WWII (7-4.5) Test Study Guide

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WWII (7-4.5) Test Study Guide

WWII (7-4.5) Test Study Guide

1. What did Germany, Italy and Japan form in 1936?

2. Who were the main 4 countries made up the Allied Alliance that fought the Axis Alliance during WWII?

3. Who became the communist dictator and leader of the Soviet Union during WWII?

4. Who was the Fascist Nazi dictator of Germany during WWII?

5. Who was the Fascist dictator of Italy during WWII?

6. Who was the Spanish Fascist that Hitler and Mussolini provide military aid for in helping him win the Spanish Civil War?

7. Great Britain and France falsely believed that a policy of appeasement would avoid another world war. This was proven a failure in 1939 when Hitler provoked both countries into a war by doing what?

8. Identify the two theaters in which World War II was fought?

9. Hitler’s German army used a lighting war fighting style to capture Poland, Denmark, Norway and France by 1940. This lightning war fighting style came to be known as ……

10. During the Battle of Britain (1940-1941), the German Air Force repeatedly bombed Britain. How did Britain combat the German Air Force?

11. Who was the Prime Minister of Great Britain during the course of WWII and became a national hero for his role in defending Great Britain from a German invasion during the Battle of Britain?

12. Who gave this quote in regards to Great Britain being attacked by Germany? “We shall go on to the end, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall defend our Island, whatever the cost may be. We shall never surrender.

13. Stalin and Hitler signed an alliance and both men had their armies invade Poland in September of 1939. However, Hitler betrayed Stalin and invaded Russia in 1941. What was the name of this 1939 treaty that Hitler broke with Stalin?

14. Hitler’s German Army took over territories near the Mediterranean Sea such as the Balkans and in North Africa. Why was Hitler interested in these territories?

15. At the beginning of WWII, the United States learned from their mistakes as being a major trading partner in Europe during WWI. Therefore, the United States chose a policy of isolationism in which the USA would not trade with any country fighting a war in Europe. What was the name for these isolation laws that Congress passed?

16. The United States attempted to continue their policy of isolationism into the start of the 1940s. What was the United States’ final attempt to help the allies while staying out of the war?

17. Which event on December 7, 1941 occurred as a result of these series of developments?

o Japan resigns from the League of Nations (1933) o Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis formed (1936) o Japan invades China (1937) o United States places embargo on scrap iron, steel, and oil exports to Japan (1941)

18. How did the United States respond to Japan’s attack on December 7, 1941?

1 19. What naval battle saved Australia from a Japanese invasion?

20. A turning point in the Asia (Pacific) Theater was when the United States sunk all the Japanese aircraft carriers in a battle known as ______.

21. Which 1942 battle did the Allied forces prevent Japan from invading Australia?

22. In 1943, which destructive battle did the Soviet Union defeat the Germans and as a result led to the German army retreating west toward Germany and on the defensive?

23. In Northern Africa, who led the Americans to victory over General Rommel’s German Army?

24. The invasion of Normandy by the allied forces was to liberate France from German rule. This invasion began on June 6, 1944 and was referred to by what name?

25. In December of 1944, Hitler made his final offensive attack to push back advancing Allied forces. Though the German Army’s attack initially pushed the Allied forces back, the Germans were ultimately defeated and forced to retreat to Germany. What was the name of this battle?

26. On May 7, 1945, Germany surrendered to the Allied forces and all across Europe people celebrated. This date in time is known as ______.

26. ______was a military strategy used by the United States to defeat Japan.

27. Identify two Japanese occupied islands that the U.S. attacked in order to get to closer to Japan’s main island and therefore, bomb Japan into surrendering.

28. US President Harry Truman made the decision to drop two atomic bombs on Japan in August 1945. Truman cited the need to hasten the war’s end and save American lives that would be lost due to an invasion of Japan. In what two cities did the Americans drop these atomic bombs?

29. Following the dropping of two atomic bombs on Japan, the Japanese surrendered to the United States on September 2, 1945 and WWII ended. This date in time is known as ______.

30. Hitler forced many Jews to relocate to Jewish ghettos where they were forced to live in terrible conditions. Later, Jews were forced into cattle cars where many Jews died in route to concentration camps. At these concentration camps, millions of Jews were killed via gas showers, brutal experiments and slave labor. This Jewish extermination process by Hitler was known as ______.


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