Writing Guide to the Critical Response Essay

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Writing Guide to the Critical Response Essay

Writing Guide to the Critical Response Essay

Write an essay that makes the argument that one science fiction story is better than another. Back up your argument by comparing the use of three literary elements in each story and explain why the story you prefer utilizes these traits better than the other.

You will be comparing the two science fiction stories from this unit, “The Sound of Thunder” and “Nethergrave”. Because of this, you’ll need to decide which story you believe is better.

You will need to choose from the following literary elements to compare between each story:  Setting – How realistic/unrealistic it is, how well you can relate to it, how it’s described (detailed, vaguely)  Characterization – Who the characters are, how they are described (directly or indirectly), how well we get to know them, how relatable they are, etc.  Conflict – What the central problem in the story is, how relatable it is, how engaged you are in it, etc.  Resolution – How the story ends, the lesson the character(s) learn, the lesson you learn.  Theme – The overall message the author is communicating to the reader, how convincing it is, how much you connect with it.  If you think of any others you’d want to use, let me know!

Having trouble choosing a story that you prefer? Picture yourself as a book (story) critic. If someone could only read one of the stories, which one would you recommend and why? Your answer to this “why” question will form your body paragraphs of your essay.

Prewriting: Start prewriting by looking at each story separately: - How does the story I think is better utilize literary elements I’ve chosen? - Did I like the story? Explain why. Which literary elements do these reasons correspond with? - Did I “get” the story? What about the story helped me to do this? Which literary elements do these reasons correspond with? - Can I relate to the story in any way? How so? What do I relate to – the characters, the conflict, the ending? - What does the story communicate to me? Does one story have a more meaningful message or theme? - How would I describe the language and presentation of the story? - How is the other story lacking in the use of these elements? You could also jot down notes about why you didn’t like one of the stories.

From your notes, choose 3 literary elements that you think the story you prefer utilizes better than the other story and that you can explain in detail in your paper. Each element you choose will form one body paragraph in your essay.

Organizing Use the Body Paragraph Graphic Organizer to organize the information you will present in your body paragraphs. Drafting Then organize your draft and final copy in the following format:

Introduction: - Introduce the genre of science fiction by giving a brief description. - Begin by introducing each story and giving a brief 1-2 sentence summary of each. - End with a clear thesis statement – One sentence at the end of your introduction that states your opinion that one text is better/more effective than the other

Body Paragraphs: - At least three body paragraphs required (one for each literary element chosen) - Each body paragraph should discuss… . One literary element that you’ve chosen to discuss to support your thesis (argument). . Answer the following questions in each paragraph: 1. What is one literary element that your preferred story utilizes better than the other story? 2. How does your preferred story utilize that element well? Give examples from the story!!! 3. How does the other story fail to utilize that element effectively? Give examples from that story!!!

Conclusion - Wrap up your ideas in a concise manner in your conclusion paragraph. - Restate your argument in 1-2 sentences. - Summarize your evidence from each body paragraph in a few sentences. - End with a closing statement that leaves your audience (me ) convinced of your argument.

Guidelines: - At least 1 1/2 pages in length - At least 5 paragraphs total - Double spaced -12 point, Times New Roman font - Heading with your name on the assignment, date, and the assignment title (Family Narrative). - Use your spelling and grammar checker!!

Critical Response Rubric

Criteria Expectations Points Up for Grabs

Focus -Thesis statement clearly presents the writer’s opinion of the Draft – 10 text. Final - 20 - Ideas and details in the essay are consistently relevant to the thesis. Content - Clear thesis statement present. Draft – 10 - Introduction, at least 3 body paragraphs, and conclusion Final - 20 present. - Details, explanations and specific examples from the texts are used to support writer’s opinion. - Quoted/paraphrased material used effectively. Organization - Essay is consistently well-organized with each body paragraph Draft – 10 backing up thesis statement. Final - 20 - Transitions are used consistently and effectively within and between paragraphs. Style, Voice & - Precise word choice. Draft – 10 Language - Varied sentences used. Final - 20 - The voice reflects the writer’s personality, opinions, and is appropriate to the subject of the essay. Conventions - Correct use of spelling, punctuation, grammar. Draft – 10 - Heading included (name, date, title of assignment) Final - 20 - At least 2 pages in length. - Double Spaced - 12 point, Times New Roman font

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