / mainly procedural, streamlines and creates more practical process, HR website offers access to all documents, tabled for future review and discussion by voting members of SPAC.

o Credit for Insurance Health Screen begin when? / Jan 2015.

9:20 – 10:00am SPAC Business

Approval of Minutes (previous mtg)

 Change Andrea Graves’ departmental affiliation from E-Learning to Student Learning Centers

Voted to approve

SPAC Committee Updates Service Professional Advisory Council

 Supervisory Training (Brown Bag Lunches):

*Greatest Gift 12/15/14 12pm at Union Havasupai B: send to list.serv Mon 12/1

*Cheryl with ideas on Spring 2015 for Cassie at HR: Feb considered, date tba

 Publicity (Newsletter/Website):

*Fall Newsletter – looking for ideas for content (consider note from the Chair, Brown Bags, Service Projects - Adopt and Avenue, Christmas Giving Project / Wrapping Party, Tri-University. Former newsletter files likely not available. Target publication – Dec 15, 2014, submissions due Dec 5, 2014.

*Format - consider upload process as separate document, not in HTML.

 SPAC Ambassadors:

*SPAC cards in progress; awaiting list of new SPAC employees, plan at each SPAC Board Meeting to distribute the welcome process among Board Members, commit to set interval process hereafter.

 Service Projects:

*Adopt and Avenue Cleanup – Sat Nov 22, 2014 – corner of Windsor and Sawmill 9:30a (plan for about 1 hour), notice out to list.serv

*Adopt a Family – target notification of adopted family is mid-Nov, planning for usual gifts plus utility donations, Google doc will be created to facilitate donations record keeping, monies collected will be delivered directly to City Hall and distributed.

 Annual Meeting/Mixer:

*April 16, 2015 set date, details ongoing.

 Leadership Award:

*No new details to report.

University Committee Updates

 President’s Cabinet: Dylan for Suzanne –

*Cigarette disposal new process – considering move to better location on campus.

*Provost – interview process ongoing for EMSA VP, at phone interviews currently.

*K-12 State Budget – concern over university budgets to cover court mandated re-imbursement.

 President’s Strategic Planning & Budget Council: Yael for Justin Service Professional Advisory Council

*Post-election economic model, federal expectations for continued efficiency from states – no bail out.

*More student involvement for representation.

*Regulatory reform – considering models for streamlining.

*Sustainability – Gold Ranking institution, moving forward – see Green NAU.

*Capital Assets – the new wrap around building, plans for academic development.

 Academic Standards Committee:

*Academic Appeals, Misconduct in Research – faculty now vetting amongst themselves.

 Employee Development Day Conference:

*no report

 Classified Staff Advisory Council:

*CSAC Warm Clothing Drive ongoing

*Spring Mixer is March 25th or 26th, 2015

 Commission on Ethnic Diversity:

 *no report

 Commission on the Status of Women:

*Focus on Faculty based on recent survey on tenure/non-tentured faculty, Dan Kane reported, strong feelings expressed on the validation of the data, survey may be posted on Provost Website “Coach Survey”

*Facilities is creating more space for baby changing and lactation gender neutral family rooms.

 Faculty Senate:

*Astrid Clock, President discussed how to streamline and facilitate recruit transfer students, highly competitive (Grand Canyon University).

*Budget – K-12 settlement may equate to $1 billion deficit, impact to NAU yet to be determined, even with increase to benefits – NAU employees very fortunate.

*Faculty Rights and Responsibility – fair rights in teaching and evaluation, alternatives to the SETI System.

*CIE – international travel should be better documented for all faculty through CIE. Service Professional Advisory Council

*Gene Mohn, Faculty Ombudsman – how to include Distance Faculty more, now included in Senate meetings, movement is towards inclusiveness.

 Benefits

*no report.

 Commission on Disability Access and Design: Parking and Transportation:

*no report.

 Portal Steering Committee:

*Committee not met yet.


*New Inclusion and Multicultural Services Director hired, fundraising ideas considered for scholarship.

*General inclusive floor on campus in progress.

*Gender Neutral bathrooms on campus in progress, mobile app to follow.

*Preferred name reviewed by Itendity Mgmt at IT, Registrar sex change registration form in progress but tricky at PAIR reporting.

Good of the order: no report.

Meeting adjourned 10:00am

Next Meeting: December 18, 2014: ARD (Bldg 56 large pod), Mark Young

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