M.Tech Degree Examination Model Question Paper -I
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Branch: Civil Engineering
Specialization: Computer Aided Structural Engineering
Time: Three Hours Maximum Marks: 100
Answer All Questions I a). Explain hydrated structure of cement with neat sketch. (10marks)
b) Explain the following in detail:- (i) Grading of aggregate (8 mark) (ii) Quality of water for concrete preparation (7 mark) Or c). Explain the following types of cement highlighting how it is different from ordinary Portland cement in composition, properties and uses:- (i) Low Heat Cement (ii) Sulphate Resisting Cement (iii) High Alumina Cement (iv) Air Entraining Cement (v)Hydrophobic Cement (25 marks)
2 a). What is creep and shrinkage of concrete? List the factors affecting creep and shrinkage of concrete. (13 marks) b). List and explain the various factors affecting the strength of concrete. (12 marks) Or c). What is Mix Design? Explain in detail the various factors governing the selection of mix proportion? (10 marks) d). Discuss the step by step procedure for mix design of high performance concrete recommended by ACI committee (15 marks)
3 a). Explain different methods in under water concreting. (10 marks) b).Discuss the special features of cold weather concreting and hot weather concreting. When and where it is required? Discuss the concreting procedures in both the cases with examples. (15 marks) Or c). Explain the various methods of transportation of concrete. (10 marks) d). Explain Vaccum dewatering of concrete. Explain different processes involved in shotcrete. (15 marks) 4 a). Explain the classification of light weight aggregates (10 marks) b) Explain the characteristics of and uses of fibre reinforced concrete. (15 marks) Or c). Discuss the manufacture; properties and applications of polymer concrete. (25 marks) M.TECH DEGREE EXAMINATION MODEL QUESTION PAPER-II First Semester
Branch: Civil Engineering
Specialization: Computer Aided Structural Engineering
Time: Three Hours Maximum Marks: 100
Answer All Questions
1 a). Describe the mechanism of action of plasticizers with neat sketch. Mention any five Superplasticizers. (13 marks) b. Explain the classification of aggregate. Mention different tests for aggregates. (12 marks)
Or c). Write a note on Alkali Aggregate Reaction. Discuss the factors promoting this reaction and suggest the methods for controlling the same. (20 marks) d) Write a note on the use of sea water for concrete preparation. (5 marks)
2. a). Explain the rheological behavior of concrete. What are the factors affecting the rheological behavior of concrete? Explain any three tests to determine the workability of concrete. (25 marks)
Or b)Discuss the different Non-Destructing Tests on hardened concrete. (15marks)
c) Explain the quality control of concrete. (10 marks)
3. a) What are the objectives of curing of concrete. Explain the different methods of curing of concrete. (25 marks) Or
b) Explain the modern trends in concrete manufacturing (25 marks)
4 a) Explain the proportioning; production and classification of Ready Mixed Concrete. (25 marks) Or b) Discuss the emerging trends in replacement of fine aggregates? (15marks) (c ) Write note on epoxy resins and explain its applications. (10 marks)