Writing Across the Curriculum
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Reading Across the Curriculum Reading
Focus Group:
Recount Report Explanation Procedural Persuasive Argument/Discussion Imaginative reference texts reference texts the spoken word novels, short stories, plays, the spoken word the spoken word reference texts the spoken word the spoken word poems the spoken word advertisements, the spoken word promotional leaflets comics, newspapers and comics, newspapers and charts, maps, graphs charts, maps, graphs magazines charts, maps, graphs magazines comics, newspapers and comics, newspapers and and timetables and timetables magazines and timetables magazines CVs, letters and emails films, games and TV programmes advertisements, promotional comics, newspapers and films, games and TV comics, newspapers CVs, letters and emails films, games and TV leaflets magazines programmes programmes and magazines reports and reviews films, games and TV comics, newspapers and CVs, letters and emails web pages, catalogues and programmes reports and reviews CVs, letters and emails text messages, blogs and magazines directories social networking sites films, games and TV films, games and TV labels, signs and posters text messages, blogs and CVs, letters and emails programmes social networking sites programmes web pages, catalogues and text messages, blogs and directories films, games and TV labels, signs and posters reports and reviews (personal) social networking sites web pages, catalogues and programmes directories recipes, manuals and reports and reviews web pages, catalogues and labels, signs and posters instructions (functional) directories reports and reviews text messages, blogs and text messages, blogs and social networking sites social networking sites text messages, blogs and social networking sites web pages, catalogues and web pages, catalogues and directories directories
Mhairi Stratton, Humbie Primary School Reading Across the Curriculum
web pages, catalogues and directories
Mhairi Stratton, Humbie Primary School Reading Across the Curriculum
Reading Across the Curriculum Recount Report Explanation Procedural Persuasive Argument/Discussion Imaginative
Mhairi Stratton, Humbie Primary School Reading Across the Curriculum Evaluation & Next Teacher: Class: Subject Steps Term 1 Skills Focus: (see signposts for Learning Evaluation: guidance)
Next Steps:
Term 2 Skills Focus: (see signposts for Learning Evaluation: guidance)
Next Steps:
Term 3 Skills Focus: (see signposts for Learning Evaluation: guidance)
Next Steps:
Term 4 Skills Focus: (see signposts for Learning Evaluation: guidance)
Next Steps:
Mhairi Stratton, Humbie Primary School Reading Across the Curriculum
See also ‘Knowledge of Language’ Signposts d
e See phonemes and graphemes progressions s
u Recognise common Use the devices already
d sight words and taught appropriately n a
frequently used when retelling a story r
e words taking account of the h t e Be aware that audience g
o Be able to read Read aloud beginning
t texts are read Recognise letters/words Be able to read Begin to use inflection to
t aloud paying to use expression for Read aloud varying pace
u from front to within the text that may aloud the words enhance reading of the
p attention to narrative and volume back and top be significant from the page narrative e
r Begin to read simple punctuation
a to bottom
s CVC words in context d r o w
w o H
Be aware that the Be able to Read a simple r
e cover can give an idea understand and text h
t Read simple sight
e of the content discuss the independently Begin to read and
g words in a shared Read a simple Begin to read and understand longer texts with more complex plots
o content of an understand longer
t Choose a text and
text and understand shared text
t appropriate text Understand and texts
u give reasons for the content
p which may be answer questions choosing it Share a d
n text with a reader shared about it a Understand d A title may indicate the e that stories s content of a text or be u
Recognise the title Be able to tell the difference between fact Recognise the Be able to compare two authors treatment of the same c and i e Recognise that Be able to tell the misleading r r and an author will and fiction difference theme
e information a
books may have difference between n
y appear on the front of between fact and e can be held
e different purposes fact, fiction or opinion Be able to infer author’s G
h a book opinion Be able to compare two or more texts by the same writer
t in a variety
meaning or message
w of text
o from text
h types
Identify the main , Draw simple conclusions or infer meaning Identify the intended audience and purpose of a text s ideas d
r from text and discuss these o Evaluate the effectiveness of the text W
f o
Work with others to find specific s Be able to choose e information p between a fact and Begin to select appropriate texts as task requires y
T fiction text
Be able to offer an opinion Be able to select a between two books based Had experience of a variety of Be aware of author’s choice Identify genre text by using the on personal preference whole books and books in a Be aware that author’s of language can influence markers for genre markers series choice of language can the reader attitude to Had experience of a variety of fiction Be aware of the variety of popular genre Can recognise key element influence the readers character, setting and plot texts fiction types in plot and character Be able to choose between view of character development
n these and between other text Compare two books by one o
i Identify and discuss the t types author c
i Identify the main theme(s) of a text author’s treatment of a F theme Be able to predict what comes next in a story Be able to predict what comes next in a story and justify with reference to the text Be aware that the author Awareness a fiction book Understand that a fiction book may be written in can tell a story using more Understand that a plot has a beginning, middle and end may not be in chapters and the purpose of these than one voice chronological order n
o Had experience of a variety of non- Select information from non-fiction text Use a non-fiction text to find specific information Be able to use more than one non-fiction text to find
N fiction texts information
Mhairi Stratton, Humbie Primary School Reading Across the Curriculum Be aware of purpose of contents, index and Be able to choose between a glossary and begin to use Developing use of ICT alongside traditional texts variety of non fiction texts as these Be aware of how devices such as appropriate to purpose Be able to choose between Titles, illustration and diagrams, sub headings can help us find written and multi modal information
n text o i
t Evaluate the validity of Making an intelligent choice c i
F Understand bias in a piece of non-fiction text the information in text concerning author’s attitude Understand opinion in non-fiction text e.g. Date of and country towards the subject when publication, author evaluating information Understand that some non- fiction texts are organised Be aware of the purpose and layout of an encyclopaedia in alphabetical order Be able to use an encyclopaedia to find information
Mhairi Stratton, Humbie Primary School