Wireless Personal Area Networks s8

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Wireless Personal Area Networks s8

九月, 2000 IEEE P802.15-00/257 IEEE P802.15 Wireless Personal Area Networks

Project IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs)

Title IEEE802.15 WG minutes

Date 29 September, 2000 Submitted

Source [Pat Kinney] Voice: [+1.319.369.3593] [Intermec Technologies] Fax: [+1.319.369.3299] [Cedar Rapids, Iowa] E-mail: [[email protected]] Re: 802.15 Interim Meeting in Scottsdale

Abstract IEEE 802.15 Working Group Minutes

Purpose Official minutes of the Working Group Session

Notice This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein.

Release The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15.

Submission Page 1 Pat Kinney, Intermec Technologies 九月, 2000 IEEE P802.15-00/257

IEEE 802.15 Plenary Meeting – Session #8 Radisson Resort and Spa 7171 N. Scottsdale Road Scottsdale, AZ, USA 18-22 September 00

Monday, 18 Sep, 2000 8:07 Chair called the meeting to order. Roll call of attendees 8:10 Review objectives and general information (IEEE 802.15-00/264r0) 8:43 Approve or modify agenda (IEEE 802.15-00/253r2) Motion to approve the agenda as presented in document IEEE 802.15- 00/253r2. Motion made by J Allen, seconded by K Marquess, following no discussions nor objections motion passed by unanimous consent 8:50 Secretary reviewed minutes from LaJolla Questions and comments on minutes from Monday's session at 2:30 PM concerning the confusion over reference to BT 2.0, it was agreed that this referral will be changed to state Bluetooth Radio2. Motion to approve as amended by K Marquess, seconded by J Allen, following no discussion or objections motion was unanimously passed. 8:57 Report on Thurs SEC Meeting-July 13, 2000 (IEEE802.15-00/296r0) 9:07 WG liaison officer reported on Liaison Activities (IEEE802.15-00/266r0) Fujio Watanabe discussed a proposal to create a PAN activity in BRAN. 9:20 TG1 Chair reported on TG1 activities (IEEE 802.15-00/267r0) LB3 failed 18/15/0 out of 49 voting members. Motion: Ian Gifford moved that the 802.15 WG approve the application of the -00/159r14 (excluding the "BSIG Inputs" Worksheet) comment resolutions to 802.15.1 Std D0.7.3. B Heile asked that this motion be delayed until the old business section. 9:29 TG2 Chair reported on TG2 activities (IEEE 802.15-00/252r2)

Submission Page 2 Pat Kinney, Intermec Technologies 九月, 2000 IEEE P802.15-00/257 The TG2 chair discussed the agenda for this week and following meetings. 9:37 MC vice chair reported on the marketing committee ((IEEE 802.15- 00/270r0) 9:43 TG3 Vice Chair reported on TG3 activities (IEEE802.15-00/269r0) 9:53 LRSG Chair reported on LRSG activities (IEEE802.15-00/271r0) 9:58 R2SG Chair reported on R2SG activities (IEEE802.15-00/272r0) 9:58 WG Chair reviewed the 802.11 joint meeting agenda (IEEE 802.15- 00/250r2) Motion to approve made by I Gifford, seconded by K Marquess, following no discussions nor objections motion was approved by unanimous consent. 10:07 Chair reviewed submissions, old business, and new business Motion: Ian Gifford moved that the 802.15 WG approve the application of the -00/159r14 (excluding the "BSIG Inputs" Worksheet) comment resolutions to 802.15.1 Std D0.7.3. Seconded by T Siep. Question: Is this so we can continue work? Reply: Yes, but it's also a commitment from the WG in that it accepts the comment resolution done by the TG1 to date. Question: I haven't received notice on comments? Reply: Yes, that's possible since declines haven't been sent out yet. Following no additional discussion a vote on this motion was taken with the result of 14/2/5. Technical motion carries. New Business: I Gifford talked to two documents that have been submitted: 00/189r2 - Guidelines for Hosting Interim Meetings, a Joint WG draft and 00/161r1 - IEEEP802.15 Operating Rules. 10:18 WG Chair made/discussed announcements 10:20 Meeting adjourned, following a motion by M DuVal, seconded by K Marquess, and hearing no discussions and objections. Wednesday, September 20, 2000 1:08 802.11 and 802.15 Chairs called the joint meeting to order. 1:10 Agenda Move to approve 802.11 agenda by hearing no discussion nor opposition the agenda is approved 1:10 Announcements: C Bisdikian announced a special issue of the IEEE wireless magazine and

Submission Page 3 Pat Kinney, Intermec Technologies 九月, 2000 IEEE P802.15-00/257 call for papers. Social tonight: 265 total attendance. Tally was taken of those not planning to attend. Pre-registration form for November Plenary was available at front desk. 1:15 Old business Summary of key WG events/activities: Passwords for .15 and .11 are allowed at the other's web sites. Access is now supplied to ETSI via IEEE site Review of Interim Meetings January, 01 meeting: Philips will host the Jan 15-19 will be in Monterey at the Hyatt Regency with a room rate of $139 May, 01 meeting: ParkerVision/Intersil will host this meeting. Suggested dates 14-19 May will have the priority. Future meeting locations: Sept 10-14 Seattle financials/ytd summary, M McInnis (IEEE802.15-00/231r0) 164 registrants, collected $52,975, remainder of $9,452.05 Wireless Network for meetings, D Eckard (IEEE802.15-00/312r0) 1:45 802.11 Task Group reports 802.11 TGd status: did not meet this week, draft being put together for sponsor ballot. Don't anticipate meeting in November but anticipate resolving comments in January. 802.11 TGe status: decide to break into subgroups QoS, security and authentication, TPC/DFS. QoS passed a motion to end the call for new proposals. Believe to have baseline complete by November. 802.11 TGf (IAPP protocol)status: not much to say. Goal to complete draft for first ballot won't be met, maybe November. 802.11 High Rate B SG (>20Mbps): doc 802.11-00313. LB 23 closed with 70/0/0. Approved 209r3, 210r4, 211r9. Approve motion related to call the FCC in November. Expecting to become TGg today. 2:00 802.15.1 Bluetooth Radio1 status. (IEEE802.15-00/267r0) 802.15.2 Coexistence (IEEE802.15-00/268r0)

Submission Page 4 Pat Kinney, Intermec Technologies 九月, 2000 IEEE P802.15-00/257 802.15.3 High Rate(IEEE802.15-00/313r0) previous plan to vote has been changed will use the voting time to clarify criteria. 802.15 Radio2 SG approved at close of LaJolla meeting. 802.15 Low rate study group (IEEE802.15-00/314r0) expect to be a Task Group Jan 01 2:25 Joint Regulatory Committee (IEEE802.11-00/315): J Zyren  NPRM is released 98-153. UWB proposal by FCC  5 GHz WLAN Industry Advisory Group Initiated by Compaq, Intel, Microsoft. Next meeting 10/20/00 in Houston  IEEE802.11a in Europe. RAH drafted response to ETSI BRAN letter of 5/2/2000.  NPRM 99-231 proceeding has been bifurcated. Authorized WBFH  World Radiocomm. Conference (WRC). WRC expected US proposal for global allocation of upper UNII band for RLAN apps. More information at http:\\www.ero.org  ETSI BRAN Oct 3-8, 2000 meeting in Stresa, Italy, July 20 registration 2:36 S Tatiner on IEEE IP issues 2:42 802.1X Liaison Re.bridges/port access control, Higher layer interface group 2:52 Coexistance issues 5 GHz Co Existence by Al Petrick. 802.11 WG decided to table the topic and the chairs raise it to 802 Excom 2:55 New Business: none 2:55 Meeting adjourned 802.15 WG Meeting 3:35 WG Chair called the meeting to order Announcement: TG1 has yielded Friday morning's slot to TG3. Agenda: motion to approve agenda as amended was made by R Alfvin and seconded by J Allen; following no discussion nor objections it passes with unanimous consent 3:45 Motion: To recommend the LRSG PAR document IEEE802.15-00/248r3 to the SEC for approval and forwarding to NESCOM. Moved by Pat Kinney

Submission Page 5 Pat Kinney, Intermec Technologies 九月, 2000 IEEE P802.15-00/257 and seconded by Rick Alfvin. Discussion: Question: One way data link? No. Question: What is distinguishing about this PAR? Reply: Very low data rate, long battery life, trade off data rate for range, location awareness. Question: Similar to Firefly? Reply: Yes, some data rates are below firefly. Question: Have you looked at IEEE rack and their mandate for 64 bit address space. Reply: Yes, I am aware but we have not addressed it as a study group yet. Question: Explain location awareness? Reply: to be able to track the device in a premise or similar environment. Question: What is the difference between r1 and r3? LRSG chair explained the differences between r1 and r3. Question: Why did you throw out the pedestrian speed reference? Reply: This quality was a function of other variables and this quality was not deemed significant. Vote was 21/0/2, motion carries. 4:00 Meeting adjourned Thursday, Sept 20, 2000 3:30 WG chair called the meeting to order Reviewed the agenda, motion to approve made by R Alfvin, seconded by J Allen following no objections motion passed with unanimous consent. Chair reviewed document list. 3:40 TG1 status by Tech Editor. (IEEE802.15-00/176r0) Significant progress was made, continuing LB3 comment resolution via email. All items which the technical editor believes would cause no votes have been addressed. All changes have been captured in document IEEE802.15-00/159r7. A major objective for the next meeting is putting Bluetooth SIG comments back in the draft. There is no vote that is required before the next meeting. T Siep reviewed his presentation to Jon Inouye (IEEE802.15-00/240). 3:56 TG2 Status by TG2 chair (IEEE802.15-00/177r0) 4:06 TG3 Status by TG3 vice-chair (IEEE802.15-00/178r1) Document 00/242 was added to the July document summary. Technical motion: To approve the Criteria Definitions document IEEE 00110r11P802- 15_Criteria-Definitions.doc for the purpose of evaluating TG3 proposals. Moved by M DuVal, seconded by I Reede. Discussion: Question: How long has r10 been available? Reply: Two days.

Submission Page 6 Pat Kinney, Intermec Technologies 九月, 2000 IEEE P802.15-00/257 Question: How many pages? Reply: 40 pages Comment: M DuVal summarized the changes in r10 and r11. I Reede called the question, R Alfvin seconded. The vote on calling the question was 13/4/8. Vote on the technical motion was 18/0/7, motion carries. Motion: To approve IEEE802.15-00/180r1as the TG3 proposal evaluation process This motion was moved by J Allen, seconded by I Reede. Vote on the motion was 19/0/3, motion carries. A motion from the floor was made: To empower the TG3 Chair and Vice Chair to submit the 00242r0P802-15- TG3_Criteria-Weighting-Worksheet to Letter Ballot on behalf of TG3 to the 802.15 WG Chair for the purposes of conducting a Letter Ballot on 00242r0P802-15_TG3_Criteria-Weighting-Worksheet. Number questions were asked as to the meaning of this motion. Numerous comments were made as to the ambiguity of the intent of this motion. Motion was withdrawn to allow the vice chair to rewrite it for enhanced clarity. 4:49 V Hayes regulatory presentation (IEEE 02168R) Motion: To approve the addition of 802.15 as the second entity that submits doc.: 216d4 Motion to move was made by I Reede and seconded by K Marquess. Following no discussion the vote was taken with the results being 12/1/0, Motion carries. 5:02 Discussion on the issue of changing the coexistence Task Group as per Motion to affirm the proposal for a joint coexistence activity between 802.15 and 802.11 as defined in document number 00/173r0. Motion was moved by I Reede and seconded by P Murray. Vote was taken: 9/1/0, motion carries. 5:08 Discussion on liaison officers given voting rights without adherence to voting rules regarding meeting attendance. 5:12 Tonight's ExCom will vote on 802.11's high rate PAR if the WG doesn't object the Chair will vote for this PAR. The WG didn't object.

Submission Page 7 Pat Kinney, Intermec Technologies 九月, 2000 IEEE P802.15-00/257 5:14 Reopening the deferred motion from TG3 Motion to: Authorize the 802.15 Working Group to survey the voting members via a technical letter ballot (#4) to determine criteria weighting values to be used to update Section 5 of 00110r11P802-15_TG3_Criteria_Definitions.doc which will then become 0110r12P802-15_TG3_Criteria_Definitions.doc Motion was moved by M DuVal and seconded by J Allen. The vote was taken: 14/1/4, motion carries. 5:21 Discussion on conflict of interest between IEEE802 and ISTO Recent Project Announcement on "Broadband Wireless Internet Forum (BWIF)" (IEEE802.15-00/241r0) WG chair read the IEEE response letter to ISTO to the WG. Motion to approve this document by T Siep, seconded by R Alfvin. Chair requested a role call vote with the result: 22/0/0. 5:33 Meeting adjourned

Friday, 22 September 9:05 WG called to order by Chair, B Heile. Motion to approve made by J Gilb and seconded by M DuVal. Following no opposition the agenda was approved. Chair reviewed the document list. TG and SG status TG1 Status: presented by TG1 technical editor (IEEE802.15-00/273r1) Motion: T Siep moved that the 802.15 WG approve the submission of the Patent Request Letter, IEEE802.15-00/306r0, to the Bluetooth SIG PM Chair, seconded by M DuVal. Discussion: T Siep read the referenced letter. Comments included changing the revision to r1 and inserting the trademark symbol wherever Bluetooth™ was stated. P Kinney asked T Siep to accept a friendly amendment to change the revision to 1 and to put in the trademark symbol wherever Bluetooth™ was stated. Motion: T Siep moved that the 802.15 WG approve the submission of the Patent Request Letter, IEEE802.15-00/306r1, to the Bluetooth™ SIG PM

Submission Page 8 Pat Kinney, Intermec Technologies 九月, 2000 IEEE P802.15-00/257 Chair. Vote on this motion was 14/0/0, motion carries. TG2 Status: no representative present R2SG Status: T Siep presented IEEE802.15-00/278r0 LRSG Status: S Middleton presented IEEE802.15-00/262r0. Conference calls are Tuesdays at 1:00 PM PT. TG3 Status: J Allen presented IEEE802.15-00/275r0 J Allen moved that supporting documentation for the proposals be submitted to J Barr, J Allen, I Gifford, R Alfvin and the committee chairs with notification to the TG3 reflector on or before 5 PM PST on the 27 October, 2000. Seconded by J Gilb. Following no discussion, the vote was 14/0/0, motion carries. J Allen moved that all modifications to proposals, merged proposals, and all final presentations for the November Plenary Session be sent to J Barr, J Allen, I Gifford, R Alfvin and the subcommittee chairs with notification to the TG3 reflector on or before 5 PM PT on the 27 October, 2000. B Heile suggested the friendly amendment that the sentence "These will be the proposal presentations given at the November Plenary Session". Motion now reads: J Allen moved that all modifications to proposals, merged proposals, and all final presentations for the November Plenary Session be sent to J Barr, J Allen, I Gifford, R Alfvin and the subcommittee chairs with notification to the TG3 reflector on or before 5 PM PT on the 27 October, 2000. These will be the proposal presentations given at the November Plenary Session. Seconded by M DuVal. Following no discussion the vote was 15/0/0. Motion by J Allen that the elimination process for the selection of a PHY for TG3 shall be: a) by roll call vote, to vote for one proposal or none of the above b) the proposal (or proposals in case of a "tie") receiving the least votes is eliminated c) the process continues with a vote as in "a" and "b" eliminating proposals

Submission Page 9 Pat Kinney, Intermec Technologies 九月, 2000 IEEE P802.15-00/257 d) that when one proposal is left that there shall be a roll call vote either in favor of the proposal or for none of the above. The proposal shall be required to achieve a 75% majority in order to be submitted to the working group as a recommendation. If the remaining proposal fails to achieve a 75% majority, the members who voted "no" shall be requested to state why they voted no and what would be required to change their vote to an affirmative vote. The proposer shall have an opportunity to respond to the concerns of the no voters. After which a roll call vote will be taken to approve the proposal. e) if the last remaining proposal fails to receive 75% majority, the process shall begin with the proposals remaining after at least 50% were eliminated. Seconded by J Gilb. Following no discussion, the vote was taken: 12/0/3, motion carries. J Allen moved that the MAC follows the same process as described for the PHY, seconded by R Alfvin. Following no discussion the vote was 13/0/2. J Allen moved that for each time the number of proposals in the eliminating process for either the MAC or PHY has been reduced to four and two that a panel discussion shall be held with the remaining proposers as panel members. The length of discussion shall be limited to 15 minutes times the number of remaining proposals. Discussion shall be limited to voting members and the presenters or their designee. Seconded by R Alfvin. Following no discussion the vote was 13/0/2, the motion carries. J Allen moved that the presentation of each of the proposals shall not exceed 30 minutes and that the combination of presentation and the discussion for each of the proposals be limited to 45 minutes. Discussion shall be limited to voting members and the presenters or their designee. Seconded by J Gilb. Following no discussion the vote was 15/0/0, the motion carries. MC status: no representative was present New business: none Open discussion/next steps: Chair presented the agenda graphic for November. T Siep disagreed with the Sunday slot for R2SG, wishing that the R2SG be given a slot on Monday such as at 10:30 AM. 10:00 Chair adjourned the meeting upon a motion by J Gilb, seconded by A

Submission Page 10 Pat Kinney, Intermec Technologies 九月, 2000 IEEE P802.15-00/257 Heberling and hearing no opposition.

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