Student Learning Objective

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Student Learning Objective

Grade 1 Unit 1 SLO Student learning objective Performance Indicator Language Needed CCSS (Language function + content + support) WIDA 1 Answer questions posed about key details in a Answering questions using key details through VU: Question words RL.1.1 text. reading and listening by using pictures LFC: Verbs, past tense WIDA 2 DC: Grade level text ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Answer who, when, Answer who, when, Answer Wh questions by Answer questions to Answer questions identify main ideas where questions where questions from a drawing & labeling Identify basic elements of and supporting details. from a story using story orally with support pictures fictional stories Example: Write a teacher guided pictures. from pictures. Example: Draw the main Example: Students will paragraph that includes main idea and Example: Who is the Example: Who is the character and write their answer orally without supporting details. main character? main character? The name. support about the setting Student will point to student will answer orally and character. the correct picture. with the characters name. 2 Use illustrations and key details in a story to Describe the characters and settings by using VU: Transitional words, character RL.1.3; describe characters and settings. pictures (ex, pictures from a story board) traits RL.1.7 Beginning, Middle, End, characters, WIDA 2 problem/solutions, LFC: verbs, past tense, adjectives DC: Grade level text ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Describe elements in Describe elements in a Describe elements in a Describe characters and Describe characters and settings with a story by identifying story by drawing the story by drawing the settings with vivid images vivid images by using pictures the different different elements different elements using a word bank. Example: Write a descriptive elements Example: Draw Example: Write a Example: Write a paragraph for characters and setting. Example: Point to characters and setting, description using simple description using the picture for then explain them to the sentences for character expanded sentences for characters and teacher orally. and setting. character and setting. setting. 3 Use resources (e.g., charts, photographs) in a text Describe key ideas from an informational text by VU: Transitional words RI.1.7 for describing key ideas. reading a chart or photograph LFC: present progressive tense, WIDA 2 adverbs DC: Grade level text ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Describe key ideas by Describe key ideas by Describe key details by Describe key details by Describe key details by reading and identifying the title reading and interpreting matching phrases and distinguishing between interpreting resources and information in a pre-taught labeled sentences to pictures. general and specific Example: Write a paragraph specific to chart programs Sort illustrated content language the rose incorporating key details: Example: Point to Example: Point to the words into categories Example: Write color, parts of flower, etc. the title and word(s) and information Example: Match the sentences using general information on a on a flower: petals, stem, phrases to the correct information about the diagram of a flower: etc. picture: Label the flower flower: petals, stems.etc. Parts of a Flower and parts. V. more detailed petals, stem, etc. information specific to the rose in context 4 Recognize a sentence begins with a capital letter Compare whether a sentence begins with a capital VU: capital letters, punctuation words RF 1.1.a and ends with a punctuation mark. letter and ends with a punctuation mark by providing LFC: punctuation WIDA 2 simple sentences and familiar text sentences. DC: Grade level text ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Recognize Search the room to categorize sentences and categorize sentences and categorize sentences and non- punctuation marks recognize punctuation non-sentences non-sentences sentences and capital letters marks and capital letters Example: Students will Example: Students will Example: Students will write simple Example: Point to Example: Students will take a sentence strip edit sentences that do sentences that include correct the capital letter at search out sentences with a sentence/ non- not have correct beginning capitalization and end mark: the beginning of the throughout the room and sentence on it and place capitalization in the The boy is big. sentences provided point to the capital letter under correct category: beginning and end by teacher and the at the beginning of the sentences/non- punctuation: the boy is end punctuation. sentences and the end sentences. big and the corrected punctuation. sentences: The boy is big.

5 Distinguish long and short vowel sounds in a Evaluate long vowel words and short vowel words VU: short and long vowel words RF 1.2.a spoken single-syllable word (e.g., cat, play). using a graphic organizer, TPR, pictures other LFC: long & short vowel sounds WIDA 2 manipulatives and multiple intelligences. DC: Grade level text

ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Distinguish between Distinguish between long Distinguish between long Distinguish between long Distinguish between long and short long and short vowel and short vowel sounds and short vowel sounds and short vowels by vowels by categorizing into specific sounds with familiar with familiar words (cat, and categorize the words categorizing into specific vowel sounds words (cat, rain) rain) using words vowel sounds using pictures 6 Orally produce single-syllable words by blending Evaluate consonant blends using a graphic organizer, VU: consonant blends RF 1.2.b sounds (phonemes), including consonant blends. TPR, pictures or other manipulatives and multiple LFC: consonant blends WIDA 2 intelligences. DC: Grade level text ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Orally repeat single Orally repeat single Orally produce familiar Orally produce familiar Orally produce any word with a syllable words with syllable words with words with pictures or words with blending blending sound or consonant blend pictures or objects by pictures or objects by objects with blending sounds consonant blends. blending sounds, blending sounds, sounds consonant including consonant including consonant blends. blends blends 7 Count the syllables in printed multisyllabic words. Count syllables in printed multisyllabic words by VU: syllables RF 1.3.d clapping, snapping. LFC: syllables WIDA 2 DC: Grade level text

ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Clap, snap, familiar Clap, snap, familiar Clap, snap, familiar Clap, snap, unfamiliar Clap, snap, unfamiliar printed and printed and pictured printed and pictured printed and pictured printed and pictured pictured multisyllabic words. multisyllabic words. multisyllabic words and multisyllabic words. multisyllabic words. gesture how many syllables. i.e today = 2 syllables, hold up 2 fingers. 8 Orally segment and identify phonemes in a Orally segment and identify phonemes in a single- VU: beginning ,middle and end RF 1.2.c single-syllable word, identifying initial, medial syllable word, identifying initial, medial vowel LFC: initial, medial, and final WIDA 2 vowel and final sounds (e.g., top: /t/-/o/-/p/) by tapping out phonemes and final sounds (e.g., top: /t/-/o/-/p/). sounds and using words such as beginning, middle DC: Grade level text and end and using pictures ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Orally segment and Orally segment and Orally segment and Orally segment and Orally segment and identify unfamiliar identify phonemes of identify familiar identify unfamiliar identify unfamiliar single –syllable words familiar single –syllable words single –syllable words single –syllable words single –syllable words 9 Decode basic CVC (e.g., pin) and CVCC (e.g., back) Decode one syllable words using letter tiles. VU: consonant, vowels RF 1.3.b,d and VC (e.g., it) words. LFC: consonant and vowels WIDA 2 DC: Grade level text ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Decode CVC and Decode CVC and CVCC Decode & spell out Decode& spell out words Decode CVC, CVCC, and VC in text CVCC and VC familiar and VC familiar words by words into CVC, CVCC, into CVC, CVCC, VC words by saying saying them, repeating VC categories using categories using letter them, repeating them and rebuilding the letter tiles tiles them and rebuilding words with letter tiles the words with letter tiles 10 Identify and read grade-level high- Identify and read grade-level high- VU: high frequency words RF 1.3.g frequency/irregular words in and out of context. frequency/irregular words in and out of context by LFC: high frequency words WIDA 2 identifying and reading them in text. DC: Grade level text

ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Identify and read Identify and read high Chant, spell out using Chant, spell out using Identify and read grade-level high- high frequency/irrigular words letter tiles and orally letter tiles and orally read frequency/irregular words in and out frequency/irregular by searching for high read aloud high aloud high of context by identifying and reading words by searching frequency words in text, frequency/irregular word frequency/irregular word them in text. for high frequency by reading them and words in text, by repeating them. reading them and repeating them. 11 Establish a purpose for reading and adjust Make predictions using illustrations, headings and VU: guess, RF 1.4.a,b reading rate to support accuracy, appropriate prior knowledge LFC: future tense, conditional , WIDA 2 rate, and DC: Grade level text expression in grade-level text (e.g., looking at illustrations, activating prior knowledge, and predicting the outcome of the selection).

ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 book walk predict an outcome using Make text to self identify basic elements of Use learning strategies (making a picture -connections with a fictional story predictions) prompting Identify main idea 12 Monitor reading using context clues (e.g., word Summarize a story using illustrations and a graphic VU: repeat, word patterns, RF1.4.c patterns, story structure, illustrations) to support organizer transitional words WIDA 2 accuracy, rate and comprehension. Read repetitive texts to increase rate and fluency. LFC: verbs, adjectives, DC: Grade level text ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Follow directions Search for pictures Match sentences and Put sentences in order to identify the main idea using diagrams and associated with word phrases to pictures summarize story pictures patterns 13 Organize ideas and information for writing Sequence of events using transitional phrases using VU: Transitional words, main character W 1.3; showing a progressing and chronological pictures graphic organizers LFC: verb tense, third person, L.1.2.d narrative recounting two events using temporal pronouns WIDA 2 words and a closing sentence DC: W-extended discourse, imbedded clauses, complex sentences, multiple paragraphs, L- extended discourse, understand academic language ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Use L1 to sequence Provide information Form simple sentences Compose journal entries Compose stories the story using graphic organizer using images to about personal sequence the story experiences 14 Use verbs that depict past, present, and future Discriminate between past, present and future tense VU: past, present and future, key time L.1.1.e (e.g. walk, walked, will walk) appropriately. by having the teacher use key time words( Yesterday words WIDA 2 I walked to the movies) LFC: past, present and future DC: Extended discourse, understand academic language ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Listening Follow modeled one Carry out two to three Classify sentences Identify verb based on Identify verb based on oral step orals directions step oral commands according to oral oral descriptions descriptions tell the verb and the statements tense Repeat key time Use first language to fill Participate in class Speaking words after teacher , in gaps in oral English Retell simple stories discussions on familiar use academic vocabulary in class come up with hand (code switch) from picture cues social and academic discussion, speak in complete gestures for each topics sentences 15 With guidance and support, listen to, discuss and Compare and Contrast different texts using a graphic VU: compare and contrast W 1.8 compare published stories/texts written by organizer LFC: comparative adjectives, WIDA 2 various authors to answer a question. conjunctions, adverbs, superlatives DC: extended discourse, imbedded clauses, complex sentences, multiple paragraphs ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Copy written Use first language to fill Use a word bank to Produce original Produce content related sentences, language in gaps in oral English classify attributes in a sentences explain processes or procedures using (code switch) graphic organizer connected sentences. 16 Share and extend accountable talk with others Describing & Explaining VU: Nouns, Pronouns, Adjectives, SL.1.1.a,b,c using proper rules when speaking (e.g., listening Subject/verb Agreement, Present WIDA 2 to Listening attentively to others and taking turns progressive tense others with care, speaking one at a time about speaking about the topic of discussion in small grade one topics and text under discussion) and groups LFC: Verbs, verb phrases, asking questions for clarification. questions DC: S -Extended discourse and use academic language L- Extended discourse, understand academic language ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Mimic gestures or Carry out two-to-three Follow modeled multi- Identify illustrated Identify ideas/concepts expressed movement step oral commands. step oral directions. Ask activities from oral with grade-level content-specific associated with Describe what people do questions of a social descriptions. Ask language. Give oral presentations on statements. Repeat from action pictures. nature. questions for social and content-based topics. simple words, academic purposes. phrases, and Retell stories with details. memorized chunks of language. 17 Add illustrations that represent descriptions of Describing people, places and things by pointing to VU: People, places and things SL.1.5 characters, places, or events for clarification. illustrations LFC: Nouns, pronouns, adjectives WIDA2 DC: S- Extended discourse and use academic language L- Extended discourse, understand academic language ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Identify pictures of Match oral reading of Classify characters, Find details in illustrated, Identify ideas/concepts expressed everyday objects as stories to illustrations. places or events narrative test read aloud. with grade-level content-specific stated orally. Repeat Describe what people do according to descriptive Identify illustrated language. Give oral presentations on simple words, from action pictures. oral statements. Retell activities from oral content-based topics. phrases and simple stories from descriptions. Retell memorized chunks of picture ques. stories with details. language. 18 Use upper-and-lower case letters correctly in Write all upper and lower case letters using VU: Upper and lower-case letters, top, L1.1.a writing. charts. middle and bottom using writing WIDA2 conventions. LFC: Letter practice in words DC: Extended discourse, understand academic language ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Copy written Generate list of Participate in interactive Produce original Create a related series of sentences in language. words/phrases from journal writing. sentences. response to prompts. Produce banks or walls. content-related sentences with upper and lower-case letters. 19 Use adjectives when describing people, places, Describe ideas using common adjectives, using VU: Descriptive words L 1.1.f things, and events. familiar text. LFC: Nouns, pronouns, adjectives WIDA2 DC: Extended discourse, understand academic language ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Participate in whole- Describe what people do Classify objects Compare/contrast Match figurative language to group chants and from action pictures. according to the objects according to illustrations. songs. descriptive oral physical based on oral descriptions. information. 20 Capitalize names people and dates. Write all upper and lower-case letters, using a list of VU: Upper and lower-case letters L1.2.a common and proper nouns. LFC: Common and proper nouns WIDA2 DC: Extended discourse, understand academic language ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Label familiar objects Generate lists of Form simple sentences Create messages for Create a related series of sentences in or pictures. words/phrases from using word/phrase social purposes. response to prompts. banks or walls. banks. Participate in Compose journal entries interactive journal about personal writing. experiences. 21 Use correct ending punctuation (e.g., period or Evaluate sentences with correct ending punctuation VU: Punctuation words L 1.2.b question mark) for sentences. using pictures, word banks, and word walls. LFC: Nouns, verbs, adjectives, W.1.2.b sentence structures WIDA2 DC: Extended multiple paragraphs imbedded clauses and complex sentences ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Evaluate a sentence Evaluate simple sentence Evaluate complete Evaluate detailed Evaluate using complex sentences that is copied, with with general language sentences with general sentences using specific with specific and technical language the correct ending related to topic or and some specific language and technical related to the topic or content areas. punctuation using content areas, with the language related to topic language as well as Use a variety of lengths of varying word bank for correct ending or content areas, with complex structures linguistic complexity in written support. punctuation using word the correct ending related to topic or discourse, related sentences. bank, pictures, and word punctuation using word content areas, with the walls. bank, pictures, and word correct ending walls. punctuation. Use a variety of sentence lengths of varying linguistic complexity in written discourse, related sentences using a word wall. 22 Apply developmental spelling or phonics-based Analyze unfamiliar words utilizing developmental VU: Sound-out, tap-out L 1.2.e knowledge to write unfamiliar words. spelling or phonics-based knowledge using word LFC: All parts of speech W.1.2e walls, picture dictionaries, and alphabet chart. DC: Extended multiple paragraphs WIDA2 imbedded clauses and complex sentences ELP1 ELP2 ELP3 ELP4 ELP5 Analyze unfamiliar Analyze unfamiliar words Analyze unfamiliar words Analyze unfamiliar words Analyze unfamiliar words utilizing words utilizing utilizing developmental utilizing developmental utilizing developmental developmental spelling or phonics- developmental spelling or phonics-based spelling or phonics-based spelling or phonics-based based knowledge to generate complex spelling or phonics- knowledge to generate knowledge to generate knowledge to generate sentences with specific and technical based knowledge for simple phrases and complete sentences with detailed sentences using language related to the topic or one syllable words in simple sentences with general some sentences specific and some content areas. Use a variety of a list using word general language related using word walls, picture technical language as well sentence lengths of varying linguistic walls, picture to topic or content areas dictionary, and alphabet as complex structures complexity in oral discourse, related dictionaries, and using word walls, picture chart. related to the topic or sentences. alphabet chart. dictionaries, and content areas. Use a alphabet chart. variety of sentence lengths of varying linguistic complexity in oral discourse related sentences using alphabet chart .

23 Use words and phrases acquired through Utilize words and phrases through conversations, VU: Personal , text and content L.1.6 conversations, reading and being read to. reading and being read to using gestures, pictures, language W 1.6 single words, sentence frames, and word wall/ bank. LFC: Sentence structures, writing WIDA2 conventions DC: Extended multiple paragraphs imbedded clauses and complex sentences ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Utilize words and Utilize words and phrases Utilize words and Utilize words and phrases Utilize words and phrases through phrases through through conversations, phrases through through conversations, conversations, reading and being read conversations, reading and being read conversations, reading reading and being read to match voice to print using complex reading and being to; to match voice to and being read to; to to; to match voice to sentences with specific and technical read to identify print using simple match voice to print in print in detailed language related to the topic or symbols, icons, and sentences with general complete sentences with sentences using specific content area. Use a variety of environmental print language related to topic general and some and some technical sentence lengths of varying linguistic using single words, or content areas using specific language of topic language as well as complexity in written discourse, gestures, and word gestures, pictures, or content area using complex structures related sentences. wall/bank sentence frames, and pictures, gestures, and related to the topic or word wall/bank. word wall/bank.. content areas. Use a variety of sentence lengths of varying linguistic complexity in written discourse, related sentences using a word bank.

Put words in order to form sentences. Participate in class discussions on familiar social and academic topics. Locate objects, figures, places based on visuals and detailed oral descriptions. 24 Use frequently occurring conjunctions to signal Utilize frequently occurring conjunctions to signal VU: Conjunctions L.1.6 simple relationships (e.g., because, and, or). simple relationships such as cause and effect using LFC: Verb forms WIDA2 pictures, visuals, graphics, word wall/bank, and DC: Extended multiple paragraphs sentence frames, phrases/simple sentences. imbedded clauses and complex sentences ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Utilize frequently Utilize frequently Utilize frequently Utilize frequently Utilize frequently occurring occurring occurring conjunctions to occurring conjunctions occurring conjunctions to conjunctions to signal simple conjunctions to signal simple to signal simple signal simple relationships such as cause and effect signal simple relationships such as relationships such as relationships such as using complex sentences with specific relationships such as cause and effect using cause and effect in cause and effect in and technical language related to the cause and effect simple phrases and complete sentences with detailed sentences using topic or content areas. Use a variety using single word simple sentences with general and some specific and some of sentence lengths of varying phrases using general language related specific language of topic technical language as well linguistic complexity in written pictures to topic or content areas or content area using as complex structures discourse, related sentences. using sentence frames, visuals or graphics. related to the topic or word wall/bank. content areas. Use variety of sentence lengths of varying linguistic in written discourse, related sentences using word wall/bank 25 Use addition and subtraction within 20 to S: Explain how to solve a word problem by using VU: addition words, subtraction Math solve word problems involving situations of simple addition and subtraction words words 1 OA1 adding to, taking from, putting together, L: Evaluate spoken addition and subtraction within LFC: Sentence structure, adjectives, WIDA 3 taking apart, and comparing, with unknowns 20 word problems by having a word bank and using nouns, specific vocabulary in all positions, e.g., by using objects, manipulatives DC: complex sentences, choosing the W: Write number sentences to solve word problems important information drawings, and equations with a symbol for by using a word bank the unknown number to represent the R: Evaluate addition and subtraction within 20 word problem. problems by including simple addition and subtraction words and using manipulatives ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Listening Mimic Gestures or Match oral reading of Follow modeled multi Find details in word Use context clues to gain meaning movement stories to illustrations step oral directions problem from grade level test read orally associated with statements (e.g. “This is my left hand”)

Speaking Repeat simple words, Repeat facts or Sort and explain solution Participate in class Use academic vocabulary in class phrases and statements of a word problem discussions on familiar discussions memorized chunks of social and academic topic language Connect print to Write titles to match a distinguish between Reading visuals Identify and interpret series of pictures general and specific Use learning strategies pre-taught labeled language diagrams Form simple sentences Produce original Communicate Complete modeled using words/phrase sentences Compose stories for writing Writing through drawing sentence starters (I have blanks 3______.) Science Observations and investigations form a basis for S: VU: scientific terminology 5.2.P.A.1 young learners’ understanding of the properties Describing people, places, and things and comparing LFC: modals (would, could, might); WIDA 4 of matter. and contrasting. compound tenses (would have been) L: DC: Varying scientific sentences Asking clarifying questions W: Explain to demonstrate comprehension of investigations. R: Hypothesizing and speculating through observations and prior knowledge. Retelling through sequential explanation. ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Listening Point to real-life Locate objects described Classify objects Locate objects, figures, Identify ideas/concepts expressed objects reflective of orally according to descriptive places based on visuals with grade-level content-specific content-related oral statements and detailed oral language vocabulary or oral statements statements.

Speaking Respond to visually- Repeat facts or Sort and explain Participate in class Give oral presentations on content- supported questions statements. Compare grouping of objects. discussions on topics based topics of academic content real-life objects Make predictions or with one word or hypothesis. phrase

Reading Follow directions Identify and interpret Match phrases and Distinguish between Begin using features of non-fiction text using diagrams or pre-taught labeled sentences to pictures general and specific to aid comprehension pictures diagrams language in context

Writing Communicate Generate lists of Give content-based Use classroom resources Explain processes or procedures using through drawings words/phrases from information using visuals (e.g. picture dictionaries) connected sentences banks or walls or graphics to compose sentences Social Students will know community helpers and their VU: scientific terminology Studies LFC: modals (would, could, might); WIDA 5 compound tenses (would have been) DC: Varying scientific sentences ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Listening Speaking



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