Thinking Through a Lesson Protocol (TTLP) Template s12

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Thinking Through a Lesson Protocol (TTLP) Template s12

Domain: Operations and Algebraic Thinking Standard Code: KOA1 Teacher Name: Lana Youngberg

Adapted from: Smith, Margaret Schwan, Victoria Bill, and Elizabeth K. Hughes. “Thinking Through a Lesson Protocol: Successfully Implementing High-Level Tasks.” Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School 14 (October 2008): 132-138.

PART 1: SELECTING AND SETTING UP A MATHEMATICAL TASK What are your mathematical goals for Students will be able to represent and solve addition number stories within 10. the lesson? (i.e., what do you want students to know and understand about Students will understand the vocabulary: add/join/plus and equals. mathematics as a result of this lesson?)

 What are your expectations for Students will be able to listen to, create, and solve simple addition number stories involving “cookies”. students as they work on and complete They will represent the stories on their own white boards using circle shapes for the “cookies”. this task?  What resources or tools will Students will be able to draw two sets of cookies on their white boards and write the number showing students have to use in their work the amount of each set above the set. They will count how many cookies altogether and write the total that will give them entry into, and below both sets of cookies. help them reason through, the task?  How will the students work— Higher level students can write the equation representing the number story below the total amount. independently, in small groups, or in pairs—to explore this task? Materials needed:  How will students record and 10 toy plastic cookies with magnets attached on back for demonstration of joining sets of cookies. report their work? White boards, dry erase markers, and erasers for all students Large magnetic white board, dry erase marker, and eraser for demonstration purposes

How will you introduce students to the This lesson is a whole group demonstration with individual and partner practice. Students record their activity so as to provide access to all work on white boards. Students will watch an introductory video about adding and subtracting. students while maintaining the Teacher will ask why we need to add groups together and discuss with students. cognitive demands of the task? Launch: youtube video about adding and subtracting: “Adding and Subtracting Song” (about 3 minutes)

PART 2: SUPPORTING STUDENTS’ EXPLORATION OF THE TASK As students work independently or in Students will already have an understanding of counting to tell the number of objects from 0 to 10 small groups, what questions will you and will learn the vocabulary: add/join/plus and is/equals. Students will already be familiar with ask to— white board routines.  help a group get started or make progress on the task? The lesson begins with all students on the rug. They will watch the adding and subtracting  focus students’ thinking on the youtube video. Teacher then will ask, “Why do we need to join or add groups of objects together? key mathematical ideas in the How do you think we do this on a white board?” task?  assess students’ understanding of Teacher will demonstrate joining two sets of plastic magnetic cookies and writing the amount in key mathematical ideas, problem- each set above the cookies with all students helping her count. The total amount of cookies will solving strategies, or the be written under both sets. The teacher will then make up a cookie number story using the names representations? of two students and demonstrate on the large white board how to draw the cookies and label the amounts with numbers. A student will be asked to draw a cookie number story on the large white  advance students’ understanding of the mathematical ideas? board. The white board materials will then be passed out and all students will copy the number story. A few students will be asked to draw number stories for the others to copy. Then students will practice creating and drawing number stories with a pre-determined partner for a few minutes.

How will you ensure that students All students should be engaged using the white boards, but the teacher can wander to check for remain engaged in the task? understanding and offer support to those who need it.  What assistance will you give or what questions will you ask a Higher level students can write an equation for their number stories. student (or group) who becomes quickly frustrated and requests more direction and guidance is solving the task?  What will you do if a student (or group) finishes the task almost immediately? How will you extend the task so as to provide additional challenge?

PART 3: SHARING AND DISCUSSING THE TASK How will you orchestrate the class Students will be signaled to end the activity and materials will be gathered. Call on a few discussion so that you accomplish your students to demonstrate their number stories to check for understanding and ask what other sets mathematical goals? of things we can join or add together. Ask if any students discovered any patterns when  Which solution paths do you want adding sets. to have shared during the class discussion? In what order will the solutions be presented? Why?  What specific questions will you ask so that students will— 1. make sense of the mathematical ideas that you want them to learn? 2. expand on, debate, and question the solutions being shared? 3. make connections among the different strategies that are presented? 4. look for patterns? 5. begin to form generalizations?

What will you see or hear that lets you know that all students in the class understand the mathematical ideas that you intended for them to learn?

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