The Meeting Was Called to Order at 8:30 and the Pledge of Allegiance Was Recited s1
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August 1, 2016
The Mitchell County Commissioners met in formal session on Monday, August 1, 2016 at 8:30 a.m. in the Commissioner’s Room of the Mitchell County Courthouse. Present were Chairman Mike Cooper and members Tom Claussen and Jim Marshall. Also present was Terry Bailey, KVSV Radio; Chad Hallack, KDNS Radio; and Heather Hartman, Community Development Director. The meeting was called to order at 8:30 and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited. The minutes of the July 18, 2016 meeting and waiver of meeting on July 25, 2016 were approved as written on motion by Tom Claussen and seconded by Jim Marshall. Motion carried by unanimous vote. County Attorney Mark Noah requested, and was granted, a 20-minute executive session for pending litigation, County Clerk to remain in session, on motion by Tom Claussen and seconded by Jim Marshall. Motion carried by unanimous vote. Session began at 8:35 and ended at 8:55 with no decisions made in executive session. Public Works Director Larry Emerson met with the commission and presented the fracture critical bridge inspection for this year. The bridge on F Rd between 330 and 340 Rd has been picked for the cost share program discussed earlier this summer. Casey Fraser, Foley Tractor, joined the meeting and presented a bid for a 120 M2 AWD Motor Grader. Total price $263,523 less trade-in of a 2006 12H in the amount of $93,470 gave a price of $170,053. The commission voted on motion by Jim Marshall and seconded by Tom Claussen to purchase the motor grader outright. Mr. Emerson reported they are still working on the causeway overlay. Weather permitting they will be done this week. They will start working on the road south of Asherville. Cortney Murrow, County Health Administrator, met with the commission to have them approve a WIC contract with Jewell County, which they did on motion by Tom Claussen and seconded by Jim Marshall. Motion carried by unanimous vote. The commission also approved the purchase of a Panasonic freezer for vaccine in the amount of $2500 of which half may be paid with a grant from the State of Kansas on motion by Jim Marshall and seconded by Tom Claussen. Motion carried by unanimous vote. A Reverse Osmosis water system from Culligan for the Health Department in the amount of $25 was also approved by consensus. The commission signed a letter of support for the Teen Dating Violence Prevention Project for DVAK on motion by Tom Claussen and seconded by Jim Marshall. Motion carried by unanimous vote. A Neighborhood Revitalization application was approved for Bill Wendell in the amount of $32,905 on motion by Jim Marshall and seconded by Tom Claussen. Motion carried by unanimous vote. Heather Hartman, Community Development Director, stated that the Solomon Valley Foundation had received $50,000 from the Dane Hansen Grant Foundation and would be awarding grants soon. Mitchell County has applied for two, possibly three, grants, Landscaping for the Courthouse, Christmas decorations for the Courthouse, and possibly an early alert system for the public. Mrs. Hartman also discussed the possibility of a community clean-up grant. Barring any business that requires action the commission cancelled the August 29, 2016 meeting. The next meeting would be held on Tuesday, September 6th following the Labor Day Holiday. The meeting was adjourned at 10:20 on motion by Jim Marshall and seconded by Tom Claussen. Motion carried by unanimous vote. ______Mike Cooper, Chairman
ATTEST: ______Chris Treaster, Mitchell County Clerk