Current State and Developing Potentials and Limitations of Farm Tourism Brodsko Posavska County
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Anita Silvana Ilak Peršurić1, PhD; Berislav Bolfek2, PhD; Lena Sigurnjak3, Bsc
Article category: Original scientific paper
Summary Rural tourism, including farm tourism, fulfils an important role in the activation of rural areas, especially regions of high unemployment and particular natural and cultural qualities. Croatia is designated majorly as rural area according to OECD and EU standards. About half of total population lives in rural areas, therefore the needs of rural communities in frames of sustainable living and income conditions are important. In this paper the research included the farm-tourism enterprises in Brodsko-Posavska County. Analysis is based on primary research by questionnaire which was conducted on thirty farm-touristic enterprises in 2011. The aim of the paper was paper to present the current state of rural tourism and farm-tourism in the region and suggest activities for improving the farm-tourism position in Brodsko-Posavska County, as well as to present its role in the development of rural area.
Key words: farm-tourism, rural tourism, rural areas, development
Well developed farm tourism systems in rural areas have the potential to reverse negative economic trends by bringing in visitors and creating new jobs and local business ventures for rural residents. Farm tourism is a hybrid concept that merges elements of two complex industries: agriculture and travel/tourism to open up new, profitable markets for farm products and services and provide travel experience for a large regional market. Farm tourism is critical to the economic health of rural area in Croatia and the sustainability of family farms. Although it will not create a massive amount of jobs, farm tourism creates opportunities for individuals to financially sustain a rural lifestyle. The goal of the study was to show current state, the possibilities of the development and limitations of the rural areas in Brodsko Posavska County within the facilities, accommodating the needs of the tourists, with the consideration of the functionality and development of farm tourism complexes.
1 Institute of Agriculture and Tourism, Karla Huguesa 8, 52440 Poreč, Croatia 2 University of Applied Sciences of Slavonski Brod, Dr. Mile Budaka 1, 35000 Slavonski Brod, Croatia 3 University of Applied Sciences of Slavonski Brod, Dr. Mile Budaka 1, 35000 Slavonski Brod ,Croatia FARM TOURISM ATTRACTIONS IN BRODSKO POSAVSKA COUNTY OVAJ PASUS IZBACITI ILI SAŽETI U 2 REČENICE In Brodsko Posavska county accommodation is consisted of: one- four stars hotel, two- three starts hotels plus small number of private accommodation units that counts about 550 beds. Main attractions are: Natural heritage: River Sava with its attractions, clean und unpolluted environment, Psunj mountain, nature reserve Gajna - an wetland area rich of flora and fauna, lake Petnja. Etno and gastro heritage: unique gastronomic offer, Fortress Brod, Franciscan Monastery, Museum of Slavonski Brod, Museum and Galery Kerdic in Nova Gradiska, Church of the Holy Trinity in Slavonski Brod, Gallery Ruzic, Brlic house, on Galovo area recently it’s discovered culture from the early Stone age. Gastro specialities are “cobanac” and fish soup, and also quality wines such like Riesling.
Fun, recreation, excursions: walking, horse riding, fishing, swimming, hunting, bicycling, Music Summer festival, Summer Wine Festival "Vinkovo", Regatta Slavonski Brod, traditional dancing “Kolo” Slavonski Brod, fish manifestation “Fišijada”, Gloria Festung, traditional needlework “ Svila šuška šlingeraj se širi“, Open Slavonia, theater manifestation for kids "In the world of fairy tales Ivanic Brlić Mažuranić". Excursions in: Stupnik, Slavonski Kobas, lake Ljeskove Vode, family zoo in Ruscica, farm, "Vuksanovic" in Krusevica and agricultural enterprise "Mata" in Trnjanski Kuti, in Poljanci trip to a horse farm “Olanovic”, Podvinje, Brodsko Vinogorje, sports and recreational centers Poloj and Migalovci4.
This research was conducted by questionnaire on 30 farms and was connected with aspects of farm tourism development in respondents’ opinions. Brodsko Posavska County is trying to reposition its tourist product and to incorporate rural areas in tourist offer. Farm-based tourism is one of the pillars of new development strategy. Its development means additional revenues for farms, opportunity to sell their products and diversify their business. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
The most important feature of farm-tourism which distinguishes it from all other forms of rural tourism is its dependence on agriculture. The farm tourism enterprises turn into very attractive places for the recreation purposes. The variety of choices for spending a free time and the aesthetic and health values of the green areas skillfully blended into the landscape are the basic assets of the contemporary recreational space. In Brodsko-Posavska County is very intensive processing of agricultural land (share of arable land, gardens in the structure of arable land is 85.8%). Average number of members on farm tourism enterprises is three; some farms are consisted of
4 (17.08.2011.) one till eight members. Founders are mostly males (60% male and 40% female) and their average age is 38 years (19 till 63 years old). Average years in farm tourism business is 6,21 year. Some of them are there form two till fourteen years. One of the biggest problems in rural area is that age of people who live there is old, young people move in urban area, and they are not enough educated. The results of educational level are:
Table 2. Educational structure of farm tourism enterprises in Brodsko Posavska County Primary school education 6% Secondary school education 70% Professional higher education 21% High University deucation 3%
Most of them began to deal with farm tourism business because of reasons that are shown below in table 3. (some of them had multiple answers):
Table 3. Reasons for establishment of farm tourism enterprise in Brodsko Posavska County Inherit family business 7% Personally satisfaction 24% Additional earning potential 30% Placing its own products on market 26% As a result of renovation of old house on village 11% Other reasons 2%
Most of them started farm touristic business because of additional earning. Sometimes traditional production can’t realize incomes, like traditional production with elements of tourism. Farmers sometimes don’t have opportunity to sell their products on market, so they can choose farm tourism as a tool for more successful model for selling products, but sometimes it can be just a personal satisfaction or hobby. More than 50% of them think that development of farm tourist enterprises have influence on young people to stay in rural area and stop them to move in urban city areas. Also, farm tourism enterprises create needs for new labor force, but can’t create massive amount of jobs, but can improve current state. Although tourism has the potential to impact rural economies, many do not have the local capacity or institutions to develop a sustainable tourism system. The basic acknowledgement of tourism’s importance along with other quality of life factors isn’t often present, because their importance is minimized in the rural mindset. Also respondents in survey, more than 60% seem that agricultural enterprises increases employment of woman. Women have a greater percentage of unemployed than man (rate of unemployment in Brodsko Posavska County in 2010 was 32%5), especially in rural areas, where they keep household. Woman’s unemployment and and lower incomes are reason why most of respondents- 65% thinks that development of farm tourism enterprise in Brodsko Posavska county decreases number of unemployed woman. Consequently, if unemployment is decreased, 65% think that it will increase income of farm touristic enterprise. The importance of income is high because Brodsko Posavska County in 2010 had lowest rate of GDP per person in Croatia, it was 6.183 Euros 6. The principle of planning of farm touristic enterprises is in the style of ambience and architecture that is characteristic for specific area. Thus, the same is an offer that is typical for the family tradition. 70% of respondents think that farm touristic enterprises improves the infrastructure of the village and rural area and 80% that improve appearance of settlements (garden decoration). In next part of questionnaire there were statements that respondents agree or not agree with, for successful development of farm tourism enterprises. For success it is most important to have specific architecture that brings traditional atmosphere and lifestyle of specific area. Rural tourism in Croatia began to develop in the 90s years of 20th century. The reason is the need of realizing additional income in rural area. Rural tourism is not type of mass tourism, and because low number of capacities the big accent is on kindness of people on farm tourism enterprise and local community. Also, it is not of great importance to have a quality restaurants or local authentic contents.
Table 4. Factors that have influence on farm tourism enterprises development Very important Not so important Clean environment 68% 32% Quality restaurants 43% 57% Authentic contents 43% 57% Specific architecture 95% 5% Good price 87% 13% Promotion 81% 19% Kindness 94% 6% The capacity of rural accommodation is limited. According to Croatian regulations in farm tourism enterprise it is provided a maximum of 10 rooms or 20 beds, summary accommodation for 30 people simultaneously. Accommodation is regulated with categorization of objects that can be: for rooms- I, II or III category and for apartments I and II category7. Number of visitors on farm tourist enterprise varies from just few visitors per year till thousand visitors on few enterprises. The reason is-
5 (02.07.2011.) 6 http :// www . glas - slavonije . hr / vijest . asp ? rub =1& ID _ VIJESTI =137046 (02.07.2011.) 7 Ružić, P. (2009): Ruralni turizam, Institut za poljoprivredu i turizam Poreč, Poreč, pp. 148-149 farm touristic enterprise is additional activity of basic agricultural production on family farms and their own farm production. Main activities that are offered on enterprises in Brodsko Posavska County are: 55% -restaurants and food degustation, 25% accommodation, 14% camping on farm, 6% vine degustation. Additional activities are: 25% work on farm, 25% hunting, 21% riding, 11% mushroom picking, 18% bicycle renting. Each enterprise has its characteristic offer for tourists such: beer production workshop, work in the field, carriages ride, picking blackberries, picking strawberries, ride in a river boat, production of souvenirs of grain, production of blackberry vine, showing of traditional old tools and equipment, excursions in nature and so on. They offer domestic traditional food, one meal have price from 50 till 150 kunas. Accommodation per day on farm tourism enterprise can have price form 120 till 150 kunas. There are lots of activities and it is important to promote enterprise. Farm tourism enterprises offers their services though web page and their own web pages, touristic agencies, sometimes visitors come without notice, and most trendily method is by using social network facebook. They also have brochures, posters, advertisements in newspapers, television, radio and so on. One of the best promotional instruments is recommendation from tourist who already visited certain farm tourism enterprise. Annual allocation for promotion is from one till five thousand kunas pre year.
Making tourism into a true economic development strategy of Brodsko posavska county is an outcome of a proactive group process. It works best when the entire community supports it. If rural communities have the goal of enhancing their economy through tourism, local leaders should identify which agency or institution would be best suited to be responsible for farm tourism planning and development. Development in Brodsko Posavska county confirms that farm tourism opportunities can be found in unexpected places and are not exclusive to more remote rural areas. They may be compatible with urbanization, although this partly depends upon their quality, marketing and visitor expectations. Farm operators seem inspired by an entrepreneurial spirit and the need to diversify to maximize revenue and official support can be crucial to business growth.
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