Chapter 38: The Stormy Sixties, 1960-1968 Homework Questions

Big Question: Why were the 1960s pivotal years for America, and to what extent does 1968 represent the “stormy sixties”?

1. Why did Kennedy increase American involvement in Vietnam? Was his program successful? 2. How did the Bay of Pigs help provoke the Cuban Missile Crisis? 3. Evaluate to what extent JFK successfully handled the Cuban Missile Crisis. 4. Evaluate to what extent JFK helped the cause of Civil Rights during his administration. 5. Who killed Kennedy and why? (Make your best case for this one!) 6. Describe Johnson's Great Society in detail. To what extent has it succeeded or failed? Make a T chart & compare it to FDR New Deal 7. What key legislation did LBJ secure that empowered African-Americans? Why did his efforts fail to satisfy radical members of the African-American community? 8. What is the great significance of the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution? How did it ultimately lead to Johnson's refusal to run for reelection? 9. Evaluate to what extent 1968 was a pivotal year in American history. 10. Why was the Tet offensive so critical in the Vietnam War? Why were we “losing” the war by the late 1960s?

Identify: o J. Edgar Hoover Ngo Dinh Diem o Robert McNamara Ho Chi Minh Trail o Dean Rusk Fidel Castro o Robert F. Kennedy James Meredith o Spiro Agnew Freedom Riders o Jaqueline Kennedy Hubert Horatio Humphrey o George Wallace Malcom X o Lee Harvey Oswald Stokely Carmichael o Jack Ruby Martin Luther King, Jr. o Barry Goldwater Richard M. Nixon o Tet Offensive o Eugene McCarthy