Kingsteignton Parish Council s5
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Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 18 May, 2016 at the Community Hall, Rydon Road, Kingsteignton at 7.00 pm
Present: Chairman of the Committee: Councillors: B Austen, R Bovey, S Marshall, C Meathrel, M Stevenson, B Thorne, G Wickham Ex Officio: Councillors: R Peart and D Rollason Town Clerk: Mrs C Lakin
Cllr Peart took the chair at the start of the meeting.
F32/16 To receive apologies for absence and consider if the reason for the absence should be formally approved by the council
No apologies were received
F33/16 To elect Chairman and Vice Chairman
The committee elected the Chairman and Vice Chairman for this committee.
It was Resolved that Cllr Rollason would be Chair of the Finance Committee and Cllr Stevenson Vice Chair. Agreed.
F34/16 To receive any Declaration of Interest
Cllr Peart declared an interest in item F40/16 to discuss and approve the Mayor’s Allowance for 2016/17
F35/16 Minutes
The Chairman signed the minutes of the meeting held on 20 April, 2016 which had been agreed at the Full Council meeting
F36/16 Bills Paid and for Payment
The committee was passed a copy of the bills paid and for payment and the content was noted.
F37/16 To discuss purchase of additional Defibrilator and where this should be positioned
The committee was passed information on Defibrillators from The Community Heartbeat Trust prior to the meeting.
It was Resolved that the Clerk would contact Community Heartbeat to arrange for someone to come and talk to the council about Defibrillators at the June meeting. Agreed
1 F38/16 To discuss email received from Ring and Ride for Kingsteignton to consider an annual contribution
The Committee was passed an email that had been received from Ring and Ride, Newton Abbot asking if the Town Council would consider making an annual contribution to ensure that their weekly service continue for residents of Kingsteignton.
It was Resolved that a letter should be sent to Ring and Ride asking questions put forward by the committee, and for these answers to be considered at the next Finance Meeting
F39/16 Training – for information
First Aid Course - Following a review of our Health and Safety it was highlighted that we need to appoint a First Aider. A course is being held on 13 July, 2016 and two places have been reserved for the Clerk, to cover the Community Hall and Mr Turner for when he and Mr Hedges are carrying out work around the Town. This is a full day course being held in the Mary Hall Suite at the Community Hall at a cost of £53.85 each New Councillors Course – Cllr Marshall has been booked onto the New Councillor Course being held on Thursday 14 July, 2016 at a cost of £25. Cllrs Bovey and Green were unable to attend this course, but will be advised when further dates are released.
The Committee approved the above training events.
F40/16 To discuss and approve the Mayor’s Allowance for 2016/17
Cllr Peart, Mayor, left the room. The Mayor’s Allowance is to be paid through Teignbridge District Council Payroll, as pointed out by the Auditor.
It was Resolved that the Mayor’s Allowance should remain at £1200.
F41/16 Correspondence
Teignbridge Archaeological Society – Receipt received for grant of £300 Kingsteignton Youth Centre – Receipt received for grant of £12,185 Kingsteignton-Orbec Twinning Association - Letter received from Mrs Hazell, Hon Treasurer, thanking the Town Council for their grant and providing a report showing how this grant was spent Kingsteignton Community Baptist Church – thank you letter received from Kingsteignton Community Baptist Church for the two grants received for the Church and Kilts Golvers Hill Street Party - An email has been received from Ms Amanda King notifying that residents of Golvers Hill are arranging a Street Party on 11 June, 2016 to celebrate the Queens 90th Birthday from 3pm till late. They have obtained an official Road Closure Notice through DCC Highways for the duration of the day. The residents. It was Resolved that a letter should be sent to Ms King informing her that
2 the Town Council have already allocated their grants for 2016/17 and wish them a very enjoyable Street Party. Internal Audit – The Clerk has been notified that the Internal Auditor for the Town Council has been taken ill and is in hospital. He has carried out the Interim Audit in February, but is unable to complete our Audit. The Clerk has obtained an extension from Grant Thornton, External Auditors, and has arranged for Stuart Pollard to complete the council Audit. A firm date is awaited for the completion of our Audit but it is expected to be the last week in June. The cost is £430 plus vat, plus travel expenses of 25p per mile, which could be shared with other councils in the area.
The meeting closed at 8.55 p.m.
Signed:……………………………………………. Dated: ………………………….