Sixth Grade Program Challenge Reading

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Sixth Grade Program Challenge Reading

YMS Reading Syllabi 2014-2015 Ms. Bernadette Ackley Mrs. Stephanie Cox E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Joseph Alfred Shannon Finley E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Mrs. Demitra Bryant (Department Chair) Donna Fitzpatrick E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Mrs. Courtney Busby Robins Kilgore-Kelly E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Mrs. Jessica Cook E-Mail: [email protected]

School Website:

Course Description: Reading is an exciting journey of discovery where students explore ideas, examine options, and problem solve in literature and real life text. Reading is designed to introduce students to a variety of classic and young adult literature. This course is taught through instructional units based on Common Core Standards. In these units students will engage in a variety of activities including oral discussions, writing prompts, and vocabulary development. As students continue to improve their communication skills and appreciation of language they become increasingly sophisticated readers. Please ensure that your child is reading a minimum of 20 minutes daily or at least 15 pages a night. The Yeager Middle School Reading Department mandates that each child read the equivalent of 25 books during the school year. Textbook:  Literature (2009); Georgia Edition by McDougal Littell and novels will be used in class sets.  A variety of teaching methods will be used to meet the needs of all learners.  Aimesweb Testing and Common District Assessments (CDAs) will be used throughout the year to measure growth  Accelerated Reader (AR), a reading management program is used to establish reading goals, monitor comprehension, and provide immediate feedback.  Student book choice for independent reading will be based on student interest and Lexile level Grading Policy: Class Work – 50 % - may include class activities, projects Homework - 10 % - AR Test ONLY (4 Books Required for 100 or student earns a “0”, each 9 weeks) Tests - 40% - may include AR tests, novel units, vocabulary, CDA Grading Scale: A-90-100 B-80-89 C-71-79 D-70 F-below 70 Homework  Book Selection: Students will select their own novels with teacher input.  Daily goals Students need to read at least 15 pages per day in order to read a book every two weeks  Required: Students must read outside of class at least 20 minutes per day including weekends.  Accelerated Reader: Students are required to read 4 books each 9 weeks and pass an AR test with a 70% or better! To receive a 100 on homework a student must read all 4 books each 9 weeks or earn a 0. Agenda Policy – Please check your child’s agenda daily Behavior Expectation: Each student is expected to maintain self-control and follow classroom procedures. Guidelines in the YMS handbook will be followed in regard to behaviors and discipline procedures. Late Work: An automatic 20 point reduction is taken for late work, late work will not be accepted a week after original due date Tutoring is available upon request after school. At least 24 hour notice is necessary. Detention – Held after school from 3:45-4:15 as needed Earbuds – Please be sure your child has a pair of earbuds in a plastic baggie stapled to the back of his/her agenda for computer lab and in class computer use! Alternative book assignments will be given if student does not come prepared for technology use. Communication With Teacher  Email is the teachers preferred method of communication!  Conferences are scheduled as needed with students and parents on Monday or Friday.  The agenda books will be used for assignments and as a communication tool for parents. Please check them daily! ********************************************************************************************************************************************* Please complete and return this part only back to your child’s reading teacher. This form will be kept in your child’s portfolio if you need to review this document it can be located on the reading teachers website.

I have read and understand the syllabus for Reading. I have discussed it with my child and we agree to abide by the above.

Name of Parent(s)/Guardian: ______(please print)

Name of student______(please print)

Parent Contact Information: E-mail Address: ______(please print)

Phone #: Home: ______Cell Phone #: ______

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