Daft, R. L. (2012). Management. 10Th Ed. Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning

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Daft, R. L. (2012). Management. 10Th Ed. Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning


MANAGEMENT MANA 5312 – SPRING 2013 INSTRUCTOR: PAM VAN DYKE COURSE TIME AND LOCATION Instructor: Pam Van Dyke, Ph.D. Office Hours: By Appointment Only Section 001 TU / TH 7:00 – 9:50 p.m. Email: [email protected] Phone: 214-564-6352 please leave a message Room COBA #255 Webpages: http://wweb.uta.edu/management/vandyke/homepage.htm www.leverageconsultants.com LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/pamvandyke


Daft, R. L. (2012). Management. 10th Ed. Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning.

Elder, L. & R. Paul (2008) The Miniature Guide to Critical Thinking: Concepts and Tools, 5th Ed. www.criticalthinking.org

MY TEACHING PHILOSOPHY My teaching philosophy is to do everything I can to make learning an action VERB. What I mean by that is I view learning as active and dynamic! What I have learned in my 15 plus years of teaching higher education is I cannot teach alone, I need YOU to make it interesting. I hope to create the type of learning environment that is interactive and interesting. Therefore, I will look for you to actively participate in the class discussions and help me make this a positive experience for us both. Who wants to sit in a boring class?

Let’s Roll! Let the learning BEGIN!

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Basic exploration of organizations in their environments. The elementary tools of management, which include: organizational objectives, social responsibility and ethics, policies, plans, and decision making; the design of organizations and jobs; the production and technology aspects of organization; the elements of leadership, behavior, and communication; and the elements of control and performance evaluation.

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COURSE – AT – A – GLANCE Course Schedule : I believe strongly in going where the energy is so, look at this course schedule as dynamic. Meaning, it could change based upon what makes sense for the class. Additional topics and reading assignments may be covered. Students are responsible for keeping up with any changes to the course schedule announced by the Instructor. WEEK CLASS TOPIC READINGS ASSIGNMENT (Before this class) 1 1/15: Course Overview  Intro To Management 1 2 1/17:  Daft, Ch 1-2 INTRODUCTION

3 1/22:  Daft, Ch 3-4 ENVIRONMENT 2 4 1/24:  Daft, Ch 5-6 ENVIRONMENT

5 1/29  Daft, Ch 7-8 PLANNING 3 6 1/31  Daft Ch 9 Critical Thinking PLANNING  Critical Thinking In Class Exercise Concepts and Tools 7 2/5 DEBRIEF 4 8 2/7 Exam will cover MID TERM Chapters 1-9 and Critical Thinking 9 2/12  Daft, Ch 10 -11 ANNOTATED ORGANIZING BIBLIOGRAPHY 5 Due 10 2/14  Daft, Ch 12-13 ORGANIZING 11 2/19  Daft, Ch 14-15 LEADING 6 12 2/21  Daft, Ch 16-17 LEADING 13 2/26  Daft, Ch 18-19 CONTROLLING 7 14 2/28 MANAGEMENT DEBRIEF OBSERVATION DUE 15 3/5 FINAL FINAL Final will cover Chapters 10 – 19


It might be a good idea to create your own spreadsheet in order to keep your own point totals throughout the course semester. Please don’t wait until the end of the semester to worry about your totals, it creates too much anxiety!





Total Points Percentage GRADE 450 – 500 90 – 100 A 400 – 449 80 – 89 B 350 - 399 70 – 79 C 300 - 349 60 – 69 D 250 - 299 59 – 0 F



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1) ATTENDANCE / PARTICIPATION (100 POINTS) Satisfactory attendance and participation are critical to the success of this class because you are missed when you are not here. It is also critical to the final calculations of your grade.  a. Attendance: Every effort will be made to take attendance each class meeting. Individuals must be present for the entire period to receive full credit for that session. Leaving at break or before class ends may result in forfeiting attendance credit for that class period. b. Participation: Things just go better when you do so I highly recommend it. Each student will be given a Name Tent at the beginning of class. You will need to bring your Name Tent each class and proudly display it in front of you.

2) MID – TERM EXAM (100 POINTS) – There will be a multiple choice mid-term exam covering the lectures readings. Please bring a green Scantron form #882-E. Scantrons must be completed using a #2 pencil. Using mechanical pencil cause a lot of challenges so please refrain from using on Scantrons.

3) ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY (100 POINTS) – Selection 6 management books and the completion of an annotation on each. Further instructions are listed on page 8.

4) MANAGEMENT OBSERVATION AND INTERVIEW PAPER (100 POINTS) – Observation of management styles of 2 different yet similar places of operation. Completion of a 6 – 7 page paper. Further instruction are listed on page 9.

5) FINAL EXAM (100 POINTS) – This exam will be not be comprehensive however may include some questions related to the overall scope of the course, so make sure you keep up with the readings and lectures. Please bring a green Scantron form #882-E. Scantrons must be completed using a #2 pencil. Using mechanical pencil cause a lot of challenges so please refrain from using on Scantrons.


 All WRITTEN assignments must be uploaded to Blackboard in the correct folder. As with any technology, it is your responsibility to make sure the intended correct file has been uploaded.  Please receive approval from me prior to emailing me your assignment, submitting your assignment on BB and emailing me only creates confusion and can caused unnecessary frustration.  If you experience any problems please contact BB Tech Support at 817-272-2522, before you contact me to resolve your concern.  The date your assignment is submitted will be the date of your submission.  There will be a deduction for all late submissions. (-10 up to 1 week, -15 up to 2 weeks, nothing after 2 weeks unless you gain approval from the Professor.)  I will not be using BB to calculate your final grade total so please keep your own spreadsheet or ask me if you have a concerns or questions).


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ACADEMIC DISHONESTY It is the policy of the University of Texas at Arlington that academic dishonesty is completely unacceptable and will not be tolerated in any form. All persons involved in academic dishonesty will disciplined in accordance with University regulations and procedures. Discipline may include suspension or expulsion from the University.

“Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, cheating, plagiarism, collusion, the submission for credit of any work or materials that are attributable in whole or in part to another person, taking an examination for another person, any act designed to give unfair advantage to a student or the attempt to commit such act.” (Regents’ Rules and Regulations, Part One, Chapter VI, Section 3, Subsection 3.2., Subdivision 3.22).


Effective April 8, 1996, the College of Business Administration has adopted a policy to deal with the classroom disruption caused by bomb threats in the building. 1. Section 22.07 of the Texas Criminal Law Statues governs terrorists threats and classifies bomb threats as Class A misdemeanors. Section 12.21 of the Texas Criminal Law Statues states that a Class A misdemeanor is punishable by a fine not to exceed $4,000, a jail term of not more than one year, OR, both such a fine and confinement. 2. If anyone is tempted to call in a bomb threat, be aware that UTA will soon have technology to trace phone calls. 3. Every effort will be made to avoid canceling presentation/tests caused by bomb threats to the Business Building. Unannounced alternate sites will be available. If a student who has a class with a scheduled test or presentation arrives and the building has been closed due to a bomb threat, the student should immediately check for the alternate class site notice which will be posted on/near the main doors on the south side of the Business Building. If the bomb threat is received while the class is in session, your instructor will ask you to leave the building and reconvene at another location. 4. Students who provide the information leading to the successful prosecution of anyone making a bomb threat will receive one semester’s free parking in the Maverick Garage across from the Business Building. UTA’s Crimestoppers will provide a reward to anyone providing information leading to an arrest. To make an anonymous report, call 817-272-5245.


If you require accommodations for a disability, please consult with me at the beginning of the semester. Faculty members are required by law to provide “reasonable accommodation” to students with disabilities, so please provide me with your documentation authorizing the specific accommodation.


I fully understand that life happens and that there may be circumstances that require you to miss class. However, please understand that I consider it your responsibility to connect with me and/or one of your classmates to find out what you missed while you were absent. If you are a member of a team member, be responsible and connect with your team as well, it is not my responsibility to do that on your behalf. Missing more than two classes or missing class during one of the class exercises may affect your overall grade for the course, so please stay connected! There will be no make-ups for class exercises.


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Students may drop or swap (adding and dropping a class concurrently) classes through self-service in MyMav from the beginning of the registration period through the late registration period. After the late registration period, students must see their academic advisor to drop a class or withdraw. Undeclared students must see an advisor in the University Advising Center. Drops can continue through a point two-thirds of the way through the term or session. It is the student's responsibility to officially withdraw if they do not plan to attend after registering. Students will not be automatically dropped for non-attendance. Repayment of certain types of financial aid administered through the University may be required as the result of dropping classes or withdrawing. For more information, contact the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships (http://wweb.uta.edu/ses/fao).

ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATION (UTA E-MAIL) UT Arlington has adopted MavMail as its official means to communicate with students about important deadlines and events, as well as to transact university-related business regarding financial aid, tuition, grades, graduation, etc. All students are assigned a MavMail account and are responsible for checking the inbox regularly. There is no additional charge to students for using this account, which remains active even after graduation. Information about activating and using MavMail is available at http://www.uta.edu/oit/cs/email/mavmail.php.

STUDENT FEEDBACK SURVEY At the end of each term, students enrolled in classes categorized as lecture, seminar, or laboratory shall be directed to complete a Student Feedback Survey (SFS). Instructions on how to access the SFS for this course will be sent directly to each student through MavMail approximately 10 days before the end of the term. Hidden surprise: Sometime during the semester I will announce the launching of a new website: www.seekingtherightfit.com, if you log on to this website and locate the famous quote on the first page and email the author of the quote to my uta email address you will receive 10 points towards your participation points. Shhh, if you tell everyone you’ll forfeit your points and ruin the surprise. Each student’s feedback enters the SFS database anonymously and is aggregated with that of other students enrolled in the course. UT Arlington’s effort to solicit, gather, tabulate, and publish student feedback is required by state law; students are strongly urged to participate. For more information, visit http://www.uta.edu/sfs.


Isn’t technology great! I think so. I enjoy it just like you however….it is important to know when and where to use it. Because your attention and participation is important in making this class engaging and interesting, the following guiding principles are included in effort to make sure you get the most points possible for participation.


 Mutual respect is a good thing. One way to gain it is by maintaining eye contact and listening to each other.  Place all electronic devices laptops, blackberrys, android devices, I-phones, I pods, I pads, cell phones, etc. on “silent or stun” during class time.  No texting during class. This includes texting under the desk on your cell phones, blackberrys or I-phones. I can see you.   No laptops in class unless pre-determined based upon a specific class assignment.  Mana 5312: ______

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Life happens, if an emergency requires you to have a cell phone on during class, please clear this with me before class. This will help all of us stay focused on the discussion in class. Thank you.




As mentioned previously in this syllabus, I need you to make this class interesting. If you are not here or not participating, you will be missed so please make every effort to be present both physically and intellectually.

In an effort to quantify and specify this area, the following is a breakdown of how these points will be earned throughout the course:

 Every effort should be made to attend every class. Attendance will be taken at each class.

 Each student will be given a Name Tent by the Professor, you are requested to bring this Name Tent to each class. This will help each of us get to know each other quickly. If you lose or forget your Name Tent you are responsible to replace it with something comparable.

 Participating means that you have read the material and can contribute to the class discussions. So that is an expectation.

 In class exercises may be given during the course, you must be present in order to receive these participation points, i.e., Critical Thinking exercise. There will be no make-up if you are not present.

 All electronics should be put away and put on “silent or stunned”, students should refrain from texting during class. There will be point deductions for texting or Internet surfing during class unless it is part of the class assignment. Other than the beginning of the semester students will not be reminded of this requirement.

 Being interested, engaged and familiar with the material and class discussions will serve you well.

 Don’t take this area for granted, don’t assume 100 points is a given. Your attendance and participation are required.

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Assignment Objective: To gain an awareness of the management books that have been written that have been influential in management circles during the last several decades.

Description: An annotated bibliography is a list of citations to books. Each citation is followed by a brief (usually about 150 words) descriptive and evaluative paragraph, the annotation. The purpose of the annotation is to inform the reader of the relevance, accuracy, and quality of the sources cited.

Make sure you are writing an annotation not an abstract. Abstracts are the purely descriptive summaries often found at the beginning of scholarly journal articles or in periodical indexes. Annotations are descriptive and critical; they expose the author's point of view, clarity and appropriateness of expression, and authority.


1. Use APA Guidelines when submitting any written work: (See additional guidelines on page 11.

a. Cover sheet

b. 12 – pt font

c. Arial or Times Roman

d. Double Spaced

2. Select 6 books to review

3. Two of the books must pre-date 1980 and have not been on the best seller list in the last 25 years but have a reputation for being influential in management circles, e.g. The Art of War, by Sun Tzu and The Prince by Niccolò Machiavelli.

4. Each annotation should be at least 6-7 sentences (approximately 150 words)

5. Upload to the appropriate folder in Black Board

6. DUE: FEBRUARY 12, 2013


a. 1 WEEK LATE (-10)

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b. 2 WEEKS LATE (-15)

c. More than 2 weeks late will not be accepted unless by special permission from the Instructor.



Objective: The purpose is to find 2 different yet similar organizations that you can observe the management styles of the people in charge.

Overview: Select two places of operation that you would like to observe in action. Make sure you select locations where you can have access to the manager or person in charge. For example, this can be the “manager” or a person who is acting as the leader; i.e. team leader, informal leader, supervisor, foreman, etc. The objective is to observe then talk to someone (informally or formally) who is actively performing management functions. To complete this assignment it will require a combination of research, interviews, personal observation and critical thinking skills.

Assignment Specifics 1. Use APA Guidelines when submitting any written work: (See additional guidelines on page 11, for example:

a. Cover sheet

b. 12 – pt font

c. Arial or Times Roman

d. Double Spaced

e. Proper citing of references

2. Select two similar places of business operations where you can readily observe the styles of the management in charge. These must be places where you can both observe as well as interview the “managers” in action. The following are some examples:

a. Two different fast food restaurants


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2.Burger King

b. Two different home improvement locations,

1.Home Depot


c. Two different retail,

1. Wal-mart and Target

2. Sports Authority and Academy

3. Barnes and Noble and Half Price Books


3. Organization Description of each (1 page minimum: ½ page each)

a. Type of operation

b. Size of company, (local and parent)

c. Number of employees (total organization and in specific location)

d. Organizational structure




4. Using the 4 aspects of management compare and contrast your observations, interviews and experience with these 2 operations. In this section you are simply reporting on the facts and details of your experience, not your opinion.

a. Planning (1 Page )

b. Organizing (1 Page)

c. Leading (1 Page)

d. Controlling (1 Page)

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5. Summary – using the concepts of Critical Thinking skills – Evaluate your experience. Using some of the questions found in your Critical Thinking Guide, analyze your experience. (1 page minimum)

Please use headings and subheadings that correspond to the particular sections to help organize your paper. This will also help to ensure that you have captured all the requirements for the paper. Failure to use headings/subheadings will result in unnecessary point deductions. Hint: Make sure you review the writing guidelines.


The following guidelines should be use for all the written work; Essays, LAP or 100 Action Plan, CPIA.


1. Please do not put your work in covers or special binders. Although it looks nice and I appreciate the thought, just staple it and hand it in!  2. Use APA for all written work, REFERENCE WHAT IS NOT YOUR ORIGNAL THOUGHT. 3. Include page numbers on all work 4. Use 12 Point font 5. Use New Times Roman or Arial only

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6. Include Cover Sheet, name, date, and the date the assignment was due, course# & course title, title of assignment on all written work 7. Double spaced 8. Left justified 9. Use headings as a way to organize your work 10. References: footnoted, endnotes or bibliography (APA) 11. Upload to BB, do not email your paper unless you receive permission from the Instructor.

LATENESS 1 10-point deduction for up to one week late. 2.. 15-point deduction for work turned in more than one and less than two weeks late. 3. No papers will be accepted after the 2 week due date. 4. Points for late submissions are deducted before the paper is graded for quality and content.

YOU SHOULD ALSO INTEGRATE THE FOLLOWING TO MINIMIZE POINT DEDUCTIONS  Use headings and subheadings to help organize your paper and your thoughts, 1 inch margins all around paper  Paragraph indentation at the beginning of each paragraph and new thoughts  Generally you need at least 3 robust sentences to make a paragraph  Cover all the requirements of the assignments  Consider having someone else review your work before submitting

Spelling & Grammar: One point deduction per error up to five (5) points. So please use spell/grammar check before submitting your paper. 


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