Minutes of a Meeting of Lakenheath Parish Council Held at the Methodist Chapel on Wednesday

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Minutes of a Meeting of Lakenheath Parish Council Held at the Methodist Chapel on Wednesday

Minutes of the meeting of Moulton Parish Council held at Moulton School on Monday 10th July 2017 at 6.30 pm.

Present Cllrs W Rampling Chairman D Clarke P Collin Julie Bonner M Price Ed Chambers D James R Wallwork R Webb


ALSO PRESENT – the Clerk, District Cllr Roger Dicker, I representative from the Panthers Football Club and 5 other parishioners. DECLARATION OF INTEREST – Cllr Mark Price (member Vets Football Team) Cllr Douglas James (Playing Field Maintenance contract), and Cllr W Rampling (planning application 6 Chippenham Road).

COUNTY COUNCIL - HIGHWAY MATTERS FOOTPATH MOULTON SCHOOL TO KENTFORD – B1085 The Chairman had been in touch with the Cabinet Member for Roads and Transport, following Guy Smith’s advice that he should be contacted regarding the need to extend the 30mph speed restriction along the B1085 from Kentford to Moulton. His office had responded saying that this request should be submitted by the local County Councillor and he will need to liaise directly with the local Highways budget team to carry out an assessment. Cllr Rampling had emailed Cllr Millar and had asked that this matter should now be treated as a priority, in view of the fact that this had first been raised with the County Council in March and since then had just been passed from one department to another.

The request by a resident to assess the safety of the school route between the villages was currently being reviewed by the Passenger Transport Appeals department. In addition, the Chairman of Kentford Parish Council had asked the Planning Contributions Team at Forest Heath to advise on the S106 money and availability of funds to contribute towards a safe route. OUTSTANDING HIGHWAY CONCERNS The Clerk had asked both Guy Smith, the Assistant West Area Highways Manager, and Highways Engineer Ian Walker for an update on the following:- 1. Confirmation that following construction of the school footpath the road marking team will repaint markings outside school, and at the same the markings at the B1085/Newmarket Road junction are to be refreshed. Notification had been received that School Road would be closed from 24th July for 2 weeks in order for the long awaited footway works to be carried out.

2. Cllr Robin Millar had advised that it was not possible to paint KEEP CLEAR on the main highway (The Street) across the entrance to Mayes Meadow and Park Close – to deter parking here and help ease congestion and road safety outside the PO Stores. The Clerk has asked to be advised why this is not an option? The PC needs to be

105 informed so that councillors may advise villagers when they ask. In addition a villager has reported that the condition of the public footway at the entrance to Park Close is very uneven and rutted – and has asked that this is assessed for repair, as the area is a trip hazard.

3. The loose kerbing stones outside the PO Stores. The Clerk reported that these had now been fixed.

4. Drainage issues on the Chippenham Road. The contractor did not ensure that the drain was level or set below the new road surface, and as a result when it rained there was ponding on either side of the drain, as the water could flow away. This defect needed to be rectified by the contractor responsible for the original contract for resurfacing the B1085 through the village. Mr John Ford advised that he had seen drainage contractors on site who had investigated, and it was now understood that there was a lack of flow from the gullies caused by a blockage in the drainage system

5. The bank by Brookside, adjacent to the ford at Church Road is being eroded by vehicles, and in particular the refuse lorry turning here. The installation of kerbing/post would project the bank from further erosion.

To date an update had not been forthcoming from either C Cllr Robin Millar or a representative from the Highways office.

St Peters Avenue unsafe road surface – several residents had complained direct to Cllr Rachel Webb, who asked that the matter should be raised yet again with C Cllr Robin Millar at the meeting. A petition signed by 45 residents was presented and it was pointed out by the parishioners in attendance that there was total consensus that the condition of the road could no longer be tolerated. There had been cases of punctured tyres (3), loose stones causing falls, chipped paintwork and one case of an elderly lady taking her blind husband to Hinchingbrooke Hospital breaking down on the A14 due to a stone being lodged in a brake pad. The surface was a hazard particularly for the elderly, but also cycle and motor bike users, motorists and pedestrians of all ages. In addition, visitors and trade vehicles are finding it difficult to access properties. The Chairman had asked Cllr Robin Millar to meet on site to discuss with the Area Highways Engineer last September, but the request had been declined. Guy Smith had advised on a number of occasions that the surface did not meet the necessary intervention criteria. It was now viewed by all those present at the meeting that this was unacceptable, and it was unfortunate that Cllr Robin Millar, had not as promised, attended the Council meeting, so that he could have listened first hand to villagers concerns. It was resolved that the Chairman should contact Cllr Millar immediately following the meeting and if the he was not in a position to give an assurance that the dangerous surface would be rectified in the very near future, the Council would have no alternative but to escalate the matter and alert the Press, MP and Portfolio Holder regarding the lamentable failure of the Authority to make safe the road surface in a timely manner.

106 A notification had been circulated from the County Council regarding advice on road closures and restriction notices. As from 1st July the information would be directed to the Parish Council via the website www.roadworks.org Parking – St Peters Close – the Chairman had received complaints regarding an increase in the number of vehicles parking in St Peters Close and it was believed that part of the problem was the lack of visitor parking spaces at the Forge development. It was suggested that a letter should be sent to the residents at the Forge and in the Close asking that they are mindful of residential accesses to properties and to ensure that these are not blocked by parked cars. Drainage Improvements – Moulton Road – the Clerk reported that a new gully had been installed close to the driveway of 4 Flint Cottages. The surface water had been a problem for years. Public Rights of Way – the Clerk had reported that the footway from Lark Hill to The Street had been cleared of overhanging vegetation. The replacement footway signage work in Moulton had not been carried out. Overhanging Vegetation – the Chairman had received a complaint, and advised that he would add a piece in the newsletter asking home owners to cut back any offending vegetation so that it did not block or hang over the footpaths. Obscured Road Signs – clearance of signs was the responsibility of the CC Highway contractors. In view of the current poor service the Chairman advised that if there was a particular concern, he personally would go and clear back vegetation. Footway The Church to Gazeley Road – the County Council was responsible for cutting the grass footway, but this was now only undertaken once a year, and the adjoining landowners were meant to cut back overhanging branches. Cllr James advised the parishioner who had raised concerns regarding access along this footpath that he would be clearing this shortly.

FUTURE OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT IN WEST SUFFOLK – emails and attachments concerning the proposed plans to merge Forest Heath and St Edmundsbury to create a single new council for West Suffolk had been circulated. A consultation period was running until 31st August and the views and comments of residents, businesses and other groups had been invited. More information on the proposals could be accessed at www.westsuffolk.gov/singlecouncil It was suggested that a new larger council would have a better ability to deliver services, ensure a firm financial base and stability to meet future challenges, and would consolidate savings and efficiencies. In addition the proposals could create efficiencies totalling around £800,000 per annum by reducing duplication. A draft business case was being developed and both Councils are to consider in September whether to decide to take these plans forward. It was viewed there was already a democratic deficit in District Council dealings and it was feared that this would only increase with the creation of a larger Council, and most likely it was a fait accomplit and the views of Parish Councils would be irrelevant.

COMMUNITY SPEED WATCH The poles for the other sites for the VAS had been ordered.

107 MINUTES The minutes of the meetings held on 8th May had been circulated, and it was unanimously agreed that these should be signed as a correct record by the Chairman. MATTERS ARISING Village of the Year Competition – Moulton’s entry had not been successful. Elissa Rampling was thanked for her efforts and time.

PLAYING FIELD Kate James was in attendance representing the Panthers Football Club Following the last meeting the pitch had been rested from mid May and had been aerated and fertilised. It was planned to spray for weeds and seed the goal mouths when weather conditions permitted and the necessary equipment and contractors were available. The cost of materials would be re-imbursed by the Council who were grateful to those who had donated their time/machinery so that this essential maintenance could be carried out. Copies of the draft licences had been re-circulated and the Council was asked to consider the terms and agree the licence fees for the forthcoming season. A Girls Under 12 team had been set up and would also be using the facilities. Last year a fee of £40 was made for the annual licence fee and a contribution of £50 per football team was requested to go towards the cost of maintenance and upkeep of the pitch. It was proposed, seconded and agreed that there should be no change to the current charges. The day/time for the girls training sessions had yet to be agreed and once this had been fixed the Clerk was instructed to issue the new licences. A copy of the terms of use of the new goals was to be attached to the new licences. One of the new portable goals had been erected on the village green so that this facility could be enjoyed over the school holiday period.

DISTRICT COUNCIL COMMUNITY GOVERNANCE REVIEW The Moulton/Kentford parish boundary review was considered at the District Council meeting on 14th June. The Officer recommendation was to extend the Kentford boundary to include properties at or in the vicinity of the ‘Farriers Grange’ and ‘Lambert Grove’ developments (Option 2). The Chairman spoke in favour of this option and pointed out that the residents who would be affected, should the alternative recommendation of Option 3 be approved, (which allowed other properties including Lanwades, Barley House, and Seyam House, and located on Moulton Road), had strong links to Moulton and wished to remain in the parish. The Council adopted its original recommendation (Option 2) on the basis that this option had the strongest level of support (and was also endorsed by Cllr Dicker at the meeting). The District Council had received additional letters before the meeting from several residents living in the area covered by “option 3”, confirming that they wished to stay in Moulton due to connections with that parish. In contrast, the majority of those who responded within the option 2 area were in support of the transfer to Kentford Parish. It was also noted that, while neither parish objected to the principle of option 2, they did not agree on option 3. Having considered all of the responses to the consultation, option 2 was therefore felt to offer the best level of consensus overall.

108 The District Council had acknowledged the constructive and collaborative manner in which the two parish councils had approached the CGR, which was exemplary and extremely helpful to the process. Advice was being sought from the Boundary Commission as to whether this should take place on 1 April 2018 or 2019.

PARISH FORUM - the Forum fixed for 7th June had been postponed until 13th July. An agenda had been circulated but it was agreed that the Parish Council would not be sending a representative to this meeting.

SECTION 106 FUNDING FOR OPEN SPACE – request for assistance towards the purchase of a zipwire. The Clerk reported that she had heard that the application for Lottery funding had been rejected. Councillors were grateful to Cllr David Clarke who had been successful in his application to enter the Tesco Bags of Help Grant Scheme. The Moulton project along with 2 others would be put to the vote by customers during July and August, and the project with the highest number of votes would receive £4,000, the second place project £2,000 and the third £1,000. This guaranteed Moulton a minimum of £1,000 grant aid. Cllr Dicker reported that he would support the use of S106 Open Space money for the purchase and was awaiting advice from the officer responsible for the allocation of funding.

DOG BIN – Newmarket Road – a replacement had been ordered by FHDC who were still awaiting delivery.

MALTINGS CLOSE – the missing manhole covered a soakaway serving the highway surface water drain on the adjacent highway. It had now been replaced

PLANNING APPLICATIONS Lanwades Hall - Plans for listed building consent and change of use to mix of wedding venue, fitness facilities, conference and function rooms and single holiday let and 2 non illuminated signs at the entrance has been sent to the Council for consultation. The expiry dates were 31/5 and 8/6 (before the next PC meeting) and it was agreed by councillors not to hold a special meeting and to make no comments on the applications.

Plans for - Land Adjacent to St Peters Church – extension of grave yard, Lanwades Stud – tree works to lower hanging branches of sycamore trees and 6 Chippenham Road – replacement of flat roof of existing front dormers to pitch roof and installation of 2 dormers to rear elevation had been circulated and were available for consideration at the meeting. In addition plans had been received for 4 dwellings and associated vehicular access at Griffiths Yard and tree works to chestnut and beech tree at 20 Anvil Road. The plans for these current applications were discussed and it was unanimously resolved to support the St Peters church yard extension, tree works at Lanwades Stud & 20 Anvil Road, and the 6 Chippenham Road roof and dormer windows. (Chairman had declared an interest and took no part – the property was opposite his own residence in Chippenham Road).

Following discussion on the plans for 4 dwellings at Griffiths Yard, it was unanimously agreed that the Council was not happy with the proposals which would result in the loss of business units for the village and not provide any affordable housing. The original 2011

109 application had been supported by the Council as it had been viewed that the 2 affordable homes (in a scheme of 8 dwellings) balanced the loss of the existing viable employment use, and the Council’s support was subject to provision of road safety measures on Gazeley Hill. This application would increase the number of substantial new dwellings on the site to 5, with no provision for social housing, and a loss of business units. The Chairman and Clerk were instructed to draft a letter of objection to the Planning Authority.

The consultation period for tree works 1 The Green had expired prior to the meeting. The Chairman had discussed with the applicant who had been advised by the Planning Officer that approval would not be given to reduce the mature sycamore by up to 5 metres in height and side laterals by up to 2 meters . Additional tree works to 1 horse chestnut, I walnut, 2 Birch Trees and reduction of height of leylandii by up to 6 metres had been approved.

PLANNING DETERMINATIONS approved – 14 Maltings Close – single storey side extension. Lanwades Hall – application for listed building consent and change of use to mix of wedding venue, fitness facilities, conference and function rooms and single holiday let and 2 non- illuminated signs at the entrance. 1 The Green – tree works (see above).

FARRIERS GRANGE - Cllr Julie Bonner and the Vice Chairman had met Cllr Robin Millar on Wednesday 10th May to discuss the outstanding concerns at the development. It was noted that the boundary fence up the concrete road was in a dreadful condition – and there was currently no security between the sites. The Clerk made some enquiries and the manager of the Business Park was of the view that the fence was not on their boundary and was owned by the Developer of the site – Matthews Homes. Roger Dicker had also looked into this and had advised that it was the responsibility of the Developer to sort it out with the Business Park. The Clerk advised that as Matthews Home had moved off site it was feared that this could become yet another scenario which went around and around with no one accepting responsibility. It was important that the Local Authority took the lead on this and Robin Millar’s assistant Natasha had been asked to contact whoever was responsible to ensure that the boundary was secured as soon as possible. Maintenance of verge up Jeddah Way - nothing as yet seemed to have happened although it was reported that 3 workmen had been looking at the area which was very overgrown and would be a huge task to clear. Cllr Robin Millar’s attention had been drawn again to the failure of the CC Highways Authority to agree and implement the traffic calming measures in Jeddah Way which were a condition of the consent for development of the ‘village hall site’. It was understood that a Unilateral Planning Order was in the hands of the Highways Authority.

D Cllr Roger Dicker reported that he was confident that some progress was being made so far as the issues relating to open space on the development. He had received confirmation that the bollards would be installed on the concrete road, and plans were in progress to ensure that a replacement footway would be constructed to replace the one which had been grassed over. He could not comment on County Council issues.

110 LOCAL PLAN – update following High Court Decision on Hatchfield Farm The Chairman reported that the Secretary of State’s earlier decision to refuse the development at Hatchfield Farm had been quashed by the High Court, following the successful challenge by Lord Derby and the Rural Parishes. Amongst the reasons the Judge gave for quashing the Secretary of State’s previous ruling, was that he had not applied his own policies. In a case where the Secretary of State had not suggested that there had to be a departure from national policy, he had to apply policy. His decision did not support sustainable development for the District and the Judge recognised this was a failing. The Newmarket Horsemens Group had appealed against the Judge’s ruling. Although disappointing the Chairman advised that the legal team think this application is unlikely to succeed. In the immediate future, the previous Inspector’s favourable report still stands, but the whole of the Secretary of State’s decision is deleted. The Secretary of State now has to remake his decision. The Inspector had carried out a review of FHDC’s submission on the Single Issue Review of the Core Strategy Policy CS7 – and had asked the Planning Authority for clarification on various issues. The Councils’ response can be viewed via the following link http://www.westsuffolk.gov.uk/planning/Planning_Policies/local_plans/forest- heath-local-plan-examination-2017.cfm

The Chairman asked for authority to represent Moulton at the Inspector’s hearing when the Local Plan’s Single Issue Review Core Strategy would be examined.

Kennett Action Group – the Chairman and Clerk had attended a meeting on 6th June to discuss the proposed development of 500 houses on land adjoining Station Road. It was generally viewed by residents that this was a done deal, and that ECDC would be approving this massive development without the necessary infrastructure, which was needed in advance of any development at this location in order to prevent unacceptable traffic and road safety issues on Station Road which would have an adverse impact on residents in the village and in neighbouring parishes.

VILLAGE MAINTENANCE Play Equipment – Contractors had attended on site today to install the Buddy Board – and a working party had removed the seesaw at ground level, prior to installation works on Thursday. Basket Ball net and pad - Cllr Mark Price had received a request from a group of children asking if the concrete pad could be utilised as a base for a metal skate board quarter pipe exercise facility. He suggested that there would need to be a village fund raising project, as the Council was committed to financing the new buddy board and planned zip wire. He asked whether, in principle, councillors had any objection, should villagers wish to proceed with this project. Alternatively, in due course a new board needed to be installed and a new net and hoop purchased. Councillors raised no objections to the idea of a skate board facility, if it did not interfere with the existing play equipment, and/or cause undue disturbance or present a risk factor for others using the playground at the same time. Playing Field – the Clerk had received a request from the organiser of the Mini Tots Play Group to use the grass area outside the Village Hall veranda for water based games. After consulting with councillors the Clerk was instructed to advise Mrs Finneran that the equipment should be kept on the veranda, which was covered under VHMC Hire Agreement

111 and insurance. It was pointed out that use had to be carefully monitored to ensure that water, sand and paint did not stain or damage the surface. It was suggested that water games could be conducted on the grass under supervision, and the Parish Council was happy for Mothers and children to spill out onto the playing field when weather permitted. Congestion of the car park on Tuesdays had also been an issue as members of the Walking Group used the carpark, having hired the facility for a number of years, in addition to parents attending the play group. Cllr Ron Wallwork had offered to discuss parking arrangements with the play group organiser, but she had not been in a position to do so. The river bank – the Clerk was authorised to pay Ken Hutchinson’s account for the late spring cut. Track around the village green – the Chairman advised he had not had the opportunity to carry out the proposed work on the track. It was still his plan to purchase planings from D Haird to fill the ruts and pot holes, and a village working party would be assembled to help carry out the work. Villlage Green – application to Land Registry – forms had been submitted for the registration of the total area of the Green. The Land Registry had asked the Council to lodge an official certificate of the result of search in the Land Charges Department. The Clerk was making further enquiries. Memorial Plaques – these had now been erected and volunteers and councillors were watering the new plantings. Community Defibrillator scheme – it had been necessary for the Chairman to purchase a new set of pads, as they had reached their expiry date. Payment of £38 to The Community Heartbeat Trust was authorised. He advised that an annual support service could be purchased from £126 pa. It was suggested that the Council should consider subscribing to the scheme. After some discussion it was agreed that further enquiries should be made to ascertain whether it was cost effective to subscribe or pay for the supply of parts/servicing as required. To be considered at the next meeting.

ADOPTION OF BT TELEPHONE BOX The paper work had been received to implement the transfer of the box to the Parish Council. The Chairman advised that the box needed an overhaul and Cllrs Ed Chambers and Mark Price had volunteered to carry this out, before it could be used as a Village book exchange. BT would retain responsibility and costs for the power supply.

FINANCIAL MATTERS Payment of Accounts - the Council confirmed and authorised the payment of the accounts presented at the meeting, as per the full list detailing payments for the 2017/2018 financial year, attached to the minute book. Audit of Accounts The annual return had been submitted to the external auditor and the RFO was awaiting notification of the completion of audit. Review of Expenditure to date A schedule detailing income and expenditure to date had been circulated, and the Clerk had produced the bank reconciliation as at 10th July, which had been approved by the Chairman, confirming a balance of £53,591.46.


112 The Area meeting was held on Tuesday 13th June – apologies were sent from Moulton PC. Briefings on Precept Data and Neighbourhood Planning had been circulated and acknowledged.

CASUAL VACANCY Cllr Julie Boner advised the Chairman that she would be moving from Farriers Grange shortly and would no longer be able to serve as a councillor for Moulton. She was thanked for all her hard work and input into village affairs and was wished every happiness in her new home. On receipt of her official resignation the Clerk would advise FHDC’s Monitoring Officer.

The next meeting of the Council was fixed for Monday 4th September at 6.30 at the School, There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.25pm.

Signed Bill Rampling Date 4th September 2017


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