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City of Battle Lake - City Council Minutes–February 9, 2016
The Battle Lake City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, February 9, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. at the Battle Lake City Hall. Mayor Chuck Reeve called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. with Council members Don Maslow, Marjorie Quammen, and Ryan Christensen present. Absent was Janet Ruhland. Also present was City Attorney, JJ Cline; Clerk/Treasurer, Val Martin; Police Chief, Kent Kortlever; Rescue Squad Captain, Nic Drusch; Fire Chief, Alex Morical; and Liquor Store Manager, Adam Freyholtz. Also present was Jeremy Anderson, Design Tree Engineering. A number of other visitors were in attendance.
Christensen moved to approve the agenda with additions. Maslow seconded. MCU
Visitors: Members of the Battle Lake Sportsmen’s Club were in attendance to request approval of 2 up-coming BL Sportsmen raffles. One raffle will be used to raise funds for the High School trap team and the other raffle will be Raffle held in conjunction with the 125th anniversary. Christensen moved to approve the two raffles contingent on the paperwork being submitted to the Clerk’s office. Maslow seconded. MCU
Maslow moved to approve the consent agenda: Treasurer’s report, minutes from previous meeting, claims list, 2015 zoning and extra hours report. Bills totaled $104,434.63. It was noted that zoning applications were up this year. Quammen seconded. MCU LQ Report Adam Freyholtz presented his report on the liquor store. Sales were up 11.29% in January. Freyholtz made a request to hire 4 part-time people for the upcoming summer season . Maslow moved to Aimee Tougas approve the resignation of Aimee Tougas and to advertise the part-time positions. Christensen resignation seconded. MCU Freyholtz noted that he, along with Mayor Reeve and Clerk Martin attended a public hearing in Fergus Falls for a request from Playtime Bar, south of Perham, for an off-sale liquor license. Part-time LQ help A number of other mayors and staff members were in attendance and spoke on their objection to the application, noting the effect it could have on municipal liquor stores. The County Commissioners denied the license. Police Report
Police Chief Kent Kortlever reported on January activities, mileage and training. Rescue Report Nic Drusch reported on Rescue Squad activities. A request was made to eliminate the up-front fee of $100 from new rescue members currently in Rescue’s Departmental Regulations. It may discourage new membership and does not come close to covering costs for training new members. Christensen moved to eliminate this fee. Maslow seconded. MCU FD Report Alex Morical reported on Fire Department activity. The Firemen’s appreciation dinner will be held Wednesday, March 9th. Everyone is invited.
Public Works Report: Seufert was not available SRTS Bid award Project List: Safe Routes to School bid opening was held on January 27, 2016. Ottertail Aggregate was the low bidder at $354.995.20. Maslow moved to accept this bid, doing the whole project of both the sidewalk and trail installation. Quammen seconded. Christensen opposed. MC BL Motor Patrol Committee Reports: BL Motor Patrol – minutes and financials were received. Christensen reported that 3 old plow trucks were sold for a total of $5,000. Motor Patrol has met with Interstate Engineering and may hire them to design their building. Christensen asked council’s opinion of what is needed for the building. It was the consensus on the council to keep it practical and only build what is actually needed. Reeve mentioned that he, Martin and Seufert met with Interstate Engineering to discuss the County site where Motor Patrol will be building Otter Tail County Highway Department will be building in a couple of years. Interstate had a number of questions for Seufert on public works concerns and for Martin on zoning applications needed.
Battle Lake City Council – February 9, 2016 Page 1 BL Area Fire & Rescue- Maslow reported on their last meeting. The group continues to work on the design of the building and also continues to work with Otter Tail Power on rebates available. BLAFRA EMG Mgmt Emergency Management Meeting – Minutes were reviewed Health & Safety Health and Safety Meeting – Minutes were reviewed Tri-City Mtg Tri-City Housing Meeting – Reeve reported on last meeting. Traci Ryan has made a request to renew her contract at the same dollar amount as 2015. Maslow made a motion to approve. Reeve seconded. MCU
UNFINISHED BUSINESS 125th Anniversary Council discussed the 125th Anniversary and what portions to help fund. Martin discussed available Donations funds and what projects have already been committed: Otter Tail Tourism magazine and new banners. There is also a plan to wash the exterior of the water tower. A number of options were discussed. Christensen moved to approve the following: Sponsorship of the Battle Lake History book for $2,000 Summer Movies – sponsorship of up to 3 movies (whatever is left available) for $500 each ½ page ad in the Up North publication for $1,145 $1,000 for fireworks - $500 from General Fund and $500 from the liquor store Quammen seconded. MCU Park signs
Park signs were discussed. Quotes were submitted for the project. Christensen moved to approve the quote from Maslow Trailer Repair. Reeve seconded. Maslow abstained. MC 210 Entrance Signs
The entrance sign on Highway 210 and Highway 78 was discussed. Kurt Maethner was at the meeting and volunteered to see if someone would voluntarily refinish the sign or would get quotes to have it refinished.
New Business LACC grant app
Sonja Peterson from Lakes Area Community Center was in attendance to discuss a grant application to DNR for the trailhead such as what they applied for last year. They would not have a stormwater management system for the building but will remove 2½ parking spots to keep under the impervious surface requirements. If funded, the grant application would need a 25% match which would equal around $8,000. LACC is planning to sell engraved pavers to help off-set the City’s match. Maslow moved to approve Resolution 2016-02-09A In Support of the Grant Application to MN DNR. Quammen seconded. Roll call vote: those voting for – Quammen, Maslow, Reeve, and Christensen. Those voting against – none. LACC Contract MCU
A contract with LACC was presented to the council. The contract has been $4,000 in the past. LACC requested $5,000 for 2016. After discussion, some council members felt the City may need to help Personnel Policy financially for the trailhead grant and didn’t necessarily want to commit the full $5,000. Christensen moved to approve the contract for $4,500. Reeve seconded. MCU Deputy Clerk computer & City Hall server The Employee Relations Committee will work with Martin on updates to the Personnel Policy.
Maslow moved to approve the purchase of a new computer as presented for the Deputy Clerk and a new server for City Hall. Christensen seconded. MCU
Battle Lake City Council – February 9, 2016 Page 2 LGA Resolution Christensen moved to approve Resolution 2016-02 Resolution in Support of Increasing Local Government Aid in the 2016 Legislative Session. Maslow seconded. Roll call vote: those voting for – Quammen, Maslow, Reeve, and Christensen. Those voting against – none. MCU Our Lady of Lake Raffle Quammen moved to approve a raffle gambling application for Our Lake of the Lake. Maslow seconded. MCU 2015 Revenue Statement Council received a report of 2015 Statement of Tax collections and Other Income. Martin reviewed with them.
The “Find You Inner Otter” campaign has received an award through Explore Minnesota.
Next council meeting will be Wednesday (due to township election), March 9th with a start time of 5:30 p.m. requested by the council.
The Safety and Loss Control Workshop is March 23rd in Fergus Falls. Several staff members plan to go. Council members should let Martin know if they plan to attend.
Reeve voiced concern over Ruhland missing 8 council meetings in the last year. Council was in consensus that the City Attorney should speak with her and voice the council’s concerns.
Adjourn at 8:25 p.m.
______Valerie J. Martin Clerk/Treasurer
Battle Lake City Council – February 9, 2016 Page 3