Stanley County High School
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Symphonic Band Stanley County High School 2008-2009 2
To all SCHS Band Members: WELCOME!! To those of you who are new to the program: we look forward to having you participate in one of the most active and exciting activities at Stanley County HS. You need to realize, as we do, that YOU are the future of the band program at SCHS. We encourage you and your family to become involved. Instrumental Music participation is an activity that does take some extra effort, but it extremely rewarding.
To our returning members: You know what it takes to achieve success. We expect you to continue high achievement and improvement through pride and commitment.
Forward ...... 3 Commitment ...... 3 Instrumental Music Program at SC: Symphonic Band ...... 3 Marching Band ...... 3 Jazz Band ...... 3 WestSide Drumline ...... 4 SC Flag Corps ...... 4 Honor Bands/Large Group Contest ...... 4 Solo & Ensemble Contest ...... 4 Supplies and Instrument Use ...... 4-5 Grading ...... 6 Absences and Make-Up Work ...... 6-7 Music Trip Information ...... 7 Uniforms ...... 7 Tentative Performance Schedule ...... 8 Student Guidelines ...... 9 Lettering System/Awards ...... 9 Parent Signature Form (to be returned!) ...... 10
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FORWARD The Band Program at SCHS forms a vital and important part of the total High School life. The band represents a large, colorful, visible, and highly disciplined segment of the school. The performance of the band at sporting events, concerts, parades, contests, and community events adds a great deal of color and life to the Ft. Pierre community.
The main emphasis of the Stanley County High School Instrumental Music Program is on musicianship. Achieved through hard work it is the pride of a job well done that makes our efforts worthwhile. The success of the organization will lead to the success of the individual and vise-versa.
It is very important for music students to realize that they must attend all public performances. It is vital to the success of the group that all members attend. We will do our best to schedule around other school activities; however, a practice in another activity is not an excuse for missing a performance. If a band performance conflicts with another school activity of equal importance (varsity athletic event, etc.) the student will have his/her choice of events with no penalty or loss of status. Remember the old show motto: “ The show must go on.” Student musicians will be judged by the quality of their results and not by the quality of their excuses.
Symphonic Band: This band is the one from which all the other groups are formed. The Marching Band, Pep Band, Jazz Band, Drumline, and solo-ensemble groups are all extensions of this Band. The Symphonic Band performs approximately 3 concerts per year and participates in the Region 7 Large Group Contest each spring.
Marching Band: The most active extension of the concert band, it may require extra rehearsals and some weekend time in the fall. It lasts approximately 6-8 weeks. The marching band may travel and participate in area college homecoming parades, a marching band festival, our own homecoming parade, and present field show performances. Pep Band is an extension of this group that lasts through March with requirements including attendance at designated athletic events.
Jazz Band: This is a volunteer group. Participants must be members of the symphonic band with the exception of rhythm guitar, piano, and electric bass. The Jazz Band will generally rehearse one day per week during the year and more often around jazz festival performance time. The main focus of
3 4 this group is on jazz styles, articulation, and improvisation. This group may travel and participate in various Jazz Festivals.
West Side Drumline: This volunteer percussion ensemble performs at various events throughout the year and is a very visible part of the Stanley County Instrumental Music Program. Membership is open to band members in grades 6-12. Acceptance into the group is based on the following guidelines: Members of the High School percussion section- 1st; Members of the Middle School percussion section- 2nd; Previous HS Members- 3rd, Members of the High School band who are not percussionists but are interested in the drum line- seniors, juniors, sophomores, freshmen-in that order- 4th. There is a required uniform for this group that is decided upon each year. Each member of this group must agree to a strict participation policy.
SC Flag Corps: The members of this group are determined through an audition process if there are more than 10 students interested. Auditions will take place in the spring prior to the next school year or immediately at the beginning of the school year in the fall. Any student at SC, in grades 8-12, may audition for the flag corps. Those students who are selected (judging will consist of 3-4 staff members and 3-4 members of the symphonic band) will be expected to learn routines and be present for all performances. Required performances for the Flag Corps include the Homecoming Parade and Field Show and any marching band competitions. The group rehearses throughout the school year and also performs at other Stanley County activities. There is a required uniform provided by the school for the members of the flag corps with the exception of shoes. Any other uniforms, decided upon by the group and authorized by the Band Director and Principal, are the responsibility of the members of the group.
Honor Bands and Large Group Contest: Any student who wishes to be considered for any of the other band events occurring throughout the year will indicate their interest on the student information form at the beginning of the school year. Selection of students to these events is based on student interest, director recommendation and final selection to participate is made by the hosting school. Participation in the large group contest will be determined by each student’s knowledge and performance of music. Students who cannot perform the music will not participate with the group.
Solo & Ensemble Contest: This is an individual learning activity for the student. Students are given the opportunity to participate in solo and small group contest, which is held during the spring. The band director will help the student select and prepare music for this event but the student is responsible for practicing the material and meeting with the instructor for individual help in a timely manner.
In order for a student to participate in band at SC, each student must have an good quality instrument to play. Parents of students are strongly recommended to purchase (via rental programs) a good quality instrument for their child to play. There are several reputable music stores that can be of assistance
4 5 during the selection process. (Taylor Music- Aberdeen, Haggerty’s Music- Rapid City, etc.) Please do not purchase instruments from Sam’s Club, Wal-Mart, Sears, E-Bay, etc. These instruments are not made to be durable and do not generally play well or stay in tune. Most instrument repair shops will not repair instruments from these stores due to the poor assembly and lack of parts available for use in repairs.
Stanley County has very few instruments available for student use. These are available on a first-come and needs basis. A $50 deposit for each school instrument is required to be paid when the student receives the instrument. Instruments currently available for student rental include: tuba, trombone, baritone saxophone, tenor saxophone, baritone, oboe, and French horn. Stanley County schools will provide instruments that are in excellent playing condition at the time of rental, for student use. The following guidelines will apply for a student to use a school-owned instrument: Student and parent will complete the Instrument Check-Out/Use Agreement form and return it to school prior to the instrument being checked out. This form must be returned with the $50 instrument deposit. The student will be responsible (parent) for all repairs of damages incurred during the rental period. The student will not allow another person to play the instrument. The student will return the instrument to the school in excellent condition, which may necessitate a trip through a reputable repair shop at the parent/student’s expense. Students who use a school brass instrument will be provided with the following items at the time of check out: valve, rotary or slide oil; marching lyre; cleaning accessories, and a straight mute if needed for performances. Students who use a school woodwind instrument will be provided with the following items at the time of instrument check out: 4 reeds (exception- oboe, 2 reeds will be provided); cleaning swab; and a marching lyre. Students will be responsible for the purchase of additional reeds, oil, supplies, etc. during the entire use period.
The following guidelines will apply to students who play their own instruments: The student will be responsible for all repairs of the instrument All supplies and equipment needed will be purchased by the student. Each student must provide their own marching lyre. Trumpet players must have a straight mute. Woodwind players must have their own cleaning swabs and marching lyre. Reeds and oil, along with additional accessories as needed, may be purchased from the school. Cost for basic items will be as follows:
ITEM COST B-flat Clarinet reed $1.00 E-flat Clarinet reed $1.00 Bass Clarinet reed $1.75 Tenor Sax reed $1.75 Alto Sax reed $1.50 Bari Sax reed $2.50 Valve, slide, rotary oil $1.00 5 6 Cork grease $1.00
Grading is determined primarily by attendance at rehearsals and performances and by preparation and participation in class. Students are required to memorize music for marching competitions and to do their best work at all times. ALL students are required to participate in marching/pep band unless: Medically unable to do so (requires a note from a certified doctor) Participation in a fall sport which conflicts with performances and cannot be resolved. In this case, the student will be asked to perform at all non-conflicting events. (ie: if you play a varsity sport you will not be required to play at those pep band performances but will be expected to attend and perform at non- conflicting events. Football players, statisticians and cheerleaders are expected to participate in the homecoming half-time field show. The only exception to not marching in the homecoming parade is if the students are selected as Homecoming King and/or Queen. Students may march/ride with their class floats AFTER the band has finished marching. The director will handle other conflicts on an individual basis after a conference with the student, parent, and principal.
Playing tests may be given throughout the year. These will be used to determine seating order and/or be used as part of a semester grade. Periodic written work may be given during the course of the year including daily work and exams. Students may be required to participate in a self-evaluation procedure throughout the year. A semester final may be administered at the end of each semester. The director may assign playing tests at any time to determine if students are prepared in learning the music that is assigned. Grading will be as follows: Class participation/Preparation- 40% Performance attendance and participation- 40% Written work and playing assignments- 10% Performance Portfolio- 10%
Each High School Band student may be required to take one 15 minute, private lesson every 4 ½ weeks. (In addition to any scheduled playing tests.) This will allow the director to determine which areas need work and to help the student improve his/her playing and performance. The lessons will be on a pass/fail system. If the lesson is attended and the student works for the allotted time, a passing grade will be given. It is the responsibility of the student to sign up for lessons times.
Class begins at 8:10 AM and students must be in the room by that time. Students who are tardy MUST report to the office and bring an admittance slip indicating excused or unexcused in order to participate in the class that day. Reporting to class tardy (excused or unexcused), without an admittance slip, will result in an unexcused tardy being issued. Reporting to class after an absence without an admittance slip from the office will also result in an unexcused tardy and the student will be required to go to the office for an admittance slip before being allowed to participate in the class.
ABSENCES and MAKE-UP WORK Students will be allowed a total of twelve (12) absences from band rehearsals per quarter. These absences include excused or unexcused absences! Severe and on-going medical situations, school activities, and family emergencies (funeral, etc.) are not included in those absences. If a student exceeds 12 absences from class he/she may be dropped from the band class. If this occurs, the student’s record will indicate “dropped” for excessive absences, list the grade at the time of the drop, and no credit will be given. Students need to be in class!!
30 minutes of outside practice per 40 minutes of missed class. Make-up work must be verified by the instructor or parent! Sheets can be picked up from instructor or a note/email can be sent from 6 7 parent(s)/guardian(s) to verify practice times. Make-up practice time for the daily grade must be made up for anything besides being absent for a school-sponsored activity. Students may tutor younger students in band and may receive credit for make-up time. This must be coordinated by the instructor. Make-up work for missed band rehearsals MUST be completed by the end of each quarter. Missed performances will require make up work as well. This will be handled by the instructor on an individual basis. Some items that may be required include extra practice time, reports, or attending other music events. Attending other music events in the area requires a program to be turned in to receive credit for the event. (signed by a parent)
Senior music students will be eligible for a music trip during their senior year. This trip is funded by student fundraising. The location of the trip is determined by how much money is raised. Senior music students must be in band and/or choir for 4 years during their HS career (9th-12th grade). Each student will have ample opportunity to raise money to be used toward his/her cost to attend the music trip. If each student does not raise the necessary amount needed, the parent/student will be required to pay the difference on the account.
Each student will have a financial account. There will be dates set up for payments to be made during a trip year so that not all the money is paid at one time. This is also easier for those who choose to not fundraise and who plan to just pay the amount out-of-pocket. We hope that this policy will make it easier for students to attend a music trip. We hope that it will also serve as an incentive for students to stay involved in the SC music programs through the end of their HS careers.
Each student is responsible for taking care of his/her marching uniform when it is checked out. Intentional misuse of a uniform will not be tolerated. We are to be in UNIFORM, which means we all look the same when performing or competing. Do not alter the uniform without permission from the band instructor. You may not cut the uniform when altering. All uniforms will be stored at home and returned after the spring concert. A $10 fee must be paid when the uniform is checked out. This fee will be used to clean the uniform at the end of the year. Jewelry may not be worn (if it can be seen). This includes earrings, watches, rings, etc. Hair must be worn up inside of the hat during marching performances.
Each student will be required to purchase black marching shoes if they do not already have them. These shoes will be ordered as a group (for those who need them) in the fall and must be paid for by the student. Shoes may be purchased from students who have graduated or outgrown their shoes. A list will be available each fall of used shoes available for purchase. Black socks must be worn with the marching uniform. Concert attire for the symphonic band will be semi-formal for the winter concert and band uniforms (no hat or feather) for the spring concert and large group contest. No blue jeans, T-shirts, sweatshirts, or ‘hoodies’, please! For the winter concert, no skin may show from the bottom of the shirt to the top of the pants or
7 8 skirt. Skirts must be long enough to reach the bottom of the fingers when arms and hands are extended down the side. Boys are expected to wear a tie for the winter concert.
8 9 Stanley County Bands 2008-2009 Tentative Calendar
September 6th Oahe Prep Bowl, pep band September 26th Homecoming (parade, pep band, homecoming field show) October 3rd Pep Band October 10th Pep Band October 23rd Pep Band *October 27th Region VII HS/MS Honor Bands @ Kadoka October 28th Pep Band *November 14-15th Augustana Band Festival @ Sioux Falls December 15th K-5 Winter Concert December 1st 6-12 Winter Concert January 6th Double Header- Pep Band January 8th Double Header- Pep Band January 13th Double Header- Pep Band February 3rd Double Header- Pep Band *February 4th Region VII HS Solo/Ensemble Contest @ Murdo February 6th Double Header- Pep Band February 19th Pep Band, GBB February 20th Pep Band, BBB February 23rd Pep Band, BBB February 24th Possible Pep Band: GBB Districts February 26th Possible Pep Band: GBB Districts March 3rd Possible Pep Band: BBB Districts March 5th Possible Pep Band: BBB Districts *March 6-7th MS All-State Band @ Pierre *March 10th Region VII HS Large Group Contest @ Presho *March HS All-State Band *March or April Senior Music Trip May 4th 6-12 Spring Concert, 7pm *April 24th Region VII Elementary/MS Solo& Ensemble Contest @ Philip May 12th K-5 Spring Concert- during the day????? May 17th Graduation
*Purple dates are for selected students only. All other dates include everyone, grades 7-12.
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Set aside time each day for individual practice, but practice to improve your playing, not to keep a schedule.
Take proper care of your instrument, music, uniform, and all rehearsal room equipment whether it is yours or the schools.
Make every effort to show continuing progress by preparing all assigned work.
Accept all criticism graciously and praise humbly.
Warm up your instrument in an efficient and dignified manner before rehearsals and performances.
Give undivided attention in rehearsals and performances.
Protect your membership privileges by maintaining high scholastic standards.
Full year participation 25 per year*
Jazz Band (full year) 20
Marching Band Events, excluding homecoming events 10 each
Outside music events (program signed by parent required) 5 each
All State Band Audition 20
All State Band Member 40
Contest: Superior rating (solo) 20
Contest: Superior rating (ensemble) 15
Augustana Band Festival Member 15
Region 7 High School Honor Band Member 10
Northern State Band Clinic/Northern Hills Honor Band member 10 each event
In order to letter in band, each student must earn a total of 100 points each year. The only points that carry over each year are the full year band participation points. END OF YEAR AWARDS: may be given as follows: John Philip Sousa Band Award (given to an outstanding senior in band and voted on by the class) Louis Armstrong Jazz Award (given to the outstanding jazz member and voted on by members of the jazz band.) Director’s Award for Band Letters/pins/bars Honor Band, All State Event participants 10 11 Superior ratings at contest
11 12 Please sign this form and return to Mrs. Snow at school no later than August 31st. If you are reading this online, please send an email reply to Mrs. Snow indicating that the parent and student have read, and agree to, the information included in the handbook.
I have read the Symphonic Band Handbook and agree to abide by the policies listed.
Student Signature: ______
I have read the Symphonic Band Handbook and understand that my child will be responsible for abiding by the policies listed within the handbook.
Parent Signature: ______
Date: ______
Parent Email Address: ______