AP World History Syllabus, 2007-2008
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Law & Justice AP World History Syllabus
Instructor: Andrew Burgoon [email protected]
Course Description: Advanced Placement World History (WHAP) is a chance to study the story of how our world came to be as it is today. The course will cover events that shaped our world between 8000 BCE* and the present, and is truly global in scope with Africa, the Americas, Asia, Europe, and Oceana represented. As part of the ECS Law & Justice village specific emphasis will be placed on exploring questions of social, criminal, and economic justice across time, place, and cultures. WHAP is a college-level course – it is taught on the college level and requires much more homework and more extensive writing assignments and thinking skills than a high school course. Be ready to work to claim the reward of college credit.
ALL STUDENTS should take the internationally given College Board test in May to try for college credit. Our purpose in class is to prepare all students to do well on the exam; the broader purpose is to develop a variety of analytical skills and the chance to “do history” rather than just read about it. This requires a great deal of critical thinking, interpretation of written material, logical argumentation, and analysis. These skills are beneficial regardless of your future career goals.
Online Lectures: We will be experimenting with a “flipped” classroom model this year, where you watch lectures at home and I facilitate your analysis of this material in class. Our youtube channel is: http://tinyurl.com/APWorldYouTube
Online Classroom and Resources: To check your assignments online and download materials used in class you will need to create a schoology.com account: https://www.schoology.com and access with this password: XZVK3-5FZZM.
For Review, watch John Green’s Crash Course World History at: http://tinyurl.com/JohnGreenWorldHistory
Required Materials: Sturdy 1 ½ inch 3-ring binder (just for this class.) You will need another after Christmas. DO NOT buy a giant binder. The rings are weak and it will fall apart. Filler paper Notebook tabs that divide chapters. Tabs will be properly labeled with chapter numbers. Blue or black pen ONLY; colored pencils can be useful, too. No Graphite Pencils!
Course Requirements: Prepare to take the AP Exam in early May. Form a study group for tests and other large assignments. Actively participate in class and complete all assignments thoroughly and promptly. Late work can be arranged beforehand (if you know there is a paper as well as several big games coming up, etc.) I will take an assignment 1 day late for ½ credit. After that, it becomes a zero. Attend class daily, arriving on time. I begin and end with the bell, always. Missing class is very detrimental to your progress. Make up work promptly when absent—contact me and send assignments due electronically if possible; make prior arrangements for planned absences; two days allotted for each day absent to turn in work. If you miss a quiz or test, you must set up a time to make it up outside of class. Keep a well-organized and complete notebook for the entire year; bring to class every day. Ask me for help always—I am very committed to supporting your efforts! Challenge yourself to work hard and maintain high standards. I will do so as well. Historical Themes and Thinking Skills* Advanced Placement World History Themes: 1. Interactions between humans and the environment Demography and disease Patterns of settlement Migration Technology 2. Development and interaction of cultures Religions Belief systems, philosophies, and Science and technology ideologies The arts and architecture 3. State-building, expansion, and conflict Political structures and forms of Revolts and revolution governance Regional, trans-regional, and global Empires structures and organizations Nations and nationalism 4. Creation, expansion, and interaction of economic systems Agricultural and pastoral production Industrialization Trade and commerce Capitalism and socialism Labor systems 5. Development and transformation of social structures Gender roles and relations Racial and ethnic construction Family and kinship Social and economic classes Advanced Placement World History Thinking Skills: 1. Crafting Historical Arguments from Historical Evidence 2. Chronological Reasoning 3. Comparison and Contextualization 4. Historical Interpretation and Synthesis *AP World History curriculum description document available at: http://apcentral.collegeboard.com/apc/public/repository/AP_WorldHistoryCED_Effective_Fall_2011.pdf Grading: Grades will be based on points that are added up and averaged with total points possible and will largely be standards- based. You must show mastery of content and skills to do well. Grades are available daily through Infinite Campus at Home. Final grades will be computed in December and again in May. Assessments: Quizzes: On readings from text book chapters. These quizzes will always be formative assessment. Homework: Assigned text readings & questions, Essay writing practice, primary source activities, etc. Tests: Following the completion of each unit and after some chapters. Tests are comprehensive but will focus on the current unit. They will serve as our most important summative assessment. Essays: Assigned in class and out of class writing in preparation of the AP exam. Notebook: Your notebook should contain ONLY work for this class. Date and order pages chronologically. Sometimes I will take up assignments the day they are due as well, and these should be placed in order in the binder upon return. Your binder is your record of your work…it is your responsibility to keep up with it at all times. Any assignments lost before the binders are turned in and graded must be redone or receive a zero. DO NOT LOSE YOUR BINDER, it may be taken up for a grade at the end of a unit of study!!! Periodization (Units of Study): This course will divide World History into six time periods based the periodization guides set forth by the College Board, which are as follows: UNIT 1: (8000 BCE – 600 BCE) Focus Questions: How did humans migrate to nearly all global locations? Why did humans switch from hunting and gathering to farming? What is “civilization”? Who is “civilized”? How does change occur? UNIT 2: (600 BCE – 600 CE) Focus Questions: How did increasing food production lead to states and then empires? How did humans organize themselves as the earth being increasingly populous and complicated? How did government coercion begin and how did social hierarchies develop? UNIT 3: (600 CE – 1450 CE) Focus Questions: How did human interactions expand and increase? Was there a world economic network during this period? To what extent did new empire-builders like the Mongols build on past models of organization and create new methods of control? UNIT 4: (1450 CE – 1750 CE) Focus Questions: How did the world become truly global? What aspects of this process were good and which were negative? UNIT 5: (1750 CE – 1900 CE) Focus Questions: Through what processes did the influence of industrialization spread throughout the world? To what extent did Europe dominate global politics and economies during the era? UNIT 6: (1900 CE – Present) Focus Questions: How do ideological struggles explain many of the conflicts of the 20th century? To what extent have the rights of the individual and the state replaced the rights of the community?
Snow Days and Other Emergencies: Snow Days don’t exist for us, because the date of the AP test is set nationally and will never change. Keep reading and completing homework as assigned on snow days.
Our AP World History National Exam Date: Thursday, May 15, 2014, beginning at 8:00 am, ECS Presentation Lab