Preaching.Tv: Integrating Arts and Media in Preaching s1

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Preaching.Tv: Integrating Arts and Media in Preaching s1

CP763: Syllabus Spring 2012 Professor: Michael Binder March 29 – May 31 Director of Preaching, Bethel Seminary Thursday 5:30-7:30pm Phone: 612.702.1593 Email: [email protected]


DESCRIPTION This course is focused on a philosophical and practical understanding of the use of various arts and media in the task of preaching. Various forms of media will be explored with an emphasis on a use of arts and media that enhances the listener’s understanding and engagement with the Biblical text.

COURSE OBJECTIVES — 1. To articulate a theology of image in worship that guides the way arts and media are used appropriately in preaching. 2. To understand the strengths and weaknesses of media in the communication process. 3. To learn how to use arts and media in a sermon to amplify the Big Idea from the text being preached. 4. To design an entire worship experience that includes arts and media in a way that communicates the same idea throughout.

REQUIRED TEXTS & RESOURCES Jenson, Richard A., Envisioning the Word (The Use of Visual Images in Preaching, with CD- ROM), 2005, Augsburg Fortress, Minneapolis. ISBN 0-8006-3729-1.

Blackwood, Rick. The Power of Multisensory Preaching and Teaching, 2008, Zondervan, Grand Rapids. ISBN 978-0-310-28097-2.

Recommended Reading: High-Tech Worship: Using Presentational Technologies Wisely Quentin J. Schultze The Hidden Power of Electronic Culture Shane Hipps Birthing the Sermon Jana Childers Preaching to a Post-Everything World Zack Eswine Ten Strategies for Preaching in Multi Media Culture Thomas H. Troeger Amusing Ourselves to Death Neil Postman

COURSE REQUIREMENTS: 1. Sermon presentation and outline Each student will prepare two 20-minute sermons from texts of their choosing. Your sermons will be graded on your exegesis of the text, the clear communication of your big idea, the skill with which the sermon is presented, and the effect the sermon has on you as the speaker. Each sermon should make at least one attempt to integrate visual elements, drama elements, video CP763: Syllabus Page 2 elements, or some other form of art or media. Each student will need to record a video of their sermon, and upload it so it can be viewed by the other students in your Preaching Group. You are assigned to a group of three students on Moodle that make up your Preaching Group. Sermons need to be uploaded by the date designated on the course schedule below. Each Preaching Group will select one sermon to be given on the last day of class.

2. POM Paper Based on the reading done in class as well as two other sources from the recommended reading list or sources you have found on your own, write a summary of your opinion regarding how arts and media should be integrated into preaching and why. I want to see you make an argument for a certain philosophy of using arts and media based on sources, Biblical texts, and significant experiences have had. Paper should be 4-5 pages, double spaced. Include a bibliography citing your significant sources.

3. Video Assignment As designated in the course schedule, each student will need to find a short video clip (no more than 2 minutes) that they will show in class with an introduction and a brief transition. The goal of this assignment is to help gain experience in integrating a video clip into a sermon.

4.Class Participation Participation is essential to the success of this course. Your attentiveness and feedback in class as well as on Moodle is expected. Students who make a clear effort to participate will be given full credit. Failure to post when assigned or participate regularly in class will result in a deduction of your grade.

TYPES OF SERMONS TO BE PREACHED All sermons follow the pattern utilized in CP501: Introduction to Preaching. You will do a thorough exegesis of the passage in preparing the message. The sermon should be an exposition of only the one passage of Scripture, and each of the major points should express an eternal truth reflected in the passage itself. The pattern will be to analyze the audience, pick a passage and proceed with exegesis. The sermon must be original. You may not use sermons previously prepared for other classes or preaching occasions.

GRADES The following elements will determine the course grade: Two preaching experiences (including outlines) (2 X 30%) 60% POM Paper 15% Use of Video Assignment 5% Class Participation (including Moodle) (2% for course evaluation) 20%


Student course assessments are an important part of course development and enhancement. In order to recognize the value of your input and to encourage you to provide that input. Completing the course evaluation at the end of this course is included as a component of class participation. While your responses are anonymous, failure to submit an electronic evaluation will reduce your course grade by 2%. For any questions regarding the course evaluation process, please go to CP763: Syllabus Page 3

ACADEMIC COURSE POLICIES: Please familiarize yourself with the catalog requirements as specified in Academic Course Policies document found on the registrar’s web page at: You are responsible for this information, and any academic violations, such as plagiarism, will not be tolerated.


HERMENEUTICS In the creation of a sermon the most significant and substantial issue with which one has to deal is hermeneutical. We all are fallible; nevertheless the student is expected to use the best tools at hand to unveil the truths of Scripture. Consequently a coherent sermonic pattern or form should not be finalized until after the theological intent of the biblical passage has been gained. A "basic pattern" is not the central issue, but rather the biblical text is. The pattern serves as a skeleton for effectively organizing the truths of the biblical text. The pattern provides form; the text provides actual substance. The form should effectively reflect, serve, and express the substance. Therefore in doing the work of exegesis the student should be confident that he/she has ascertained the correct intent of God's Word. Authority in preaching resides ultimately in the responsible use of the text rather than in the creativity and skill of the preacher. Nevertheless these latter factors may influence the effectiveness, or lack thereof, of accurately and clearly communicating the Word with that authority.

ATTENDANCE AND CLASS PARTICIPATION Class attendance and participation is expected. More than one unexcused absence will result in a reduction of credit for participation in the class.

SERMON EVALUATIONS One of the most challenging tasks is increasing the ability to evaluate one's own work objectively. The natural inclination is to link preaching with one's own personal identity and self-esteem. If not careful, the preacher can become ego-invested in defending his/her preaching. Although the process can be painful, learning to give and receive evaluation in preaching is essential for growth. You will be asked to watch sermons from the other students in your preaching group. This is an essential part of your growth process in this class. When evaluating your fellow students, please keep the following guidelines in mind.

Principles of Evaluation 1. Be helpful, not hurtful. 2. Be constructive, not destructive in the critique. 3. Exercise Christian generosity in the critique. 4. Write about the preacher's strengths as well as upon what he/she needs to improve. 5. Never say or write any evaluation that you would not be willing to speak personally to the preacher. 6. Special attention should be given to sermon content based upon principles learned in PR101. CP763: Syllabus Page 4

7. No statement should be made about physical appearance for which the student is not responsible. 8. It will be expected that a person will not attempt to defend himself/herself during the evaluation process; suggestions are to be given and received in the spirit of humility and teachability. 9. Write as specifically as possible. 10. Write as little as possible of the critique while the student is preaching and as much as possible during the time allowed after the preacher concludes.

GRADING PHILOSOPHY A total of 100 points is possible. Each assignment/grading category reflects both the percentage of the class grade, as well as the number of points possible for the assignment/category. A final grade of “A” is reflective of an extremely high demonstrated quality level for graduate studies with reference to the areas of (a) class preparation-participation, and (b) accomplishment of the course assignments according to the stated criteria (passed out in class) for each assignment. A final grade of “B” is reflective of an average demonstrated quality level for graduate studies for these categories. A final grade of “C” is reflective of a below average demonstrated quality level for graduate studies for these categories.

The student’s course grade will be the total of all assignments, based on the scale below: B+ 88-91 C+ 78-81 D+ 68-71 A 95-100 B 85-87 C 75-77 D 65-67 A- 92-94 B- 82-84 C- 72-74 D- 62-64 F below 62 CP763: Syllabus Page 5 Class Schedule

Week Date Topics to Cover Assignments 1 3/29 The Use of Arts and Media in Preaching –

2 4/5 The Use of Arts and Media in READ: Jensen p1-88 Preaching - theological foundations Moodle Discussion Post #1 3 4/12 The Impact of Media on Culture READ: Articles on use of tech and creative commons (on Moodle). Moodle Post #2 4 4/19 Choosing the Right Media for Your READ: “Celebrating the Audience Possibilities”(see Moodle) Moodle Post #3 5 4/26 Planning Media Throughout an Entire DUE: Sermon #1 Worship Experience READ: Jensen p89-141 Moodle: Post #4 6 5/3 Integration of Visual and Learning READ: Blackwood 13-90 Style Moodle: Preaching Group Feedback 7 5/10 Making Good Use of Visuals/Video READ: Blackwood 91-146 Moodle Post #5

8 5/17 Attention, Comprehension, Retention READ: Blackwood 147-188 Moodle Post #6

9 5/24 Learning to Experiment: Steps You DUE: Sermon #2 Want to Take DUE: Video Assignment Moodle: Post #7 10 5/31 Student Preaching DUE: POM Paper Moodle: Preaching Group Feedback

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