21St Century Instructional Guide for Career Technical Education s1

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21St Century Instructional Guide for Career Technical Education s1

HSB is a purchased curriculum and adheres to a specified instructional course outline provided by MBA Research and Curriculum Center; however, this template is being made available for your personal classroom notes/use. 21st Century Instructional Guide for Career Technical Education

Leadership Course Business and Marketing Cluster High School of Business Concentration

Title: Leadership (WVEIS 1501)

Standard Number: Communication Skills HSB.S.LED.1 Students will:  apply active listening skills to demonstrate understanding of what is being said.  apply verbal skills to obtain and convey information. Essential Questions: Objectives: Students will Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor: HSB.O.LED.1.1 focus on directions. HSB.O.LED.1.2 demonstrate active listening skills. HSB.O.LED.1.3 recognize verbal directions. HSB.O.LED.1.4 recognize ideas objectively. HSB.O.LED.1.5 participate in group discussions. HSB.O.LED.1.6 produce oral presentations. Standard Number: Emotional Intelligence HSB.S.LED.2 Students will:  foster self-understanding to recognize the impact of personal feelings on others.  apply ethics to demonstrate trustworthiness.  exhibit techniques to manage emotional reactions to people and situations.  identify with others’ feelings, needs, and concerns to enhance interpersonal relations.  use communication skills to foster open, honest communications.  use communication skills to influence others.  manage stressful situations to minimize negative workplace interactions.  implement teamwork techniques to accomplish goals.  employ leadership skills to achieve workplace objectives. 1 Essential Questions: Objectives: Students will Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor: HSB.O.LED.2.1 determine the nature of emotional intelligence. HSB.O.LED.2.2 assess personal strengths and weaknesses. HSB.O.LED.2.3 demonstrate ethical work habits. HSB.O.LED.2.4 relate the use of feedback for personal growth. HSB.O.LED.2.5 show empathy for others. HSB.O.LED.2.6 implement cultural sensitivity. HSB.O.LED.2.7 recognize the nature of effective communications. HSB.O.LED.2.8 relate to others. HSB.O.LED.2.9 demonstrate negotiation skills. HSB.O.LED.2.10 use appropriate assertiveness. HSB.O.LED.2.11 use conflict-resolution skills. HSB.O.LED.2.12 demonstrate teamwork skills. HSB.O.LED.2.13 use consensus-building skills. HSB.O.LED.2.14 recognize the concept of leadership. HSB.O.LED.2.15 outline the nature of leadership theories. HSB.O.LED.2.16 determine personal vision. HSB.O.LED.2.17 demonstrate adaptability. HSB.O.LED.2.18 develop an achievement orientation. HSB.O.LED.2.19 illustrate change. HSB.O.LED.2.20 support others in working toward a shared vision. HSB.O.LED.2.21 coach others. HSB.O.LED.2.22 recognize others for their efforts and contributions. Standard Number: Operations HSB.S.LED.3 Students will utilize project-management skills to improve workflow and minimize costs. Essential Questions: Objectives: Students will Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor: HSB.O.LED.3.1 outline resources needed for a project. HSB.O.LED.3.2 develop a project plan.

2 HSB.O.LED.3.3 administer projects. HSB.O.LED.3.4 examine project results. Standard Number: Professional Development HSB.S.LED.4 Students will  acquire self-development skills to enhance relationships and improve efficiency in the work environment.  utilize critical-thinking skills to determine best options/outcomes. Essential Questions: Objectives: Students will Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor: HSB.O.LED.4.1 set personal goals. HSB.O.LED.4.2 make decisions. HSB.O.LED.4.3 demonstrate problem-solving skills. HSB.O.LED.4.4 demonstrate appropriate creativity. HSB.O.LED.4.5 use time-management skills. Standard Number: Participating in a Local Student Organization HSB.S.LED.5 Students will participate in a local student organization. Essential Questions: Objectives: Students will Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor: HSB.O.LED.5.1 assess the purposes and goals of a local student organization. HSB.O.LED.5.2 discover the benefits and responsibilities of participation in a local student organization as an adult. HSB.O.LED.5.3 demonstrate leadership skills through participation in local student organization activities such as meetings, programs, and projects.

3 21st Century Skills Learning Skills & Technology Tools Teaching Strategies Evidence of Success Culminating Activity Information and Communication Skills: Thinking and Reasoning Skills: Personal and Workplace Skills: Learning Skills & Technology Tools Teaching Strategies Evidence of Success Culminating Activity Entrepreneurship Skills: Culminating Assessment Culminating A*S*K Assessment Assessment: Links and Other Resources Links and Other Related Websites: Resources: Advanced Distributed Learning www.adlnet.org

American Marketing Association www.ama.org

America's Career InfoNet www.acinet.org

America's Job Bank www.ajb.org

America's Service Locator www.servicelocator.org

4 A*S*K Institute www.ASKInstitute.org

CareerOneStop www.careeronestop.org

Career Voyages http://www.careervoyages.gov/index.cfm

Employment & Training Administration www.doleta.gov

The Job Accommodation Network (JAN) http://www.jan.wvu.edu

Learning Seed www.learningseed.com

Marketing Education Association www.nationalmea.org

Marketing Education Resource Teaching Cite www.marketingteacher.com

Marketing Education Review www.marketingeducationreview.com

Marketing Education Teaching Ideas www.knowthis.com/academic/marketinged.htm

MBA Research and Curriculum Center www.mark-ed.org

Monthly Labor Review Online: Labor Force Archives http://www.bls.gov/opub/mlr/indexL.htm#Labor force

National Census Bureau www.census.gov 5 National DECA www.deca.org

National FBLA-PBL www.fbla-pbl.org

National Retail Federation www.nrf.com

Occupational Information Network www.doleta.gov/programs/onet

Occupational Outlook Handbook www.bls.gov/oco/

Office of Disability Employment Policy www.dol.gov/odep

Pathways to Success http://careertech.k12.wv.us/pathwaystosuccess/

Product Information www.consumersearch.com

U.S. Department of Labor in the 21st Century http://www.dol.gov/

West Virginia Career and Technical Education http://careertech.k12.wv.us/

West Virginia Earn A Degree Graduate Early (EDGE) http://www.wvtechprep.wvnet.edu/edge.htm

Workforce West Virginia https://www.workforcewv.org/

6 Contacts Contacts: Business and Marketing Teachers: See CTE Directory Business and Marketing Cluster Lead Coordinator: Abigail Reynolds, [email protected] High School of Business and Marketing Coordinator: Betty Sias, [email protected] OCTI Assistant Executive Director and EOCTST Coordinator: Donna Burge-Tetrick OCTI Executive Director: Gene Coulson


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